chrinsu · 3 years
NEW MESSAGE !!            to: @chrjoohyun      subject: promises
    dazed, hues tinted by intoxication heavy enough to keep his intrusive thoughts at bay, though not nearly enough to keep them from exploring his reverie. a mind too destructive, too dangerous to be left unattended. but that’s what insu tries to do, he tries to bury the truth, tries to keep it locked away, tries to suppress the urge to scream, the need to consult those around him, the feeling of weakness, the bare bones that are bleached to such a pale white, so bleak and so fragile. he feels the world burning around him, ashes scraping against the wounds under bare soles and he feels the numbness grating at his bones, and his head begins to hurt. 
     the pounding at his temples, incessant pangs that drill a hole at either side, dulled hues falling to a longer than necessary blink as he stumbles through the small hallway to their room. a hand dragging along the wall to keep his balance, already out of his mind. clumsy hands moving to grasp at the handle, pushing his way in, god knows what time it is but the smell of alcohol and cigarette masking another woman’s perfume permeates from his frame. be good, insu. that’s all i ask, just behave yourself for a couple of days. it’s not that much to ask. get people on our side of the campaign, it’s not that hard. his father’s words suddenly surfacing amidst the sudden headache, he freezes as the door behind him closes. just behave. it’s not that hard insu. his fist tenses, pressing up against the wall inside of their room. it’s not that hard. images of his mother left abandoned by herself in the care home all because his father didn’t want any added burden. it’s not that hard. images of his father pressing his campaign manager up against the portrait of his wife. it’s not that hard. gaze narrowing, and his seething resentment bleeds from his gaze, breathing getting heavier.
     it’s not that hard. 
     his surroundings almost blurring around him, mind in a loop and he pushes his way through to the lounge chair by the window, almost falling into the seat, head falling backwards as arms move to rest on both sides. he feels his lids heavy against his blood shot eyes, it’s been days since he had managed to get his full four hours of rest, and it’s been days since his last full conversation with joohyun. years together, but only with recent years had he started trying to fall in love, trying his best to surrender his fears to her, trying to bring down the walls, trying to break the facade that at this point, had already been burnt to his features. such a realistic mask, that even his reflection begins to snarl at his own name. 
     eyes flicker open, joohyun moving into vision. had she been here all this time? a slight frown moving onto his features, squinting slightly, her silhouette becoming more defined. a hand moving to press against his eyes, thumb and forefinger pressuring at his temples to ease the aching. an audible groan leaving him. it’s not that hard. he pauses, arm falling limp to his lap as his gaze drifts to meet with hers, head tilting to the side. “joohyun?” slight uncertainty in his voice, but he could never be too certain. considering having woken up next to mrs nam god knows when but he could never be too certain, not now anyway.
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bnghnsl · 3 years
pink and white / @sunanchr
there’s an expected sense of quiet in the air that comes hand in hand with the early morning, muffled conversations in the glamping tents and the waves against the shore being the only audible noises in the dark. yet there’s a certain irony in the way that the clock on his phone reads 04:02AM in bright, white numbers, as though it’s reminding him that he should be asleep right now, but hansol thinks this is the most awake he’s ever felt for a long time.
from here on the shore, he can barely tell the difference between where the sky ends and where the sea begins, had it not been for the faint glow of the moon luminating the ill-defined ripples of the water, a picturesque photo definition of the word serenity. it’s too pretty a sight to share alone, especially on a night where hansol wants to be anything other than lonely, and it doesn’t take long for him to decide what he wants to do.
he drops the cigarette and digs it into the ground with the heel of his foot as he makes his way back inside the tent, pushing the hood of his jacket down. it’s easy to spot him. hansol thinks it’s obvious how he stands out even against a crowd of people, let alone a tent full of barely fifteen people. sunan’s back is turned to him, and he takes advantage of it to slip behind the other easily, voice low and quiet.
