#okay bye i am done being sad now
angst time kids, buckle up
see now I’m getting sad because I’m picturing Baby Drag Queen Atticus not knowing how to do makeup, so he rolls up to Crowler’s office with mascara and lipstick he stole from Alexis. and it’s just. this fourteen-year-old kid who is friends with everyone and is always smiling infectiously, but right now he’s close to tears, the mascara he tried to put on is clumping, there’s too much blush on his face, and the lipstick is all over his upper lip.
Crowler sees him come in and is like “Mr. Rhodes, what do you want?” in snippy Crowler fashion.
For the first time in his life, Atticus is actively stuttering as he tries to explain that he doesn’t need any help in class, but Professor Crowler’s makeup is always so flawless and the lipstick application is perfect and would he be willing to give Atticus any tips?
Crowler just melts a little on the inside and tells Atticus to sit down. He does Atticus’s makeup, gently explaining how each product works along the way so Atticus can do it himself later. When he’s done, he hands Atticus a mirror and Atticus just bursts into tears again, thanking Crowler and just saying, “I look so beautiful, thank you,” over and over again. There’s an unspoken agreement that this will not leave this room, but the boy’s birthday is coming up and Crowler has a few extra unopened products he got on sale last summer that are just going to waste…
So it’s no wonder Crowler never let himself get attached to a student after this, because a week later, Atticus was gone.
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
And I saw sparks —
1.2k Words,, Lucifer x reader
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a/n — So this was actually a request at some point but it was literally lost to the tumblr void. I cannot find it for the life of me but it had to do with brushing Lucifer’s feathers so here we are.
summary — Date night for the reader and Lucifer quickly turns into a bonding session where the reader grooms Lucifer’s unkept and touch starved wings.
warnings — Fluff, gn reader, obnoxious flirting, getting together (officially), Lucifer being touch starved and sad.
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Lucifer groaned as he tried uselessly to comb the feathers on his far back. He didn’t know if he had enough time to finish pruning when he started, and now, barely a third done, he was sure he didn’t. 
His third date with you was in ten minutes. In ten minutes you would show up at his door and expect a fully prepared, well put together, king of hell to sweep you off your feet.
How could he do that when he couldn’t even brush his own damn feathers? What are you going to think when you see him? Maybe, he thought, you’d simply scoff and leave him totally alone with poorly groomed wings.
How pathetic would that be? He grumbled to himself, dreading the last few moments he had to prepare. What was it now, six minutes? If he’s lucky, eight.
Lucifer was so wrapped up in these pessimistic thoughts that he didn’t hear the footsteps approaching behind him as he scrambled and whined over his knotted feathers.
“Lucifer, you okay over there?” You asked from the door way. 
He jumped back, brush getting caught up in the fluff of his wings and yanking two feathers out, making him let out a yelp and fall over. 
“Jesus christ, Luci—“ you laugh going over to help him up.
A blush spread across his cheeks. “I didn’t know you’d be here so soon,” he explained brushing himself off, “Wait how did you—“
“You left the door open and I heard very loud groaning so—“ You gesture to him, “—I thought i’d figure out where it was coming from. Oh, and you being demon royalty and all, I don’t think you should just leave your door open like that.”
He could tell you were joking and he was overjoyed that your attention hadn’t fallen to his exposed wings yet, so he played along.
“Actually, i’d argue that’s the very reason I can leave the door open,” he puffed his chest in his attempt to gloat his power.
This backfired when your gaze drifted to his roughly unkept feathers. Embarrased, he drew back.
“Uh, I was just finishing brushing them. They’ll be going away now, bye bye feathers,” he awkwardly laughed and rambled as he turned around him to hide his wings. 
“Wait, if you’re trying to groom them then,” your hands hovered over the wings before retrieving the brush from the table, “I can help with that. I had a friend way back when who—“
“Nononono,” he chirped, scooting back slightly, “I’m supposed to be taking you out and— and I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Lucifer, it’s seriously no trouble. Shit, if anything it’s fun. Let me see,” you gently sit him down and take a seat on the floor behind him. 
Your hands find his feathers and begin combing through the unkept bits Lucifer couldn’t reach himself.
He tried with all of his might to stop his wings from flapping about. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel incredibly soothing having someone else care for his sensitive wings. 
“Oh god,” he sighs, letting his head fall back slightly as you work your way through his feathers. He collected himself seconds later, not wanting to seem weird, “Sorry, it’s just been a while since anyone’s…”
He trailed off so you took pity and finished the sentence for him, “No, it’s okay. It’s cute how flustered you get over shit like this, anyways.”
Your teasing smile makes his shoulders tighten and his head snap back in your direction, “I am not flustered,” he corrected, cheeks reddening, “maybe just discombobulated.”
“Uh huh,” you grin, “Of course, your highness. Are you too good for a little flirting, now?”
“Oh, Lucifer Morningstar is never not ready for a little flirting,” he smirked, trying to hold himself together under your gentle touch.
“Oh yeah? Hit me with your best line.”
“I—“ He struggled, “Uhm. Okay, well maybe I’m a little rusty.”
You rake your fingers through his feathers once more, softening them to the touch, “I’m sorry, I was under the impression that the king of hell had game.”
“I do ‘have game,’ excuse you,” he did air quotes with his hands, “You just put me on the spot. It doesn’t help what you’re doing with my wings, either.” 
His snobbish royalty tone was alarmingly present and he had his arms crossed as he pouted.
It’s true, usually, Lucifer was quite the flirt. If there’s one thing he knew about himself is that he was a hit with the ladies, in his experience, at least.
But maybe it’s because you’re the first person he’s been on a date with since Lilith. Or maybe it’s the way you’re softly raking your fingers through his knotted feathers. Either way, it was making his brain feel fuzzy.
“I’ll believe when I see it, Luci,” you laugh to yourself.
“Oh, i’ll get you good when I catch you off guard, believe me.” Lucifer bragged.
After a moment, the laughter died down as you focused on your work. Every now and then you drew long content sighs from Lucifer. 
Although you seemed happy enough with the silence, Lucifer squirmed uneasily. He felt guilt build up in his stomach.
“So this is some date, huh? Curtesy of the King of Hell, you’re welcome,” he said glumly, picking at a scratch in his marble floor, “Sorry I couldn’t have made this more enjoyable.”
You caught him off guard with a deep, warm-hearted laugh. The kind that made him else feel like he’s  missed a totally obvious joke or reference.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked, clearly perplexed by your response.
“Luci, we’re in literal hell. Compared to everyone else in shit-hole, you’re one of the better people I’ve dated.” You smiled, freshening up a few feathers, “There, done. Good as new.”
Lucifer grabbed a mirror from off the table and examined your work before realizing what was just said.
“Dating?” his spirits rise, hands coming up to his chest before turning to you, “Are we dating?”
The surprise on your face makes him smile cockily. “Catch you off guard, with that one?” he brags.
“In your dreams,” you recover quickly, “And, yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?” You look at his expectant face, he grinned brightly.
“Well, you heard it yourself, pretty boy. It seems like we’re dating now,” you laugh and caress his cheek with your thumb.
Completely dumbly, he giggles and leans in your touch.
“Wow,” he simply says. He rests against your hand for a while longer before you pull him in for a kiss.
It’s gentle and sweet while it lasts, and when you break apart, you pepper kisses on his cheeks and nose.
“Stop it, stop!” he laughs as you come to another finish on his lips. “So, uh, do you still want me to take you out?”
“Actually, where’s your tv in this place? Let’s watch a movie, instead.”
And so you do, cuddled up on the couch together with Lucifer’s newly groomed wings draped over you both. 
He nuzzled into your chest, desperate for human contact after being alone for so long. And oh, he was especially glad he was getting it from you.
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a/n — Was listening to sparks by coldplay ON REPEAT while writing this, so that’s why the title is like that <3
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roturo · 1 year
Chishiya x reader where y/n is younger than chishiya and he teases her about it and they eventually fuck sknejrmtkrnf
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“It seems like a dream, you’re loving me.”
Chishiya is 25 / Reader 19
WARNINGS: SMUT. SEMI-PUBLIC SEX. (Kinda enemies to lovers ¿? And fluff at the end)
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You’ve been knowing Chishiya for a while now, mostly because both of you were on the same group and most of the time coincide. 
And it’s pretty obvious you have a crush on him.
But it’s not like you could go with him, ask him out, kiss him, and be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Why? Well, it’s simple: first, he’s like really distant with you. He barely talks! You tried to get closer to him, but it’s like he treats you like a little kid. You’re not a little kid! You’re now 19! And that’s already an adult. 
The only small talks both of you have? it’s insulting eachother!
