#competition comission of India
Competition Commission of India V the Big Giants  Oyo Makemy Trip and GoIbibo
Competition Commission of India V the Big Giants  Oyo Makemy Trip and GoIbibo
Competition Commission of India V the Big Giants   The Competition Commission of India (CCI) slapped penalties totalling more than ₹392 crore on online travel firms MakeMyTrip, Goibibo and hospitality services provider OYO for unfair business practices. (“MakeMyTrip, Goibibo, Oyo Face CCI Penalties Totalling Rs. 392 Crore”) Unfair business practices include misrepresentation, false advertising,…
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mbbsadmission2020 · 2 years
Know before pursuing MBBS in Russia
MBBS in Russia
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Russia is a 3rd most powerful country and contender  of USA and China along with its development in the field of defence it has significant demand for MBBS course,Russia enchant so many students all over the world including India and  other developing country like Pakistan, Japan etc Due to cost effective and super facilities and infrastructure also you  don't have to spend crores to get a degree  students prefer Russia over other countries for this reason apart from this  Russian people are very hospitalable so it is easy to adjust in such environment. MBBS is one of the demanding as well as expensive courses not affordable by everyone but MBBS from Russia is affordable and veritable.
 Russian medical college
 Student opt for MBBS from Russian medical college not only due low budget cost but also due to easy addmission process in contrast to other western countries . you don't need to give language test such as IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and gets a direct addmition in any of the best colleges This profession opens the door for students who wishes to explore Russia more over this syllabus curriculumof Russia  is similar to Indian syllabus , therefore Russia is becoming novel option to study MBBS.
    Here are some Top NMC ( national medical comission )  approved medical colleges in Russia :-
Voronezh State Medical University
Ural State Medical University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sechenov University
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Pavlov University
Saint Petersburg State University
Novosibirsk State University
Tomsk State University
Kazan Federal University
  if you are Indian and you are willing to get a degree from Russian college and university make sure when you select colleges that they are MCI ( medical council of India) approved too ,so that you have the option to practice medicine in India.   according to MCI rule students who are opting MBBS from abroad must qualify NEET and have aggregation of 50% marks in PCB 12th .
  There are almost 57 colleges in Russia recognised by UK and WHO ( world health organization)
 Bgmu Ufa
image of Kazan Federal University
Kazan Federal University Kazan
image of Kursk State Medical University
Kursk State Medical University Kursk
image of Sechenovskiy University
Sechenovskiy University Moscow
These are some of the listed Colleges
 Studying MBBS in Russia
Studying MBBS in Russia is affordable due to this reason almost 1000 students every year take addmission .
There are several reasons you must note why to select MBBS from Russia
 Affordable fee with advance learning.
Good quality of education you get .
Degree is recognised globally.
You get a good environment to explore your entity .
For all these reasons you should select Russia for doing MBBS .The only eligibility required is to pass 12th with physics chemistry biology and English with 50% marks in each subject .
 Indian students face lots of competition therefore for  this reason  many students go abroad for MBBS. MBBS  in Russia is for 6 years with 1 year internship and 5 years course program .Faculties are good and are always ready to clarify doubts . Some of the extra Perk of studying MBBS from Russia is that you can easily get scholarship, also you are recognised  world wide , you get a double diploma at the same period and you can also learn Russian language
 Study MBBS in abroad
 Going abroad for studying is all that every one wishes for , but not everyone can afford it nether can risk there future as well as money , for these reasons students discard away there dream ,for those students Russia is more like  a dream comes true . There are various countries that take addmition for MBBS but  you must be wise, while selecting country , you should check the duration and time period it takes to complete the course, as in  most of the country it usually take 5-6 years to complete the course , furthermore you must compare  cost effectiveness of the degree and authentication compare to other countries likeChina, Russia, UK, Denmark, Canada , Phillippines etc
        Addmission in Russia
   Russia comes under 2nd rank after phillipsen  and total investment for MBBS is just 20-30 lakhs for 6 year courses and internship ,which is  half of the money invested in doing this  course from India
You don't have to pay donation unlike other countries. addmission process starts from January onwards .
There are some scholarship programs that are run by Russian government for Indian students
Federation Scholarships
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarships
Medical Educational Grants
 These scholarships program is backbone to study such courses from leading country like Russia
 Course curriculum is as per the US and European standard, there are total 6 semesters . Basic fundamental knowledge is been given in first 3 years with medicine following 3 years students are given practical knowledge of the theory that have been taught in 3 years .
 Important months for addmission in Russia
 Registration : April
Last date of registration ; may
Addmission starting from ; June
Addmission ends in : July
Visa process :  July to August after which you get the offer letter by Russian government.
 Life in Russia
Living in Russia is not that expensive as compared to other countries you just have to spend 30-40 thousand for your living which is affordable, contrast to other countries like China and UK so you also live in a good environmental with all facilities that you need .
 Some of the documents that are required to carry with you
18 month valid passport
10th and 12th certificate
Birth certificate
4-5 passport size photo
Acceptance letter from medical college from Russia
Document of HIV test
Authorised documents from ministry of external affair .
Visa recipient
Recipient of addmission with 1st year tution fee ..
 Visa process
 You only don't need visa if you are CIS ( commonwealth of independent State)
Otherwise you need to carry your visa along with other document
 To apply for visa you need these documents:
Passport size photo
Hiv test being done
Letter of invitation from GUVM
Consent letter only if you are below 18 years old
 Invitation letter is issued by government of external affair. After which you need to see your financial ability if you are not financially fit, you may apply for scholarship.
 The next process is to select colleges , you can select 6 colleges after which you will have to give exam and apper for interview.
 And finally wait for your visa !!
 These are the process to get into your dream course at an affordable price.
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techmaqofficial · 4 years
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Amazon Faces New Regulatory Challenge From Indian Online Sellers: Report The complaint has been filed with the Competition Commission of India A group of more than 2,000 online sellers has filed an antitrust case against Amazon, alleging the US company favours some retailers whose online discounts drive independent vendors out of business, a legal filing seen by Reuters showed.
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Amazon Faces New Regulatory Challenge From Indian Online Sellers
Amazon Faces New Regulatory Challenge From Indian Online Sellers
The complaint has been filed with the Competition Commission of India
A group of more than 2,000 online sellers has filed an antitrust case against Amazon, alleging the US company favours some retailers whose online discounts drive independent vendors out of business, a legal filing seen by Reuters showed. The case presents a new regulatory challenge for Amazon in India, where it has committed…
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newsupdated · 4 years
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Amazon Faces New Regulatory Challenge From Indian Online Sellers: Report The complaint has been filed with the Competition Commission of India A group of more than 2,000 online sellers has filed an antitrust case against Amazon, alleging the US company favours some retailers whose online discounts drive independent vendors out of business, a legal filing seen by Reuters showed.
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twistarticle · 4 years
Bezos's India visit crucial as ecommerce space gets fierce
Bezos’s India visit crucial as ecommerce space gets fierce
New Delhi, Jan 10 (IANS) As the Indian ecommerce market enters into an interesting phase with Reliance firming up its mega plans with launching JioMart, Amazon Founder and CEO Jeff Bezos will be in India next week to explore the ground situation amid a possible meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Bezos, who last visited the country way back in 2014 and his iconic picture on an Amazon…
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sekharmaddala-blog · 7 years
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(via Vodafone confirms the merger talks with Idea Cellular; The duo will emerge into #1 telecom operator with 43% market share)
Vodafone has today confirmed that it is in discussions with Aditya Birla Group for a possible merger. If its done it will create the largest telecom company with revenues over Rs 80000 crore.Earlier we have reported the matter about the possible merger.This comes amidst the entry of Reliance Jio wherein it is offering free voice and data to the consumers as a Happy NewYear offer which will be until March 2017. As a result, there has been a giant surge in the subscriber base of Reliance Jio reaching a Whopping 72.4 million subscribers in just 4 months since its inception in September.
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slscaca-blog · 5 years
Ekstrateritorialitas dalam Hukum Persaingan Usaha: Menilik Pengaturan Kewenangan Yurisdiksi Ekstrateritorial European Commission dalam Kasus Google dan Android
Belakangan ini, European Comission pada tanggal 18 Juli 2018 memberikan sanksi atas tindakan monopoli kepada perusahaan induk dari Google, Alphabet Inc. terkait pelanggaran dalam hukum persaingan usaha Uni Eropa. Denda sebesar 4.34 milyar euro yang dikenakan kepada Google merupakan sanksi yang dikenakan atas tiga tuntutan dari European Comission terhadap Google, yaitu kewajiban dari Google kepada para produsen untuk memasang Google Search dan Google Chrome sebagai syarat untuk melisensikan toko aplikasi Play Store, melakukan pembayaran ke produsen besar dan operator jaringan seluler tertentu dengan syarat bahwa mereka secara eksklusif telah memasang aplikasi Google Search di perangkat ponsel mereka dan menghilangkan hak konsumen untuk memilih dengan memberikan insentif keuangan kepada produsen ponsel pintar dan operator seluler agar mereka membuat konsumen hanya melakukan pra-instalasi Google Search sebagai fitur mesin pencari pada ponsel.[1]
Pemberian sanksi tersebut tentunya menimbulkan berbagai reaksi dan berdampak besar bagi pasar teknologi di Uni Eropa, seperti salah satunya reaksi dari Presiden Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump, yang menuding bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh European Comission merupakan pengambilan keuntungan semata. Dari kasus Google di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa kewenangan otoritas persaingan usaha secara ekstrateritorial merupakan salah satu elemen penting yang tidak bisa dilewatkan, oleh karena itu tulisan ini akan membahas terkait kajian perbandingan kewenangan ekstrateritorial di Uni Eropa dan Indonesia, serta membahas prospek dan problematika dari penerapan kewenangan ekstrateritorial pada otoritas persaingan usaha.