“gotcha.” he murmurs against the other’s ear, in case there are any curious people listening in, grinning as his fingers clasp around sunan’s wrist and turns him around. the cold metal of the other’s cartier bracelet leaves goosebumps against his skin, but hansol doesn’t let go. 
“come with me, there’s something i want to show you.”
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jamiechr · 3 years
and if i get burned , at least we were electrified.. ~ ft.  @chrnabi
   it’s much later in the night-- you couldn’t call it the end because well , parties didn’t seem to be doing that lately.. it was always one day of drinking bleeding into the next and to be fair , she had participated just as much as the next person. not tonight though. tonight it was about just enough alcohol in her system to keep the fun going while rounds were made to greet anyone and everyone. 
    earlier in the evening was when she first stumbled upon a more than just greet and go kinda friend.. nabi had been a few drinks ahead but nothing too crazy and after all , it was a party --- so they caught up , laughed , possibly had a shot together and went their own ways. it was simple , but any moment shared between the two always sat so fondly with her ---- no one could quite put a finger on it , but they worked. despite the ever conflicting personalities.. they worked. 
     flashback to the first time they met , to the way jamie was being.... jamie and in all her jamie-ness , she didn’t mind the rather stoic response to the hand she extended for friendship , rather just adjusted to it and perhaps tried toning it down to avoid any awkward uncomfortableness --- but also her brain wouldn’t catch up sometimes in front of a gorgeous woman and the cheesy , flirty and totally unnecessary side would show up... hey , at least it made her laugh and henceforth , the bar owner would do anything to make her laugh. 
    the crowd was thinning out , people stumbling their way around now as the music didn’t seem louder like it did before ( or maybe she just got used to it ) , she bid farewell to the group around her after making sure they found their way back okay before footsteps made their way to the nearest bar for a nightcap when a known voice rang through her ears. 
     “ oh ! ...nabi? ” the excited tone mixed with a little surprise was an enough tell to show her pleasure of being in the other’s company. “ i didn’t see you for the rest of the night so i thought you might’ve gone back to your room.. ” a step closer as she placed a hand on her arm , searching eyes taking in the woman before a knowing smile comfortably sat across her lips. “ ahh , are you okay? ” she had to go in close to be heard over the music but the concern could’ve been seen from a mile away , any more alcohol and the. “ you know , i read somewhere that it is an absolute crime to leave a pretty woman alone at the bar.. so on the off chance that i get arrested , how about i take you back to your room? ”
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sunanchr · 3 years
He’s hated him. 
It’s a long abhorrence, scalding, one he nurses to a malleable perfection. Its particular use, however, was still undecided. Still as debatable as it had been since its inception, somewhere along his adolescence. He recounts himself almost festering amidst his unlit bedroom, this resentment a type of possession asphyxiating him tightly, cutting more deeply each passing schoolday. 
He suspects it’s because he remembers his original foray into the highschool. Still young enough then to be unassuming, innocent and openminded. A new attendee: he wanted friends, he had to reach out to make them. He ensured his own amicability, words fumbling, smiling nevertheless. 
A vulnerability. His hatred begins when he makes himself weak and doesn’t assess it as weakness. When he tries to reach out and doesn’t dismiss the thought as pointless. That moment recycling itself: stood stupidly at lunch period, working a wasted hope for social acceptance, maybe. 
Haseok tramples that.
The figurative stampede persists unrelentingly in a resounding murder. It’s repeated by the day, any mutual period change that might see them beside each other in a corridor. It never ends, evidently. It’s just a long pause, resumed when the superyacht they’re aboard proves uncomfortably small somehow. Small enough that they overlap, a brief collision seeing Sunan’s drink poured over Haseok’s shirt in a generous douse. 
“Fuck!” Glass put aside, hands padding about for some kind of tissue. “No, it wasn’t fucking deliberate. Don’t start with me, either. You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I care enough about you to try and ruin your fucking clothes at a party.” Venomous enough for a partial lie. “Maybe if you fucking moved instead of just fucking standing there — !”