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You said to him. Do I have something on the face?! You touched your face concerned that you might have some food… that’s so embarrassing. What if he’s laughing about you? Oh nonono.
"Sorry, force of habit. Staring at your stupid face, that is." This son of a bitch! Who does he think he is?! 
“Hey! Both of you. Stop fighting.” Kuina said, I don’t know how she’s been so patient to be spending time with both of you .
“He started it!” You exclaimed pointing at him.
“Has anyone ever mistaken you for being in middle school before?"
“What?” Kuina said,” “what does it have to do with-“
“Oh my god. I can’t stand you anymore Chishiya. Good bye.”
When you were leaving you just could hear him laughing and leaving a very confused Kuina. God… why his laugh is so pretty too?
But. As everything in excess becomes a bad thing, this teasing also become something bad.
Maybe it wasn’t teasing anymore? He might hate you. It’s like, he doesn’t even apologize and just ignores you! 
So, you decided to ignore him for a day, maybe you could see if he really cares about you. It made you really sad that the person that you loved in this world treats you this way. 
. -
“No, I don’t like her. She’s too loud and obnoxious and she’s still young to even understand what’s going on here. I don’t even know why did you accept her being in the group.”
Kuina was indeed schoked. She couldn’t believe Chishiya doesn’t like you. Like, yeah.. he’s not the best showing emotions but he’s not a bad person! Maybe he just needs a little push for him to start talking better to you.
“You’ve been an asshole to her. She’s done everything she can to like you! I don’t understand why you’re so mean to her.”
Am I too harsh? Shit. Maybe I should apologize..
. -
Now both of you were at the pool. You were having a nice day not until you saw him. He had his typical swim-trucks and his white jacket that showed just right his collar bone. Stop.
Both of you locked eyes, you couldn’t stop yourself from blushing. Even if you’re mad at him  he still made you weak. He gave you a small sign of ‘come here’ by moving his head slightly to the left.
How could you say no to him? He had you wrapped around his finger.
He lead you to a place far away from the pool where both of you could have some privacy, he seemed different. Was he nervous? Why is he playing too much with his hands in his pockets?
“Look… I just wanted to say-“
Before he could even talk more, you asked him “Those things you said yesterday.. do you mean it?”
Okay. He couldn’t do this anymore.
“I didn’t mean it like that… I was trying to.. tease you.” Because I love you.
“No way in hell. Are you blushing right now?!”  You couldn’t believe this, are you making him blush?! 
“Stop it. I’m not blushing. You’re just making things up.” This is too good to be true. He’s really blushing!
“It’s okay Chishiya, some times we get too far away, and I know you don’t mean it, it’s just that we don’t measure what we say. I already talked it with Arisu about this and-“
“Arisu? What did he said to you?” he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.
. -
“No shit. It’s pretty obvious you have a crush on him..” He said looking at the map and the crossed the areas where you guys have played.
“Then what should I do?”
“Fuck him?”
. -
“It doesn’t matter what he told me.. Just so you know i’m not mad at you, I preferred having some distance with you since it’s like pretty obvious I annoy you, so I didn’t wanted to be-“
He shut you down by kissing you and grabbing you by the hips, making your bodies get closer and hotter each second passing.
You spent so many nights trying to hide how you feel, now you’re in this fantasy that you thought could never be real. 
And here you are, locking eyes, both with the same feeling and want. 
“You don’t know how much i’ve been waiting to kiss you. Every time you taunt me it only makes me want you more.” He pulls you again closer to him, you could feel how hard he was getting through his shorts. Detaching himself from your lips, he places open mouth kisses and bites across your shoulders. He lingers over the space between your collarbones, breathing in the scent of your skin along with the perfume.
“Please fuck me ‘taro” This still seems like a dream, you’ve waiting for this moment too long now. 
“You are incredibly beautiful.” He kisses down your neck while holding your arms. As he goes lower you kiss him back. He was so entranced by your everything, he didn’t even notice you pulling down his shorts. They pool at his ankles and he kicks them off, never separating from you. His hands drag down your backside to your thighs, motioning for you to turn around. Once you do, he kisses below your ear while taking off your bikini with his hands.
He spreads your legs with his feet, entering his fingers with no warning. As he pushes his fingers deep inside, you let out a yelp and look down. 
“Chis… chishiya I need you inside me” You moaned when his fingers got that specific place that your small fingers couldn’t reach.
You were about to come, and he could feel that when you’re clenching too hard into his fingers, so in one swift motion he enters inside you and both of you moaned at the feeling. Chishiya snakes his hand over your neck, using his fingers to tilt your head back up. 
The way his brows furrowed as he looked down to where he disappeared inside of you, the flex of his abdomen as he moved his hips, the sweat starting to surface all over his body, all of it made your body heat up.
A particularly rough stroke makes your knees buckle. Chishiya doesn’t let you fall. Instead, he uses his strength to keep you up. Both of you were not too far away from The Pool (but at a private space) but you couldn’t care less if they heard you moan. 
Each thrust makes you take in a breath, your moans and requests come out in stutters. Despite your state, he doesn’t slow down, keeping his fast pace to bring you both to the edge. 
As much as he wants you to come together, the way your walls keep squeezing him makes him want to release right then and there. He can feel your walls flutter, and the way your hips are lifting, trying to separate yourself from him; he knows you’re starting to come.
Both of you came at the same time with one specific thrust that made you see stars. 
He pulls out and helps you getting dressed again and try to seem the most presentable both of you can. You turn around to look him at the eyes. He looks so beautiful right now. His eyes are full of love. He wished you could see yourself like how he sees you. Because you’re perfect for him.
“Chishiya… please tell me, do I like you?”
“You’re the one for me, now and always. I’ll do whatever I can to see you again in the real world. I don’t like you. I want you. I love you.”
. -
“So you indeed fucked!” Arisu said, Kuina bursting out laughing.
Thank god the three of you were at his room because if Chishiya could see how red you are right now, he wouldn’t stop teasing you about it.
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nycbaby21 · 10 months
Quinn Hughes Imagine
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prompt: “I’m sorry. I just had to see you.“
word count: 1,865
The final buzzer of the game was normally met with cheers and excitement at Rogers Arena, but tonight it was filled with heavy sighs and disappointed fans. This was the third game in a row they had lost and you can see how frustrated the guys were getting. Not wanting to bother watching the sad and irritated post-game interviews, I lean over and turn off the tv. I had never been a huge hockey girl, that is until I moved to Vancouver for work and moved in next door to one of the Canucks. Many months ago when I was lugging boxes into the apartment building I bumped into the tall blonde with a huge smile. He immediately stopped what he was doing and helped with what would have taken me hours by myself. After a repayment meal and a lengthy conversation about how it was truly criminal, I had never been to a hockey game, a quick and solid friendship was made with Brock.
I made my way over to the kitchen and turned on the oven for some cookies. Normally when Brock and the guys have a hard game he usually ends up over at mine. He says it helps him because he doesn’t feel like being alone after. Recently some of the other guys have started coming along, which I actually really enjoy. I was so scared that I wouldn’t make friends and be so alone moving to a completely new country, but I feel like I am a member of the team with how many hockey players file in and out of my place. Sometimes they show up even when Brock isn’t around. 
My phone rings when I am placing the cookie sheet in the oven. I reach over and answer already knowing who it was. It was a running joke in our friendship that Brock looked like Prince Charming from Shrek, so his ringtone was quickly changed from the default one to I’m Too Sexy for My Shirt from the second movie. I can’t help but smile when I hear the sound. “Hey B,” I say trying to gauge his mood based on his facial features. It was too dark in his car for me to tell. “Hey y/n,” he sighs and I can hear the disappointment in his voice. A frown appears on my face before I could help it. I didn’t know what to say to make it better so we just sat in silence, a comfortable one. “I have a batch of your favorites in the oven waiting for you,” I tell him hoping to bring a small smile to the blonde’s face. A big sigh leaves his mouth,” I’m not coming home tonight. Remember that girl I went out with last week,” he starts and I nod,” Well she came to the game tonight and invited me over.”
“That’s okay Boes. I’ll just put them up for you and drop them by sometime tomorrow.” That seems to lift his mood the tiniest bit. “So… you are staying the night,” I smirk while raising my eyebrows ridiculously. He glances down at the phone seeing my face and busts out laughing. My work for the night was done by making my best friend smile after a tough night. “Grow up dork,” he laughs and soon his whole face lights up when he parks and reaches for the overhead lights. He quickly fiddles around the car grabbing his bag and then turning back to face me. “Okay well I’m here so I guess I see you when I see you,” he says getting out and heading towards her door. “Okay bye B. And hey at least you can say you scored tonight, the other guys can’t,” I say trying to hold a straight face but failing. “Oh, my god. I’m hanging up now. I actually hate you,” his words don’t match the beaming smile on his face. “Love you too,” I say while hanging up the phone. 
