#but i 1000% believe that krycek’s ghost just hung out with them for decades
carefulfears · 1 year
I saw you tagged that photo of Mulder, Krycek and Scully as “I’m so fascinated by them”; can you talk about that? I don’t know if I’ve given too much thought to their dynamic before and I’m curious as to why you like them as a trio
anon, i want to walk you through a scenario. you’re a 29 year old medical doctor teaching classes at quantico after having been separated from your first assignment at the fbi. you miss your partner. you’re giving morbid lectures and nearly crying when a student says you sound “spooky” and arranging covert meetings at the watergate hotel.
one day, your ex-partner reaches out to ask for your help on a case! you’ve been waiting for this for months! you practically begged to autopsy a body covered in sewage waste and mutant worms for this!
he comes to see you about the case, and your face falls as you realize that he’s brought with him a new partner. “this is alex krycek, we’re working the case together,” he says. standing next to this barbie doll looking motherfucker (whose hand you pointedly refuse to shake).
your wary “trust no one” friend, who accused you of being a spy when it was your first day on his assignment, has seemingly taken to this new ally. they’re carpooling and saving each other’s lives in train stations and venturing into hostage situations without telling you. (“sounds like your new partner is working out…must be nice not having someone question your every move,” you tell him cheekily over the phone).
in a split second, a broken window, a mountaintop- your life changes forever. three months of missing time, and you come back to find a reopened office and an FBI agent without a partner; that hand you refused to shake participated in your violation, then disappeared without a trace.
it isn’t long before he’s back: one, two, three gunshots fired. a father. an apartment wall. a sister.
(though i don’t know if scully ever found out that krycek was there when her sister was killed)
in a moment of quick thinking and sweaty desperation, you break up a fight and trade a bullet in the deceiver for a bullet in your partner’s shoulder; less than a year after introduction in your autopsy bay, you save both lives.
over the years, he’s the shadow you can’t quite shake. when your partner makes his way to hong kong or russia, it’s not you that goes trailing after.
you do follow his tracks into a dark apartment, ask him, what are you thinking about? listen to him tell you about destiny. fate. the “inextricable relationships” of our lives.
when he changes his tune, suddenly willing to follow leads he had admonished you for suggesting, you could swear you heard russian translation.
(i know scully doesn’t know that krycek kissed him)
office fires, nanobots, and air force base abductions later, you strategize over chinese takeout and pizza. you stand at the head of the table, your partner two people removed, the russian to his immediate left.
perhaps it would be too much to ask, after the funeral, to grieve free of threat. nonetheless, there’s leather around hospital corners, broken vials in the garage, a seat taken at the bureau when you still don’t have one to share.
three more gunshots, the spy dies and you give birth on the same day. it’s colder without a shadow, though you can’t say you miss it.
you stand in a court of law and can’t help but notice, your partner looking over his shoulder.
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