fictionkinfessions 2 months
I think it's funny how everyone in my crew just accepted Caviar randomly bringing me on the boat. He gets back from this dangerous mission out in the duskgloom sea with some living divers suit and a beat up submarine.
"Whatcha' got there ?" "A smoothie." There is no other way I can explain the conversation that followed.
- Candy Diver #馃馃帶馃儚
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fictionkinfessions 2 months
You know what, I miss my crew :[
Crk kins are so hard to come by, and I've kinda accepted I won't find anyone I remember. It's still upsetting though !! What do you MEAN I won't get to hang out with the salty sharks ever again ?? WHERE is my emotional support captain ? Who am I supposed to latch onto and follow everywhere this is outrageous
- sincerely, a candy diver cookie
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fictionkinfessions 2 years
ohh kin smells/perfume!! I actually remember that very well for all of them
Naturally, Fantoccio smelled like sawdust, but put on a lot of lavender-scented perfume (it was super strong almost sickening)
It's hard to explain this one but I guess Airy smelled like burnt oil, gasoline and smoke from fire
Candy Diver Cookie smelled like sea salt and gum!
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fictionkinfessions 30 days
Cannots ? shadow milk cookie. Out of EVERYONE in cookie run, I'm surprised I'm not him. He woulda gone nicely into the pile with Jevil from deltarune, Tricky from madness combat, and Eugene from Hilda.
- Candy diver cookie #馃馃帶馃儚
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fictionkinfessions 2 years
uundur if m. kin or ffictiv but.
whn yyu ccnt spek in sourc so typn is hhrd fr ou in this plce caus gota. kno sk many words nd al thir spelins nd is just. easir to lev out letrs,,
-Candy Diver Cookie馃た馃崻
"Wonder if I'm kin or fictive but. When you cant speak in source so typing is hard for you in this place cause gotta. Know so many words and all their spellings and it's just. Easier to let out letters."
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