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chrsomin · 3 years
CAVE ME IN  ——  ft. @sunghochr
this is a lesson in slippery slopes, she thinks, an entirely intentioned step into sungho’s personal space at the bonfire, and then into his bed, and now she’s got a warm body flush against hers and nowhere else to go. no—she supposes it started with accepting that invitation, when the other had still been just a friendly senior, comfortable and familiar enough to be free of second-guessed motives. look at where that got them. the tips of her hair brush his cheek when she pulls back and looks down at him, lips bruised red and tender. a tongue darts across the seam of them, somin laughing a little at his expression after, leans back in—
and startles almost clear off the bed when the room shakes with thunder. somin glares at the uncooperative weather. she props herself up on an elbow against the other’s side, probably digging unrepentantly there. “ugh, hasn’t it rained enough?” she complains, when a second roll of thunder definitely does not make her jump again. the air’s been staticky and damp with the storm the whole day, ocean roiling in agreement with its mirror above. beach plans ruined, it’s been too unpleasant all around to do much, but at least somin’d found something else to keep herself occupied with.
lightning streaks bright against gloomy skies, a split second of warning before the lights in the room cut out. above them, the aircon whirs to a slow end, punctuated by yet another thunderclap. instinctively she reaches out for sungho in the dark, grips onto the fabric of his shirt, then thinks better of it. its a private island. how long can something like a blackout last? she shoves his shoulder instead, harder than needed. “go fix the lights,” she demands.
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chraera · 3 years
this  is  the  magic  before  the  chaos.           party preparations ft. @chrsomin
the late afternoon sun casts an orange shadow through the venue and she is filled with nothing but contentment at the vision that greets her. hours worth of planning, directing, and organising had led to this ─ a party decked out in shooting star’s decadent lush. of course, only the best for the best as that has always been aera’s mantra when it comes to customer service. even more so, when said customers were people she used to brush shoulders with in high school.
( underneath all that lies the bigger mantra that she absolutely cannot fail under the scrutinising eyes of the people she went to high school with. there would be no words of disappointment shot towards any parties assisted by her business for as long as she’s the one helming it. )
“somin,” she approaches the younger girl, a smile poised on her lips. “i just saw the pictures you posted on the events’ instagram stories. they look so pretty!” obviously, she cannot relish in this success all by herself. aera was grateful for the help she was able to get and given somin’s eye for detail and her sense of creativity, she knew giving her free reign over social media managing was one of her greatest decisions yet.
“what else do you think we need to cover?” she asks, eyes scanning the place. “i think that section over there where they’re going to set up the little finger foods are just about to start. would it be cute to take photos of it?”
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chrhamin · 3 years
chapter loading ...  ❝ red handed ❞ // @chrhayoung
he’s in a drunken daze. except he’s not drunk, just dazed and confused with two hands full of alcoholic beverages that he maybe took one or two sips of ( and gagged ). it’s not an odd sight for anyone who doesn’t know him, which is quite a lot of people-- but for anyone who does, hamin looks like a ( dead-eyed ) deer in the headlights, his awkward hands glaringly obvious. not to mention he’s still so out of it.
the sight of his sister trying to whisk by sort of grounds him, pulls his head down from where it had been floating up in the star spotted clouds. a glance at his smart watch shows that it’s ass o’clock, and any respectable person would be catching their beauty sleep. not the youngest two jin siblings, apparently.
“hey,” he calls, and his blank eyes narrow in scrutiny, the corners of his lips barely quirked downwards. she appears energetic, as she always does, hair flying around her as she walks afs if she’s in a hurry-- and he just knows that something is up. though, with his glazed over expression and rumpled clothes, hair sticking every which way, hamin is not quite sure he’s much better.
he ignores that fact though.
