#daniel garica aew
735bueckers · 1 year
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daniel garcia photographed by sofie vasquez (2021)
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lghockey · 3 months
New entrance video!? With the dancing!?
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sheinthatfandom · 2 years
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SIR!!! Are you wearing underwear or are is the angle just that damn good?
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paradoxunknown · 2 years
……….I’m so upset. Nobody talk to me.
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behindthecurtainrpg · 22 days
Hello! Can I have your most wanted of all promotions please?
of course !
aew: swerve strickland,daniel garica, hook, merecdes mone, julia hart, jon moxley, hangman adam page, toni storm, skye blue, ruby soho, deonna purrazzo, ricky starks, kip sabian, penelope ford, adam copeland, malakai black, danhausen, orange cassidy, buddy matthews, brody king, christian cage, wardlow, adam cole, roderick strong, eddie kingston, bryan danielson, kenny omega, matt jackson, nick jackson, jack perry, jay white, jamie hayter, tay melo, megan bayne, renee paquette, lexy nair, wheeler yuta, bryan danielson, juice robinson, austin gunn , colten gunn, max caster.
wwe: seth rollins, roman reigns, tiffany stratton, becky lynch, bayley, rhea ripley, la knight, alexa bliss, kevin owens, jey uso, sami zayn, jade cargill, finn balor, damian preist, solo sikoa, gigi dolin, tatum paxley, bron breakker, grayson waller, bianca belair, cathy kelley, dominik mysterio, auska, dakota kai, zelina vega, scarlett, chelsea green, tegan nox, michin, carmelo hayes, trick williams, naomi, cody rhodes, jey uso, jimmy uso, tama tonga, carmella, sonya deville, roxanne perez, izzi dame, wes lee, tanga loa, samantha irvin, ricochet, charlotte flair, andrade, corey graves.
njpw: drilla moloney, gabe kidd, chris bey, nic nemeth, el phantasmo, zack sabre jr, ace austin, david finlay, hiroshi tanashashi, jeff cobb, franesco akira, callum newman, kenta, evil.
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heartsoulrocknroll · 7 months
AEW Dynamite 10/26/22
Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs. Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia -- Good stuff here. Yuta gets a hot tag and a nice pop from the crowd. He hits a splash from the top rope on Jericho, then abandons the pin attempt on Jericho to pummel Garcia as he enters the ring. Yuta hits a Samoan drop on Jericho! Claudio tags back in for some nice double team offense with Yuta. Claudio picks up Yuta and spins him into a tornado DDT on Jericho. Jericho tries to use his bat on Claudio, but Claudio stops it and hits a big powerbomb on Jericho. Claudio does the Giant Swing on Jericho with Garcia on his shoulders in a fireman's carry!!! My god!!! Claudio is a one man wrecking crew, as he hits a big boot on Hager on the apron, a senton on Hager on the outside, a lariat on Menard, a stomp on Garica on the floor, and a huge running uppercut to Parker!!! Claudio runs back into the ring and hits an uppercut from the top, then lands the Neutralizer on Jericho for the win!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!! Hopefully this means he gets his rightfully deserved rematch with Jericho for the ROH World Championship.
Backstage, Danielson and Yuta get into a yelling match over what Yuta said to Danielson the previous week about Danielson being duped by Garcia and the JAS. Claudio breaks them up.
Backstage again. Jericho is furious that Claudio was given the win, while the bat that Jericho brought and tried to use as a weapon was lying in the ring. Lmaooo.
FTR vs. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland -- This was a great match. Great to see FTR in a tag match on Dynamite again. It has been a while. Love me a Dax Harwood hot tag!!! Left jabs and nasty right chops to Strickland!! Great double team offense by FTR on Strickland. Elbow to the face by Dax, elbow to the back of the head by Cash, German suplex by Dax, dragon suplex by Cash!!!!! Lee throws Cash to Swerve. Swerve catches him and hits a huge powerbomb!! Swerve goes for the stomp from the top, but Dax catches him and attempts a slingshot powerbomb, but Swerve reverses!! Dax rolls through and goes for the slingshot again and lands it!!! Dax hits a suplerplex on Lee!!!!!! My god!!! Cash follows it by diving off the top onto to Lee from the other corner! FTR hits a Big Rig on Lee!!!!!!! Cash covers, but Swerve pulls him out of ring before three. Swerve hits Dax with a low blow from outside the ring, and Lee hits his powerslam finisher for the win!