The quick beeps of the oven alert me to the cookies being done. As I plate the last couple I hear a knock on my door. Glancing at the clock on the microwave, I wonder who it could be this late since Brock isn’t home. I head to the door quietly and peek through the peephole seeing one of his teammates. I stand back confused for one second and then quickly shake it off opening the door. I look up and meet the eyes of the last player I thought would show up after a bad game. Quinn Hughes stood in the hallway in his game-day suit and dripping hair. “Oh my gosh, Quinn. You must be freezing,” I rush to pull him into my apartment. “I’m sure I have something that will fit give me one second,” I say rushing off to my room and pulling out a pair of my dad’s old college sweats that I stole when I moved. I grab a random sweatshirt because almost all of mine are oversized anyway and find him in the same position I left him in. The only difference is the door is now closed and his hockey bag was on the floor.
“Okay, these should work. But if not I can always run over to Brock’s and grab something,” it looks like my words fall deaf on his ears because he hasn’t even looked at me the whole time I was talking. “Quinn, did you hear me? Are you okay,” I ask slowly walking towards him and trying to hand him the clothes. He finally lifts his head and I can see the tears in his beautiful eyes. “Oh Quinn,” I whisper as I take one final step forward and wrap my arms around him. Having known him for months now, I know Quinn isn’t the biggest fan of physical touch, especially with people he isn’t really all that close with. When I make it close enough to him, he collapses in my arms letting out soft sobs breaking my heart in the process. Quinn was the guy who always had everything together, and seeing him let down his walls was new territory for me.
Quickly circling my arms around the tall defencemen, I stand in the middle of my apartment with the boy letting all of my emotions out. I rub my hand up and down his back slowly and whisper small things to him like “It’s okay Quinn let it all out” and “I know I know.” My arms had gone numb five minutes ago but I was going to stay in his embrace until he pulled away. As if he had read my mind he shyly pulled away and looked down at me with red eyes. A stray tear falls down his cheek and without a second thought, I reach up and wipe it away with my thumb leaving my hand resting on his face. I go to pull it away feeling too intimate but he encircles my wrist with his hand and leans into mine more. A small smile faces upon my face accompanied by a red blush. Now was not the time to be thinking about how attractive I found him or how many times I had wished he would be the one to show up with Brock after a game.
“Wanna go sit down in the living room. I can turn something on or we can talk if you want to,” I speak gently eyes scanning his face. A small nod gives me his answer and I slip my hand from his cheek and lace our fingers together. After he left and changed I started getting him settled in the middle of my couch and I try to round the back of it to grab one of the thousands of throw blankets I have. His grip on my hand on tightens eyes jumping to look at me and figure out why I am leaving him. I laugh lightly and reach for the closest blanket and fall back into his embrace on the couch. I lean back into the corner of it and gently pull him back into me. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and I hesitantly run my fingers through his dark hair. He releases a small sound of enjoyment so I continue until my hand goes numb. 
Using the remote I turned on some Adam Sandler movie I had started the night before but fell asleep during. The only reason I even knew he was awake was when he let out a small laugh at the scene. My hand falls from his head when he looks up at me with childlike eyes. I swear even if he wasn’t so close he could have still heard my heartbeat increase. I sent him a smile and he returned it just as big. “Thank you,” his voice was rough from his recent tears. “You don’t have to thank me, Quinn.” He really didn’t need to thank me, I felt like I should be the one thanking him for letting me be the person he lets his walls down to. “Brock always talks about how you have these magical hugs. Like how after every win he feels so much better after hugging you in the halls, or how after every loss they make him feel just the smallest bit less shitty,” he says sitting up and looking anywhere but my eyes. I let out a laugh at this because I had heard Brock says this before, I’m sure everyone he has met has. “I’m sorry. I just had to see you and see if he was right,” he started,” and he was.” The smile that graced his face was one I wanted to freeze time for and just stare at it for a little longer.
“Well, I’m glad I could be of help. You don’t have to be sorry either. I am actually so happy I finally got a hug from the huggy bear,” I laugh watching his face fill with blush as he laughs too. We stare at each other for a couple of minutes only breaking eye contact at one of the many random noises Adam Sandler makes. We settle back into the couch sitting shoulder to shoulder, feeling so content. Neither of us speaks, we just sit there on the couch enjoying each other's company and watching the ending of the movie. I hand him the remote to pick the next one and while his eyes drift across the screen looking for something, I let mine land on his face trying to memorize every small detail of it. I break my gaze when I hear the opening to Mighty Ducks and laugh at him. He shakes his head and smiles,” What, it’s a good movie.” I reach to fix the blanket on our legs when he stops me and looks over. “Do I smell cookies,” he questions laughing as his stomach grumbles. I nod jumping up and bringing him the container I was supposed to bring Brock. At that moment I didn’t even care that I would have to make more in the morning. The smile on Quinn’s face made it all feel worth it.
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skywarpie · 1 year
Severing the Ties
based on this post bc i wanna make everyone sad after the exciting morning we’ve had. :)
Word Count: 891
nothing too drastic, just a lot of angst.
He’s not sure where his ghouls are. There hasn’t really been enough time in between the current events to allow him that knowledge. All he knows is that he’s gained himself an extra five minutes, something that was done through a massive amount of negotiation. Or more along the lines of Copia being a blubbering and begging mess until the unknown ghouls around him agreed.
“Five minutes.” One of them had growled out to the sobbing man at their feet. And that was all the permission he needed. 
Copia jumps to his feet and rushes down the hall as quickly as his aged body will allow him. He only stops when he is in front of the door, taking a moment to ground himself with a deep breath or two. 
The door creaks as he opens it and makes his way inside. Two small beds adorned each side of the room, one of his daughters quickly asleep in each. Copia seats himself on the edge of Athaliah’s bed, his eldest daughter. 
It takes a moment but her tiny eyes flutter open with a yawn. “Papa!” Her voice is quieted by another yawn. A tiny hand rubs at her eye as she sits up and pushes her hair from her face. Her joy suddenly seems to fall as she takes in his solemn expression. “What’s wrong?”
He swallows thickly. Copia hadn’t spent much time giving a thought to an excuse as to why he was waking her up in the middle of the night. “Papa has to go away for a little while.” It comes out sadder than he wants. The goal is to make this goodbye a good one. If you can actually even call it that. Somehow telling your kids bye with the knowledge that you’re going to be dragged to your death doesn’t sound too comforting.
“Right now?” She tilts her little head. Athaliah glances at her alarm clock off to the side. 1:30 am. “It’s still dark outside.” She says this like it’s the most logical explanation as to why he should stay. 
Copia’s upper lip twitches. “Something came up.” 
“But you said you don’t go on tour again until next month.” Her little voice has an accusing tone to it. Rightfully so.
“Yea.” He clears his throat. “Turns out someone changed the date for that.”
“And time?”
Such a smart girl, Copia thinks. “Yea, and the time.”
“That doesn’t seem fair.” Her bottom lip sticks out. 
“No, it doesn’t.” His smile is sad. “But that’s why I’m here now. That way you don’t wake up in the morning and can’t find me.”
“Oh okay.” Her smile returns. “I’ll wake up Accalia.” 
“Wait,” Copia grabs her little arm before she wakes her sister. “Let her sleep, yea?” 
“Why?” Confusion clouds her vision again. “You don’t want to tell her bye?”
He does. Copia really wants to tell her bye, but at the age of three he doubts she’ll remember him as much as Athaliah who’s six will. Or at least that’s what he tells himself and that it’s not the fact he knows she’ll cling to him until he is dragged out of the ministry. That seems more traumatizing than waking up with him gone, in Copia’s opinion. “You can tell her for me, si? You don’t want her to be cranky when she wakes up in the morning now do you?” He grins. “And we don’t want that, do we?”
“No!” Her response is quick and it drags a laugh from Copia’s throat. “You’ll bring something back for us?” By now she’s clinging to his arm, looking up into his face. 
“Don’t you have enough toys?”  
Her brows furrow. “But you always bring back the best ones.”
“Someone sounds a little spoiled.” Copia adds as he tickles her. He quickly shushes her when her squealing laughter starts to get a little too loud. He looks at her and then points to her sister, placing a finger over his mouth to signal her to be quiet.