“what are you doing?” and he makes it sound casual, not suspicious, and not at all like he cares, just a question that floats by on the breeze-- because hamin is nosy and likes to meddle with his siblings as long as he doesn’t get caught up in it. and he knows they were the same. “it’s past your bedtime.”
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xchrhaseok · 3 years
stay feat. @chrkitae nam’s divorce party, the yacht
the next song that comes on the playlist sparks a burst of energy in haseok’s chest; it elicits a flutter nestled in between two quickened heartbeats. the partygoers around him were dressed to their tens, just as they’d all been back in their earlier high school days. when he was drinking, haseok found himself hyper observant of those around him, what they wore and their drink of choice. how seven years for him made such a difference seeing the faces of those he’d hadn’t seen in almost a decade. it’s no surprise, though. at the end of the day, they’re all the same as they’d been years ago.
a red solo cup to match his crinkled ralph lauren polo makes a perfect sight for someone looking to find the asshole of the party. haseok is left with his hair overtly tousled and flattened from the slight july humidity. his complexion had become sun kissed from spending too much time in the sun that afternoon, day drinking from the early afternoon hours until his drink in hand. though the nam family by default had invited all of the jin children, haseok was grateful his parents had chosen not to partake in the festivities — the last thing the eldest jin child needed was forcing a front in front of his parents for the umpteenth time in his adult life.
though, the next worst thing that could possibly happen at this party is running into ryu kitae in a moment of insobriety that haseok certainly did not call for. haseok nearly collides with the other male as he rounds the corner, the red contents of his solo cup sloshing upward in a trajectory aimed directly for haseok’s white slacks. 
haseok’s brain doesn’t register it, not until he’s lifting his head to glare at the other male, clothes completely untouched. nobody else is around to notice or care about the situation — another thought that comes to haseok as he is widening his eyes and furrowing his brows, visibly clenching his teeth in his exponentially growing fit of anger.
“you fucking idiot,” the solo cup is tossed aside to give haseok room to dramatically gesture to the small stain on the bottom hem of his pants, “you made me spill my goddamn wine all over myself. what the fuck are you doing standing around a corner? and why the fuck are you even here?” he already knows the answer to the latter question, it’s for hayoung, so god, why the fuck does he always manage to find where he is? 
his arm shaking as he runs a panicked and angered hand through his hair, haseok soon finds both hands shoving kitae backwards. his blood is about to start boiling. “why the fuck are you always so goddamn attached at the hip? are you fucking stalking me now, ryu kitae?” 
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chrinsu · 3 years
NEW MESSAGE !!          to: @chrnabi      subject: old habits
     his irregulated sleeping schedule posing a significant threat to his insatiable desire to suddenly empty the bars of their poison. liquor cascading through his veins, no longer cerulean but rather a deep shade of inky sanguine. inconsistent and blotchy. a sigh leaving from charred lungs, the scent of cigarettes still fresh in his breath, masking the rosy fragrance of another woman on his clothes. black shirt, no longer perfectly ironed, crinkled and smeared by rosy stains of lipstick. his collar, dishevelled and messily hanging off of his shoulders, collar bone exposed only to be haphazardly covered as he tugs his shirt forward. his gaze only focusing once it settles on the silhouette standing before him.
     he freezes for a moment, gaze tinted by a special kind of spite, bitterness still evident in the way that his corners curl upwardly into a sneer at the sight of her. their history running deep, toxic and sinking to abysmal depths of a train wreck lit aflame by sheer aggression and turbulence. reeled back in every time for three years because... oh, the highs were so high. ecstasy filled, daring to replace the endorphins he had manually plucked from his brain, reverie planted by flowers and streamlines of flora that adorned the hopes of falling of love. naivety and stupidity were indeed blissful. 
     but lows hit deeper, drowning out their screams and angry hands wavering, closed fists that would slam up against walls, shattering items around the house and yet, he found it oddly exhilarating. and then, he does the unthinkable, he lets another woman into his life and she catches him red handed. the rarities in life pull at his pride, and he pleas for forgiveness for he had become the one thing he despised most — his father. a cheater, a liar, a monster. 
