#charles was tracy before tracy honestly I MISS HIM
thetooncrew · 8 months
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if you remember him you deserve a veterans discount. this is such a deep cut
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heroes-trash · 4 years
personality + powers (theory)
far as i know / have heard, there are 4 possible explanations as to why a person has the power that they have.
the first two are almost the same, really: random chance and genetic inheritance. why they’re the same? because the chance of inheriting (not to mention, expressing!) the exact same traits one of your parents had is pretty low irl as well. much higher is the chance to have something similar, but not rarely are children rather different from both of their parents.
the other two are the ones the show propagates, and while they’re not at all alike, they’re still intertwined: convenience and personality.
the convenience theory is brought up by Daphne in the scene where she, Matt and Ando debate what’ll happen if Ando receives the serum - Daphne is convinced it’ll give him something he needs, citing it’s what happened to her and claiming it also describes Matt’s situation. but the way she says it... it could also make a rather good case for a personality-based theory, and that’s also the one i see most often in fandom.
which is why under the cut, i will go through every single powered character on the show (who we know a reasonable much about) and do a quick analysis of how well each of the latter theories fits them ^^
credited-as main characters:
Peter: personality-based seems more likely, as he is a very giving/empathetic person, and he wants to be extraordinary
Claire: if her ability had activated in Meredith’s burning home, i’d have argued for convenience, but a simple cut in her palm (however deep).... nah. neither seems to apply much here in fact
Hiro: personality-based maybe, because of all his heroic dreams
Matt: Daphne claimed he’d ‘always’ worried was others thought of him, so you can kind of argue personality... but mostly i suppose convenience, in his job as well as possibly generally because of his dyslexia (although he was adamant about not using it to his advantage that way)
Mohinder: one could argue convenience if you consider the fact that some guys tried to rob him when he was still dozing after the injection, and the first thing he did was defend himself against them... but you can defend yourself with many abilities. i once read that his ability amplified him because he’d always ‘had more in him’, and while cheesy, maybe that’s true? so personality-based for him i’d wager
Nathan: his ‘high ambitions’ are basically a running gag at this point, and the comics never fail to overstate how much he’d always loved flying - hell, even the show hints at it. so personality-based for him for sure
Sylar: while we can’t be certain when exactly he activated (at the latest eclipse, or even in his early childhood?), it’s undeniable he is fascinated with complex things. personality-based again
Angela: her powers have often been convenient, but also pretty hit-and-miss; especially at the start, fatally so. and unless you make the stretch to her taking responsibility (= being farsighted) young, i don’t really see personality-based either, so neither seems to really apply
Micah: we first see him use his power to help his family, but he surely had it before - he seemed confident with it already at that point. he’s smart, and very interested in electronics; though we can’t know for sure which came first (see Sylar), personality-based is likely here too
D.L.: arguably a good example for convenience, as he (according to some deleted scenes, anyway) first manifested when he was desperate to get out of prison 
Isaac: as apparently you don’t need to be able to paint to be a precog painter (see Peter’s stick figures), i don’t see how either much applies here...
Elle: again neither looks very likely, unless you stretch personality-based to electrifying-slash-prickly (and she activated at nine so ,,,)
Monica: she’s ambitious and wants to be more successful than her family before her, and support them and herself - so is that convenience or personality, now? i’d argue convenience, because nothing in her suggests she specifically wants to copy other people
Samuel: frankly we don’t know enough of him to argue for either, but it’s definitely not convenience-based because he literally activated before he was born (much like Nathan and Malina), sooo
Ando: funnily enough, although Daphne argued so hard for convenience, i’d say it’s a personality-based case for him - he is the devoted friend, the designated sidekick in the best way. or is that convenience again after all... bit of both maybe
Niki: i’m not quite sure about convenience here honestly, as we don’t really see her first first time of using her ability (Jessica threatening her (their?) father was an early one, but the first?? no, how would she even know?) - and it’s even kinda implied in the comics that the triplets all started expressing theirs as teenagers or even younger - but the strength of an abuse survivor....... yeah i’d go with personality-based
Maya: she’s a bit whiny and occasionally bitter sure, but there’s nothing in her personality to suggest she wants to commit mass murder every time she’s upset. it’s not even convenient, really [well it was in Exodus but ,,,] so [for the timeline we wound up getting] i’d argue neither
Adam: what i couldn’t claim for Claire, absolutely applies to him - his ability literally saved his life upon first manifesting, so convenience here for sure. (although he’s pretty persevering, in a very weasle-y way...)
