#but Surface look yeah he adopted a really assuredly straight persona and we know why
hazzabeeforlou · 8 months
"His persona of ‘10% too British bloke who only cares about football and beer’ is at odds with the sweet, introspective, creative man" it's completely stupid discourse but I have at least gotten used to the fact that people on this site think gay people/ sweet caring people don't drink or watch football (LMAOOOOO) but is this anon seriously suggesting being BRITISH is at odds with being sweet, introspective, caring or gay? WTFFFFF
I could say “the sky is blue” and I’d get an anon yelling about how I’m ignoring the non visible colors on the spectrum and how it’s really only the atmosphere reflecting exclusively blue light that deceives us into the perception that the sky is blue….
The anon is saying that Louis adopted a stereotypical chav persona post 1D that directly opposed the way he used to move, act, and express himself. Obviously gay people like beer and football. I fucking like football (american). It was a broader allusion to the chav persona not the specifics of liking football, or being BRITISH. Please, I’m tired.
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