MJF is interviewed by Renee on the stage, and he absolutely goes off. What's new?? My heart was overflowing at the pop he got when he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the devil has arrived in Virginia!!" I was in tears over his Moxley impression. The walk, the arm movements, the voice, the heavy breathing, the promo. Everything about it was spot on. "MJF, at Full Gear, I'm gonna mash your bones, man, I'm gonna drink your blood, I'm gonna gargle your piss." Lmaooooooo, the gargle your piss part got an audible pop from me. Renee tells him that he can't say "with all due respect" and then say something insulting, to which MJF responds, "Renee, with all due respect, shut your mouth." Could have seen that coming from a mile away, but coming out of his mouth, it's just pure gold. This sets off an MJF chant from the crowd!! MJF says that when he said he was going to wrestle the whole match clean at Full Gear, he meant relatively clean, but he's still MJF. He calls Regal a disgusting, flea-infested, elderly rat and says that Regal's implication that he can't beat Moxley without the Dynamite Diamong Ring really got under his skin. He promises not to use the ring at Full Gear, because he doesn't need it. "The only thing I've ever needed to be a success in my life is a grudge, and trust me, I'm chock full of them. I've taken every grudge, and I've mashed it down into a chip, and I've put it directly on my shoulder. And come November 19th, I ain't fighting Regal, I ain't fighting Moxley, I ain't fighting Penta. I am fighting every single sorry scumbag who ever told me I wasn't good enough. And I am going to take this heavy chip off my shoulder and shove it down each and every single one of their throats when I become your new AEW champion of the world." Stokely comes out and sarcastically says they won't lay a hand on Moxley before Full Gear. MJF slaps the mic out of Stokely's hand and tells him not to go near, lay a hand on, or even look at Moxley, or he will be fired. More MJF chants!!!!!! Then MJF emphatically delivers his super over catchphrase, the crowd finishes it for him, and I get chills. What is wrong with me? The world may never know. I have fallen 100 times deeper in love from this promo alone. I have finally lost my damn mind completely over MJF. I'm literally sitting here watching this man talk shit with my chin in my hands. Someone help.
Bryan Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara -- Fantastic match. Guevara with a springboard cutter out of the gate. Danielson dodges a series of high flying offensive attempts from Guevara. Danielson locks in the Romero Special, then lands punches to Guevara's head as he lets go of the hold. Nasty uppercuts, chops, and kicks from Danielson to Guevara in the corner!!!!! Guevara responds with strikes of his own. Danielson absorbs a series of elbows from Guevara, leaning into each shot and backing Guevara into the corner before finally responding with a hard as hell palm strike, then more chops, kicks, and uppercuts!!!!!! Danielson has Guevara down on the mat and grabs his arm and contorts his fingers. Guevara tries to escape, and Danielson viciously stomps his elbow. Danielson with a double underhook suplex into an armbar attempt. Guevara rolls out of it, but Danielson gets on top of Guevara and lays in more palm strikes and closed fists!!! Skipping to a little later, Danielson is on his knees in the ring, absorbing kick after kick from Guevara, only to finally catch Guevara's foot and hit him with the nastiest looking palm strike to the face, followed by a series of absolutely disgustingly loud chops and kicks!!!! Danielson dives onto Guevara on the outside, rolls him back in, and lands a drop kick from the top rope. More kicks from Danielson, but Guevara ducks the last one and lands a standing Spanish Fly. Danielson kicks out!! Danielson attempts a back suplex from the top, but Guevara lands on his feet!! Guevara takes Danielson down and goes for a moonsault from the top, but Danielson rolls out of the way! Guevara attempts a standing moonsault, but Danielson avoids again! Guevara goes for a standing shooting star, but Danielson catches him out of midair in the LeBell lock!!!! Guevara gets to the ropes to break. Danielson goes to the top rope, but Guevara stops him, running up to hit a Spanish Fly from the top!! Danielson kicks out!! Guevara with shots to Danielson's head, then he bites Danielson's head!! Guevara attempts GTH, but Danielson catches the knee, slides underneath Guevara, and jumps onto his shoulders to hit a reverse rana!!! This is followed by a psycho knee that turns Guevara inside out!! But he doesn't go for the pin!!! Danielson kicks Guevara's head in!!!!! Danielson locks in a triangle choke and rains down elbows to the head until the referee stops the match!!! Beautiful!!!! This was Danielson at his baddest. He was absolutely fired up here. THIS is why he's one of the greatest of all time.