Her giggles start to quieten down when he tucks her back into bed, blankets snug around her. Copia tries to pull away but Athaliah winds her tiny arms around his neck. “You don’t have to bring me anything back, Papa. I know you get busy.” When she pulls back Copia feels like he’s going to be sick. Her expression is so genuine and understanding. He unwinds her arms a little quicker than he’d typically do, but her expression doesn’t change, even as he places a kiss on her head.
He’s cutting it short, exceptionally short if he’s being honest with himself. The last thing he wants is her to see him flocked by a pack of unknown ghouls. Copia has his hand on the doorknob when he hears her again.
“You’ll call every night?” 
He chews his bottom lip, looking back at her. “Si. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
There’s a faint smile on her face as she yawns, getting comfortable again. “I love you Papa.”
“I love you too, topolina.” He’s glad the light from the hall obscures his features because he knows he looks terrible. “Whenever you miss me just remember that I’m with you always.” The last part he whispers as he closes the door, separating him from the two most important things in his life.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: Many Partings
Oh, oh oh oh, the chapter title is a mirror to the Fellowship chapter “Many Meetings”, don’t touch me I am cri
Aragorn: “Hello! Don’t ask; I know you want to go back home.” Frodo: “I do. I want to see Bilbo even more. I was sad to see he didn’t come with the others.” Aragorn: “Well, he’s getting really old, dude.” Frodo: “EXACTLY WHY I NEED TO GO.”
In which Arwen gives Frodo her golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s choco—I mean Valinor
Oh and he also gets another necklace
Eeeeyyy resolution to Eomer and Gimli’s little spat!
Eomer and Gimli are the politest, most gentlemanly simps ever
I love how much effort the book puts into acknowledging how honored Theoden was. Eowyn’s fear was that her family would be disgraced and forgotten, with no more dignity than a peasant living in a dirty thatched hut, but all this pomp and circumstance proves that the line of Eorl is still honored and respected and loved.
I got so emotional about the drums, bruh, that’s literally beautiful ;~;
They’re in good hands.
Trothplighted! Now THAT’S a word!!
Aww, Eowyn and Faramir got engaged in Rohan! That’s cute :-3
Well there go all my goofy headcanons about Eomer being a cranky, overprotective brother and giving Faramir the side-eye. Even he just likes him automatically. Bummer. And here I was hoping for some funny family drama!
Eowyn: “Whaddya think of that, former crush? :-3” Aragorn: “Couldn’t be prouder :-D”
Okay yeah so when I read the last chapter, I wrote this thing at 3 AM like “kinda not digging how the book barely mentions what angst Elrond would be feeling over never seeing his daughter again ever; even the movies take the time to explore that (even if they paint Elrond as the bad guy who gets in the way of love)”, but at least here Tolkien gives us a mention of it. That’s nice. Please don’t just ignore Elrond’s feelings, the man’s been through enough.
OOH! A gift?? A gift for Merry??? I’m very interested—!!
Aaaand they all hug! Awww!! TTuTT I’m gonna have so much fun drawing this LOL
“And they drank the stirrup-cup”. Thanks to this line and Google, I have now learned a thing about the traditions of the Scottish Highlanders.
Legolas, upon visiting a cave: “Welp, you beat me. I like caves now.”
In which Treebeard cusses out orcs in Entish
In which Treebeard admits that he bored Saruman nearly to death!!
Oof, that’s not the smartest thing you’ve ever done, King Tree ol’ pal. But I forgive you. I won’t call mercy a weakness.
I love the mental image of Quickbeam bowing “like a tree bending in the wind”. They are not VERY bendable, but they can be a little bit!
There are no Entings :-C
Gimli, begrudgingly: “FINE I’ll visit the forest, I guess.”
Gimli calling them “my hobbits” noooo 😭😖😭😫🤧😭😭
STOP SAYING “I fear we shall never meet again”, IT’S MAKING ME SAD
Bye, Legolas; bye, Gimli! Love ya both, you hilarious nerds.
Merry and Pippin get one last drink with Treebeard! Yaaaay!! 8-D
Bye, King Tree, I love you!
Aragorn threatening to spy on Pippin and call him back in service to Minas Tirith is hilarious and very on-brand
Ooh, red sunset and a green flame…wow.
That’s so evocative and I can’t find the words to express why.
Bye, Aragorn. Love ya, long man.
Well, well, well! Bo and lehold, look what the cat drug in! It’s Saruman!
Me when Saruman chews out Gandalf: LOL
Me when Saruman breathes wrongly in Galadriel’s direction: oh he’s dead 8-.
Y’know, it’s funny. Grima’s fear of leaving Saruman is a lot like the fear people often have of leaving abusive relationships. However, Grima has everything he’d need to actually make a departure, things that other people stuck in abusive relationships might not—a support system, financial freedom, another place to stay, and people who would help and protect him—and yet he chooses none of it, and goes back to his oppressor. Fascinating.
Saruman: “You cruel little urchins. Come to mock an old beggar, have you? I’ll bet you wouldn’t even give me a bit of pipe weed.” Frodo: “I would if I had any.”
That is the KINDEST 1000 IQ gigachad own I have EVER seen. Frodo like, “I have gone through untold hell, but you can’t make me cruel to you, no matter how much you try.” LIFE GOAL: BE LIKE FRODO
And Merry like, “Here, I’ve got some pipeweed, you can have it back.” My favorite hobbits, everyone. The chads. The absolute legends.
*mutters to self* “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; and in doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head…”
Merry’s sarcastic “thank you!” to the curse on the Southfarthing tho X’-D
Merry: “Can I have my bag back?” Saruman, a petty wet sock: “NO”
I wonder if the Shire has a thing where you can like. Sue for damages to person or property. ‘Cause that seems to be what Pippin is implying here by “what about our claim for kidnapping us”. In which case, Pippin half-joking about suing a wizard is VERY HECKING FUNNY
Also would like to point out that Sam didn’t say a word until Saruman was gone. I can only imagine he was just sitting in the background glaring at him the whole time.
Aaaand they let him go. Hahaha. Doom.
In which Gandalf, Galadriel, Celeborn, and Elrond speak in telepathy, wooo~
In which Sam still wants to see Elves, even after he’s been riding with Elves this whole time
Just the fact that the hobbits run to find him without taking off their coats or eating or washing up. That’s like charging into a house to see somebody, with your coat and shoes still on, leaving dirt on the carpet but neither of you care. It’s so emotional and full of love and I just aaaaahhhh— 🥹😭🥹🤧😭
Bilbo will never not be competitive, LOL! “I wanna be older than the Old Took!”
“How splendid! How wonderful! But where were we?” Bilbo I love you
“Yeah I was invited to Aragorn’s wedding and all that, but I was busy and I didn’t want to pack.” BILBO I LOVE YOU
“Didn’t go to the wedding because I couldn’t be arsed” is such a HUGE MOOD
Ohh, the melancholy of watching the weather changing and knowing you’ll soon have to leave
Also Frodo and Sam same brain
“Except the Sea.” Stopppp I’m gonna cry—
“To their delight, Gandalf said: ‘I think I shall come too. At least as far as Bree. I want to see Butterbur.’” AND ROAST HIS TOES
Aww Bilbo getting old and forgetful. It hurts, but it’s so sweet ;u;
“May come in useful, if you think of getting married, Sam.” 8-D 8-D 8-D hahaha yesss, tease the boy
Bilbo: “I don’t have gifts for you.” Pippin: “Okay, but consider: what if we sass you?��� Bilbo: “Haha, you make me so proud! I lied. Have some pipes.”
Bilbo: “B-T-dubs, where’s my ring?” Frodo: “Er, I kind of threw it into a volcano, Bilbo.” Bilbo: “Oh, yes, that’s right! That’s what the whole thing was about, isn’t it? Silly me.”
Bilbo being just as interested in oliphaunts as Sam ;u;
Just the way they let him nap for a while before talking again. It’s such natural comedy, and also very sweet and warm and full of love and just aaaaahhhh
Also Frodo agreeing to finish Bilbo’s work. There’s something so emotional about that. Makes me think of Christopher and all the work he did to preserve his father’s notes…I wonder if he ever made the connection himself. I wonder if he saw himself as his dad’s Frodo.
And we end with some foooooreshadowing….
Friendly reminder to everyone who complains that the RotK movie has like five different endings and that’s too many: The book is worse. The book is so, SO much worse. 🤣
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drottni · 2 years
LBFAD rewatch observations part 3
1. "Why should I care about the likes and dislikes of a small flower spirit" when she says she's glad he is gone 🥺🥺🥺 Babbyyy was already feeling it eh.
