dissodic-archive · 15 days
New poll
Pt: New poll :End Pt
was contacted by kirby and yan said that yan would prefer that any alt spelling of the arisso- prefix not be used, so the old poll has been deleted, and a new one will be started in it's place without the alt spelling. If the old poll could be deleted, that would be greatly appreciated. Very sorry for the inconvenience.
Out of the suggested replacement prefixes, which do you prefer?
This poll is being run to try to help the community as a group decide which prefix should become the new prefix to replace "Arisso-", as many suggestions have been given, and several have expressed confusion over the multiple prefixes both used and proposed at this point in time, and both the coiner and many in the community wanting to term to be rejoined under one prefix. All the options listed have been proposed as a replacement (Which can be found under the tag "Alternative name" on this blog).
Mentions under the cut for reach, as well as those who reblogged the previous poll. Again, very sorry for the inconvenience.
@freezingnarc, @kiruliom, @enderluna, @redacted-coiner, @liom-mogai, @yanderessarchive, @sage-writes-n-coins-mogai, @arrizo-lovesong
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https-jirai · 24 days
Chiwimei / Chiraimei
A new name for Arissomei since the coiner of the word Arisso has been harrassed by radqueers and even they broke into prns house.
The prefix Chiwi- will be used on every Chiwimei, but Chirai- will be used on things who are specifically tied to mental health and not kins.
If you use Chirai- on something like ArissoSpecies or any other term who isn't tied to mental health, then you are ableist.
Feel free to do a flag, I don't have any idea how to do it...
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dissodic-archive · 5 months
Pinned post
[Plain text: Pinned post End plain text] Hello, this an archive blog for the term Dissomei/Dissodic and sublabels underneath it's umbrella, originally coined by acetrappolaswife. Dissodic is defined as "A term that is specific for people with BIID, psychosis, being an alter that differs from the body, atypical dysphoria, etc. that causes them to have a disconnect in how they view their identity." This disconnect is involuntary as stated by the coiner. The coiner has also stated that the Dissodic label is not opposed if one's transition "doesn't hurt others, yourself, appropriate, glorify, fetishize, or romanticize anything". This term was originally called "Arissodic/Arissomei". Since the prefix of Arisso has been requested to not be used, this archive shall not use it when possible. This is also why older posts that have been archive use the prefix of "Arisso-" and variants of it. Link to the term. Due to being an archive blog, there is no DNI. But know that the coiner has said that this term is in no way associated with radqueers or TransIDs/Transx, and is not friendly to either. Due to disabilities, this blog can not provide image ids. But can provide plain text. Posts will be tagged with #no image id, #no flag id, and #only alt text for ease of those that use screenreaders and similar. Click the link below to learn about the tagging system used on this archive Link to info about the tagging system Click the link below to learn about the queue Link to info about the queue
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