Tracy: again with the comics implying the triplets activated as teens / even kids!!! but discounting that.... personality-based, i guess? what with her ice-cold career-orientated attitude... sure there’s some convenience in the mix, but there are a lot more convenient ways of getting rid of a journalist than killing him, so :’D
other relevant characters, introduced in S1:
René: convenience is straight out of the window here, considering his primary ability activating got his people killed/abused, and his secondary ability activating killed those oppressors (which only on first glance sounds good) - but personality-based? i’m not sure either... he’s an unsuspecting little fellow, but that’s not quite enough... and he uses his ability to fight against ability abuse he experienced as a kid, but i’m still not sure. thoughts? i’ll tentatively say neither...
Molly: neither really fits, far as we know
Charlie: she has a strong interest in learning and we can at least assume that didn’t just start when she discovered she was good at it - so i’d say personality-based
Claude: i’d tentatively argue for convenience, as he isn’t exactly the most subtle fellow... and has been obscuring his identity even before he started working for the Company (!!), so he’s likely running from smth, for which his ability is definitely very useful
Sanjog: we absolutely don’t know enough about him to argue for either, although he does seem to embrace his ability, so maybe he wanted something like this....?? really all speculation though
Charles: he seems like an empathetic, kind man - so telepathy isn’t the biggest stretch for personality-based. it is however some stretch, so how about convenience? well; we do see him using it to stop (well...pause) racist regulations and police brutality......
Linderman: very classic case of convenience-based, as the first time he activated, he healed his dying mother
Ted: neither in my opinion - his ability isn’t even slightly convenient for him, and he is stubborn not unstable far as we at all know
Hana: possibly neither, possibly a bit of both, as she is a descendant of fighters and a spy herself - but then that’s too wide a field, a lot of abilities could help with that... i say neither
Eden: convenience, as she first used it to escape her oppressive home
Paulette: we don’t really know enough about her to argue for either
Meredith: neither seems quite likely - her ability hasn’t exactly brought her much luck, and she has a strong character but not exactly fiery enough to quite play into that cliché, either
Kaito: very likely personality-based, as his ability plays right into his career ambitions (in fact pretty much was what made him so successful so fast)
Candice: something both, something in-between, maybe? she dreamed herself away, and dreamt of punishing her bullies, and she could do both with this ability
other relevant characters, introduced in later seasons:
West: he enjoys being special, but apart from that, there is no real evidence that can be used to argue for either
Alejandro: [if you even assume he has an ability, i personally have some Doubts] probably personality-based, as he is Maya’s other half one way or another
Bob: his ability is objectively convenient, but i’m still not sure an argument can be made for either, as too little (= nothing) is known about his childhood, and neither about his character except ambitious/controlling and kind of a loser when it comes to relationships (divorced and often the fifth (or seventh) wheel when younger)
Maury: another case of too little information for either - he seems to submit to strength/authority rather easily, and only ever committed petty crime, so one can’t argue for criminal mastermind either
Doyle: i don’t think there’s been any information on how he activated (correct me if i’m wrong), and while he does use his ability to compensate for being unsuccessful in forming,, Any kinds of relationships, i still wouldn’t say it’s necessarily personality-based (and something this broad definitely doesn’t qualify as convenience)
Alice: her ability isn’t exactly what you’d call convenient :’D and personality-based would probably be something more fairytale-esque for her, so that’s out as well
Alex: he’s a swimmer, so a bit in-between i suppose (we once more don’t know enough to argue semantics)
Samson: we definitely don’t know enough about him or what he was like before activating (is this ‘putting animals/people to sleep’ thing even part of his primary ability, or does is that just his preferred hunting tool like telekinesis is for his son?)