Mengenal Kewenangan Ekstrateritorial
Kewenangan ekstrateritorial pada dasarnya merupakan perluasan terhadap kewenangan mengadili KPPU dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan terhadap praktik monopoli maupun bentuk-bentuk praktik usaha lainnya yang mengakibatkan timbulnya persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang didirikan, berkedudukan dan melakukan aktivitas usaha di luar wilayah suatu negara yang berdampak pada kepentingan negara tersebut. Pemberlakuan kewenangan tersebut pertama kali dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat dalam kasus hukum persaingan usaha tertua dan sering dianggap sebagai cause celebre dari penegakan hukum persaingan usaha, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey v.s. United States. Dalam kasus tersebut, Pengadilan di Amerika Serikat menghukum perusahaan minyak yang berbasis di Kanada, Imperial Oil, untuk mendivestasikan sahamnya di Standard Oil karena monopoli yang dilakukan Standard Oil lewat konstruksi trust-nya dianggap membahayakan perekonomian Amerika Serikat, sehingga muncul The Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act pada tahun 1976 sebagai legitimasi tegas untuk hukum persaingan usaha Amerika Serikat agar dapat diterapkan pada tindakan-tindakan yang terjadi di luar Amerika Serikat namun secara langsung dan substansial mempengaruhi perdagangan di Amerika Serikat.[2] Sayangnya, Indonesia belum menerapkan kewenangan ekstrateritorial tersebut secara yuridis dalam UU Anti Monopoli, meskipun dalam beberapa kasus terdapat penerapan kewenangan ekstrateritorial tersebut.
Lantas, bagaimanakah penerapan kewenangan ekstrateritorial tersebut di Indonesia? Saat ini, kewenangan ekstrateritorial menjadi salah satu poin penting dalam rancangan undang-undang revisi dari UU №5 Tahun 1999 tentang Anti Monopoli. Poin revisi tersebut muncul karena definisi dari pelaku usaha sendiri hanya terbatas pada menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan usaha di bidang ekonomi.[3] Apabila dicermati lebih lanjut, frasa ‘melakukan kegiatan dalam wilayah hukum negara Republik Indonesia’ bermakna bahwa pelaku usaha yang dimaksud dapat pula berarti pelaku usaha yang tidak berkedudukan di Indonesia. Akan tetapi dalam praktiknya tidak demikian, karena pasal ini masih dianggap adanya prinsip teritorial. Padahal, dampak dari adanya kewenangan ekstrateritorial adalah berkaitan dengan berbagai kewenangan KPPU lainnya, salah satunya adalah kewenangan KPPU dalam membatalkan merger, akuisisi serta konsolidasi yang merugikan. Dalam kasus Akuisisi Wyeth (Hongkong) Holding Company Limited Nestle S.A (Swiss), KPPU tidak memiliki kewenangan apapun untuk membatalkan akuisisi yang terjadi antara Nestle S.A dan Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited. Hal ini dikarenakan kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh KPPU bersifat teritorial. KPPU hanya bisa mengenakan persyaratan kepada anak perusahaan kedua perusahaan tersebut, meskipun akuisisi Wyeth dan Nestle ini berpotensi menimbulkan perilaku kolusif di pasar Indonesia.[4] Ibarat macan tanpa taring, akan sulit bagi KPPU sebagai otoritas untuk menyelesaikan kasus terkait persaingan usaha tidak sehat oleh pelaku usaha asing. Terlebih, kondisi Indonesia saat ini yang sudah memasuki Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Cetak biru MEA akan mentransformasikan ASEAN menjadi sebuah pasar dan basis produksi tunggal kawasan ekonomi yang berdaya saing tinggi, kawasan dengan pembangunan ekonomi yang merata dan kawasan yang secara penuh terintegrasi ke dalam ekonomi global. Salah satu tujuan yang tercantum dalam cetak biru MEA adalah terciptanya kawasan ekonomi yang kompetitif di mana salah satu elemen pentingnya adalah kebijakan persaingan usaha.[5]Kewenangan ekstrateritorial justru akan berdampak dan berkontribusi besar pada integrasi ekonomi dalam hal penegakan hukum persaingan usaha tidak sehat, melalui keberadaan perjanjian dan komitmen masing-masing negara.
Google, European Comission dan European Economic Area
Perlunya penerapan kewenangan ekstrateritorial adalah karena perkembangan dari persaingan usaha tidak sehat yang berdampak besar bagi perekonomian negara tidak hanya disebabkan oleh pelaku usaha dalam negeri, tetapi juga pelaku usaha asing. Melihat dari kasus Google di tahun 2018 ini misalnya, Google sendiri memiliki pangsa pasar lebih dari 90% dalam industri teknologi di 31 negara anggota European Economic Area.[6]Selain itu, Android sebagai sistem operasi cukup berbeda dengan pesaing lainnya seperti iOS dari Apple, dimana produsen pihak ketiga yang membuat ponsel dapat melisensikan dan menjalankan sistem Android. Kewajiban bagi para produsen untuk menggunakan Google Search, Google Chrome dan Play Store dalam sistem operasi Android inilah yang kemudian dinilai oleh European Comission sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi persaingan secara sengaja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari European Comission, para produsen ponsel mengakui bahwa aplikasi dari Google sudah terpasang pada ponsel tersebut dan bukan atas dasar keinginan pengguna ponsel untuk melakukan download aplikasi. Bahkan, terdapat adanya insentif bagi produsen tertentu yang dengan secara khusus memasang aplikasi milik Google dan memberikan pembayaran berbeda kepada produsen yang lainnya. Sementara itu, pasar teknologi khususnya sistem operasi pada ponsel di Eropa dikuasai oleh Apple (iOS) dan Google (Android). Hal ini menunjukkan betapa besar pengaruh dari otoritas yang berjalan terhadap kondisi pasar.
Di Uni Eropa sendiri, kewenangan ekstrateritorial European Comission tidak tersebut secara eksplisit. Pasal 81 dan 82 European Commision Treaty tidak menjelaskan apakah Uni Eropa menerapkan prinsip ekstrateritorial sebagai akibat dari penerapan prinsip ekstrateritorial yang telah dikembangkan dalam praktek melalui putusan komisi dan putusan pengadilan, namun yang dapat dipastikan adalah bahwa pasal 81 dan 82 European Commision berlaku di mana pun suatu usaha memiliki kantor pusat atau di mana perjanjian tersebut disepakati.[7] Hal ini dikarenakan redaksional dari kedua pasal tersebut menjelaskan secara umum tanpa memandang negara asal pelaku usaha. Contohnya seperti pada Pasal 81 ayat (3) paragraf 43, yang menjelaskan bahwa “the efficiencies generated by the restrictive agreement must be sufficient to outweigh the anti-competitive effects produced by the agreement within that same relevant market”. Terlihat jelas, tolak ukur untuk melihat perjanjian terlarang atau dalam hal ini kartel, adalah berkaitan dengan posisi pelaku usaha dalam pasar serta efek dari perjanjian tersebut dalam pasar.
Secara historis, dalam pembahasan European Comission Treaty di tahun 2004, anggota European Comission sendiri mengkhawatirkan terkait kondisi dimana perjanjian yang berdampak buruk bagi konsumen di suatu negara — dicontohkan produk A dari negara A — namun memberikan keuntungan bagi konsumen produk B di negara B.[8] Inilah yang kemudian menjadi dasar bagi prinsip ekstrateritorial, menegaskan bahwa penegakan hukum persaingan usaha tidak melihat negara asal pelaku usaha. Hal ini semakin dikembangkan dengan mekanisme yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Persaingan Usaha milik mereka, yaitu Jaringan Persaingan Usaha Uni Eropa atau European Comission Network (ECN). Melalui ECN, alur penerimaan informasi dari otoritas-otoritas persaingan usaha negara Uni Eropa diatur dan dirawat agar koherensi dan sistem yang integratif antara negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa tetap dapat berjalan dalam penegakan hukum persaingan usaha di tingkat Uni Eropa.[9] Alhasil, European Comission dapat mengganjal pelaku usaha asing yang merugikan persaingan usaha di Uni Eropa, seperti contoh pada kasus Google saat ini.
