#cas took that screenshot :] i crop images into jpgs before i upload them bc im a b bad man (honest)
prettyboyjohnny · 3 months
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I did it again. Based on this [x] video.
>Johnny's voicelines<
• The game subtitles suck. I used them as a guide for some lines, but otherwise disregarded them.
• The line about about pregnancy has yet to activate for me in game. I think a few of these lines may be switched off.
• I collected the execution lines myself. They are not present in the linked video.
Encounter start
How dare you attack me like this!
You little shit! How dare you!
Don't you touch me!
Get your filthy hands off my clean clothes!
[Grunts] You're gonna pay... Dearly for this.
Exit interaction
Ain't gonna be no escapin' today.
Just like a damn stranger. No respect for other people's property.
...There. That's better.
This will keep them from scurrying around.
I wish y'all would stop messin' with our damn belongin's. This damn thing's as old as dirt.
Grandpa fed
This house ran much better when you was runnin' things.
I always did like you.
You ain't lookin' too bad these days!
I could use some of this myself.
Next time I'll cook you a nice, proper meal.
Hidden victim found
Now what are you doin' in there?
[Laughs] Now this is just plain damn silly... Come on outta there.
We ain't playin' no hide and seek, you hear me?
What exactly is it you think you're doin' in there?
[Laughs] Oh, child, I'm snappier than you think.
Victim hit
This will slow you down!
Does that. Hurt. Sweetie?!
Don't you think I know what you come here lookin' for?
My Harold always said: "If you can't do something right, don't do it at all." Now come get your punishment!
Just in case you was thinkin' a' doin' so, I'd stay out of my secret room if I was you.
It didn't have to be this way, ya know... You just had to come looking for that floozy of yours, didn'tcha?
My goodness... This is gettin' old real fast.
Lose Victim (first)
You ever been down to Devil's River? Oh, It's real nice... Maybe I'll show it to ya.
This type a' behavior tends to occur when you go moseying' around other people's homes!
Nobody ever said life was fair.
You ever hear the sayin' "murder starts in the heart"? I think my Johnny liked that girl.
I was pregnant six times, you know? I wanted a little baby so bad... Then God delivered Johnny. My own little angel.
Lose victim (sub)
Hard times is good for people. I know how to raise 'em... Just look at my Johnny!
I am a suitable mother! Don't you judge me!
Don't you EVER use that tone with me! Do you have any notion who you're talkin' to?
Your little friend had it coming... Looking at my Johnny that way. He's a sweet boy!
Do you know what happens to bodies when you plant 'em? [Laughs] They help the flowers real good!
Lose victim (long)
I haven't had a chase like this in some time.
Squirmin' li'l bastards! Where did you go?!
Just come on out now... Ain't no use in delayin' things.
I have all day, darlin'... You'll mess up soon enough.
Match start
[Sighs] We ain't big on unannounced guests. I ain't gonna take kindly to this trespassin'.
Don't worry, Johnny. I'll help you clean this mess up.
Oh, will you look at that... I didn't know we had visitors.
This is unacceptable behavior.
I ain't never seen such disrespectful behavior in all my life.
Cook seen
You are a damn fool! Always have been!
I thought you had this situation under control! This is unacceptable!
Will you tell them boys of yours to do somethin' already?
Don't you tell me how to raise my boy. Just do your job!
Would you make yourself useful already? ...My Lord!
Hitchhiker seen
You was raised better than this! Will you please go look after Grandpa?! Help him!
I hope you know our well-bein' ain't looking too promising right now?!
You better hope for your sake we get this sorted out!
Damn it, boy... I wish you would use that head of yours already... FIND. THEM.
Would you settle the hell down and help us already?
Johnny seen
Aw, Johnny, my sweet... Don't you worry about all this. We'll fix it... I promise.
Listen to me, Johnny. It's time to do what I taught you to do, okay? Can you do that? For me?
We gotta find them, sweetie. We can't let them leave. Do you understand me?
Just be patient, Johnny. We'll find 'em.
Remember them folks from Tulsa, Johnny? This is just like that. Just spread out and keep huntin'.
Leatherface seen
Well, don't just stand there! Let's see what that saw can do, boy!
You're doin' fine, sweetie.
Just keep lookin'. This will be over soon!
Don't worry about the others, now. Just keep doin' your job. Everything's fine.
Imma need you to find those kids right quick, okay? You can do this.
Grandma would be SO proud of you. Such a strong, handsome boy!
Sissy seen
How dare you use that tone with me, you little heathen!
Things were better off when you was gone. You shoulda kept it that way.
Don't you speak to me like that. You have no idea the things I've done for this family!
Don't you dare talk about my husbands like that. Devil girl.
I'd keep that poison away from me if I were you. You hear me, young lady?
See blood trail
Oh, my... Somebody's hurtin' real bad... Hmm.
Well look at that... Somebody's not doing so good.
THAT is a lot of blood... They gotta be around here somewhere.
[Chuckles]... Looks like we got you now. Let's see where this goes.
Aww, you ain't gonna last much longer, darlin'. I can see you ain't doin' so well.
Victim seen (first)
Oh hey there, sweet child. I can help ya. Just come over here.
Oh, don't leave! You're just in time for supper!
They gon' find that pretty little face of yours under my floorboard if you ain't careful.
You better stay outta my garden.
You will not disrespect our home like this, you hear me?
Now where are you squirmin' off to?
Victim seen (sub)
There's things in this house I just can't let you see, darlin'.
Aw, I am sorry to tell you this, but ain't none of y'all getting outta here alive.
This constant runnin' around is gettin' a little tiresome now.
Where is it exactly you think you're goin'?
Family member seen
You just gonna stand there with that stupid look on your face? Do somethin' already!
If it ain't too much to ask, WOULD YOU MIND HELPIN' ME OUT HERE?
FIND THEM ALREADY! I swear, it's like playin' cards with my brother's kids!
Under NO circumstance would it be acceptable for these kids to leave here! So spread out and search, please!
You know what needs to be done... So do it!
See trapped victim
All this pain could've been avoided, you know.
Oh, are you hurt? Come let Nancy take a look at it.
Looks like you peaked, child. You ain't gonna last much longer.
Poor thing... It's better if you just get this over quick-like. No use in struggling'.
Phew... Not quite my tempo. Glad to see that slowed you down.
See victim escape
Dear lord... This can't be happening. No!
Oh, damn it! I need to catch 'em... Think... THINK!
Oh, Lord, we are in the fire now! How did this happen?!
Ability use denied
[Sighs] Not now... This is simply too much to handle...
I can't... Not quite yet.
[Grunts] I can't do that right this minute.
Ugh, this isn't working!
Use ability
I'll find you... I promise.
Now where... Did... You... Go?
They couldn't've gone too far.
I know they're here... Somewhere...
Set trap
This oughta stop 'em.
Trap successful
Oh, I done got you now.
Got one.
There you are!
Well, I'll be. Look at what we have here.
[Groans] We get what we deserve!
Now look what you've gotten yourself into! [Breathes heavily]
I told ya! Stay away from my Johnny! [Breathes heavily]
[Groans and breathes heavily]
[Last updated March 2024]
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