#betsy being a therapist like mendel gives me life
Tight-Knit Family
Aftg Falsettos AU, in which Wymack is Marvin, Stuart is Whizzer, Abby is Trina, Betsy is Mendel, Kevin is Jason and Andreil are the lesbians from next door.
Betsy adopted Andrew when he was seven. Then after finding out about Aaron and Nicky she adopted them too.
Nathan killed Mary when she tried running away with Neil. Stuart is a very successful businessman who killed Nathan and adopted Neil. The Moriyamas give permission to Stuart in exchange for him helping them for the next ten years.
Stuart does that from England, but after a while they need him in the US. He brings Neil with him since Neil's still a minor and Stuart's his legal guardian and they stay in Millport, Arizona. Neil goes to school there for a year.
Kayleigh went to Wymack with Kevin one day and told him that Kevin was his son. Then she disappeared and no one heard from her ever again. Wymack married Abby because he thought Kevin needed a mom.
Kevin recruits Neil the same way and he agrees right away. They haven't met before and Neil isn't on the run. He's always loved Exy. The reason he didn't resist going to the US was because of Exy.
It's Neil's second year of college, and everything goes more or less the same way, except Andrew never drugs Neil. There's nothing suspicious about him. He doesn't look at Kevin weirdly, doesn't have a large amount of money in his binder or pictures and articles of Kevin and Riko. He owns a normal amount of clothes and stuff.
The fic starts with Wymack and Abby sitting Kevin down and telling him about the divorce. Abby is bisexual and she has internalized homophobia. She says some homophobic things and they tell Kevin that he'll meet Wymack's boyfriend soon.
Kevin is very dramatic about it. He goes to his dorm and rants to Andrew and Neil about it. He's aroace and doesn't understand why people do stupid things, like breaking a perfectly "happy" family, because of love. He's kinda homophobic too like he believes Wymack was straight and whoever his boyfriend is "turned him gay".
His audience isn't impressed, though. Neil knows about Wymack and Stuart and says that Kevin shouldn't say those things, before meeting the boyfriend. Also, he tells him from experience that if there was no love between Abby and Wymack it was better for everyone that they separated.
Andrew says that you can't "turn" people gay. Also, Andrew and Neil are already together at this point, so they're really the worst possible people for Kevin to vent about it.
Kevin meets Stuart the next day and when he realizes it's Neil's uncle, he gets mad at Neil too. He expects Andrew to support him, but he takes Neil's side. He even refuses to give Kevin a ride to the court, let alone play with him to work through his anger.
Wymack goes to Betsy for therapy. He suggests to Abby that she go too since she's (understandably) very upset about the whole situation. Abby goes and she and Betsy hit it off right away.
Betsy is a terrible therapist. Worse than she's in the books. She's based on Mendel, after all. Abby doesn't notice that, though. So after she finds Kevin playing Exy by himself, she tries very hard to convince Kevin to see Betsy too. Kevin agrees only if Betsy goes to the court.
She goes and Kevin is like 'finally here's someone who'll understand me.' He finds out how wrong he was shortly after. Kevin says how he hates everyone, including Andrew. Betsy tells him that Andrew's her son. Then he says some homophobic things and Betsy's like 'I'm lesbian.' It's very awkward.
Kevin tries to find Kayleigh, but Andrew finds out and tells him that if she abandoned him she doesn't deserve to be his mother.
Kevin's therapy sessions continue because Abby forces him to go.
Abby and Betsy fall in love and decide to get married. Wymack gets angry because they're his therapist and ex-wife. Andrew threatens Abby that if she doesn't treat his mother how she deserves, he'll kill her. Betsy's there too and she laughs it off. She says something like 'they're crazy when they're teens, huh?" Abby says "isn't he 20?" and Betsy laughs like it's a joke.
Wymack overhears it and tells Andrew that he can't threaten Abby with death. Andrew replies that it's above his pay grade because Abby's nothing to him anymore. That hits Wymack hard.
Then the winter banquet arrives and Riko tells Wymack about Stuart's real work. Wymack breaks up with him, because a) Stuart's a danger to his team, and b) he feels like he can't trust Stuart anymore like he doesn't know who Stuart is anymore.
Stuart says that his debt will be paid by the summer. But doesn't mention why it exists in the first place. He goes back to England and takes Neil with him. Before they go Neil tells him about how Stuart got involved with the Moriyamas in the first place. Neil also says that Stuart is more helpful than dangerous when it comes to the Moriyamas. When Riko tried to get him on his team, Stuart made him back off.
Wymack starts to regret breaking up with him, but he doesn't have the time to think about it and lets Stuart go.
Kevin notices how similar Andrew and Wymack's behaviors are when their boyfriends are away. He understands that even though he doesn't feel romantic attraction, he still loves his family and friends. And if romance is what makes them happy, he'll do anything he can to bring it back to them.
So Kevin teams up with Neil and they create a plan. They decide that if Neil convinces Stuart to come with him to the US, Kevin will take it from there and get them back together.
It turns out, Kevin doesn't have to work as hard for that to happen as he imagined. He sneaks Stuart where Wymack is, as though he can see Neil playing Exy better. They don't need any more meddling and get back together.
Betsy starts working as a team therapist. Wymack's not too happy about that at first, but then he sees how much she helps with the Foxes, and starts respecting her for that.
Months pass by and their relationships gradually get better. They play the final game against the Ravens. Kevin and Riko didn't know each other until they were already in college and they're just rivals. Kevin is a better striker than Kevin and he's jealous of him. He can't do anything about it, though. Jean plays for the Trojans from the start.
The Foxes win, of course. When Wymack, Abby, Betsy, and Stuart are celebrating with them in the locker room, Riko somehow gets in there. He says something insulting about them, and Kevin stands up to him and defends his family.
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