Luke: we don’t know how he first activated, but maybe personality-based works if you stretch it to ‘destructive teen’...?
'Baron Samedi’: both seem plausible if he’s always dreamed of ‘making it big’ (in his way), which i think we can safely assume, but once more we don’t know nearly enough about his childhood, and technically there’s a lot of ability that are good for demonstrating strenght... maybe he first activated in a firefight (with the Tonton Macoute?).........?? but that’s pure speculation
Arthur: he has always been ruthless and controlling, and never for a minute believed that people with abilities should stick together by default - being able to take them away from others to strengthen himself fully plays into his personality imo
Ishi: apart from apparently being a nurturing, sweet mother, we know little of her... i’d tentatively argue for personality-based, but who knows how she activated?? too little information, again
Daphne: convenience for sure, there’s a reasons she made a case for that
Knox: general question - is ‘circumstances X grew up in’ still convenience or personality already?
Jesse: same as Knox pretty much, we can’t know
Flint: i’d carefully say unstable temperament -> personality
Scott: again a bit of a what-came-first question: he wanted to be ‘’better’’, but did he always want that or did that only come from past failures and the resulting fear for the future? we don’t know because we barely know him
James Martin: i’ll stick my neck out for personality-based, that he’d longed to be somebody else, somebody significant for a while even before activating (i mean - why else impersonate others instead of just improving himself?)
Emma: mostly convenience-based, but as she has a general affinity for music and soft things... in-between, maybe?
Edgar: IF he was indeed the commitment-averse guy Lydia described, i’d say personality-based, but i’m honestly torn about that and don’t have any other significant things, so i won’t speak a final verdict
Rebecca: convenience for sure, for hiding and revenge
Lydia: assuming here she indeed activated young, this is another difficult one - maybe she was always empathetic, maybe not??
Joseph: his ability sure is convenient, but it’s absolutely unclear whether other people perceived him as pleasant/trustworthy because he made them feel that way (literally) or whether that links back to his true character. he seems like a responsible guy overall, but that doesn’t get you to either side of the coin, only an in-between
now i left out some of the most obviously inherited ones / ones that at least have a heritable component. those are, in short: Peter(-Arthur), Matt(-Maury), Sylar(-Samson), (Maya-Alejandro?), Ted(-Mindy), Meredith(-Flint), and the Bowman family
and i also left out Reborn, which works a lot more with heritable abilities, but this post is really long enough already :’D
so, final summary (regarding convenience vs personality):
convenience-based: 11
personality-based: 15
both/in-between: 4
neither: 12
too little information: 14
which makes for a pretty even split that lets one argue for whatever they prefer, honestly XD still hope this was enlightening/interesting to read, and looking forward to all of your opinions!!
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
“Jacare, Shogun and maybe not much fun” UFC Fight Night: Brazil Preview
November 10th, 2019
WHEW! So this is a real card, eh? Honestly it's far from the worst show of the year but it's also far from a good show either. This feels slightly below average even if you grade it on a Brazilian Fight Night curve. You have an appealing main event, a few interesting prelim fights and some solid action fights that might create for some unique finishes. I'd say it's skippable but you can legit just watch it whenever with the benefit of ESPN+. Remember that it's the last card we're getting until December 7th so perhaps that'll keep ya watching. We only have so many bites at the apple here before 2019 is done and dusted, dudes.