2. XLH immediately being able to empathize with him and compare her 1000 years of loneliness with his 10 000 years of loneliness 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Babbyy. Her being upset that he left without a goodbye and then the little softening of his expression >>>> "I HAVE DIED EVERY DAY WAITING FOR YOUUUU" indeeeeed. My fave song fits my fave couple sooo much.
3. "From now on I will collect this for you" . It wasn't a one time thing! He did this every morning for her? Sir? The bar is through the roof.
4. The way he hesitates and the look he gives her and the curious hopeful look she gives him before he blows on the water reluctantly to cool it down 😭😭😭😭 He really thought "am I gonna do this. Mighty Benzuo gonna blow on this little flower's water for her. God Im gonna do it aren't I *sigh* "
5. "Why are you back so late? I left your dinner in the kitchen. Go get it yourself I am going to bed." They are married your honor.
6. Wait have they been translating as Eternal Fire always? Or was it Hellfire? Did I just not notice...
7. DFQC's expressions while studying the Xilan scroll to care for his little flower is me trying to study for my exam for the 100th time. " *sigh* okay what now...here we go again *eye roll* so done with this " and then immediately giving myself a pep talk too "I can do everything in this world. This? How can it be difficult for me?" Yass gurl lezz go you got this.
8. DFQC being able to come and go wherever he pleases in Shuiyuntian and no one can even see him is such a superpower. I need that.
9. XLH running and leaving DFQC to fend for himself 🤝 XLH immediately running back and shielding herself behind DFQC. 😆 Love her.
10. Him turning her head with one hand to face the sun is me to my plants when I rotate them. Like "aight you, little one, you need to face this way you lil bum. Get some sun or you will die."
11. God them watching the sunrise and that BGM is just so beautiful. And the softest expression on his face. 🥺
12. DFQC on his little rant about the Fairy realm: XLH not listening, in complete bliss: XLH: Daqiang, thank you *purest smile* DFQC mid rant: and I- *record scratch sound* *head empty, no thoughts, just, her* *soft stare*
13. "In the three realms nobody is worse than me" *smirk* "You even strive to be the top in that" "I'm the worst one, no need to strive for it" *pout* I love a competitive king. Stan.
14. This mans making the most disgusting looking (and tasting) flower soup and asking her very intently "is it good" is me making any food and asking again and again "was it okay? was it good? it was good right?" Also how did he not FEEEL her disgust at the soup through the curse 😆 Unless her feelings of joy at his care were stronger than her feelings of disgust at the soup. 😄
15. Can we talk about how soft he is with her after Danyin hurts her. Like from the minute he becomes visible again his expressions his body language is so tender and caring. The little frown on his face when he looks down at her like "my lil floof is sad and down come here". The way he picks her up and gently asks "are you afraid of her?" His immediate offer to take care of it for her 😭😭😭😭😭 WHERE IS MY DFQC. We all deserve a DFCQ in our lives.
16. Changheng really said "I can give you the stars" and did (Firefly Stone) but poor boy stood no chance. XLH said thanks but I got the Moon. Bye.
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white-poppie · 2 years
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Characters: Ryuguji Ken x AFAB reader x daughter!
Genre: (Domestic) FLUFF 🧸
Warnings: too cute, you will get cavities
Age Rating: not applied
Writer: @ white-poppie
Synopsis: Your daily shenanigans with your husband and adopted daughter.
This fic is an excerpt from my book:  L'appel du vide (Please check it out!!)
Tokyo Revengers (東京リベンジャーズ)
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You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the intensity of the light that peered through the curtains. Groaning, you flopped into the covers even further if possible. Making a small, sort-of rabbit burrow.
"Wake up," a rough voice boomed from your side, you peeked up from the covers a little and found Draken standing in front of you with his arms crossed on his chest.
"What time is it?" you drawled, stretching a little.
"7, get up, you are going to be late for work!" he nagged.
"Five minutes more, Kenny," you whimpered not wanting to leave the comfort of your blankets.
"Wake up, I have to drop Maki to school and then go to the shop!"
"Fine," you grumbled and kicked the covers over you. You looked around a little, "where is Maki?"
"I woke and dressed her up, she is having breakfast right now," he smiled at your first concern after waking up being Maki.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he kept his large calloused hands on your waist. "Morning Ken," you sighed as you planted a kiss on the tattoo on his temple.
His thumb rubbed circles on your back, "Morning baby, but get dressed now or you will be late."
You groaned and pouted your lips, "Come on, Kenny I was trying to be romantic here."
"I know," he laughed, "but you gotta get ready or I will be late for work and Maki would be late for school. Remember the last time you tried being romantic n the morning; both of us got four hours late and poor Maki even missed her bus."
"Okay no need to remind me that!" you huffed flusteredly.
"Right, right, but it not my fault that you were-."
"OKAY KEN I HEAR YOU, I AM GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER!" you exclaimed as you ran into the washroom and Draken laughed at your antics.
After taking getting ready, you sat for the breakfast Ken had prepared for you, which was just boiling the milk for cereal.
Maki let out a sad sigh as she stared at her un-pigtailed hair, "Mama can you tie my hair?"
"I am eating right now, love, can you ask dad?" you answered while eating the cereal.
Maki climbed down from the chair and went to Draken, "Dada, can you tie my hair?"
Draken gave you a questioning look, as you shrugged your shoulders. He sighed and sat in front of Maki. Holding the two rubber bands between his teeth as he tied her ponytail.
"You remember Uncle Mikey right?" Draken question, "the one I told you about?" She let out a hum of approval.
"I used to do his hair like yours," he said lamentfully.
"Where is uncle Mikey then?" she questioned while swinging her legs.
"Hmm... let's say uncle Mikey did some bad stuff and now he is sorry for them, now he is in place for people like that," he answered while giving a final tug to her ponytail.
"Can I meet him?" she asked and looked at him.
Draken stayed quiet for a second and then responded, "soon. Very soon."
"Maki! Kenny! I am leaving now alright?" you questioned loudly, clutching all your work stuff.
"Bye-bye mama!" she responded with her gummy smile.
"Take care Y/n!" 
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That's how your daily routine is. After you go to work, Draken drops Maki to school, goes to the shop and after the school time is over he picks up Maki and she stays with him until your work is done. You go and pick her up from the shop at 5 (if work ends late, Draken and Maki go home.)
The shop closes at 7, so sometimes while Draken is busy with a customer. Inupi is given the job to babysit Maki.
"I am back!" you exclaimed while the two men and one child looked at you.
"Mama!" Maki laughed while she wore Inupi's jacket which was much larger than her, but not as large as Draken's jacket.
"Ehh, Maki why are you wearing uncle Nupi's jacket?" you said in a teasing tone so Draken could hear. Inui sweatdropped at your statement.
"Because I like it," she said confused.
"Hmm, then why are you not wearing Dada's jacket?" you asked and Inupi suddenly looked panicked while you winked at him to keep quiet.
You fake gasped a little, "is it because you like Uncle Nupi more than Dada?"
Now even Draken was looking at Maki, hope filling his eyes. Maki thought for a while and this may or may not have offended Ken.
She kept a finger under her chin as if thinking hard, "Uncle Nupi is nice to me...he buys me toys and plays with me." 
Draken huffed in disappointment and continued doing his work. What was he thinking? Maki was just a toddler and on top of that he wasn't her real father, even though he loved her more than his life...he can't expect a child to do that.
"But Maki loves Dada so much! Dada tells Maki about Toman and Uncle Taka and Uncle Chifu and Uncle Nao! And he is very strong and he takes care of Mama!"
A huge smile lit up on Draken's face as he crouched to his knees and spread his arms for Maki to jump in. Maki giggle loudly at his action and wiggled out of Inupi's jacket into Draken's arms.
Ken hugged her tightly and smothered kisses on her face with an audible 'mwah' sound.
You and Inupi chuckled at his fatherly side, something the stoic Ryuguji Ken rarely shows. He is known for being daunting, but Maki is the only person who can actually make him go soft, not even you.
Draken picked Maki and sat her on his leg. She gave a huge toothy grin which Draken reciprocated. His grimy face still glowed with love as he talked to her about god knows what. 
You gently took out your phone and clicked a picture. A sight you would trade the world for. Two people you would go through the hanging from the ledge thing, again.
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Original image by @kaikasen on Twitter (I have edited the image, but the original credits goes to them.)
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Tags: @akumicchi, @buttercupspotify @nanaseishiro @denkis111 @jazzylove, @sakinotfound , @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @kristaline2dmensimp @rintaroubby
Tokyo Revengers (東京リベンジャーズ)
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOCHES!!! Hii beautiful!! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I hope you’ve been doing amazing!! (Small update on my genshin exploration: I’m almost done with the desert! I’m just missing the last expansion patch that we got like 2 months ago! I haven’t even started the new event because I want to finish my exploration before Fontaine comes) but how have you been? Have you been saving for any new chars? If so what are your funds? I’d love to know!!
