#but it's not the same as 'helen hunt' with sara amaya zari nora kuasa AND the helen of troy
lovevalley45 · 11 months
don't get me wrong i love sara and amaya but i need to get to the later seasons of legends so i can ensure more hot women on my screen
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zettaiunmeis · 5 years
A Rant Abt Zari That Turned Into Character Analysis
i love zari tomaz so much
shes so good. so pure. so gay. so angsty. so morally gray in all the right ways. shes a perfect chaotic good. 
asdfghjkl once upon a time, i might have hesitated when someone asked me who my fav on Legends is... but now???? zari. just zari. i love her so much. her chARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS SO BEAUTIFUL IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY. 
(oh shit looks like this is going to go on for a while buckle up)
season 3, episode 3: Zari
we meet zari, and we learn about her situation. she’s lost her brother, is separated from the rest of her family and is trying to avoid being captured by the government. before she reunites with her family she wants to retrieve a memento of her brother’s, because it could save them and also she misses him. but she’s stopped by kuasa, who wants to recruit her for the [her brother’s] totem. she’s willing to betray/lie to the legends because she doesn’t know/trust them. and then, we all come to the realisation that her parents are dead too. she’s still being hunted by kuasa, so she joins the team (for personal gain, like many other legends) oooh and also this ep intros us to some of her skills, like hacking
season 3, episode 4: Phone Home
zari tags along with the team to rescue ray’s younger self. we’re shown (not told, shown) that zari can be empathetic, and good with kids (this was the writer’s way of showing us that she was more than just her tough exterior)
season 3, episode 5: Return of the Mack
this ep was a Big One in terms of zari’s character development. we realise that she’s Not Over her brother’s death, that she feels guilty about it. (the writers are showing weakness, turning her into a well-rounded character. she has strengths, weaknesses, and a reason for all of them). its so well-done??? we see her feeling guilty about behrad. we see her making bad decisions based on this. and even more important than that, we see her main motivation for staying on the ship. we learn that she’s on the ship to try and save her brother and the rest of her family. we begin sympathising with her and the writing in the scene where she believes that she should have been the one to die is written so powerfully. we see zari, we see amaya, and then we see a blank screen, and we’re left to ponder, how would the show have been changed if zari had stayed to fight? she gives up the totem, the last thing zari has that connects her to her brother. she tries to give it up but by the end, we see her fully claim the totem. she hasn’t accepted her brother’s death, not by a long shot, but... she’s found some peace, at least, in having the totem he used to.
season 3, episode 6: Helen Hunt
ohhhhh, i love this one so much. its the one where zari looks at the timeline, sees all the screwed up things people have done in history, and says fuck that. its in this episode that we finally see (once again, see, not hear) what zari’s skills as a hacker are useful for on the waverider. we see her, for the first time, sympathising with another person in history. we see the point of her coming onto the waverider, not only from a storyline perspective, but from the ensemble’s perspective as well. from a storyline perspective, we see that she’s the one who’s going to look for loopholes in history, for ways to help people, rather than just extracting the anachronism. but from a ensemble perspective, she’s providing a balance in the team. think about it. before zari, we have sara, who’s dedicated to keeping the timeline safe. we have amaya, whos become more rebellious, but she’s still a bit of a rule-follower. we have martin, who’d like to go home, and believes that complying with the bureau is the best way to do so. we have jax, who may want to help people, but still will put sara’s orders on top. we have ray, who’s pretty happy with just keeping the timeline safe, and we have nate, who’s a historian and values the timeline being intact. zari’s the one who’s encouraging them to look at some of the anachronisms as people. she’s the one who’s going out and sympathising with others and learning about them and trying to make their lives better. zari provides a much needed balance to the unusually lawful legends. (also, zari and helen screwed)
season 3, episode 7: Welcome to the Jungle
this episode continues to build on the foundations laid in helen hunt. we get to see more of her looking for all the people she can help, like Ahn Li. we wvwn see her sympathising with grodd for a bit, when she hears that argus, the same organisation that captured her, had also kept grodd captive in 2018.
season 3, episode 9: Beebo, God of War
this is the first episode where zari tries to reach out to a fellow member of the legends. we’ve seen that she’s very sympathetic, and even though she might have been trying to get jax onto her side about the “hacking history” thing, she also is trying to help him. she, much like jax, has gone through a very recent loss of parental figures. she sympathises, empathises. i loved this episode because not only do we see her encouraging jax to take his timeline into his own hands, we also see her distracting him with video games. we indirectly get to see some of her own coping methods, like playing video games. we get so much insight into zari in this episode and i absolutely love it, because its done so well, shown, not told.
season 3, episode 10: Daddy Darhkest
WE GOT SO MUCH ZARI BACKSTORY IN THIS ONE. WE LEARNT ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE HAD BEEN PUT INTO AN ASYLUM AND THE ZARI TOMAZ EMPATHY POWERS SHINE AGAIN! asdfghjkl i feel like this is a really underrated zari ep, but we saw stuff like her helping young!Nora feel more comfortable in her environment after they took her out of the asylum. i really, really love this ep so much. (and also, “welcome to the 21st century, you luddites” is an incredible quote)
season 3, episode 11: Here I Go Again
asdfghjkl this one. this one. i... i cant even. nope. i’ll make a separate post that goes into the details of this one, but here’s the summary: she begins to bond, like actually bond, with the legends, enough that, by the end, she’s willing to sacrifice herself for them... there’s so much character development in this ep i cant even
season 3, episode 12: The Curse of the Earth Totem
not a lot of zari in this one... so i can’t say much about character development
season 3, episode 13: No Country for Old Dads
again, not a lot of zari, but thats fine... :((((
season 3, episode 14: Amazing Grace
oooh, this is a good one. we see zari’s empathy in action, and better than ever before because its placed in direct contrast to wally’s super-speedy method of get in, do it, get out. and this is the first time we see zari as a sort of mentor figure to another legend!!!! considering that this precedes zari taking over amaya’s spot as sara’s second-in-command, this matters a lot!!!
season 3, episode 15: Necromancing the Stone
oof, this one hurt. we saw Behrad, for the first time, and we saw him the way that zari thought of him. as a young kid, as her baby brother. but even more important than that, we see her protecting the team over him. this is an incredible moment for zari, because it highlights how far she’s come and how much she cares about the team.
season 3, episode 16: I, Ava
actually, despite the fact that there’s a lot of emphasis on zari in this episode, theres not a lot of actual character development in this ep for me. what we see of her is more... reactionary that actionary which makes it a little hard to see the character development
season 3, episode 17: Guest Starring John Noble, and season 3, episode 18: The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly
oof. not a lot here, really, but that’s understandable, what with this being the season finale... i still missed my fav tho... :(((((
but anyway, the legends writer did an incredible job with zari’s character arc in season three... stay tuned for more about her character arc in season four and Here I Go Again... :)
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