Fights: 12
Debuts: Tracy Cortez, Antônio Arroyo, Andre Muniz
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 7 (Sam Alvey OUT, Paul Craig IN vs Shogun Rua/Duda Santana OUT, Tracy Cortez IN vs Vanessa Melo/Kevin Holland OUT, Alessio Di Chirico IN vs Antonio Arroyo/Alessio Di Chirico OUT, Andre Muniz IN vs Antonio Arroyo/Lil Nog vs Tevor Smith CANCELLED/Priscila Cachoeira OUT, Ariane Lipski IN vs Veronica Macedo/Jack Marshman OUT, Wellington Turman IN vs Markus Perez)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 5 (Mauricio "Shogun" Rua, Charles Oliveira, Jacare Souza, Renan Barao, Francisco Trinaldo)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:  3 (Sérgio Moraes, Renan Barao, Ariane Lipski)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 2 (Charles Oliveira, James Krause)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 21-14
Jan Blachowicz- 5-2 Jacare Souza- 3-3 Shogun Rua- 1-1 Paul Craig- 3-4 Jared Gordon- 3-2 Charles Oliveira- 6-1 Antonio Arroyo- 0-0 Andre Muniz- 0-0 Wellington Turman- 0-1
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Middleweight- 2 (46) Light Heavyweight- 2 (44) Welterweight-  2 (72) Lightweight- 2 (74) Featherweight- 1 (57) Bantamweight- 1 (55) Women’s Bantamweight-  1 (20) Women’s Flyweight- 1 (33)
Heavyweight-  (37) Women’s Strawweight- (28) Flyweight-  (15) Women’s Featherweight- (8)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (39-61-1)-  Tracy Cortez, Antônio Arroyo, Andre Muniz
Short Notice Fighters (30-39)- Paul Craig, Tracy Cortez, Andre Muniz, Wellington Turman, Vanessa Melo, Veronica Macedo
Second Fight (56-38)- Vanessa Melo, Eduardo Garagorri
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (23-40-1)-
Undefeated Fighters (42-39-2)- Eduardo Garagorri
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (12-9)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (32-25)- Jacare Souza, Ricardo Ramos
Twelve Precious Ponderings
1- So let's create an imaginary pecking order for the 205 lb division underneath Jon Jones:
You have to begin with Dominick Reyes. Undefeated, young for 205 lbs, finishes in all but one of his UFC bouts (and he pretty much finished OSP too). He KO'd Chris Weidman on ESPN 2. After that you assume there's Corey Anderson since he just KO'd Johnny Walker and has wins over Ilir Latifi and Glover Teix in the past two years. Also given that the general rule of thumb is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the more he talks the more the UFC is likely to eventually acquiesce.  Where does the winner of this fight slide in behind that? It's worth remembering that Jan Blachowicz was in talk to fight Jon Jones at one point before Jon either turned him down or the UFC decided to go all in on Jorge Masvidal vs Nate Diaz. At the same time, he's one fight removed from getting his metaphorical shit pushed in vs Thiago Santos. You'd assume Blachowicz would slot in RIGHT ahead of Glover Teix but would they have Jan ahead of Anthony Smith? Conversely where does Jacare fit in? Could Jacare, if he finishes Jan, become the third straight 185 lber who challenges Jon Jones for the title or does he need a streak of wins? Remember the UFC promised Jacare that IF he won vs Jack Hermansson, he'd get a title shot. It didn't work out. Do they bring back that promise as a make good? It'd be nice of them to especially as Jones continues to chase an opponent worthwhile in his mind.
2- One of the things sort of lost to time is that Blachowicz pre-winning streak had a serious cardio deficiency. He's found a good way to balance those problems with more range fighting, less clinch work and fighting at a comfortable enough pace to where if he gets tired, his opponent is equally as tired. Will his cardio hold up if he has to do a lot of clinch fighting with Jacare?
3- Is this the last time we'll see Jacare if he loses?
