#but my hometown started experiencing constant natural disasters as of like 10 years back (thanks climate change...)
weirdstrangeandawful ยท 2 months
So my family trained our dog very well to recognise anything flat and on the floor as "bed". It's super helpful for cases where, for example, we're at a friend's place and she's overexcited and we can just point to the entranceway mat and say "go in your bed". It becomes inconvenient when we put something on the ground for other reasons and she just... lies on it lol (I digress).
Anyway, I'm thinking of a whumpee who is used to sleeping on mats (maybe they grew up having to save money on that sort of thing or maybe they have had to flee their home and sleep in makeshift settings for a while) meeting a caretaker who has a penchant for making/buying the fluffiest rugs ever.
After an initial period of trying to understand each other, Caretaker realises that Whumpee knows they can sleep in the bed but they still feel safer on the rugs. And the rugs are fluffy enough that it's causing no harm. Whumpee is just so grateful for how fluffy the rugs are and they do know they can sleep on the bed but also Caretaker understands them.
To be clear, my dog is not neglected. She has far too many beds and also a couch that belongs to her specifically. She just chooses the tiniest rug or the rugless corner for no reason. Well the reason is that she's a lab and she overheats.
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