#cirillo an avarre
vonkarma2 · 11 months
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the line art for these are all a couple months old but I finally did a lineup for my OCs after 3 years lol T_T
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
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my main ocs art compilation :)
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world is mine Angel jumpscare
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
cirillo for the oc ask?
remember this ask? no? that’s because it’s from 3 years ago. let it never be said I don’t answer every ask, eventually. the draft has been in my Google docs for so long haunting me lmao so I decided to get it done
full name: Cirillo an Avarre (formerly Cirillo Toscani)
gender:  male (transgender)
sexuality: straight
pronouns: he/him
family: right now, none, considering he was disowned a few years ago. Before then he had various shitty relatives in a very large family of nobility that like 1) ran a huge worldwide company 2) participated in national government. Not close at all personally, more like frustrated coworkers than a regular extended family. His parents weren’t actively bad but they were absent most of the time and both had absolutely no interest in raising children, only having had them in the first place because they basically kinda had to. Culture very focused on continuing the family legacy + keeping it strong, as well as competition both within the family and with other ones. Ofc he had his sister Laura, the two of them were very close as children and drifted apart a little as they got older and had very different interests, and then drifted apart hard when Cirillo got promoted and kept selling out to literally anyone who asked. So she got him disowned and also hates him now. At the start of the main story 
birthplace: avarrecia, living in a like fancy mansion estate in the middle of the countryside. lots of rolling hills probably a vineyard. very obnoxious. to be fair though he didn’t much care for it he preferred the cities they would go visit (usually within the country, but sometimes internationally)
job: at the start of the story he’s an old timey telephone switchboard operator, but he quits that very early on to be Rocio’s assistant (it’s officially recognized + he gets paid directly by the government, wizards have people like this all the time). They need one not for like menial grunt work which they love doing but for like, basic communication and interaction with other people. Sometimes advanced interaction. They want to get around both the office politics and actual politics they’re stuck navigating). This was not a wise financial decision for him as the government collapsed like 2 months later so now after the story ends he is unemployed. He can’t even come crawling back to his family because they lost all their money in an unrelated but similarly dramatic incident 
phobias: nothing in particular, unless this just means like general fears? he’s afraid of nebulously being a bad person (
guilty pleasures: anything that makes him feel joy at all is a guilty pleasure. he could feel guilty about anything. someone could be like ugh it’s so cloudy today and he’d be like fuck I can’t believe let them down 😔
morality alignment?: lawful good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath 
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert if he goes like, 4 hours without talking to someone he feels like he’s about to die
organized/disorganized: meticulously writes down important things so he doesn’t forget, but other than that is actually pretty disorganized, when he was younger he was used to other people cleaning up for him and so now that he’s older and that doesn’t apply anymore he just doesn’t care lol
close minded/open-minded: open-minded, he would be friends with you if you killed someone in front of him he is ok with most things or at least willing to forgive them. If you’re not a bad person and you’re just like weird or something then he wouldn’t care in the slightest
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable, he has never started a fight in his life. whenever someone argues with him his first instinct is to appease them by whatever means necessary and he has to actively consciously fight against that impulse
cautious/reckless: cautious, sometimes he tries to appear reckless but he’s basically always thinking things through as much as he can. that doesn’t mean he comes to the right conclusions though lol
patient/impatient: patient, but this one’s because he tries not to expect anything from anyone or like the situation in general I guess? he tries to always keep his expectations low, so he wouldn’t get mad waiting for anything 
outspoken/reserved: for someone who talks a lot he is actually pretty reserved about personal information (unless he thinks the person he’s talking to needs to hear it, like so he can relate to them or something) and his own 
leader/follower: you can probably guess by now lmao. He’s never made his own decisions in his entire life
empathetic/unempathetic: some of these questions are so obvious for the character in question I feel like I’m talking down to the audience answering them in like the most obvious way. empathetic what do you want from me
optimistic/pessimistic: weird mix of both, I’d say optimistic overall and believes that everything will turn out alright in the end in general, but does 
traditional/modern: modern for sure, although in this world the concept of that is kind of different, especially since he moved to a different country where the culture and concept of modernity is very different from in his home country. but he likes modern fashion styles, modern technology, tries to get invested in progressive politics + like new societal ideas. he thinks everything in the world can and should be improved in some way. To be clear, he doesn’t blindly support every newly introduced idea obviously this is like. the general trend
hard-working/lazy: despite his best efforts he does not have much of a work ethic for things he is not interested in, but of course if it’s necessary or it literally anyone is there to potentially judge him he’ll do it, so he ends up being hardworking most of the time. but literally only because of peer pressure. and he’ll internally hate every second of whatever it is he’s doing. it’s kind of pathetic it’s because he grew up incredibly like catered to I guess. has few to no life skills. he’s working on it 
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
❄️ for jacinto, ✂️ for crow, 🪤 for Gloria, 😨 for everyone you want
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❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way? 
omg is this a hard question. I’ve been trying to like go into their character but it’s really hard to think abt their psychology because their whole thing is they don’t understand people at all including themself so they’re very isolated. But it’s hard to like gauge what they’d think about things or like their motivations for the actions they take bc 90% of the time they don’t know either. So it’s hard to decide where the line is yk like what are the things they are sure of.
I think I’d lean into having them as a foil for Rocio whereas she is like not great at reading people but she like is capable of doing so lol and she does have a few people that care for her and she pushed them away. Whereas Jacinto has lost all of their family and doesn’t have any relationships left, but they wish that they still had someone yk. 
