#but alas. i am. not creative or talented enough to have made those visual novel posts
fishoutofcamelot · 2 years
how did you manage to use the typewriter font in your Merlin As Visual Novels gifsets?? i've tried and failed so many times, it's driving me crazy, tumblr WILL NOT cooperate with me 😭 pls help
Ah lol sorry, I didn't actually make those gifsets. In fact I don't even make gifsets at all! (although I've been considering doing so)
And I do know what post/s you're talking about, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find them. If anyone else can find the gifsets being referred to here, then feel free to rb with some links so the actual OP can get proper credit!
That being said, I do know a thing or two about computers and this sort of thing in general so I can do my best to share what I know!
If this is a matter of changing the text of your Tumblr post to be more typewriter-y, then that's a pretty easy fix. If you're on PC then you gotta highlight the text, click on the text editor drop-down tab, and select "Chat". If you're on a mobile device, then this text editor tab should already be pre-loaded onto the posting interface and all you have to do is click around a few times until the text changes accordingly. That...isn't the most descriptive way of putting it. Idk if you've noticed but I'm not very good with words.
In regards to fonts in general (not just Tumblr-specific), there are a few typewriter-esque fonts that exist. My usual go-to is Courier, because not only does it have the typewriter vibe but if I'm not mistaken I believe it's also monospaced (which is useful for reasons I won't rant about here). There's also Source Code Pro, but that's only on Google Docs.
And if you don't have access to either of these fonts on your PC, then what you're gonna wanna do is go to a font library online and download one from there. I personally trust Google Fonts best, and as far as I know all the ones there are free.
Now if you're familiar with downloading fonts or are generally pretty tech-savvy, you can skip this next bit. When you download a font, it's likely going to come in the form of a .zip folder. Inside this folder is a series of files, most of which are labeled with a file extension reading '.ttf', which stands for 'true type font'. Once you've opened the .ttf file, you'll be presented with an install button. By clicking that, you're installing that font type. And that's how you can get a typewriter font - or any new/custom font - onto your computer.
In regards to the getting your text to move and animate as though it's being typed out in real time (often called a typewriter animation)...well, I usually just use pre-set text animations. A lot of video editors have text animations available, and the easiest way to go about it is probably to just use one of those. I'm afraid I can't be any help beyond that, since I'm not really much of an animator.
But of course, everything I just talked about might be completely different in the context of gifs. And my gif-making experience begins and ends with a few hours spent goofing off on Photoshop (yes, you can make gifs with Photoshop).
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, and hopefully we can get you in touch with the proper gif-maker who actually made the content you're referring to!
Thanks for the ask <3
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