     “you can’t avoid me forever.” hands confined in his pockets, gaze narrowing, voice just loud enough for her to hear, lathering itself with virulence. how nostalgic.
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chrhaneul · 3 years
a shoulder to lean on.
— closed starter for @chrkitae​​; present days, at the nam’s private island.
Like a fish out of water, Haneul doesn’t really know why he agreed on going on that trip with his wife, to a divorce party of all things! But deep inside he knows the two of them needed some time to rest, to clear their minds and maybe have some time to think about themselves. Haneul knows he’ll be doing a lot of thinking in that place, watching the recently divorced couple and wondering if one day that’ll be him and his wife. Part of him wishes it’d never come to happen, but another part of him almost feels guilty for keeping the both of them stuck together.
Still, he tries to find ways to make things better for the two of them, tries to find a solution for their problem — one that doesn’t involve an innocent child being brought into a marriage that has been supported by a tenuous and fragile string of hope held by the couple. Would he even be able to fall in love again, he wonders; would he ever be able to love someone the same way he loved his wife in the early years of their marriage?
While he can’t find the answer to those questions yet, Haneul decides to give himself a little bit of a break: he goes to the bar, where he sees couples and groups of friends enjoying their drinks and laughing together. He feels so alone. But he sits by the bar and orders himself a drink, wishing that the alcohol could maybe encourage the answers to come out of their hiding place.
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But before he can even take the first sip of his drink, he hears a familiar voice, one that he couldn’t mistake even if he was wasted. He looks to the side and spots Kitae in a very strange situation that Haneul has never imagined to see him: beaten up, and with a black eye. He frowns, and stares at the other man in complete awe, taking his time to examine his physical state before he can finally speak, “Kitae? What the fuck happened, you look terrible.”
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sunanchr · 3 years
He doesn’t know what he wants. Life felt like that. Like a blurred, scalding catechism endlessly propositioning itself through the good and through the bad. It seemed unanswerable, with all possible meaning led further astray the longer he wanders, navigating blindly, the desolate night feeling as though it were revealing its truth then. Not the canvas he thought it was, instead a colorless abysm whose depth gave fodder to every unseen demon; a veil he could not pierce. Empty. It felt horrendous, being alone. He was alone, wasn’t he?
His mind says that it would’ve always been that way, though, as if consoling. As if to say he should’ve expected something like that because realistically, who was he anyway? Another question. Life’s two tests: who are you and what do you want? He’s thinking it over, collapsed there in the sand, body outstretched in a gradual sprawl as if he were trying to commit every grain to memory. Maybe he’s that, the innumerable mineral particles all disheveled in a misleading depiction of grounded surface, awash in the high tide.
“I don’t know.” Very softly. He doesn’t.
He thinks he hears something encroaching in the darkness, head laid to the closest side, unseeing gaze still shrewd with obliviousness. He had ran from the island compound when Hansol said it because he knew that he could run. No pursuit. He’d made it that way, anyway, hadn’t he? His smile is bittersweet, still piercingly edged, evolved into abrupt softness as he falters. “Sabrina?” 
He clears his throat, pushed up to his elbows, head shaken to discard the remnants of trampled shore still lacing his hair. “Sabrina. Hey. Sorry about leaving like that. I owe you another round of beer pong, don’t I?”