I think they are perceived as off putting but not cold because of their actions. Literally no one knows them personally but they have a solid reputation in the city for being distant but very polite and respectful. If you spent a lot of time with them they’d come off as like very overly formal, but if you only met them once they’d seem very nice. They’re terrible at talking to people and providing comfort to them, and they’re very aware of this, so they try to help via actions instead like mostly material generosity or sometimes introducing them to others that either are actually good at helping people or have similar problems etc etc. They don’t do this often though, only when the opportunity is very obvious. For the most part they stay by themselves.
I don’t think they literally do nothing all day lmao they like. Keep themself busy either with work (<which often involves following people like from a distance (they’re pretty recognizable due to their scarring even though they do know how to dress very inconspicuously + kinda disappear into a crowd) or chores or by like walking around in the city or in nature. But everything they do is very isolated unless directly talking to someone for work. When they do they actually come off as kinda nice bc of their politeness, and the people they have actively done nice things for tend to really appreciate it, even though if they try to make it up to them it typically doesn’t go well. They might come off as cold then because they’d mostly feel depressed they’re definitely going to disappoint the other person with their reaction or like. Lack thereof.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Sorry it’s too late you said his name so I’m answering for him. I have no idea tbh but I’ll try. I would say evidently not very easily considering how literally everyone treats him, but within the story there are a lot of special circumstances so no one is a good measure of how he treats people like, in general. My guess would be he’d immediately cut someone off for breaking one of his moral code rules or whatever but other than that he’d put up with a lot. (<For werewolves. For humans I think they could do literally anything to him and he’d be fine with it.) Actually, I might take it back, he seems pretty judgmental and condescending like to William that one time. More likely he wouldn’t have a casual relationship of any kind (friendship, romantic, professional) he’d either ignore someone or only engage in like the smallest of small talk. What do I know though he’s not my god damn character
Anyway now for the actual question. The thing is Cirillo will accept people for almost everything except the most heinous crimes in the condition that they apologize. If they seem sincerely remorseful he’d forgive them very easily, it’d be really hard for him to outright reject anyone because of 1) his belief anyone can change 2) his endless goodwill towards other people 3) his tendency to interpret his own actions in the worst way, like he doesn’t want to be a heartless person who abandons others, he wants to be someone who’s always forgiving and who others can rely on no matter what. The exception to this is if they hurt someone else and then that person met Cirillo, under those conditions like if he knew the other side of the story he probably would cut them off. He’d hate being caught between people and potentially being on the side of a horrible person even more so than he’d hate rejecting someone that sincerely wants to improve. Like he would never want to contribute to the other person’s problems yk
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
Very interesting question ok. The thing is she’s willing to confront danger, being reckless + liking the adrenaline and et cetera, BUT if it starts looking like it’s not worth like whatever the reward is (usually getting paid) she has no problem cutting her losses and leaving. Even if it’s for someone who desperately needs he help, she’d still be like sorry I tried very early on. So she’d face danger for almost anything, just on a dare tbh, but what would get her to actually face it and keep going? 
It’s pretty obvious but I think if she was on the verge of losing someone she really cared about, she’d do almost anything to prevent that from happening again. She knows how that would feel because it’s happened to her before and she hates it, she’d do anything to avoid that feeling. Anything else ummm not really? Maybe someone who she’d already disappointed but who forgave her for it, she’d be like really surprised by this and wouldn’t want to disappoint them a second time. At the very least she’d actually apologize to that person about running away.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
“everyone you want” means everyone in general bc I can’t back down from that challenge and look weak. Hopefully I will stick to short answers this time 
rocio- physical confrontation fight, social situation or something like that they’d shut down and try to ignore it 
cirillo- fawn, try to talk people down and appease them in any way possible. failing that he’d run away
angel- at first he’s be overconfident and fight but if he realizes he couldn’t win he’d run away
gloria- flight, she only fights for fun she is very cowardly around any kind of actual problem
lucia- run and hide. flight is definitely her approach to most kinds of problems 
jacinto: flight 
tiago: his instinct is usually to fight but he actively tries to suppress it, doesn’t always succeed
joanna: fight, she knows she can win almost any kind of confrontation. almost impossible to defeat physically or to intimidate in any way
laura: fight through verbal confrontation, if that’s not an option in the situation then yeah she’d run 
joseph: flight, he goes to others for help
victor: whatever gives him the best chance of survival in the long term, he’s in situations like this a lot so he does always try to de escalate a little first so he can gauge what the best decision is  
silence: fight immediately, even if they lose it’s more cathartic then like what she views as the inherent and cowardly loss of running away
inanna: very diplomatic but yeah if it comes down to it she’ll fight
shamash: flight, he’s not one for confrontation. Afraid of situations outside of his control 
david: depends on if he feels like he could win and/or what would most impress whoever he’s with aka kyungsun 
kyunsun: flight but I feel like she’d try to get back at the person later in some way.
gabriel: before becoming a wizard flight, fight afterwards. It made him very overconfident
yiming: he’d almost never get into this situation. if he did, probably flight. He can teleport anywhere in the world so he’d just like leave. If somehow magic wasn’t an option he’d panic try to get away at any costs including if he had to fight someone. he’s very powerful he could eviscerate people if he ever wanted to. but he doesn’t he’s nice <3
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
I might have said before that Cirillo doesn’t have any friends besides Rocio but that’s absolutely not true now that I think about it, he’s definitely made friends with other people if he managed to get Rocio to like him (and for the brief period of time where he was the leader of his family he definitely had to interact with a lot of people many of whom were from other countries). The reasons he’s not living with any of them instead are
He’s not that close to any of them
He feels bad imposing on them (not so with Rocio)
He prefers living in a large city and somewhere where he speaks the local language(s) reasonably well and most of them live in the countryside and/or in countries where he doesn’t speak the language
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vonkarma2 · 4 years
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cirillo an avarre moodboard
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