#connor kicks this shit out of TK lol
wearealive · 6 months
parameddic asked: [ FIND ]  for sender to rescue receiver after they’ve been tortured.
this field came with risks: connor knew that. police officers, detectives, interrogators: they weren't well-liked by the general public, and especially by criminals. they were easy targets for violence. they worked with dangerous people on a day-to-day basis. this is why it was critical to always have a partner. sometimes, unfortunately, it just wasn't enough.
nancy was dead. shot with her own service weapon the moment she tried to pull it on the suspect. that was twenty eight days ago. she was left behind when robert fled with connor. her body was found within the hour. connor had been reported missing by the DPD four weeks ago. the main suspect, robert hardin, was nowhere to be found. he'd returned home to austin without a trace: new hair and style. new car. new name (ethan coltrain, his alias during his short stay in detroit). it was fool-proof, or so he thought.
connor stayed primarily in the basement, only allowed to come upstairs for short periods of time. he stayed obedient at first, in hopes of trying to keep himself alive while waiting to be found. but days passed. then weeks. by the third week, he was becoming impatient. truly scared that he'd never be found. that's when he started to fight back, which proved to be a near-fatal mistake.
things had gotten especially bad over the past 48 hours. connor had nearly made it out, but ran face-first into robert when he opened the front door. he got one breath of fresh air before he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the wall with enough force to knock him out on impact. when he woke up, the first sensation he noticed was itchiness — rope was tied around both wrists, arms restrained to a steel pipe behind him. a piece of cloth tied around his mouth. it's like something out of a movie, connor thinks. did this shit actually happen to people?
the longer he goes without food and water, the harder it is to stay awake. he conserves all of his energy for when robert comes downstairs. his neck aches from hanging down, but he can no longer really hold it up. one last attempt at escaping leaves connor bruised and bloody - it's when he accepts his fate. he's not getting out of this. he just holds onto hope that he'll go quickly. that he doesn't feel anything.
connor is asleep when he hears the first round of gunfire. he opens his eyes into blackness. it must be late. the shots sound close. very close. a sudden burst of adrenaline courses through him, arms pulling and legs kicking in a futile attempt at breaking free. ❝ help me! ❞ the young man tries, but the cloth is still secured over his mouth. another minute passes and there's a second round. things grow silent upstairs. it feels like an eternity before the basement door is kicked open and connor is struck with a blinding light, strong enough to make him lose his sight entirely for a minute or so. all he can hear is footsteps, a voice that sounds... angry? demanding? it isn't robert, but connor isn't really coherent enough to tell the difference. he tucks his head into his shoulder and screams, kicking at the individual in front of him.
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