#chilean people w ts pspsps
meowticta · 11 months
yk how some autistic ppl have a community irl, as in, i have many friends who are autistic, i have family members who are also autistic,
yet i am the only one with tourette's, and it feels so fucking lonely? yeah, people get in someway what is autism, my high school is rlly supportive and stuff, friends r too, but when it comes to tics.
it's just different, i've always had this jealousy for people who could actually control themselves, i dealt with the ''im not normal, im different, and i hate it'' thought for soooo long.
autism and tourette's impact me on my daily life, they're so different though (obviously) but in the way people react to me, you can tell a person you r autistic and they'll be like ''okay!''
i tell people i have TS and they're like ''what's that?'' ''I thought it was a made up condition'' ''but you don't tic 24/7''
sorry can't explain my point bc words are not really formulating in my mind in a well written way,
its just so scary and lonely to have tourettes, and i which i could meet someone, who deals with the same shit i do everyday, laughing at the tics, with the consent of the other, trying to help eo in tic attacks without being... weird about it, not being JUDGED.
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