#but im straight. women kisser exclusively
merpiko · 3 months
thinking about how one of my irls said i got the benefits of being gay without being gay
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sparklemichele · 5 years
Just Friends Part 3
Florian Munteanu X Black Reader
Part 1, Part 2
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It had been a couple of weeks and you were still not over what happen between you and Florian the last time you saw him. Flo was still blowing up your phone, but you found yourself unable to pick up.  You did ask him by text to give you time and please do not show up at your house unannounced again.  Your feelings for Florian was all over the place. It irritated you that he was so sure that you would end up sleeping with him. His cockiness pissed you off and what sent you nuclear is he probably was right. You didn’t know how much longer you can be around him without giving in. Fortunately, you had Chris to keep you company and mostly keep your mind off Florian.  
“Are you okay?” The sound of Chris’s voice invaded your thoughts. Damn Florian!
“I’m fine.” You snuggled up closer to Chris on the couch. He wrapped his arms around pulling you in. You both decided to stay in for the night and eat in. Chris made you dinner and it was delicious. You really enjoyed spending time with him.  The past couple of weeks you spent every free moment with him. He was really a humble and sincere guy. You didn’t feel as stress as you have been lately with Florian. The sexual pressure with Flo was off the charts and had always been. There was not to say you did not desire Chris as he was a beautiful man and made you feel like his queen. The past couple of weeks was all about you. You didn’t have to worry about seeing other women in the background of Facetime calls or any other women in general. Chris let you know he wanted to see you exclusively and that was what you were looking for. You needed stability and Flo was not willing to provide that for you.
You chuckled as Dodger jumped up in your lap. You hugged the dog you became so fond of the last couple of weeks.
“Move Dodger. She’s mine.” Chris teased the dog as he pushed him off your lap.
“Chris! He was fine.”
“He was in my way.” Chris leaned over and captured his mouth with yours. You melted against him as you lost yourself in his kiss. Chris was a really good kisser you discovered the past couple of weeks. It made you wonder what else he could do with his mouth. You moaned at the thought and taking that as a sign Chris’s hand moved under your shirt. You found yourself pulling from the kiss.
“I’m sorry Chris.” You looked sheepishly at him. “I’m just not ready.” You hated yourself for feeling the way you felt but Florian really had you in your feelings.
“It’s ok. I understand.” His blue eyes sparkled at you. He was so understanding and patient. Chris caressed your cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You softly kissed his lips. How did you get so lucky? You decided to leave for the evening not wanting to cause anymore tension between you two. Chris had made plans with you to check out a new restaurant that had opened and you happily obliged. On the way to the car you looked at your phone when you got a text from Florian.
 We need to talk.
 You sighed to yourself as you got into your car and headed home.
“Hey, isn’t that your friend?” Chris asked as you were both being seated. You followed the direction of his gaze and paused when you saw Florian at a table with a brunette looking at you from head to toe.
“Yes.” You responded more abruptly than you meant to. As luck would have it you were seated in Florian’s point of view.
You could tell from where Florian was sitting he was pissed. He had no idea you were dating Chris or anyone for that matter. Each time he looked at you his jaw clenched, and eyes narrowed at you. How on earth can he be upset with you when he was sitting with some Instagram model? Flo was making you uncomfortable with his constant looks and it did not help matters he looked damn good too. You ate your food as elegantly as possible with Florian staring you dead in the face. You wondered how come the IG model did not realize his attention was not on her. Was she that ditzy? He always seem to pick bimbo looking girls.
“He’s more than a friend to you, isn’t he?” Chris asked.
“Excuse me?” His question caught you off guard. You put down your fork.
“You are tense, and you keep looking in his direction. You have some history you would like to tell me about?” You sighed as you sat back in your chair. Your eyes could not help but look in Flo’s direction. His gaze was fixed on you. Where do you even began to discuss the relationship you two shared? It was complicated. However, Chris needed to know the truth. You told him a summary of you and Flo’s relationship to the best of your ability. Chris looked over at Florian and then you as he processed what you just told him.
“So, let me get this straight he just wants to sleep with you and you don’t.”
You nodded.
“So, you decided to remain friends.”
You nodded again.
“That’s pretty hard to do….remain friends.”
You looked away as you thought of the last time you saw Flo. It was getting pretty hard to stand your ground.
“I can make you forget all about him.” Chris told you looking at you intensely with his blue eyes.
You almost choked on your food. The look he was giving you had shivers going up and down your body. You knew exactly how Chris would make you forget about Florian. The question was if you were ready?
“How would you do that Chris?” You asked knowing the answer but waiting for him to confirm it.  Chris licked his lips and leaned in toward you.
“I will fuck any thought you had of him out your mind.”
He said it and your mouth stood agape. You quickly closed it as you still had food in your mouth. As if on queue and he had felt something shift with you and Chris, Florian walked up to the table to speak.
“Y/N, how are you?”
You tried to keep from rolling your eyes.
“Fine.” You replied dryly. “Chris this is Florian. Florian this is Chris.” You might as well get the introductions out of the way. You notice he left his girl for the night at the table. Florian and Chris shook hands and exchange pleasantries to one another.
“It’s really good to see you again Y/N, and nice meeting you Chris.” You could feel how angry Flo was when he walked off. He had no right to be and you tried not to let it get to you as you brought your attention back to your date. Chris had a mischievous smile on his face.
“I’m going to have so much fun getting you to forget about him.” Chris let out a chuckle and you felt heat rise in your core. Yep, you were ready. It was time to move on from Florian. “All you have to do is say the word.”
“Word.” You told him with a matching mischievous smile. Chris quickly lifted his hand to grab the attention of the waiter.
“We need the check please.”
“No dessert tonight, sir?”
Chris’s smile widens. “I will be having dessert just not here.” You shudder with desire as his gaze fixates on you as he talks to the waiter. You knew before the end of the night all thoughts of Florian would be gone from your mind.
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