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chrsomin · 3 years
TERRIBLE IDEAS  ——  ft. @gweneirachr
the parties have blended into one another, celebration after celebration of beautiful people clad in all white drinking to the dissolution of yet another marriage, this time held with doors wide open. that’s not to say somin hasn’t been enjoying herself—a little too much, she supposes, but who hasn’t? one island getaway for the express purpose of having your private life break down; is there any wonder the rest of the invitees have been taking a page from their hosts’ book? but as always, there’s one party that stands out. noh ahreum, queen bee of hannam high, the one person who can relied on to throw the most extravagant, glittering parties, no matter the situation. a crush of people, wild cheers and spilled drinks, trained composure unravelling into ribbons of festivities.
so she’s not surprised to see many of her fellow alumni flushed and silly, falling over themselves as the night stretches across the island. entertaining, in a way they so rarely are, and much more palatable. somin moves with the crowd, letting them carry her to the thick of it. snatches a drink from the open bar and sidesteps the person tilting off-kilter in front of her, turning back when the figure registers as a familiar silhouette. “woah,” she says, amusement bubbling in her voice. somin pats eira’s shoulder none too lightly, and plays it off on the alcohol. “you look great. long time no see, all that,” she grins and lifts her head to meet the other girl’s height. “what’ve you been doing?”
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chraera · 3 years
frustration  bleeds  but  i  know  it  cannot  drain  you.               sailing away ft. @gweneirachr
the bright hues of blue mirrored by both the sea and the sky was a stark contrast to the burgeoning irritation that bubbles inside her. beneath the many layers that make up her anatomy, the grey pool of her annoyance had spiralled; brought to life by that blasted instagram post from a couple of hours ago. she was not pregnant, god damn it. whatever happiness she had felt upon finally finding out that she was not with child was snuffed out, replaced with horror the moment she saw the glaring notification from instagram letting her know that she was tagged in a post. that affliction was supposed to be a blip in what could have otherwise been a spotless vacation, easily forgotten by her and the close few who knew that she came down with some variant of food poisoning prior to her arrival at the island. now, they will all go around whispering to each other the more poisonous disease called gossip that she was carrying someone’s offspring.
oh, but the wonders of anonymous posting.
“what do we know about this rose instagram account?” aera says a touch conspiratorially as she chucked off her chanel slippers to lay down on the lounge area of the yacht they commandeered for the day. they were moving at a pleasant speed, the sailor having been paid a generous amount to take the two girls off on a merry adventure by sea. “she’s been around for awhile. surely, we should have known who she is by now? or you know, at the very least have our suspicions.” the fact that she can be candid with her thoughts around eira was perhaps one of the best things about their friendship. with the younger girl, there was no need for pretence because they know each like the back of their own hands. having been accepted by someone else with such affection the way that eira did with her was something that aera will not take for granted. as such, her loyalties for gweneira ran deep; not a thing could divide them, come hell or high water.
taking a sip of the champagne that was held tightly in her right hand, she sighs as the whip of warm air blows through her hair. it was comfort found miles away from shore, and with the sea and her best friend beside her, aera could ask for nothing more. 
“god, i would hate it if we were to come back there and people would start looking at me with curiosity.” probably trying to gauge how ‘far along’ she was. “i’m so glad we’re here otherwise it would’ve been so exhausting trying to pretend to be all fun when all i want is to stab whoever so much as looks at me with calculating eyes.”
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chrkhai · 3 years
for, @chrkahi​
the instagram post pops up in his notifications, amused were the edges of his lips that pulled at his features. already having been able to feel his own brother’s distaste but knowing the older, he would have easily slipped past the post. khai makes it his own personal mission to have the post sent to the other, a smirk ever growing, knowing full well the history between his brother and that politician’s son. they’ve all gone soft. a disappointed roll of his eyes, fingers quick to drag across the screen of his phone, pulling up his brother’s contact. he lets the excitement settle for a moment, knowing that sentimentality weakens his brother’s resolve. pitiful, really. 
[ txt » the plan a ] good morning brother <3 [ txt » the plan a ] attached link [ txt » the plan a ] didn’t want you to miss out on important correspondence [ txt » the plan a ] have a good day brother <3
khai lets the satisfaction sink in, allowing the moment to settle, his eyes still glued to the screen. he wasn’t hoping for a reply but he was hoping to rile up his brother a little more. ill intentions bleeding into his bloodstream, a sudden urge to burn forests with his impulsivity. no, this wasn’t his fault. this is what they made him out to be. this was trained. this was on purpose. this is what they wanted from him. he clutches onto his phone, a sneer pulling across his features.
