#cain (older sister) is gen a wreck btw. like. she kills her younger sibling and it truly fucks her up and then she comes back and literally
villruu · 27 days
I love writing cain & abel 2.0 (my ocs for marble hornets) so much and how different they are.
Older sister who has had the operator sickness since she was practically born, who accidentally spreads the sickness to her younger sibling the one (1) time she has a relapse, whose life is slowly getting worse and worse and decided to kill their sibling to spare them and then nothing happens, because the sibling is somehow, back, and nothing changed, and she doesn't want to murder her sibling, but she will if it's to spare her (and maybe she blames them, in part, bc if only they had been stronger, if only they had been better, she wouldn't be like this)
And then you have the younger sibling who's main hobbies is getting high and collecting bugs and who admires the fuck out of their older sister, bc she's always nice to them.
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