Riho vs. Jamie Hayter -- Good match. Beautiful Code Red from Riho. Nasty backbreaker by Hayter. Vicious lariat by Hayter for the win. Good stuff.
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo for the AEW World Championship -- Penta starts off strong, taking it to Moxley on the outside. Back in the ring, Penta hits a nasty backstabber!! Moxley with a huge belly to belly suplex into the corner on Penta!! This is followed by a flurry of offense from Moxley -- cutter, piledriver, LeBell lock, elbows, bulldog choke. Penta grabs a wrist lock and tries to break Mox's arm!!! Penta goes for a destroyer on the ring steps, but Mox reverses into a DDT!! Huge stomp from the top rope, then a package piledriver by Penta!!!! I lose it for that move every time!! (Universe, please bring Kevin Steen back to meeee.) Mox kicks out!! Penta goes for some offense, but Mox reverses with a Paradigm Shift out of nowhere, followed by a second high Paradigm Shift for the pinfall!! This felt kind of short and ended very abruptly, but it was very good. So glad to see Penta get a singles main event title match. Well deserved.
After the match, Stokely and The Firm come out and beat Moxley down, despite MJF's instructions. MJF enters the arena looking conflicted, but he ultimately runs to the ring, pulls these guys away from Moxley and tells Stokely that he is fired. The Firm then turns on MJF, beating him down in the ring, then driving him through the timekeeper's table on the outside. Wow. Putting MJF in a sympathetic position like this is an interesting choice. We'll see how it plays out.
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heartsoulrocknroll · 7 months
AEW Dynamite 10/5/22
MJF vs. Wheeler Yuta -- Here we go!!!!!!!! Absolutely beautiful, disgusting backbreaker/gut-wrench powerbomb combo by MJF!!!!!!! Nice series of German suplexes by Yuta! Yuta goes for a hurricanrana, but MJF catches him out of midair and lands a nasty powerbomb on the knee!!!!!!!!! Wtf!!! Yuta goes for a kick, but MJF catches the leg and counters with a thumb to the eye!!!! Love it!!!! Yuta lands a huge rana off the top. MJF rolls to the outside, but Yuta quickly follows up with a vicious topé to the outside!!! Yuta lands a diving cross body from the top and follows it up with hammer and anvil elbows!!! Yuta goes for a submission hold, which MJF counters into Salt of the Earth!! Yuta taps!!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!! This was a great match, and MJF looked fantastic here.
After the match, Yuta offers a handshake to MJF. MJF seems to consider it until Lee Moriarty of The Firm attacks Yuta from behind. MJF yells at Moriarty to stop, saying that he never asked Moriarty to do that. Stokely comes down and hands the Dynamite Diamond Ring to MJF. Regal gets up from the commentary table, pulls brass knuckles out of his pocket, puts them on, and walks into the ring to face MJF!!!!!! WHAT A MOMENT!!!!! MJF wants no part of Regal and quickly leaves the ring. Loved everything about this!!!!!
Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara -- This was an enjoyable tag team match. Some nice moments with Garcia and Danielson, especially the stereo hammer and anvil elbows. Garcia hits a piledriver on Guevara. Garcia covers, but Jericho pulls Garcia out of the ring before three. A spinebuster on and a suplex through a table on the outside by Jericho takes out Danielson. Garcia locks in the Dragon Tamer on Guevara, but Jericho nails Garcia with the ROH World Championship to break the hold. Guevara immediately grabs a pin and gets the three count. Gross. It should have at least taken one additional offensive move from Guevara to get the fall on Garica. Better yet, could have let Garcia take the fall to Jericho.
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