#buckle up guys gals and enby pals!
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So what now?
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does everyone know the Patton being touch starved au? Where he needs touch or he literally starves? because time for that with moceit so buckle up guys, gals and enby pals
quick trigger warning this will feature things to do with starvation and starvation so if that triggers you please don’t read this bullet fic
it was right after Janus had been accepted, and a new room had appeared for him. Half way between the dark sides and light sides. 
patton had offered to help Janus take his minimal possessions to his new room.
Janus accepted because he wanted to make sure there where no hard feelings between them and just so he wouldn’t be unpacking his new room alone. 
Janus realizes halfway through Patton somehow looks exhausted despite the little there really was to do. 
over the next few weeks he started to see what was going on. And whenever he spent time with Patton or Patton gets to close to another side and they brush him off when he gets to close.
Janus eventually confronts him about it 
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