Membandingkan dengan Uni Eropa sekilas terlihat tidak apple to apple. Namun, hanya karena Uni Eropa sendiri merupakan organisasi dari berbagai negara, bukan berarti tidak dimungkinkan kewenangan tersebut diterapkan dalam otoritas persaingan usaha suatu negara. Contohnya seperti pada negara India, yang menerapkan adanya kewenangan ekstrateritorial pada otoritas persaingan usaha karena kasus American Natural Soda Ash Corporation melawan The Alkali Manufactures Association of India. Pada kasus tersebut, muncul hambatan karena ketentuan terkait kartel asing ternyata masih berupa kekosongan hukum semata dalam India’s Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices 1969. Sehingga bergantilah peraturan tersebut menjadi The Competition Act 2002, dimana dalam Pasal 32 memasukkan adanya kewenangan ekstrateritorial.[10] Tentu dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN ini, sangat dimungkinkan pula untuk mengadakan adanya agreement terkait penegakan hukum persaingan usaha yang tidak lagi berbasis teritorial, namun menembus batas hingga ekstrateritorial.
Kemudian, urgensitas dari kewenangan ekstrateritorial dapat dilihat dari bagaimanakah hubungan pelaku usaha. Dalam mencermati perusahaan holding company misalnya, salah satu pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam melihat hubungan antara induk perusahan dan anak perusahaan adalah teori Single Economic Entity Doctrine. Teori tersebut memandang hubungan induk dan anak perusahaan, dimana anak perusahaan tidak memiliki independensi untuk menentukan arah kebijakan perusahaan sebagai satu kesatuan entitas ekonom.[11] Konsekuensi dari penerapan Single Economic Entity Doctrine ini adalah pelaku usaha dapat diminta pertanggungjawaban atas tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha lain dalam satu kesatuan ekonomi, meskipun pelaku usaha yang pertama beroperasi di luar yurisdiksi hukum persaingan usaha suatu negara, sehingga hukum persaingan usaha dapat bersifat ekstrateritorial. Melihat dari contoh kasus ekstrateritorial KPPU di Indonesia, yaitu kasus Temasek Holdings, terdapat perdebatan tersendiri dibalik kasus ini. Pengalihan kepemilikan saham Temasek Holdings terhadap PT Indosat Tbk. merupakan pelanggaran atas UU №5 tahun 1999, namun di sisi lain, terdapat independensi PT Indosat Tbk. sebagai anak perusahaan, sehingga secara teritorial yang dianggap melanggar justru PT Indosat Tbk. Langkah secara yuridis sangat diperlukan agar ide dan teori mengalir kedalam praktik pelaksanaannya.
Kewenangan ekstrateritorial akan sangat menguntungkan bagi otoritas persaingan usaha, yang dalam hal ini KPPU sendiri. Konsep tersebut merupakan bentuk upaya responsif pemerintah mengahadapi kemajuan teknologi yang telah menjadikan dunia nyaris tanpa batas (borderless).[12]Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya revisi UU №5 Tahun 1999 untuk mempertegas dan menambahkan kewenangan KPPU secara ekstrateritorial.
[1] Diakses dari Press Release oleh European Comission http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4581_en.htm pada tanggal 20 Juli 2018 10:41
[2] Takaaki Kojima, 2001, International Conflicts over The Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law in Borderless Company, Weatherhead for International Affairs, hal.31
[3] Lihat pada Pasal 1 angka 5 UU №5 Tahun 1999
[4] Ahmad Alfa Oktaviano dan Ditha Wiradiputra, 2014, Dampak Prinsip Ekstrateritorial Terhadap Regulasi Merger, Konsolidasi dan Akuisisi dalam Hukum Persaingan Usaha di Indonesia, (Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia), hlm. 11.
[5] Departemen Luar Negeri RI, 2009, Cetak Biru Komunitas Ekonomi ASEAN, Direktorat Jenderal Kerjasama ASEAN, Departemen Luar Negeri RI, hal. 3.
[6] Lihat pada Memo dalam Putusan European Comission Case №40099 Google Android, diakses dari http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-1484_en.htm#_ftn1 pada tanggal 21 Juli 2018
[7] Paragraf 100 Artikel 81 dan 82, Guidelines on The Effect on Trade Concept
[8] Nicolas Petit, 2009. The Guidelines on the Application of Article 81(3) EC — A Critical Review (July 1, 2009). IEJE Working Paper №4/2009.
[9] Okeoghene Odudu, 2006. The Boundaries of EC Competition Law: The Scope of Article 81, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), hal. 44.
[10] Ahmad Alfa Oktaviano dan Ditha Wiradiputra, op.cit.
[11] Alison Jones dan Brenda Sufrin, 2016. EU Competition Law: Texts, Cases and Materials, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) hlm. 123
[12] AP Edi Atmaja, 2014, Kedaulatan Negara di Ruang Maya: “Kritik UU ITE Dalam Pemikiran Satjipto Rahardjo”, Jurnal Opinio Juris, Vol. 16 Mei-September, hlm.51
(Tulisan ini sebelumnya telah dipublikasikan dalam program Rilis Tulisan, Divisi Riset KRD FH UNDIP di link http://krdfhundip.com/2018/08/06/ekstrateritorialitas-dalam-hukum-persaingan-usaha-menilik-pengaturan-kewenangan-yurisdiksi-ekstrateritorial-european-commission-dalam-kasus-google-dan-android/)
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wiktasblog · 2 years
Self Training Mob App for Job seekers , Trivandrum, Kerala
Internet accesses and usage of mobile devices has quickly become the easiest portal into our digital self. We, Wikta IT Services has developed this app for students preparing competitive exams conducted by various Boards in India. Union Public Service Comission(UPSC), https://www.upsc.gov.in/examinations/active-exams Staff Selection Comission(SSC), https://ssc.nic.in/Portal/SchemeExamination, Bankinghttps://www.ibps.in/, Kerala Public Service Comission (KPSC) https://www.keralapsc.gov.in/. This app has features self learning module, objective type mock exams, government notifications etc.
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cgichandigarh · 2 years
Join Best CTET Coaching in Chandigarh- Competition Guru
COMPETITION GURU provide best CTET Coaching in Chandigarh. Competition Guru provide all TET exam coaching such as CTET, HTET, HPTET, HP COMISSION,PSTET,PTET,KVS,NVS,SANIK SCHOOL,MILITARY SCHOOL,ARMY SCHOOL,DSSSB,SSA CHD ,PUNJAB MASTER CADRE,MASTER CADRE,LECTURE CADRE,ETTCADRE COACHING in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula impart classroom coaching, online live coaching, recorded video batch.
About Competition Guru, Best CTET Coaching in Chandigarh
The syllabus and topics that appear in CTET are as follows: Elementary level – Numeracy and Language skills, Social Studies, Science and Environment, General Knowledge and Child Development & Pedagogy. Middle Level – English, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Studies. Senior Secondary Level -Child Development & Pedagogy(Language I), English (Language II), Mathematics (Language III) and Social Studies (Language IV).CTET has a duration of two hours which is divided into two sections: Section A : 100 Questions of one mark each. Last 80 questions carry 50% weightage. Section B : The remaining 20 questions are of one mark each but will be weighted 25%.
Syllabus Structure of CTET Exam
Aspirants need to follow a proper schedule and prepare for all three subjects thoroughly. The syllabus for each subject is as follows: Social Studies: Children should be familiar with fundamental issues related to child development, their rights, duties and responsibilities. They should have an understanding of societal systems and structures such as government, law, economy, political structures and organizations at various levels. Students must have an understanding of India’s history from ancient times to contemporary issues; they must be aware of important historic events like freedom struggle, significant movements such as Quit India Movement. Elementary Mathematics: Teachers should be well-versed with math concepts right from numbers 1-100.
Methodology Used in Teaching at Competition Guru, Best CTET Coaching Institute Chandigarh
The CTET preparation course at Competition Guru is divided into seven modules, each of which contains a section of different topics. Students are provided with a study material for each module which includes updated and relevant information. Students are given assignments that help them become familiar with writing sample tests. A great emphasis is laid on applying skills learned from classroom discussions to solve sample tests and puzzles that are based on real exam papers, thus helping students gain confidence in their ability to perform well on test day. The faculty members at our centre try their best so that every student who enrolls for CTET coaching gets adequate attention and guidance throughout his/her course of preparation. After creating study plans for students and monitoring their progress, teachers update them accordingly and help them fill gaps as needed.
Enroll with Competition Guru for  CTET,HPTET,HP COMISSION,TGT PGT PRT Coaching in Chandigarh, MOHALI and Panchkula. Proud of being the No. 1 CTET Coaching Center in Chandigarh and Mohali, the Competition Guru provides information on the verge of completing the  Central Teacher Eligibility Test. It offers short-term courses with long-term benefits as well as time management and accuracy of hitting 90 plus in the CTET exam. Since its inception the Competition Guru coaching center has given more than 8000 result in CTET entrance. The institute teaches strong concepts and conducts a series of online and offline CTET test , provides free study materials, recorded video lecture. So join Competition Guru for TGT,PGT,PRT Coaching in Chandigarh,Mohali,Panchkula,Ropar,Jalandhar,Moga,Patialia,Amritsar,Shimla,Hamirpur,Solan,Baddi,Pinjore,Kangra,Mandi,Ambala,Pathankot,ludhiana,patialia.
