#because this is insane ppl expect me to be like a customer service worker w the customer is always right mentality
poppy-metal · 2 years
I could be wrong but I think the anon is saying your rude cus of the English accent post, someone commented on it and your reply was a little rude and the the post you made right after was a bit passive, your replies to the mean anon probably just fuelled them on to their opinion on you being rude.
well yeah. because its annoying when people have conversations under your post about a whole different thing. like make your own post and piss off. i was GONNA reblog the people and tell them to knock it off but i wanted to be NICE and just hope they got the message by reading my other post about it. you all wouldn't be able to handle me if i really bit people's heads off for making me uncomfortable. which im within my rights to do, anyway. people need to grow some fucking balls around here and stop expecting the people running these blogs to be peachy fucking rainbows of human beings. im just gonna start telling people to touch some fucking grass since so many people think me trying to settle things quietly is 'rude.'
like do you know how juvenile and weird it is to expect customer service like politeness from tumblr users. TUMBLR SMUT WRITERS??? if someone makes me uncomfortable i am allowed to be passive aggressive about it and if it hurts someone's feelings they can deal with or make their own post i dont fucking know but acting like this is high-school and i owe literally ANYONE anything is actually showing a severe lack of awareness. people need to know what boundaries are and stop taking tumblr so fucking seriously.
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