#btw I'm so happy i don't have a super straight nose :3
steelthroat · 2 months
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I was getting bored on the bus and I remembered "hey I haven't sketched anything with my fingers in a while huh..." (years) so I said why not and decided to sketch a quick self portrait and a study of my nose
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sithisreadingcorner · 3 years
Well hullo again! Your last reading for me was so completely on the nose, I would love to have your divinitory insight on something :) In case it's needed again, 3/12/1998! I've been all over the place with religious/spiritual goings on but through it all Loki and the old bastard have been reaching out and reaching out. I've worked with them for years now but I feel like my discernment is rusty after shying away from opening up to them for a while. I know you are very familiar with these *ahem* lovely chaotic forces, could you facilitate a vibe check? Idk if there's a Message or a Feeling that's getting lost but it all feels vaguely important and like I'm missing bits of it. Thank you! <3
Did you just say VIBE.... CHECK?.......... Okay, sure.
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I thought doing it to Ódin was redundant since he's probably vibechecking himself on a tree literally as we speak, but that's neither here nor there.
No, you are good with the birthday, I mean technically it's enough if I can confirm it once since it's somewhat unlikely to change, but there are a few new rules now. I put a little secret clause in the terms that people have to find, to confirm for me that they actually read it. (I mean, it's not a secret, nor is it hidden in the slightest, in fact it's even highlighted, but it's still really hard for some people to find for some inexplicable reason? Maybe they reach the "oh btw im a self employed queer artist with links :3" part and choose to black out immediately, lest they even accidentally help a queer person with anything, lol.) Unfortunately I can't answer these questions on principle since they didn't show me the sign of having read the terms, and there is no way for me to determine whether they did that accidentally or out of wilful ignorance. I will give you a pass this time because you did know my terms from the other blog and you couldn't have known that they have changed. But sneak it in there somewhere next time okay? 💖
No shame in getting a little rusty. You will dust off those discernment skills in no time for sure. But in the meantime, I'll see what I can do. And yes, *takes long drag from a cigarette* you're correct, I might be somewhat familiar with these bastardous energies. Depends on who asks... Okay that's enough fooling around. Let's get right into it.
Well, the Hanged Man just straight up fell out so it seems like the old man wants to talk first.
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emperor reversed. the magician page of swords reversed. ten of coins
I'm getting really weird, mixed messages here, but hear me out. This is talking about something that's going to happen to you in the near future, that will seem like bad news at first but you will somehow turn it to your advantage tenfold and there will be a happy ending for everyone involved. I feel like this is not going to catch you completely off guard, since out of the possible "bad news" cards you got one of the most benign ones. I had a feeling that this is either not something big, or you knew this was coming. Unfortunately, it will probably fall on your shoulders to do something about it, but you seem more than capable, so don't worry about that.
Now, there's somebody in the picture... It's definitely a person, and I'm almost completely sure a human, though it could be something more abstract like an institution but I would think its in the real world somewhere. The emperor... somebody (or something) that has a perceived authority over you, and you seem scared, or at least vary of them, but they have an exploitable weakness. And that's the thing... I don't really think that exploiting that weakness is the play here. You definitely could, in theory, but that's not going to lead you to the happiest outcome. The energies between you and them are very confusing. There is clearly something intensely negative here, I would almost call it vitriolic, the tensions are super high. But it's as if by pushing you away, the Emperor wanted something that is... somehow the opposite of that effect. It's almost like a secret cry for help, even if the action is completely misguided.
This looks like a mess. I didn't really want this many cards, but I couldn't help myself and tried to pull a clarification on the identity of the reversed Emperor, and of all things, I got... not only the Empress but that's also reversed. Are these... your parents? Are they okay? Did you guys have a fight? I really don't wanna scare you or anything, maybe I'm completely off, but it surely wouldn't hurt to call them and see what's up just to make sure?
Whoever these are, I don't think that anything bad HAPPENED to them, at least not all of the sudden without you knowing, but it seems like they really need you right now and only you can fix their problem. If you did have an argument... well, do what you feel is right, idk what your situation is, but. I feel like you are completely right and they are in the wrong, and if you choose to do something about this, very likely you will have to be the one who reaches out first, though that might be a hard to swallow pill. The thing is, there seems to be some kind of benefit for putting it aside and being the bigger person (just this one time) that, if true, I don't want you to miss out on. I don't exactly see how, but maybe you can leverage this situation in some way. At least consider helping them if you are safe and able, because there will be something in it for you too.
I'm not gonna lie, this seems like a lot. 😕 But do you remember, the Magician came out for you last time too? You are still in that energy, holding the reins, in control, literally nothing can knock you down, and I think you will stay there, very much so in the foreseeable future at least. I'm very happy to see that. Nothing but respect for my queer manifestation king. 💅
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ace of coins. four of wands ten of swords reversed. ten of cups
Loki promised me not to waste any time and stay brief. There is some kind of an emerging opportunity, but I feel like this relates to something spiritual or magical, or... You know, it's something between you two, and you have already talked about it or at least it has come up in some way. I hope that you know what this is about because Loki is holding a pretty tight grip on how much information is slipping out here... not that I want to pry of course. He wants to do something together with you. Teach you something perhaps, or... Well the four of wands is the "homecoming" card? which seems important, take it as you will. You seem so very anxious about this, it's almost frightening, but please relax, it's completely fine. Loki seems super excited and thinks that you will be overjoyed with the results. Instinctively this feels very safe and happy to me too, I think Loki is right. You can trust him and you don't have to worry about anything. Whatever is worrying you, he'll take care of it, and you won't even have to lift a finger.
I don't know for sure if that's applicable, but if perhaps YOU were asking HIM about something and hoping for a yes, then that is enthusiastically granted.
Disclaimer: no bastards were harmed in the making of this post.
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