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Current Affairs of Pakistan & Whole World - 2018-2019
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Hi Everyone. Welcome to Current Affairs of today, 2018 & 2019. In this page, you can find out the latest Current Affairs for preparation of Government and Private Jobs, Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Jobs, Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) Jobs, Punjab Public Service Comission (PPSC) Jobs, National Testing Service (NTS) Jobs, Pakistan Atomic Engineering Commission (PAEC) Jobs, WAPDA Jobs, Join Pakistan Army Jobs, Join Pakistan Navy Jobs, Join Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Jobs, Admissions, Online Tests, Scholarships and many other competitive exams in Pakistan & All over the World. Current Affairs of Pakistan and All of the World 2018-2019:- ► Moody's downgrades Pakistan's banking system from stable to negative. ► PM Imran launches ‘Plant for Pakistan’ campaign in Balloki. ► US blocks UN move to condemn Israel’s decision to shut Hebron monitor mission. ► Multinational Maritime Exercise Aman-2019 begins in Karachi. ► Pakistan signs $10 bn gas pipeline agreement with Russia. ► Pakistan not to attend WTO e-commerce talks. ► S&P downgrades Pakistan's long-term credit rating to B-. ► PM Khan launches countrywide Sehat Insaf Card scheme. ► Pakistani Doctor Umar Sadat awarded prestigious ‘Hunterian Professor Award’. He become the 1st surgeon in 200 years old history of Royal College of Surgeons of England to be awarded ‘Hunterian Professor Award’ for his research work encompassing vascular surgery, bio-engineering, MRI physics and vascular medicine ► Pakistani photographer, director Madiha Aijaz passes away in Karachi (February 3). ► South Africa end Pakistan's winning streak in T20 series. ► Sana Mir becomes first Asian woman to play hundred T20Is. ► United States and Russia both abandon nuclear arms treaty (INF Treaty). ► Riffat Masood becomes Pakistan's first woman ambassador to Iran. ► PM Khan launches Pakistan Banao Certificate for overseas Pakistanis offering 6.25% profit for a three-year and 6.75% for its five-year version. ► Edotco Group — a unit of Malaysian telecoms to invest $250 million in Pakistan’s telecom infrastructure. ► Pakistan elected as Vice Chair of UN Environment’s Forum of Ministers & Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific. ► Pakistan, UAE agree to finalize MoU for safe repatriation of expats. ► Suman Pawan Bodani becomes Pakistan’s first female judge from the Hindu community. ► Pakistan scored 33 out of 100 in 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index. ► TV actor Roohi Bano passed away on Friday in Turkey after a prolonged illness. She was 67 years old. (25-01-2019) ► Pakistan announces e-visa facility for 175 nations, visa-on-arrival for 50 countries. ► PM Imran featured in 'Global Thinkers of 2019' list by Foreign Policy magazine. ► Qatar lifts ban on import of Pakistani rice. ► Pakistan successfully test-fires surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Nasr’. ► FIH suspends Pakistan from Pro Hockey League. ► Pakistan win Asian Junior SquashTeam Championship after defeating India in Pattaya, Thailand. ► Top French adventure travel agency Terres d’Aventure returns to Pakistan after decade. ► PML-Q's Ammar Yasir resigns as Punjab Minister for Mines and Minerals. ► Justice Asif Saeed Khosa sworn in as 26th Chief Justice of Pakistan (Jan 18). ► Pakistani journalist Asad Hashim wins AFP's Kate Webb Prize. ► Asad Majeed Khan appointed as Pakistan’s new Ambassador to the United States. ► Pakistani passport ranked fifth worst for international travel. ► Malaysia’s King Muhammad V becomes first monarch to resign before completing tenure. ► Pakistan declares 1,000 years old Panj Tirath Hindu temple as national heritage. ► Rear Admiral Muhammad Fayyaz Gilani takes over Coastal Command of Pakistan Navy. ► Justice Asif Saeed Khosa appointed chief justice of Pakistan. He will take charge as the chief justice on January 18. ► Major (retd) Geoffrey Douglas Langlands who served Pakistan since 1947 passes away (02-01-2019). ► Gilgit Baltistan hosts first-ever ice hockey match in Pakistan. ► Pakistan ranks 13th least prosperous country on Legatum Prosperity Index. ► Pakistan set to issue 'Panda bond' in Chinese currency. ► Pakistan, Britain sign Prisoner Transfer Agreement. ► Ali Jahangir Siddiqui steps down as Pakistan's envoy to US. ► Former MQM MNA Ali Raza Abidi killed in Karachi gun attack (25-Dec-2018). ► Iqbal Choudhary Centre for Natural Product Research (ICC-NPR) inaugurated in Nigeria to honour Pakistani scientist. ► SUPARCO Made in Pakistan satellite launched into space for technology evaluation. ► UAE to deposit $3 billion in State Bank of Pakistan. ► PM Imran Khan inaugurated the Islamabad National University at the PM House. ► Pakistan ranked second worst country in terms of Gender equality: WEF report ► Renowned TV actor Ali Ejaz passes away at 77 (18-Dec-2018). ► UN passes Pakistan’s resolution on right to self-determination. ► Pakistan becomes third largest country in donkey population. ► Pakistan elected as the Vice President and the Rapporteur of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, at COP 24 in Katowice, Poland. ► British Airways to resume flights to Pakistan after 10 years. ► Pakistan, China, Afghanistan ink MoU for cooperation against terrorism. ► Pakistan gets right to host Asia Cup in 2020. ► Australia recognises west Jerusalem as Israel's capital. ► UNGA adopts Pakistan-sponsored resolution stressing inter-religious dialogue. ► US adds Pakistan to blacklist of countries violating religious freedom. ► Ashfaq Hussain Shah elected new Pakistan Football Federation president (12 December). ► Naval chief inaugurates Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Base at Keti Bandar. ► Pakistan ranks #117 in the list of countries with the most corruption. ► Saudi Arabia increases Pakistan's quota by 5,000 for Hajj 2019. ► Telenor becomes Pakistan’s first 4.5G network . ► Yasir Shah Becomes fastest bowler to take 200 wickets breaking 82-Year-Old record held by Clarrie Grimmett from Australia. ► Azam Swati resigns as federal minister for science and technology over authority abuse allegation. ► New Zealand wins first away test series over Pakistan in 49 years. ► Pakistan’s debt and liabilities surge to Rs31 trillion. ► George H W Bush, former US president, dies aged 94 (30 Nov). ► Pakistan, Sri Lanka to co-host Emerging Teams Asia Cup 2018. ► Pakistani poet, author Fahmida Riaz passes away (21 Nov). ► Pakistan, Malaysia sign MoU to partially abolish visa requirements. ► Pakistan's Tableeghi Jamaat chief Abdul Wahab passes away. ► Jinnah Sindh Medical University Karachi won the All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation Contest held at PAF Academy Asghar Khan. ► Pakistan ranked No 1 in Facebook content censorship. ► Pakistan inaugurates first AstroTurf cricket stadium in Balochistan. ► Govt removes PTV MD Colonel (rd) Hassan Immad Mohammdi after ‘begging’ broadcast gaffe. ► Haseeb Athar takes oath as new chairman of FPSC. ► Pakistan beat New Zealand to win 11th straight T20 series. ► Fakhr-e-Alam becomes first Pakistani to circumnavigate the world. ► Pakistani-American Muhammad Saeed Sheikh receives US President’s Lifetime Achievement Award in US. ► Air Marshal Asim Zaheer appointed Vice Chief of PAF. ► Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam chief Maulana Samiul Haq assassinated in Rawalpindi. (02 Nov 2018) ► Pakistan ranked 136th in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. ► Saudi Arabia reduces visa fee for Pakistani workers. ► PM Imran Khan launches 'Pakistan Citizen Portal'. ► Pakistan ranked 8th in size of trade deficit. ► Indonesian aircraft Lion Air flight JT610 (Boeing 737 MAX 8) en route to Pangkal Pinang with 189 people on board crashed into the sea, killing all on board. ► Asian Champions Trophy: India, Pakistan declared joint winners after final called-off due to rain. ► Sri Lanka president sacks prime minister, appoints Mahinda Rajapaksa as new PM. ► Pakistan's Supreme Court reinstates ban on airing of Indian content on TV channels. ► Asma Jahangir wins 2018 UN Human Rights Prize. ► Pakistani campaigner for women empowerment Salman Sufi receives Mother Teresa Award. ► Afghan Taliban founder Mullah Baradar released by Pakistan. ► Sana Mir becomes Pakistan's first female cricketer to top ICC ODI rankings. ► Saudi Arabia agrees to give $3bn as balance of payment support and a further $3bn loan for oil imports. ► Lt Col (r) Hassan Immad appointed PTV MD. ► Pakistani doctor Prof Shahed Quraishi elected President of Royal Society of Medicine’s ENT section. ► Pak Army team wins gold in Cambrian Patrol exercise in UK. ► The World Economic Forum ranks Pakistan at 107 among 140 countries on Global Competitiveness Index. ► Pakistan ranks 164th in terms of human capital. ► Pakistan’s DG Health Dr. Assad Hafeez wins the prestigious A.T. Shousha award for excellence in Public Health by the World Health Organization. ► Inayat Ullah bags Pakistan its first medal in the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. ► China grants Pakistan status