[ txt » the plan a ] oh and in case you haven’t seen this  [ txt » the plan a ] attached link [ txt » the plan a ] your little boyfriend responded
fiddling with the phone in his hand, allowing some time to pass. allowing some time to let the fact sink in. allowing some time for his brother, to let everything sink in. to let the thoughts plague him and khai is relishing in the turmoil, even if he wasn’t able to witness it. even if he wasn’t able to see it with his own eyes, he could sense it. almost. let it eat you, brother. a chuckle leaving from his lips at the thought of it all. screen, pulling up again.
[ txt » the plan a ] anyway [ txt » the plan a ] you want to meet up for some lunch? 
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chrinsu · 3 years
NEW MESSAGE !!       to: @chrhaseok​     subject: dose out
    it’s only been a few hours, and he’s already feeling the mundane tint glazing over stygian hues. opacity turned down, enough that the only glare left pinning over the resort was the moon. digits fiddling with the cigarette betwixt his forefinger and middle, strands falling over his dulled gaze, a reminder that perhaps he needed some much needed rest. but havoc waits for no man, a smirk tugging at his corners as he catches the silhouette of haseok within his peripheral. a simple huh leaving from drunken lips, breath fresh off of charred lungs. 
     “haseok.” he coos, loud enough that he ensures for the other to hear. “come here.” arm stretching out, fingers gesturing the same way he would call his hounds over for a treat after a successful lie down and roll over trick. but he’s trying to keep his poised composure, his generous facade though, his actions betray him. his tone gentler still, not wanting to come off as some sort of tyrant, not yet, at least. the ambience was too calm, too many people not doing anything of interest for him, everyone was too cordial. perhaps, the alcohol hasn’t kicked in yet or the powder poison that drugged their system was still in its primitive form. impatience waning on his reverie, shoulders rolling back for a moment, taking the cigarette to his lips and tossing it to the side. smoke impales his vision for a moment, but he eases in its comfort.
     “i’m getting bored.” he complains, gaze moving to meet with the other, “go do something productive and drug some people. why don’t you?” he has no particular reasoning aside from wanting to see messy things get even messier. and if things get out of hand, even better — all the more to entertain himself with. “it’s too civil around here.” a hand waving about, before allowing his gaze to narrow in on the other again, “do a good job — i’m not good at keeping secrets, otherwise.” a feigned, exaggerated smile pulling across his features, crescents forming before falling to a deadpan. 
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chrminseok · 3 years
illicit affairs ft. @chrinsu​
“ what even was last night? ” the words leaving minseok’s chapped lips were husky, his voice obviously still hoarse from all the partying that had happened the last couple days. if he was being honest, he had expected some shit to go down— but the things that actually happened were way more wild than he could have ever imagined. well, at least it was a fun night, right? “ okay, but was it fun though? ” he turned his head towards his friend, lips curving up into a mischievous grin. insu had always been more ... out of control than mnseok, but hooking up with a newly divorced older woman was a lot. even for someone like insu. either way, it at least gave them something interesting to talk about. and if anyone else saw, news would soon be spread everywhere online. he instinctively grabbed his smartphone at the mere thought of someone leaking details about what he himself did last night. the mere memory made him sigh in agony, squeezing his eyes shut— even the sunglasses he was wearing to cover up his blood--shot eyes weren’t enough to conceal the skull-splitting hangover minseok was going through right now. “ your hook-up, i mean. how old was she anyway? she still looked pretty young to me, actually. ” well, you couldn’t really rely on your eyes nowadays. plastic surgery was really accessible these days, especially if you had the funds. and everyone knew mrs. nam was not lacking those.
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