#boring fuckin zombies holy shit is this a dull clockwork orange country
realhankmccoy · 3 months
it's truly remarkable how many people open their mouths, Trump's cartoon comes out, and they're pleased in 'themselves' because the only thing that pleases the infected is doing the master's work. They don't know they're doing the master's work, though. When cartoon snot runs out their nose for him, they think it's their snot, even though it's just the sign of a predictable, tired infection.
I just don't get this -- this desire to be totally cucked and have no original ideas. I guess it comes from this desire to 'win' and this thought that Trump is a 'winner' and not knowing that one is just being a cuck as one tries to 'win' on 'one's own terms' but the only terms they're operating on is Trump's playground cartoon smirk and scowl and snort wild west.
All you can really do with these zombies, since you can't cure them (only the era of Trump passing and a new politician -- these people are 'the governerned' in every sense of the word) will force them to evolve) is to prod them to be other than Trump and see if you can ever get so much as a squiggle out of them that isn't infected with Trump's modus operandi. For they are in a boat with a 100 million other typical sacks of Wonderbread who adhere to the same ways, and by figuring out how one zombie acts, you figure out how they all act. Would it be more interesting if zombies had a bit of originality to em, sure, but they don't. I mean sometimes you find one in a Hawaiian shirt or a winter parka, but that's just dressing on what they are... these people never even learned how to clothe themselves in an interesting or original manner that steps outside of any conservative box.
You just gotta look out the window and wave your hand if you're bored and a zombie will materialise to keep up its desire to attack you. That's the American dream's way. Green Day really had it right in their recent video, tho they were hardly the first to make this observation.
None of em know they're zombies though. Not a single one. I sure do, in fact it's quite frustrating to see such weakness, such undead relentlessness, and such fearfulness when it comes to thought and creative spirit. A zombie isn't fearful to keep up the fight and keep up the message of Killer Trump tho... they do it so frequently and with such repetition that the zombie apocalypse just bores you.
In fact they're more at risk of boring you to death than actually winning at you if you're strong enough.
I often just stick boredom out the room at zombies and wave the Trump mirror at em because they're so boring that they deserve it. Plus it never gets old, holding up the mirror to what they are and the zombie is too dead to see themselves...they can't spot their reflection so they just keep attacking you. They have no clue they're a zombie. This is sort of a prank that never stops working, for a zombie will never have the brains to see themselves in a mirror.
They do love themselves tho and they do want your brains in their mouths. A zombie is unapologetic, lazy, uncreative, heteronormative, whitecentric, closed-minded and wants to eat you. A zombie could never be any of the opposite traits...
I mean imagine a zombie being apologetic, motivated, creative, homonormative, minoritycentric, open-minded and doesn't want to eat you.
Impossible, right? impossible to picture true zombie having even one of those qualities.
So they are definitely zombies.
I feel like that's my main risk with em... they're so fucking boring with their 'kill u' and Trump moans that it's just depressing living in a zombie world... same shit every day, they never deviate from their boring as fuck, typically far-gone-for-the-American-Way blather.
Make no mistake, they're also Trump's cucks and Bugs Bunnies and Wonderbread sacks spoiled by overly supportive nuclear families, generally, but they all march to the dull zombie drum which Trump currently controls
And they're certainly not Bugs Bunnies in the sense that they're going to crossdress, like any good conservative wouldn't (it scares them to think of acting that way... they're quite easily scared)
They're certainly not Trump in the sense that they're going to amass massive amounts of wealth and property
They're just kinda the cucks of cucks mostly
It's dull and the mark they leave on the world is the din of the master's way and it is such a predictable, compliant snooze that i cannot even.
The cucks of the American Way and its current form just happens to be a lot of Trump and Bugs going into what makes up
The American Zombie
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