Alright on to the main topic! This is kinda just a small headcanon and also inspired by what you said in a brainrot: but fragile!reader most likely does wake up in the middle of the night at times. (Most likely due to reoccurring nightmares) so usually when you do get startled awake, you usually just walk around the laboratory. And whenever you do, a clone or two will find you and slightly scold you for being out of bed and that your body seriously needs it. But after scolding you they usually just join you on your small walk to hopefully tire you out. (I swear the clones are like small kittens who won’t detach themselves from you bc of how much they love you and just imagining these blue haired scary looking masked grown men following little you is 😭💕💗💖)
However, at times when you’re really shaken up, you’ll just head straight to Dottore’s lab or his bedroom. Although it’s usually the first since Dottore never sleeps, so when he sees you walk into his lab at 3 AM, he knows it’s because you’ve been shaken up badly from one of your nightmares again. So he’ll let you stay as he continues to work. Letting you sit at his desk while he runs an experiment. Or he would offer to you his bedroom, which you usually decline as what you want is to see your husband be safe. (Your nightmares sometimes concern him, so you just want to make sure he’s safe and not in the condition that you saw him in, in your nightmare) but you do eventually fall asleep in his lab, which makes him pick you up and put you in his bedroom. He wishes he could have your nightmares instead. Already being inflicted with a mysterious illness and now having nightmares. He just wants you to be truly happy, and not have to put up a fake act or fake smiles (Dottore most likely Can tell whenever you’re faking your smiles, although he doesn’t want to upset you and call you out on it) so in the meantime he’ll try his somewhat best in making you smile. Sure his attempts may be horrible at first, but it’s the thought that counts! You’ll be sure his kiss his cheeks and lips a few times as an “A for effort”.
What was supposed to be short turned out long I’m so sorry!! 😭 I always get carried away and end up writing more than I mean to. (Also just a little self indulgent but what if fragile!reader had a blanket they’ve had since probably when they were a kid, and they just love it. Like their plushie! But instead, whenever you wake up from your nightmares and go on walks or to Dottore’s lab, you just…bring it with you. It’s what helps you sleep after all! You could literally sleep on the floor so long as you have your blanket (and plushie) with you) I’m only adding this because I’ve had a blanket since I was born and I literally drag it with me in the house. I’m going to the kitchen? It’s coming with me. OKAYOKAY! I’ll stay quiet now!! I hope you enjoy this smooches!! I am smooching your cheeks n forehead and ur nose till your face is all sore ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ you’re deserving of all the cuddles and hugs and kisses in the world I love you so so much!! I’m wishing you a very happy day and week!! Hehe okay bye bye!!!!૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა 💕💗💖💗
-From your boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
GOSH I AM KISSING YOUR BRAIN THIS IS JUST SO 🥺🥺😍 Whenever you have dreams, it’s a bit of a struggle to go back to sleep. Not only do the nightmares make you too scared to sleep again, but even the happier dreams of the past make you too sad to get sleepy again since you keep thinking of what once was. So instead of twisting and turning alone in the dark you decide to just walk around the lab to try and get your mind off things. But of course the lab always has clones running about no matter what time it is, sometimes you only walk a few feet and already bump into a clone. Every time they just sigh and give you that look again, that lecture that you probably have memorized already, they always try to guide you back to your room (and sometimes it works, and they sit in your room with you and help you fall back to sleep.) But if you pull out the pleading and pouty eyes they’ll be giving in quickly and entertain your request (cue them carrying you back to bed later 🥺) (Also Cattore so real… I find it so funny you could just be walking with a clone or two and they’ll be treating you with so much respect and love, talking very animatedly and then when you come across a regular Fatui assistant they’ll just give them a ‘wtf are u looking at slacker I’ll kill u’ and the assistant is just praying they get transferred to another squad 😭) (Plus they report it every time this stuff happens to Prime and he’s just :( he is at a loss at how he or science can help you, every time he sees those eye bags… he just. Curses internally.)
The first few times you walked right into his lab an at ungodly hour he was just like ??? Internally panicking and worrying something was really wrong with you to seek him out at this hour, and probably barraged you with questions and was even about to run some tests on you until you just interrupt him and spill the whole dilemma you’ve been in. How the nightmares are hurting you and you can’t find it in you to sleep again. Dottore knows very well how one will find it hard to sleep if the mind is troubled so he won’t force you to sleep again, but he’ll encourage you to try at least. Even if he’s in the middle of doing something that requires to stand up, he’ll find something to work on so you can sit down comfortably on his lap. He sometimes wonders about your dreams but you prefer not to speak about them or do so very vaguely so he doesn’t push it. Unfortunately he has yes to develop a dream-preventing injection so the only thing he can do is be ready to receive you when you show up at his door ;( The first time Dottore called you out on a fake smile you were so shocked and then nearly broke down catching him off guard. Though he is a very straight to the point no bs person he’s learned not to do that again. He is not very good with verbal affection so a lot of it just comes from him holding you, and also recounting some infuriating encounters he had with the other Harbingers (you find them hilarious though) and he tolerates it simply because of the kisses and actual smiles he gets <3
And omg… yes reader’s special blanket <3 (The lab would be torn upside down if you ever lost it) I love how cherished your blanket is 💖 I don’t have a specific blanket but I also can’t sleep if I dont have one, and if I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t find my plushies I get mad and search in the dark and sometimes resort to turning on the light 😭
Okay moving on from the dot brainrot- I’m so glad you’re catching up on the desert progress! It really is a lot, but I know you got this!! Hopefully Fontaine is more fun, I love exploring but even the desert had me like 💀 most because of the scenery. If you do play the summer event I hope you enjoy it, it’s definitely my favorite out of the 3 summer events we’ve gotten :3 As for me… I have roughly 70 wishes I think? Close to pity, no guarantee. I was considering trying to get Lyney since I want some Fontaine characters, but I’m not too sure yet so I’m just gonna wait until the release to decide who I want! I might just skip everyone for Arlecchino too haha. Are you saving for anyone 🎐 anon? Dottore maybe? AND DONT WORRY I LOVE YOUR LONG BRAINROTS!!! The depth and everything is so chefs kiss 😫 I am giving you infinite number of smooches mwah mwah!! Ily more🎐 anon~!!
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🎵 Instrument of Surrender
3. "I am also sad and my head hurts."
ANNETTE - "I'm sorry, sir. I hope things get better soon." She looks you in the eye, a gleam of sympathy on her face.
There she stands, swaying on her feet, assaulted by the early spring breeze. She smiles at you. The whole situation suddenly feels familiar, somehow.
+5 XP
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7. [Suggestion - Medium 11] What are you missing here? Why does this feel so familiar?
+1 Knows the Law.
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SUGGESTION [Medium: Failure] - You have absolutely no idea. Familiar how? You must have forgotten something you heard again.
8. "Okay, bye. See you around, Annette."
Ok, one more check we've unlocked, and it's with Rene.
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RENÉ ARNOUX - "We're still waiting for a replacement for the *boule* you sent sinking."
"Do you know anything about the man hanged in the back yard of the Whirling-in-Rags?"
"You seem to be playing in a crater."
"I saw the statue of Filippe III near the roundabout."
[Composure - Legendary 14] What is it about this old soldier that makes him stand so proud?
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Ah, yes, King Filippe III on his steed -- a reminder of what Revachol once was..."
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh absolutely..." He smiles as if reliving a pleasant memory. "At the mercy of a cocaine-snorting tyrant who emptied the treasury so he could sleep on a bed of gold?"
RENÉ ARNOUX - "...a superpower, feared and respected. A testament to what this country *can* be under the leadership of a True King, someone who knows how to rule."
"How should a true king rule?"
"What was that about cocaine?"
"Let's talk about something else."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "*Decisively*. Without fear of offending the sensibilities of the frail and weak-minded among his subjects! This is something the insurgents never understood..."
"Seems to me a leader should take care of his *people* before himself."
"Powerful leaders -- not afraid to do what *must* be done -- that's what this country needs."
"I'm not sure how I feel about that."
+1 Communism
RENÉ ARNOUX - "A nation is only as strong *as* its leader. That's why it was such madness to try to..."
GASTON MARTIN - "Don't get started on that again. What happened, happened." There is some weariness in his voice now -- he's heard this rant many times before.
RENÉ ARNOUX - The carabineer doesn't reply, but his entire being communicates unbreakable resolve.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - No one and nothing can change this man's mind -- he is as rigid as they come, still in that antique uniform -- it's a symbol for him.
