#crowler is like shit shit shit nope not doing this again
angst time kids, buckle up
see now I’m getting sad because I’m picturing Baby Drag Queen Atticus not knowing how to do makeup, so he rolls up to Crowler’s office with mascara and lipstick he stole from Alexis. and it’s just. this fourteen-year-old kid who is friends with everyone and is always smiling infectiously, but right now he’s close to tears, the mascara he tried to put on is clumping, there’s too much blush on his face, and the lipstick is all over his upper lip.
Crowler sees him come in and is like “Mr. Rhodes, what do you want?” in snippy Crowler fashion.
For the first time in his life, Atticus is actively stuttering as he tries to explain that he doesn’t need any help in class, but Professor Crowler’s makeup is always so flawless and the lipstick application is perfect and would he be willing to give Atticus any tips?
Crowler just melts a little on the inside and tells Atticus to sit down. He does Atticus’s makeup, gently explaining how each product works along the way so Atticus can do it himself later. When he’s done, he hands Atticus a mirror and Atticus just bursts into tears again, thanking Crowler and just saying, “I look so beautiful, thank you,” over and over again. There’s an unspoken agreement that this will not leave this room, but the boy’s birthday is coming up and Crowler has a few extra unopened products he got on sale last summer that are just going to waste…
So it’s no wonder Crowler never let himself get attached to a student after this, because a week later, Atticus was gone.
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