of 'Guest of Honor' at global exhibition. ► Air Vice Marshal Arshad Khan appointed as new PIA chairman. ► Justice Shaukat Siddiqui removed as Islamabad High Court judge. ► Pakistan navy quits counterpiracy Combined Task Force (CTF). ► Lt Gen Asim Munir appointed head of Pakistan’s ISI. ► Nikki Haley resigns as US ambassador to United Nations (09 October). ► Pakistan successfully conducts training launch of Ghauri Missile System. ► PM launches Clean and Green Pakistan campaign. ► Inam Butt clinches gold at World Beach Wrestling Championship. ► Pakistan ranked 7th in cervical cancer deaths. ► SaudiGulf Airlines announces direct flights to Pakistan. ► Pakistan Army to train Nigerian military on counter-terrorism techniques. ► Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad win Nobel Peace Prize for fight against sexual violence. ► Raja Maqpoon takes oath as 6th Gilgit Baltistan governor (30 September). ► Ada Jaffery becomes first Pakistani woman nominated for Madella Award. ► SBP raises key interest rate by 100bps to 8.5%. ► Pakistan, Russia sign MoU for $10b gas pipeline from Iran. ► Vietnam President Tran Dai Quang dies at 61 (September 21). ► Pakistan re-elected to IAEA board of governors for 2 years. ► Withholding tax rates on banking transactions over Rs. 50,000 a day has been increased to 0.6% for non-filers. ► Pakistani student Zahra Hussain wins top prize in Commonwealth essay competition. ► Pakistan’s first Christian advocate general Salman Talibuddin appointed in Sindh. ► Pakistan Air Force chief Mujahid Anwar Khan honoured with ‘Turkish Legion Of Merit’ award. ► Begum Kulsoom Nawaz passes away in London after battle with cancer. She was 68 (September 11). ► Canada has removed Islamabad from the list of “avoid non-essential travel” cities. ► Arif Alvi takes oath as 13th President of Pakistan (September 9). ► Leading economists Atif Mian, Asim Ijaz resign from Economic Advisory Council. ► PM Imran Khan launches 'Plant for Pakistan' campaign (September 2). ► Pakistan Temporarily closes Jalalabad Consulate in Afghanistan. ► Serena hosts 1st PAF-Serena Hotels Karakoram Marathon award ceremony. ► Pentagon cancels $300 million aid to Pakistan. ► Pakistan Air Force takes part in Radom International Airshow in Poland. ► Pakistan Army soldier Sepoy Maqbool Hussain who spent 40 years in Indian jails passes away (August 28). ► Pakistan Movement worker Ahmad Saeed Kirmani passes away (August 26). ► Justice Tahira sworn in as first woman chief justice of a Pakistani high court. ► Veteran Indian journalist Kuldip Nayar dies at 95 (August 23). ► UAE's MBF Group to build first-ever ‘medical mall’ in Pakistan. ► Imran Khan takes oath as Pakistan's 22nd Prime Minister (August 18). ► Former Indian PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee dies at 93 (August 16). ► Ali Zafar honoured with ‘Pride of Pakistan Award’ in Los Angeles. ► Pakistani healthcare startup 'Marham' selected for Google’s Demo Day Asia. ► 25 year old Sania Ashiq becomes Pakistan's youngest provincial legislator in Punjab Assembly. ► Pakistan’s first Kalash lawmaker Wazir Zada takes oath (13 August). ► Tanzeela Qambrani becomes Pakistan’s first woman lawmaker of African descent. ► Pakistan added to Emirates Islamic QuickRemit money transfer routes (13 August). ► Pakistan and Russia reached a military cooperation deal that includes sending Pakistani soldiers to Russia for training. ► Pakistan, India briefly open Munabao border after 12 years. ► Russia signs naval cooperation deal with Pakistan. ► First-ever eye bank 'The Al Shifa Trust' opens in Pakistan. ► US Congress passes bill to slash Pakistan's defence aid to $150 million. ► Polish alpine skier Andrzej Bargiel has become the first person to ski down from the summit of K2. ► Pakistan Army aviation pilots rescued Russian climber AlexanderGukov who was stuck 20,650 feet above sea level on Biafo Glacier's Latok Peak (July 31). ► Fehmida Mirza becomes first female lawmaker to have been elected 5 times on a general seat. ► Justice Tahira Safdar nominated as first female chief justice in Pakistan (July 23). ► PML-N's Hanif Abbasi jailed for life in the eight-year-old ephedrine case. ► Fakhar Zaman first Pakistani to score double century in ODIs racing to 210 not out in the fourth ODI against Zimbabwe. ► Pakistan’s tallest woman, Zainab Bibi, passes away in Faisalabad (July 19). ► Size of Pakistan’s economy is $313.13 billion, says SBP. ► Pakistan hosts spy chiefs from Russia, China, Iran. ► Iran’s top military commander arrives in Pakistan for three-day visit (July 15). ► PM inaugurates: Pak-China optic fiber cable (July 14). ► SBP raises key interest rate by 100 basis points to 7.5 percent (July 14). ► Pak Navy signs contract for acquisition of 4 MILGEM class warships from Turkey. ► Pakistan at 22 among worlds' most powerful countries. ► World’s largest aircraft Emirates A380 lands at Islamabad Airport (July 8). ► 12,570 candidates contesting for 849 NA, PA seats: ECP. ► US human trafficking report places Pakistan in tier 2. ► Pakistan Added to Global Terrorism-Financing Monitoring List (June 28). ► Three Pakistanis (Haroon Yasin, Hassan Mujtaba Zaidi) receive Queen's Young Leaders award (June 27). ► Yousaf Saleem sworn in as Pakistan’s first blind judge (June 26). ► Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins an "absolute majority" in Turkish presidential election by securing 52.5% of the vote. ► US quits UN human rights body, citing bias vs Israel (June 20). ► Pakistan elected to UN Economic and Social Council (14 June). ► Moody's changes outlook on Pakistan's rating to negative from stable. ► Pakistan to launch indigenous remote sensing satellite PakTES-1A next month. ► Pakistan to host six-nation international hockey tournament from September 2nd to 10th. ► Uzbekistan beat Pakistan in final of Street Child Football World Cup. ► The World Trade Organization dispute settlement body rules in favour of Pakistan in chemical export case. ► Pakistan's hockey hero Mansoor Ahmed passes away (12 May). ► Mahathir Mohamad sworn in as Malaysia seventh Prime Minister (10 May). ► Gen Bajwa named 68th 'most powerful' person in the world by Forbes (Xi Jinping 1st, Putin 2nd). ► Supreme Court suspends Ishaq Dar’s Senate membership (8 May). ► NA passes Transgender Persons Protection of Rights Bill 2018 (8 May). ► Alibaba purchases Pakistani ecommerce website Daraz. ► Dr Suleman Khan appointed new chief of Intelligence Bureau. ► Pakistani girl "Dania Hassan" wins US State Department's 'Emerging Young Leaders' Award. ► Pakistan's first Greenfield international airport inaugurated in Islamabad (1st May). ► British-Pakistani Sajid Javid becomes UK’s first Muslim home secretary. ► Hockey legend Mansoor Ahmed to receive Pakistan’s first mechanical heart aid. ► Pakistan ranks 139th out of 180 countries allowing press freedom. ► Seven Pakistani peacekeepers posthumously honoured with UN medal. ► Government appoints five new federal minister (Marvi Memon, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Anusha Rehman and Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry) and one state minister (Leila Khan). ► Pakistan announces 5.9 trillion rupee budget (27 April). ► Pakistan fail to reach Youth Olympic Qualifiers semis in Bangkok. ► India grants land ownership rights to refugees who fled Pakistan 70 years ago. ► Islamabad High Court disqualifies Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif under Article 62(1)(f) (26 April). ► 5.03m girls out of school in Punjab : Unicef. ► 1.75 million tourists visited Pakistan in 2017 : Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation. ► Pak Army Chief meets Russian Army Commander-in-Chief General Oleg Salyukov (24 April). ► Pakistan finish second at South Asian Judo Championship in Nepal. ► Pakistan appoints first-ever female diplomat Fouzia Fayyaz in Saudi Arabia. ► Pakistani-Australian engineer Usman Iftikhar wins Commonwealth Young Person of the Year award. ► Dr Umer Saif appointed chair-holder of UNESCO Chair for Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICTD). ► Pakistan to launch dollar-based savings certificates for overseas residents. ► Iran to replace US dollar with euro in financial reports. ► PTI to expel 20 lawmakers who 'sold' votes during Senate polls. ► US will place “reciprocal restrictions” on the movement of Pakistani diplomats from May 1, forcing them to stay within 40km of the city. ► PM Abbasi to attend Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM-2018) in London from April 18 to 20. ► PM Khaqan Abbasi reaches Saudi Arabia on a two-day official visit to witness a joint tri-services military exercise, ‘Gulf Shield-1’. ► Pakistan's Mohammad Inam wins first gold medal at Commonwealth Games in the 86kg wrestling competition. ► Pakistan successfully test-fires enhanced range version of Babur cruise missile (14 April). ► Pakistan secure 7th place in Commonwealth Games 2018 hockey. ► Pakistan Army cadet Sheroz Shahid wins ‘International Medal’ at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) UK. ► Nawaz Sharif, Jahangir Tareen disqualified for life under Article 62 (1)(f) of the Constitution. ► Senate passes bill extending Supreme Court, Peshawar High Court jurisdiction to