2. "What was that about cocaine?"
GASTON MARTIN - "Oh, old Filippe was a *big* fan of the purple nose candy the nobility loved so much. A cocaine-connoisseur of sorts." He chuckles. "His egocentricity is borderline legendary."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "You can't even take responsibility for yourself -- how could you fathom the responsibility weighing on the shoulders of a ruler?" he asks, obviously annoyed.
"That's why the Filippian kings used cocaine -- for clarity of vision, to aid in their work… Regnum Cocainum -- Revachol's finest years." He seems to grow taller, brimming with pride about the past.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Of course," the lieutenant marks dryly. "Clarity of vision. *Awareness*."
RENÉ ARNOUX - "Filippe III was even brought into this world with the help of cocaine -- the court medic administered a dose to his mother when she was in labour. And it is well known that with the help of cocaine -- only the purest, of course -- he was able to connect with higher realms..."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - 'Higher realms'? Of course -- it all makes sense...
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thecustomwenclair · 2 years
OKAY SO IM NKT DONE WITH WEDNESDAY YET IM ON EPISODE 7 (and I should probably finish the series before I post this but whatever)
Okay I am so like- surprised??? First off with Fester and he has electricity powers?? Like that's awesome. BUT YHEN THING
ALSO THE WAY SHE CURLS UP AFTER ENID IS LIKE; im moving in with Yoko bye lol AND SHES SO?? SAD??
And finally.. THE HELL TYLER MIGHT BE THE MONSTER? ALSO WHEN I TELL UOU I SCREECHED AT SEEING WILLA AND TYLER KISS- his actor is literally gay why would they do that to him 😭😭
But Wends havint a vision?? While she's kissing him? Imagine that but wenclair.. not the whole "Oh Enid's the monster" but like just seeing them in the future and it's actually more like a Dove vision
Like now I'm just imagining in a wenclair version/au where Enid and Wednesday are gfs and are happy together Wednesday's visions turn more into Dove like visions- like, she still has her Raven visions, but every now and then (usually around Enid) she gets a Dove vision and I'm just rambling by now
BAXK TO TYLER MAYBE BEING YHE HYDE (also what's up with movies recently having a whole Hyde/Jekyll thing?) LIKE I AM SIMPLY FLABBERGASTED? also man people really do die around Wednesday a lot/ don't stick around :(
Also when Eugene got attacked I thought he died and I was just sitting there with my hand over my mouth and I was so damn surprised. And then Willa visiting him in the hospital :((( and giving him honey and telling him abt her birthday things is just UGHHH I WANT THEIR FRIENDSHIP ITS SO SWEET LIKE THEM ARE SO >>>> /p
Anyways that's it I'm done rambling I'm gonna finish episode 8 and probably ramble anymore and I'm so sad they put Wends in a love triangle instead of wenclair but it's still a great show tbh I'm rlly not just gonna stop watching bc there's no wenclair
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star-vibing-prompts · 9 months
Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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pastafossa · 2 years
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Bestie I’m only about half way done but like IMMA NEED YOU TO ELABÓRATE ON THIS ASAP
On another note I may or may not be reading this full on biting my shirt okay that’s all bye *zooms away*
*puts on Glasses of Lust*
“You were… you were going to open the cut again.” He ducked his head. “You were going to press too hard and the angle was off. Here, just...” His hand slid up over yours. Your fingers were shaky, maybe too shaky to do this on your own—is it because he’s so close?—without opening your split lip again, but with his assistance, you managed the barest pressure as he guided your thumb gently over your lip, leaving a faint honey scent and a soothing coolness behind. You sighed as the dull pain finally abated, and his legs nudged yours as a shiver slid down his spine. “There.” His voice was so quiet, you had to strain to make out the word. He still hadn’t released your fingers even as your paired hands dropped slightly. “Not as good as new but it’s on its way.”
The hem of his shirt dropped from your fingers and you reached up to cradle his jaw, drawing his attention back to you. He rolled his head into your touch, stubble rasping against your palm before he caught himself and straightened.
“You’re telling me you’re not afraid of someone who could do that?” “I’m not. You know I’m not.” “Maybe you should be.” The words were dragged from him, rough and broken. He slumped as he lifted a hand to rub across his face. “How could anyone let themselves lo-… be around someone like that? Someone who hurts people so easily? Someone who’s so close to being like-like the people he’s…”
Basically, Matt wanted Jane VERY early on - was attracted and then developed feelings - because that's just how he is. Also he may have repeatedly been turned on by her scent for a g e s before him and Jane got together, which is something I intend to write another fic about cause it's hot.
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ramayantika · 10 months
So I heard what was I made for just now with great courage because I sobbed at the theatre when it was playing.
I will be moving out too, and probably it will be my brother's uni. Kismat ka game dekho. Khayr and my brother before moving out was a little nervous and tensed about how he would cope up with studies and the curriculum (well that's a fair point for his life story)
Now coming to mine, every day as it dawns on me that I am leaving, I see that after me Maa will be making lunch alone for herself, watching her series while cooking and washing the dishes. She wouldn't randomly knock my door (yes in this house room band kar sakte ho) and give me the latest gossip or ask me how that one popular trendy reel step is done. There will be no more enlightening conversations at the kitchen counter but questions about well being and studies when I get in to hostel. Maa won't do my dress and I have to quickly learn to wear my saree for college events and dance functions. When I heard the song now, all I could see Mummy and my baby self. I always used to sleep with mumma and my brother with nana nani. (I was cuter obviously that's why) anyway and the life she has led, the choices she was forced to make and the choices she wasn't able to make because of the society then, my mother has always wanted me to excel the most. No doubt she loves me and my twin equally but I am her daughter, a girl and to be a woman next. I wish I could tell her that she is not a failure because she couldn't have a job and her financial autonomy. It was her wish which did not get fulfilled because she had to marry early and then she gave up working for her kids. I have seen her eyes light up differently and now when I think of it I have tears in my eyes because sometimes that brilliant gaze is the reason for an unsurmountable amount of confidence and is also the reason for my biggest fear of not becoming her even though I know she is enough. She always was. The reason I broke down while watching Barbie after the mother daughter line was this. I am not emotional for missing home and family, I am sad about the loneliness my mother has to go through until papa comes home. Well she has her painting and story telling and one thing maa learnt to overcome is to not be so attached to children that when they leave, despair sets in. So she will be okay, and years down the lane I hope her eyes still light up the same way when I get those degrees from the best colleges, and when she sees me dance. It's my dream yes, but to push me for it was her.
Omg this was so sad jdjsjks bye goodnight. May mummy never find out about my tumblr
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jassackles · 2 years
An Actress Life - Chapter 3
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Chapter three
Word count: 1,246 words
I look for her till I see her waiting for a cab I think. "Should I take you home?" I ask her. "I don't wanna make you any circumstances." She says nicely. "Probably it's better if we just keep this here professionally." She adds quickly. A cab arrives just a few seconds later. "I guess I see you on set?" I ask. 
"Yeah, I guess so, bye Jensen." "Bye, y/n." These words hurt a bit. I  need to get home, since I will fly to Vancouver tomorrow at 10 am. 
—Your POV—
You are sitting in the cab that's taking you, to your parents house. Did he really run after me? After all those things I did? You ask yourself. The cab stops a moment later, you pay the driver before getting out of the car. You unlock the door and walk into the living room, your family sitting there watching a movie. "Hey guys." You greet them. "Hey y/n/n, what took you so long?" Your mum asks. 
"Gen got her baby and I helped'em with Thomas." "Oh congratulations," your mom says with a smile. "I guess, we'll see you in a few months?" Your cousin asks "It seems so, I'm sorry." You say apologetically. "I'm gonna go to sleep. I hope you know, how much I love you guys." You add. "Y/n/n, we do." Your sister says. You hug all of them good night. "We love you too." Your mum says, making you smile a bit. You head upstairs to your room, sitting down on your bed all the emotions and feeling starting to get to you. You are realising how much you love this man and what kind of mistakes you've done. Gosh.  The more you thought about it, the more you hated yourself for being such a dumbass and just idiot, stupid. Then someone knocks on the door, it's your sister, interrupting your thoughts.
"I knew something was wrong and I was right." She says pulling you into a hug. "What's wrong?" She asks softly. "I met Jensen today for the first time after all these years. I feel so bad and guilty I hate myself." You sob out. "Honey, I always knew how much you love this guy and I thought you were actually going to marry him. We all thought that, but then everything came different." She gives you a small smile. "I know, its all my fault I know that. The most difficult thing is I'm gonna work with him." You sniffle. "Wait, that means you got a part on Supernatural?" You nod. "I'm going to play the love interest of Dean,the  character he plays."  