4- Paul Craig submitting Shogun would be pretty sad but I can't imagine that coming to pass. Craig is a big LHW but he's awfully slow, a total nonstarter on the feet and shaky if a fight doesn't wind up on the mat. All Shogun has to do is avoid that third round slump.
5- Charles Oliveira is 5-1 in his last six fights and has been all action since going up to 155 lbs. At this point I have to assume the UFC simply sees him as a fun action fighter and have given up on the idea of him being anything resembling a contender. Jared Gordon is pretty much yet another slow blood and guts guy in Oliveira's long run of fighting those kinds of guys in a row. Should be a tremendous fight while it lasts.
6- So if Shogun does lose to Paul Craig, where would that rank among the sadder losses of legendary fighters? Gotta be up there, right?
7- James Krause is finally beginning to figure things out at 170 lbs so I'm a little confused why instead of getting a respectable step up (maybe into the bottom half of the top 15 perhaps?), he's getting a guy coming off two losses who has been thoroughly outboxed/outstruck by guys just like Krause recently? I could be missing something I guess but it feels like they need to do more with Krause while he's kind of sort of hot.
8- Curious to see what Ricardo Ramos looks like up 10 lbs. It feels like a pretty weird step up in weight class but maybe Ramos' body was telling him something we can't hear. His opponent is Uruguay's Eduardo Garagorri who looked good enough in his debut but seems a level below Ramos and Ramos' usually competition.
9- I personally thought Wellington Turman beat Karl Roberson so I'm curious to see how he looks in his second fight, even if it's yet another short notice call in Markus Perez. Would not be surprised if this fight was a sleeper hit.
10- The Renan Barao situation is just sad.
11- Veronica Macedo has had it tough in the UFC so I was happy to see her pull off the upset and score a win in her last fight. Similarly speaking Ariane Lipski has had a rough go of it as well despite her evident upside and promise. This is one of those well put together fights that you kinda don't like for either fighter even if it's compelling.
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Okay, I'm SO far behind on GH, it's not even funny, but Mom pulled me in to watch the special Christmas episode. I can't believe how silly I got, when I saw Franco and Finn in the same office. I was like 'McBain and Manning...John and Todd! It's McBain and Manning!!!' I miss those two in scenes together, their banter alone...What was your favorite part?
I just watched the Christmas episode today.  The holidays have been pretty busy and it was a bit hard to catch up on the soap with all the preemptions.  Somehow, my DVR didn’t catch yesterday’s episode, which annoys me.  Now, I have to go to Hulu.
Honestly, the whole Christmas Carol plot kinda bored me.  I thought they did a better job on the plot back in 2003 with Luke with Stavros as basically the Ghost of Christmas Future.  I will say that the costumes, especially for Josslyn, Liesl, and Ava as the Ghosts were on point.
But I will say that having Tracy back, even for a short stint, is my favorite thing.  I love her moments with the family, as the Quartermaines are my favorite PC family.  And Finn and Tracy’s friendship is the best.  It brings back the real Finn, not the pale imitation he is with Anna.
Honestly, I could do without any Franco on my screen.  That included Franco with Drew’s memories, whom we thankfully said goodbye to.  It’s nothing against Roger Howarth, but the character.  I do miss Todd Manning.  But I would rather have Todd in Llanview happy with Blair and causing mishcief than in Port Charles for no apparent reason.  At least when Todd was on General Hospital, he had a purpose and a story.
And I do miss John McBain, but the GH writers never should have broken up him and Natalie just to capitalize on Easton’s chemistry with Kelly Monaco.  Port Charles was a good show and I did like Caleb and Livvie, but John/Sam didn’t work and they wrecked two great ships, destroyed a good soap’s history by making Stephen Clay a crazy serial killer who thought he was vampire Caleb, and then Silas was a rebound for Sam and should have been with Ava before being unceremoniously killed off.  I do like Michael Easton as Hamilton Finn, but he belongs with Hayden.  Anna needs to be with Robert.
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