FATA. ► Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena suspends parliament until May 8. ► Algerian military transport plane (Ilyushin Il-76) crashes, killing 257 people. ► 'Pakistan ranked 54th among 84 countries on tobacco smoking'. ► Pakistan to host South Asian Football Championship in 2020. Pakistan will also host South Asian under 15 championship in 2019 and U19 girls’ championship in 2021. ► State Bank of Pakistan allowed Bank of China to establish Chinese yuan settlement setup in Pakistan. ► Pakistan trade deficit widens to $27.3 billion in nine months of Fiscal year 2018. ► Pakistani-origin Robina Shah to be appointed high sheriff of Manchester. ► The Asian Cricket Council (ACC) moved Asia Cup 2018 from India to UAE on Pakistan's request. ► Pakistan 12th biggest worldwide beneficiary of international charities: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. ► PM Abbasi arrives in China to attend three-day Boao Forum (April 8). ► State Bank of Pakistan banned Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. ► 23 countries including Pakistan takes part in Joint Gulf Shield-1 Military Drill. ► Gen Sir Nicholas Patrick Carter, Chief of General Staff (CGS) of the UK Army arrives in Pakistan on a two-day official visit (April 6). ► PM Abassi arrives in Afghanistan on one-day visit (April 6). ► South Korean former president Park Geun-hye sentenced to 24 years in jail for abuse of power. ► PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi announces simplified income tax package, amnesty scheme for foreign assets. ► China imposes 25 percent tariffs on US exports. ► Facebook: Up to 87 million users affected in Cambridge Analytica scandal. ► Pakistan win final Twenty20 against West Indies in Karachi to whitewash series 3-0. ► 139 terrorists connected to Pakistan on the United Nations Security Council sanctions list. ► UAE suspends ‘character certificate’ rule for working Pakistani workers. ► Federal cabinet declares April 6 as Kashmir Solidarity Day. ► US blocks UNSC statement on Israel's use of force on Land Day. ► Abiy Ahmed sworn in as Ethiopia's prime minister (2 April). ► Mokgweetsi Masisi sworn in as Botswana's new president (1 April). ► UNSC approves new sanctions on N.Korea. ► State Bank of Pakistan maintains policy rate unchanged at 6% for next two months (31 March). ► Pakistan Women cricket team clinch T20 series against Sri Lanka (Pakistan-2, Sri Lanka-1). ► Abdel Fattah el-Sisi wins second term as Egyptian president with 92% of vote. ► Russia expels 60 US diplomats and closed the St Petersburg consulate. ► Pakistan Navy test-fires submarine-launched cruise missile 'Babur' with a range of 450 kilometres (29 March). ► Philanthropist Dr Amjad Saqib founder of “Akhuwat”, receives Commonwealth Points of Light award. ► Pakistan Navy wins 25th National Shooting Championship in Karachi with 20 gold, 14 silver and 11 bronze medals, Pakistan Army secured the runner up position. ► Australian ball-tampering scandal: Steve Smith, David Warner banned for 12 months and Cameron Bancroft for 9 months. ► Nobel prize winner Malala Yousafzai returns to Pakistan 6 Years after she was shot by Taliban (29 March). ► Pakistan’s 1st National Forum on Philanthropy held in Islamabad (28 March). ► COAS General Bajwa arrives in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on official visit (27 March). ► Tashkent to host international conference on Afghanistan’s peace from March 25-27. Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif will represent Pakistani delegation. ► Air Marshal Arshad Malik appointed Vice Chief of Air Staff (26 March). ► US, EU expel more than 100 Russian diplomats over over a spy (Skripal) poisoning case. ► Afghanistan defeat West Indies to win ICC World Cup 2019 Qualifying Final. ► Election Commission of Pakistan removes Farooq Sattar as convener of the Muttahida Quami Movement. ► Islamabad United defeat Peshawar Zalmi by three wickets and claim the Pakistan Super League 2018 title at the National Stadium Karachi (25 March). ► US adds seven Pakistani companies to a list of foreign entities that are subject to stringent export control measures. ► President Mamnoon Hussain conferred 58 military and 73 civil awards on people from all walks of life for their services to the country. ► US president Trump replaces McMaster with John Bolton as national security advisor. ► Sarfraz becomes youngest Pakistani cricketer to receive Sitara-e-Imtiaz. ► Pakistan, Sri Lanka sign three MoUs to enhance bilateral cooperation in the fields of youth development and training of diplomats and civil servants (23 March). ► Pakistan ranks third among countries facing water shortage. ► Pakistan acquires PakSat-MM1 communication satellite from China. ► Sherry Rehman becomes the first female Leader of the Opposition in Senate with the support of 34 members (22 March). ► Egypt Grand Mufti Sheikh Shawki Allam arrives in Pakistan on five-day visit, endorses Pakistan’s national narrative Paigham-e-Pakistan (21 March). ► Travel, tourism contributed Rs 930.9 billion to Pakistan's economy in 2017: World Travel and Tourism Council. ► Pakistan offers zero duty on 6,000 items from China. ► Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena is set to visit Pakistan from March 22 to 24 where he will be the ‘guest of honour’ for the Pakistan Day parade. ► PPP MNA Ayaz Soomro passes away in New York at 59 (20 March). ► India most vulnerable country to climate change followed by Pakistan _ HSBC report. ► Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan takes over as PAF chief (19 March). ► Vladimir Putin wins re-election for fourth term. ► HEC bans 13 universities' MPhil, PhD distance learning programmes. ► DSP Investigation Multan Shahida Nasreen secured 1st position at the 7th International Women Policing Conference held in Georgia also won Medal of Valor. ► LTG Ghayur Mahmood appointed colonel commandant of Frontier Force Regiment (17 March). ► Karachi ranked 6th cheapest city in the world by Economist Intelligence Unit (Singapore most expensive city). ► PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi met with United States Vice President Mike Pence during his private visit to the US (17 March). ► Pakistan's 'net reserves stand at minus $724m': IMF (16 March). ► Air Marshal Mujahid Anwar appointed as new chief of air staff. ► Pakistan ranks 75th out of 156 countries in the 2018 World Happiness Report (Finland 1st, Burundi ranked 156). ► Mahira Khan receives international award for her Contribution to Film and Activism at the UK Asian Film Festival in London. ► Punjab Assembly unanimously passes landmark bill to regulate Sikh marriages (14 March). ► British physicist Stephen Hawking dies at 76 (14 March). ► FIFA lifts suspension on Pakistan Football Federation. ► Trump fires Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and named current CIA chief Mike Pompeo to succeed him. ► Bangladeshi passenger plane carrying 71 people crashed in Kathmandu killing at least 50 people. ► PakVitae a startup wins regional HULT prize for clean drinking water model. ► Sadiq Sanjrani elected as chairman Senate. Sanjrani secured 57 votes, while PML-N’s Raja Zafarul Haq secured 46 out of the total 103 votes (12 March). ► Saleem Mandviwalla elected deputy chairman of Senate with 54 votes (12 March). ► Chief of Air Staff Sohail Aman awarded US Legion of Merit. ► Pakistan listed 9th largest arms importer in the world by SIPRI (India 1st). ► Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has arrived in Islamabad for 3-day visit (11 March). ► Mauritius president Ameenah Gurib-Fakim to resign next week for using credit card issued by a charity to buy clothes, jewellery. ► Saudi Arabia signs deal with Britain for 48 Typhoon fighter jets. ► Pakistani physician-scientist Dr Faisal H Cheema awarded $4m for outstanding medical research on heart transplantation. ► Pakistan's abstains from voting on a UNHRC resolution against human rights violations in Syria (Resolution adopted by a vote of 29 in favor and 4 against. 