#because she's nice and pretty and softspoken and likes steel types!
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Jasmine, simple fashion style is the best, I'm speaking this as a woman myself. You look great in your usual outfit, and you look awesome with Kaguya-hime style kimono as well. Whitney is just impossible to please, don't mind her.
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pechadream · 2 years
stonegarden kids I hear???
pls tell us about them
Wow look at me, starting off pride month with stonegarden kids-
They’re actually my shared ocs with my friend @bastartjack! I made most of the details and designs but he also helped out with some things that it feels wrong not to mention him- sO GO CHECK HIM OUT HE MAKES GOOD CONTENT!!!
Anyways :D
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Here they areee :) more info about them under the cut because there might be a lot-
I'm not gonna go into d e t a i l detail unless anyone asks, so I'm just gonna show pictures of them individually + some little tidbits about them.
(In this scenario for stonegarden I hc it that when Gordie and Milo decided to have kids they did so through surrogacy by the way :D)
The eldest is Violet (Average age for whenever I make hcs or roleplay with her is 16).
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She had pretty bad health when she was younger, but around the age of five her health finally got to decently normal standards. But because her immune system is pretty bad, Gordie and Milo sometimes get very protective of her.
Ironically, she's a poison type specialist despite growing up mostly in turffield and helping out with Milo's gym the most and also having the worst immune system- She's mostly quiet around everyone and really softspoken.
but sometimes she does end up saying really cursed things-
She will fight pesky reporters/interviewers that make her siblings upset though.
She loves painting and Milo and Gordie are proud to hang up the paintings every time-
she also pronounces gif as jif.
Then there's the twins Evan and Ren (Average age whenever I make hcs or roleplay with them is 11), starting off with Evan (Left in the picture before the cut).
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(usually evan's hair is more flat compared to ren's, but he's in movement here so the hair is more fluffed up-)
If he had to pick a pokemon type, he'd probably be a ground type specialist. He is definitely more outgoing than Violet, he has first place as the loudest sibling-
He was always interested in sports ever since he could walk (and talk, he practically begged Gordie to teach him some gymnastics-) and he always dragged his siblings into playing sports with him.
Evan is the type of sibling where if any of his siblings wanted something like an apple from a tree but nobody could reach it, he w o u l d climb the tree to get it- and if the good ones aren't near the bottom he'd climb to the top-
Out of all his siblings Evan loves going to circhester with Gordie, even if it's just to run an errand he'll always tag along- Evan also loves walking there if it's like a distance from hammerlocke to circhester (obviously not from turffield to circhester though-) and he always has a big grin on his face when they get back home.
Now, time for Ren :D
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He dresses pretty fancily/proper most of the time and finds it comfortable, guess who inherited Gordie's fasion sense I dare you-
He's not as soft spoken as Violet but he definitely doesn't talk as much as Evan- it's always nice to have a conversation with him though :)
If he had to pick a pokemon type he'd probably be a steel type specialist.
Huge nerd, he likes pokemon wars (the pokeani ver of star wars, I'm not joking--) and has all the merchandise of it- He also forces his siblings to listen to him talk about it if their dads are busy.
He is i n c r e d i b l y protective over his younger sister Holly- well actually, all of them are- but Ren is the most protective. He w i l l act as a shield for Holly if there's any paparazzi around.
Ren has the ability to sleep in those stiff fancy suits. Evan is horrified about it.
Neither Ren nor Evan know who was born first, which is probably for the best really- Even if it was a one minute difference--
And last but not least, Holly :D (Average age whenever I make hcs or roleplay with her is 8)
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This is who got second place as the loudest sibling-
Extremely hyperactive and outgoing, she knows all of her neighbors + her families neighbors and helps the elderly ones while rambling about whatever happened in school that day-
She probably even befriended the garbage man even if he's just there for like less than five minutes-
If Holly had to pick a pokemon type she'd probably be either a fairy or grass type specialist.
Holly has a shiinotic named Fred (you can see pre-evolved fred in the picture :)) and Fred scares everyone in her family unintentionally.
Holly's hair buns are either done by Violet or Gordie in the morning, usually the messier the hair buns are, the more likely it was Gordie in a rush-
She l o v e s anything to do with stars, during picnics in the evening with her family she'll finish her food first just so she can stargaze as soon as possible. She has thick books that she goes through fast that are just about astronomy (NOT ASTROLOGY- nothing wrong with that if you like it of course, I just don't want any confusion!) and sometimes for a bedtime story she gets Gordie to read to her about stars.
Her bedroom ceiling has those glow in the dark stars stuck on.
She once got roped into Ren's rambling about pokemon wars because he mentioned it took place in space. She then fell asleep after he was in the middle of talking about the sixth movie
Aaand that is pretty much it for just the handful of detail about them :) if there's anyone specifically you wanna hear more about just ask okay :D
oh also if you're curious with how they deal with the whole 'two dads' thing, they refer to Gordie as 'Dad' and Milo as 'Papa' so there's no confusion between the two-
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