"Oh and you're really sure you want to do this?" "I have to, it's my job, y/s/n." She nods and knows you're right, hugging you tighter. "I love you, but I want to sleep now. I have to get up early tomorrow." You say a bit sleepy. She kisses your forehead and let's go of you before leaving the room. You change into shirt and  lie down in your bed, sleep washing over you.
Next morning: 
You wake up at 6 am, not really wanting to get up, but knowing you have to, you threw the covers off your body. You slowly and unwillingly get up and enter the bathroom. You have a shower, brush your teeth, put on some make up, put on clothes and dry your hair. You grabbed the few things you've taken out of your suitcase and packed them back into your suitcase. When you finish packing you take your suitcases downstairs to the kitchen ,where your mum is already drinking some coffee. "Morning mum." You kiss her cheek. "Morning love. You want some coffee?" "Yes, please." She gives you a cup of coffee. "When do we have to leave?" "In less than an hour." You say a bit annoyed. 
"Y/n Y/l/n, I am so proud of you, with your 33 years you've achieved a lot." "Thanks mum, but I see you guys hardly , that's what makes me angry and also kinda sad." "It's okay we know you love and appreciate us." She hugs you close. "Honey? what was wrong yesterday when you came home?" Your mum and sister always know when something is off with, if you lie it would be dumb, because they will know. They always know when something is wrong.
 "I met Jensen yesterday after five years years." You say with a sigh. "How was it?" "It was totally weird, when we were waiting for Jared to tell us, that the baby was born, there was this awkward silence." "Ah I see, well I have to tell you he was and I think he is the perfect son-in-law." "Mum please, we already had this conversation three years ago." You say rolling your eyes. "I know, I'm sorry." She says softly "I regret what happened , but I had my chance." 
Your mum hugs you, because she doesn't know what to say about the whole thing with Jensen anymore. She always wanted you and Jensen to have your own family and live happily ever after. She loved him like a second son, she was really disappointed of you. "I guess, we have to leave." She says and you look at the clock in the kitchen. You grab your things, getting them inside the car. Your mum drives you to the airport, when you arrive you say goodbye. "Thanks mum for taking me." "No problem, love you and take care." "You too." You say softly kissing her cheek gently.
You enter the airport, walking to your check in. Handing your luggage over to the lady at the counter. After that you made your way to your gate and wait for your flight. 30 minutes have left so you decide, watching the last episode of season seven of Supernatural. Suddenly someone taps your shoulder, you look up and see Jensen. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" He asks curiously. "Waiting for my flight, I guess." you say playfully and a smile appears on his face. That smile you love and missed so much.
"No, I mean what are you going to do in Vancouver?" He points at the gate. "I have a meeting with the producer of Supernatural. Jared Already told you, didn't he?" "Yes, he did. I just wanted to make sure." You nod. "It's really weird, isn't it?" He says. "Oh yes, it is. I thought, it was only me thinking that way." "Maybe we should meet after your meeting, getting a coffee, only if you want to." He suggests a slightly nervous.
"Sure, if you give me your number I'll call you later." He gives you his number, that means he really changed it in these years, but you did the same. "Flight 485868." "We gotta go." He says. "See you later." He adds. You wave. You go through the gate and enter  plane you sit down on your seat and continue watching. 4 hours later you arrive in Vancouver, you leave the plane and get your suitcases. When you exit the airport you go to the car, where Ed is waiting for you. When he sees you, a smile appears on his face. "Y/n/n, so nice to see you, I missed you." You hug him. "I missed you too, Ed." "Let's get in the car." You two get into the car.
Read next part here! :)
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lunarkittenn · 1 year
Im writing this for me. I need to write to let out how I feel. And I’m just really sad. My dad has ALS, he probably won’t even be here next year. There’s nothing I can do. It has sucked the life out of every inch of me, I’m so depressed my soul aches. Right before my dad’s symptoms hit a downhill, I had started talking to a boy I was really excited about. Had a big crush on him and was so thrilled he liked me, too. We started dating, and the first thing I noticed is that he was bad at communication. Arguing with him was tedious, almost impossible because he would get really mad and shut down. Never aggressive like my last boyfriend, but just so stubborn and defensive and rude. On my hardest days, he would take it very personally when I wasn’t super talkative or upbeat. My dad fell at the bowling alley one night and I was absolutely devastated. It’s traumatic to watch, that’s the only way to describe it. My boyfriend didn’t say a word to me, went home and still didn’t say a word to me. When I got upset about it he first said he didn’t want to intrude on my family, and then a little later into the argument said I wasn’t talking to him so what did I care. A couple weeks ago I saw on my dads online health account that it predicted 9 month survival at 80-90%. 9 months. 9 months with my dad. I can feel my fucking heart throb in my chest typing this right now. It’s the kind of fucking sobbing that rocks my whole body. So needless to say, I was pretty quiet that day. I’m having a hard time processing it. My boyfriend got upset with me because I was “ignoring him” “didn’t talk to him all day” which I had been, I was just being quiet, and I even explained I was having a hard day. I mean he should know. He would stay over every weekend. He saw my dad. He could hear how hard it is for my dad to talk. After every fight, he would tell me he was sorry he always takes it to 100, and that he was happy I put up with him and try to work things out and don’t give up. This past week he made a comment that made me uncomfortable. I had pointed it out, he got really defensive. Told me I assume whatever I want, I read things wrong, take it how I want to no matter “what he says” etc. he says those things every fight to me. I tell him okay, we’re arguing, why don’t we talk later. I am not perfect, in the past I would tell him to just leave my house and I was done talking- so I wanted to work on this. I told him exactly “we are just arguing and it’s not productive. Why don’t we talk after you get out of work, okay? Later, just not right now”. He said “bye, dead serious”. I asked what he meant, but he never texted back after work. I noticed he removed our Facebook relationship status. I was very upset and texted him saying I was done with the bullshit. For the next two days, it felt insane because the fight had branched so much I felt weird even trying to say why I was originally upset. Everything I said he told me I’m going to think whatever I want anyway. I wake up at 6:30 am to go to my dads ALS appointment on Wednesday. doctor tells us my dads breathing intake is at 48%. Not good, obviously. My boyfriend? Texts me a paragraph of rude things, including that I’m controlling because I wanted him to “say sorry in a specific way”. He was referring to me saying, all I was trying to do was say “hey I know you didn’t mean this in a bad way and didn’t know. But this made me uncomfortable” and all I expected was a “hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that” if that’s what he meant. Instead he told me I read it wrong. That I take things the wrong way and think so low of him. Bad day. I have a lot of those lately.
Yesterday morning I woke up to him really angry that I removed him from Snapchat and Facebook- but he had ??? Removed our status? He kept saying rude shit and not trying to actually talk with me. He said I must be ready to move on nice and quick if I removed him so fast. I pointed out he removed our status and he said “I just did that to make you mad”. Lol. After more hours of arguing- literally. I finally said “you’d think if you wanted to fix this like you say you do you’d call me or actually answer when I call you instead of texting. We can apologize and move on” he tells me he’s “good on all that. You said what you wanted to say and I’m not cool with it. You never wanted to be with me anyway” which the last part he would always say to me in fights and I do not know why. But yeah anyway I said okay whatever have a good one. We haven’t talked since then. Maybe he met some girl and that’s why he doesn’t care? Maybe his ego and immaturity just really will never let him see how fucking horrid he was treating me. Idk. But it hurts.
Out of all the things, I am just disappointed. I’m disappointed in how many failed relationships. I’m tired of putting myself out there for people, constantly trying to mold into a better person just people to not do the same for me. I’m tired of selfishness. I’m tired of life, honestly. I don’t want my dad to die. He won’t be at my wedding if I have one. He won’t meet kids if I have any. He won’t be here, waiting for a big hug. He can’t make witty jokes. He won’t be able to bowl with my brother, mom, and I. He won’t be here to ask me for double cheeseburgers. He won’t be here to give me a big hug and tell me he loves me. My heart is so broken. I feel so so so broken.
And the boyfriend who I was so excited for, couldn’t take two seconds to realize how much I was going through, and try to be easy with me. To try and improve how he acted. To try and care about me like he so claimed. Or maybe to just not do things purposely to make me angry, knowing how much I rightfully am angry about already.
Hug your loved ones. And if you think your life is fucking miserable, for me try and take a breath, and count the things you are happy for. I used to think life was miserable, now my favorite person on this planet is sick with someone that kills you quickly, traumatically, and with no remorse. And god, is that a pain I have never felt so deeply, and widespread.
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