14 countries including Pakistan abstained from the voting). ► Pakistan concludes Joint Naval and air Exercise 'Ribat _ 2018'. ► PM appointed Ali Jahangir Siddiqui as ambassador to US. ► British High Commission announces Asma Jahangir scholarship to the best female Chevening candidate each year. ► US offers $5m reward for info on TTP chief Mullah Fazlullah. ► Pakistan ranks eight in kidney diseases causing 20,000 deaths every year (20 million people suffer from kidney diseases). ► Pakistan's stock exchange to launch exchange-traded fund this year. ► Casualties linked to militancy and violence have dropped in Pakistan for the 3rd consecutive year, with 21% fewer fatalities in 2017 than in 2016. ► Pakistan and South Korea have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for employment of Pakistani workers. ► BlackBerry sues Facebook, WhatsApp over patent infringement.. ► First container vessel MS Tiger, under the China-Pakistan Economic Project (CPEC), arrived at Gwadar Port (7 March). ► Moroccan PhD student Nisrine El Kettani wins Miss Arab Veil 2018 award held in Cairo, Egypt. ► Pakistan, India agree to swap women, mentally challenged, above 70 prisoners (7 March). ► There are a record 2,208 billionaires in the world, according to Forbes' 2018 rich list. ► The federal cabinet has approved banning sale of loose cigarettes across the country.. ► Cabinet increases daily allowance of parliamentarians by 71%. ► Cabinet approves privatisation of PIA. ► Senate passes bill to ensure rights of transgender persons (7 March). ► Farhatullah Babar removed as PPP spokesperson. ► Google unveils newest 72-qubit quantum processor known as Bristlecone. ► PAF, PN conduct successful test of C-802 anti-ship cruise missile. ► Pakistan in talks with China to borrow $1b. ► Bollywood's veteran character actor Nargis Rabadi, popularly known as ‘Shammi Aunty’ passes away (6 March). ► Sri Lanka declares state of emergency after Buddhist-Muslim clash. ► Saudi Arabia had granted Air India permission to fly over its territory on its new routes to and from Israel. ► Pakistan PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi arrived in Nepal on a two-day visit (05 March). ► Henly & Partners Passport Index: Pakistani passport ranked fourth worst for international travel (Japan and Singapore have secured the top spot). ► COAS lays foundation stone of UAE, Swiss govt-supported desalination plant in Gwadar (4 March). ► Krishna Kumari becomes first Hindu Dalit woman senator of Pakistan. ► 9 year-old Pakistani girl Selena Khawaja (who has been titled the "Mountain Princess") has become the youngest to scale the 5,765-metre-high Quz Sar Peak in Shimshal Valley, Hunza. ► Supreme Court bans 'Chinese salt' across country, declares it 'hazardous to health'. ► PML-N wins Senate elections (PML-N 33, PPP 20, PTI 12, Independent 15). ► Ahmed Baig wins U21 category of 12th Faldo Series Asia Grand Final in Vietnam (March 3). ► One out of five women in Pakistan is part of labour force: UN report. ► PIA flight services achieves ISO 9001 certification. ► Trump to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum. ► Pakistan Armed Forces ranked 13th most powerful on Global Firepower military strength index (US, Russia and China tagged as most powerful in the world). ► PML-N candidate Dr Asad Ashraf (298 votes) defeats PTI candidate Dr Zarqa Suharwardi (38 votes) in Senate by-election. ► Short film titled Golden Ticket, directed and written by Saira Mansoor gets nominated for the Asia Peace Film Festival. ► Three member countries (Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam ) are blocking Pakistan's entry to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ► Pakistani student, Syed Jaffar Raza, has won the gold medal at the International Math Challenge VII competition (Bangkok), beating 600 participants. ► PAF raises new JF-17 squadron at Samungli. ► Russia vetoes United Nations Security Council resolution blaming Iran for arming Yemen's Houthis. ► Kashmala Tariq sworn in as federal ombudsperson on women's harassment (27 Feb). ► Pakistani mountaineer Samina Baig appointed United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) goodwill ambassador (26 Feb). ► Shehbaz Sharif elected as acting president of PML-N. ► Ed Sheeran named world's best-selling artist of 2017. ► Pakistan measles crisis among worst in world, cases rose by more than 100 per cent in 2017, compared to previous year. ► Iranian Air Force Commander Brigadier General Hassan Shahsafi arrives in Pakistan (26 Feb). ► NOWPDP, a disability inclusion initiative, has won the prestigious Innovative Practice of 2018 global award at the United Nations (24 Feb). ► Riyadh hosts first international half-marathon. ► US to open Jerusalem embassy in May for Israel's 70th anniversary. ► Japanese scientists invent floating 'firefly' light. ► Afghan government to shut down Taliban's Qatar office. ► China proposes removal of two-term limit for president. ► Sridevi, India's first female superstar, dies . ► UN Security Council approves 30-day ceasefire. ► Pakistan to go on FATF terror financing list in June. ► PM Abbasi arrives in Turkmenistan for ground-breaking ceremony of TAPI project (February 22). ► Transparency International ranks Pakistan 117 out of 180 countries on global corruption index (Pakistan has received 32 score). ► NASA finds 95 new Exoplanets beyond our solar system using data from NASA's K2 mission. ► India doctors remove world's 'largest brain tumour' (1.8kg). ► India's 4G speed slowest (6 mbps) in the world while Singapore was on the top spot with 44 mbps. (Pakistan 14 mbps). ► Top commander of Hizbul Ahrar 'Jihadyar Mehsud' killed in clash with Afghan tribal militia. ► KPK bans sale, import, manufacture of Chinese salt. ► KPK passed a bill 'Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Marriage Functions Bill 2018' banning demand of dowries. ► Election Act case: Supreme Court bars disqualified Nawaz Sharif from heading PML-N (February 21). ► The European Union (EU) has extended Pakistan’s Generalised System of Preferences plus (GSP-Plus) status for two years (February 21). ► The United Nations children’s agency has declared Pakistan as the riskiest country for newborns. ► Balochistan government declares Bostan Industrial Estate an economic zone. ► US bid to put Pakistan on terror financing watch-list falls through after member states failed to reach consensus. ► PCB builds Pakistan’s biggest High Performance Centre (HPC) at National Stadium Karachi, in view to improved batsmen technique for foreign tours. ► Saudi Arabia to host first Arab Fashion Week, the Arab Fashion Council. ► Russia opens honourary consulate in Peshawar (February 20). ► UNDP, Japanese govt launch $3.9m project to empower more than 20,000 youths in Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (20 February). ► Malaysian naval chief (Admiral Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman) arrives in Pakistan on an official visit (February 19). ► Pakistani Sikh Sardar Ramesh Singh Khalsa wins humanitarian award at World Sikh Awards held in Canada (19 February). ► Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif to leave for official visit to Russia (February 18). ► Imran Khan ties the knot for third time with Bushra Maneka. ► Afghan institute, Metallica win Polar Music Prize, often called music's 'Nobel Prize'. ► Pakistan borrows $500 million from ICBC China. ► The Iran Aseman Airlines ATR-72 crashes into mountain, killing all 66 people aboard (February 18). ► Pakistan turns down cheaper loan offer from Japan. ► Pakistani social entrepreneur and philanthropist Zain Ashraf has been conferred the 2018 Commonwealth Youth Award. ► COAS Qamar Bajwa arrives in Germany to attend Munich Security Conference (Feb 17). ► Pakistan to send troops to Saudi Arabia on 'training and advice mission. ► Actor Matloobur Rehman, famous for his character of Zakoota Jinn passes away in Lahore (February 16). ► Ethiopia declares state of emergency after Hailemariam Desalegn, the country's prime minister, resigned. ► Each Pakistani owes Rs 130,000 : State Bank of Pakistan. ► PAKISTAN POST, NBP sign MoU to boost digital financial services. ► Cyril Ramaphosa, elected South Africa’s new president. ► Jacob Zuma resigns as president of South Africa. ► COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa arrived in Kabul to attend the Chief of Defence Conference (13 February). ► US pushes motion to put Pakistan on global terrorist-financing watchlist. ► Pakistani government bans Jamat-ud-Dawa head Hafiz Saeed and take over assets of Hafiz Saeed's JuD, and FIF. ► PML-N’s Iqbal Shah defeated PTI’s Ali Tareen Khan with margin of 27,000 votes in the hotly contested Lodhran NA-154 by-polls. (PML-N 113,542 votes _ PTI 85,933 votes) ► Pakistani leading rights activist, Asma Jehangir, dies at 66 (11 February). ► Pakistan’s veteran TV actor Qazi Wajid dies at 87 (11 February). ► World's tallest hotel (Gevora Hotel by the Al Attar Group (1,167 feet)) opens in Dubai. ► Saudi Arabia accepts one-time raise in Pakistan’s Hajj quota which will enable a total of 184,210 Pakistanis to perform the pilgrimage this year. ► India stops 200 Hindu pilgrims from coming to Pakistan. ► The Middle East’s first Hindu stone temple will be constructed in Abu Dhabi by 2020. ► Russian plane (Saratov Airlines) crash kills all 71 people on board. ► Pak-Saudi naval exercise Nasem al Bahr commences in Saudi Arabia (10 February). ► 9th Karachi Literature Festival started in Karachi (9 February). ► 11 Pakistani exhibitors participate in Ambiente Fair to be held from February 9-13 in Frankfurt, Germany. ► Pakistan joins International Socca Federation ahead of mini-football World Cup (9 February). ► Pakistani delegation attends Al-Quds Al-Sharif OIC Youth Capital 2018 in Palestine. ► Jordan's King Abdullah II arrives in Pakistan on two-day visit (8th February). ► World's first passenger drone makes maiden public flight in China. ► Bangladesh ex-PM Khaleda Zia jailed for five years in corruption case. ► Maldives sends out envoys to 'friendly nations' of China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. ► Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) has been ranked among the top 100 universities of Asia. ► 144 nomination forms submitted against 52 seats for Senate elections. ► The Sindh High Court (SHC) removes regulatory duty from over 350 goods. ► Bermuda has become the first country in the world to roll back same-sex marriage laws. ► Veteran journalist Siddiq Baloch passed away in Karachi (6 February). ► The Maldives president Abdulla Yameen declared a State of Emergency. ► PM Abbasi inaugurates Golen Gol Hydropower project in Chitral. ► Adelaide Strikers claimed their first Big Bash League title after defeating Hobart Hurricanes by 25 runs. ► Top UN court awards Costa Rica territory claimed by Nicaragua. ► India outplay Australia to win Under-19 World Cup. ► Karachi ranked number two in marijuana-consuming cities in the world. ► The hajj quota for Pakistan for the year 2018 remains the same at 179,210. ► COAS Gen Bajwa meets Saudi crown prince in Riyadh (February 2). ► Pakistan’s annual inflation climbed to 4.4 per cent in January from 3.7pc in the same month last year. ► Pakistan claimed the third position at the ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup 2018. ► Nehal Hashmi sentenced to one month jail time and has been barred from holding public office for next five years in contempt of court case. ► Muhammad Aurangzeb appointed as HBL president and CEO. ► Sindh Minister for Planning and Development Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani, was found shot dead with his wife Fariha Razaque in his house in Karachi (Feb 1). ► Pakistan Launches Application "Surfsafe" to Combat Cyberextremism. ► Supreme Court orders removal of Siddiqul Farooq as Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) chief. ► India beat Pakistan by 203 runs to Enter ICC U-19 World Cup Final 2018. ► Afghanistan Interior Minister and spy chief visit Pakistan (31 January 2018). ► UAE has launched a trade complaint at the World Trade Organisation to challenge Pakistan’s duties on biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film, used in food packaging. ► French climber Elisabeth Revol rescued from Nanga Parbat by Polish mountaineers. ► India and Pakistan Extend Thar Rail Link for three more years that connects Jodhpur in Rajasthan with the Karachi. ► Babar Azam tops ICC T20I batting rankings. ► Pakistan, China jointly host first international exhibition Gwadar Expo (January 29). ► US lifts ban on refugees from 11 countries. ► Pakistan tops ICC T20 ranking after defeating New Zealand. ► At $19.3 billion, Pakistan ranks fifth in the world that receives the most remittances every year (India $72 billion, followed by China ($64 billion). ► Roger Federer Defeats Marin Cilic to win Record-Tying Sixth Australian Open championship. ► PM Abbasi inaugurates DigiSkills programme which aims at training one million youth through online modules. ► Indian origin 10-year-old boy Mehul Garg beats Einstein, Hawking IQ scores. ► After 152 years, 'Super Blue Blood Moon' to light up skies on January 31. ► Pakistani cardiologist, Jaffar Khan, has won the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society’s prestigious 2018 Young Investigators Award. ► Jalal-ud-Din appointed head of Pakistan women's selection committee. ► Usman Akhtar Bajwa appointed new CDA chief. ► Dubai sets world record with biggest cup of karak chai. ► The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) raised its main policy interest rate by 25 basis points to 6 percent. ► Fitch revised Pakistan's B rating outlook to negative from stable. ► Indonesian President Joko Widodo to visit Pakistan on January 26. ► Former LHC judge Asghar Haider appointed as NAB prosecutor general. ► PIA Islamabad-New York flights discontinued after Rs 1.2bn loss. ► Pakistan win second T20 against New Zealand. ► Pakistan ranked at 47th in the Inclusive Development Index (IDI) 2018 of the World Economic Forum. ► The USA, Congress passes funding bill, ends three-day government shutdown. ► Pakistani student (Muhammad Haider Khan) bagged the highest marks in Syllabus D Mathematics in the Cambridge Examinations. ► PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to attend World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, from 24-25 January 2018. ► Shah Rukh Khan receives human rights award at WEF (World Economic Forum). ► Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency launches digital environmental atlas. ► World XI beats Pakistan 5-1 in first hockey match. ► Government shutdown in the United States over immigration. ► India beats Pakistan by 2 wickets to claim Blind Cricket World Cup title at Sharjah Cricket Stadium. ► Over 1.8 million cases pending in Pakistan’s courts. ► New Zealand became The 11th country to send a rocket into Orbit. ► Pakistani nuclear scientist and former chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed passed away at the age of 87. ► Pakistan allows visa on arrival for group tourists from 24 countries. ► Pakistan’s Interior Ministry has ordered the closure of the offices of Radio Mashaal. ► US set to overtake Saudi Arabia as world’s number two oil producer: IEA. ► Three students of the space science department at Institute of Space Technology (IST) in Islamabad have received international acclaim for their research on super-massive black holes and galaxy collisions in space. ► India test-fires Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile. ► Hasan Ali wins ICC Emerging Cricketer of the Year award. ► Microsoft tops Thomson Reuters top 100 global tech leaders list. ► Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Pakistan drops massive 71.5% in Dec. ► Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) cancels enlistment of 284 political parties. ► PIA bans use of social media for its employees. ► PML-Q’s Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo sworn in as Balochistan CM (13 January 2018). ► New Zealand beat Pakistan in 3rd ODI to clinch series. ► National Assembly passes bill to bring FATA under SC, PHC jurisdiction. ► World Bank puts $250m policy loan for Pakistan on hold. ► Ecuador grants citizenship to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. ► FIFA World Cup Trophy to come to Pakistan on February 3. ► The British Backpacker Society ranked Pakistan number one adventure travel destination. ► Sanaullah Zehri resigns as Balochistan CM to thwart political crisis. ► Sindhiyani Tehreek activist Zahida Shaikh passes away (8 January). ► Sikhs ban Indian diplomats from entering Gurdwaras across US. ► Indian court jails powerful politician Lalu Prasad for embezzling funds. ► America suspends entire security aid to Pakistan. ► PAF's first native and youngest commander-in-chief Air Marshal Asghar Khan passes away at the age of 96 (5 January). ► Renowned chef and media personality Zubaida Tariq passed away (5 January). ► Supreme Court slaps complete ban on unlicensed mining in K-P. ► Punjab University Vice Chancellor Zaffar Mueen Nasar resigned from his post, apparently over the issue of the university land. ► US places Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan on a special watch list 'for severe violations of religious freedom'. ► Cotton production up by 7.2pc. ► Afghan refugees granted sixth extension for their stay in Pakistan. ► Pakistan Navy successfully test fires cruise missile Harba. ► Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono to visit Pakistan (January 3). ► Pakistan Air Force inaugurates new air base – PAF Bholari. ► Pakistan, India exchange lists of nuclear installations. ► SBP decides to cut import requirement of cash dollars to 35pc against export of foreign currencies. ► Pakistan, India NSAs hold secret dialogue in Thailand. ► Palestine recalls envoy for sharing stage with Hafiz Saeed. ► Polish team arrives in Pakistan to conquer K2 in winter. 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newsclick01 · 3 years
Future Group Shares Documents With Competition
Future Group Shares Documents With Competition
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learncbse-hindi · 5 years
Old NCERT Books
Old NCERT Books are published by the officials of NCERT (National Council Of Educational Research and Training), New Delhi. These NCERT books are recommended followed by the CBSE and other major state boards in India.  Also, most of the competitive exam question papers such as JEE Main, NEET, SSC, Railways, State Public Service Comission Exams, UPSC, etc., are prepared based on the content…
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learnenglishcbsein · 5 years
Old NCERT Books
Old NCERT Books are published by the officials of NCERT (National Council Of Educational Research and Training), New Delhi. These NCERT books are recommended followed by the CBSE and other major state boards in India.  Also, most of the competitive exam question papers such as JEE Main, NEET, SSC, Railways, State Public Service Comission Exams, UPSC, etc., are prepared based on the content…
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learncbse-science · 5 years
Old NCERT Books
Old NCERT Books are published by the officials of NCERT (National Council Of Educational Research and Training), New Delhi. These NCERT books are recommended followed by the CBSE and other major state boards in India.  Also, most of the competitive exam question papers such as JEE Main, NEET, SSC, Railways, State Public Service Comission Exams, UPSC, etc., are prepared based on the content…
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