#ddumpling's effervescence
ddumplingsmusic · 2 years
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i guess you can say i’m trying to live up to the name of ddumpling’s effervescence in that i am trying to be more vocal about my enthusiasm. i used to be so vivacious with my interests: my love of music and my love of the media i enjoy. i often find myself wondering where that part of me went. it’s also so weird that i want people to see my work but the mortifying ordeal of being perceived also shuns or shames me into not releasing these ideas and emotions. it’s something i’m working on, and a phrase i’ve seen a lot on the internet is that i am not making this content for anyone but myself. so i think i want to take a step in that direction, somehow. i’m not an artist, nor am i a writer, but goddammit i love music and i want to integrate it into my interests because i want to engage with that media in a way that is meaningful to me. so i think if anything, i will post it for myself and no one else
with my life getting more stressful, starting grad school and whatnot, i want to be able to express the parts of me that will inevitable get put on the back burner for the sake of “being an adult”. but i find that the connotation of an adult is changing, and that i can be both a functioning member of society and indulge in my interests no matter how “lame” or “cringey” i make them out to be because objectively, they’re not. they are my interests and that is what makes me... well me. so who knows, maybe i will become more confident with presenting my ideas to whoever wants to take a gander at what i have to offer
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ddumplingsmusic · 2 years
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what music/song best represents our species?
One of my friends brought up this question in our groupchat bc she needed to answer it for an assignment and i couldn’t help but go a little overboard with my contenders and explanations!! so here it is, copied n pasted directly from the groupchat, with some edits to be more comprehensible
The Rainbow Connection - Jim Henson (but I’m referring to the cover sung by Carpenters) 
To me, this song appeals to the human idea of aspirations, how everyone deserves to have a dream, and the desire to discover your purpose in life. It calls to the wonder of human potential and the individuality of the person; there are no two people with the same dream and really accentuates the uniqueness of the human experience. I also like to think it encapsulates yearning, which imo is one of the few emotions exclusive to our species
Find Myself - Lucy Rose
imo, this song represents discovering yourself (it's kinda easy to think this given the title) but you do so through finding, meeting, loving new people; it's through connections with others that we discover more about who we are. Since humans are hardwired to be social, we place a lot of emphasis on connections with others, whether we do it consciously or not. This song really highlights the impact of finding yourself (haha title drop) through the ways we engage with others in the world and the friendships/relationships we make with our loved ones.
Being Human - Rebecca Sugar (from Steven Universe Future)
tbh i dont really have much for this song, it's only just the title HAHAHA but it probably carries more meaning if you consider the context of the song (coming from the show)
Strawberry Swing - Coldplay
This song stands out to me because it represents another one of those exclusively human emotions: nostalgia. The idea that we like to think back to our past and reminisce on the memories that have shaped who we are and who we will become seems so unequivocally human. This song also calls to the yearning of returning to a more simpler time, a more carefree and happier time, it speaks to our hyperfixation on the passage of time and our mortality.
I Can’t Change It All - Lucy Rose
The things i could say about this song... i'll keep it brief: it emphasizes human pain, which imo can be a nuanced thing which makes it a form of pain that is uniquely human, and the power human comfort. Compared to other species, our troubles are in a completely different ballpark. A callback to "Find Myself", it appeals to our desire for human connection and desire to ease that pain from our loved ones. Even if we can't solve their problems or make their pain go away, solidarity is what strengthens that connection between two individuals and makes the pain hurt less
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ddumplingsmusic · 2 years
i first heard a snippet of this piece from The Three Mouseketeers and it never left my brain since and i am so ecstatic that i found it... just mwuah 
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ddumplingsmusic · 2 years
i just absolutely love the way out of time by the weeknd makes me feel like the way i can envision myself driving down a street on a roadtrip with my close friend or significant other late at night, straight vibing to this groovy yet melancholic tune. our conversations lean towards reflecting on our past, our regrets, just putting into perspective how insignificant out lives will be in the grand scheme of things but in this moment, it’s just you and me and that’s significant enough to hold onto until our time on this earth runs out
AND this song is sampled from a city pop song midnight pretenders by tomoko aran!! mad groovy if i do say so myself
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ddumplingsmusic · 3 years
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Morning Light - Mark Ford (xxx)
a 3 minute marimba solo composed by marimbist Mark Ford; a soft and delicate piece that conveys the warmth of the sun shining through the windows of early dawn.
words: 346
Such a gentle piece that features the wonderful range and warm timbre of a 5 octave marimba. it’s only a 3 minute piece but it invigorates me with such a warm feeling, comforting me through the world’s turmoils and reminds me that even then, there is still peace and beauty to be found in the passing moments if you stop to take it in, like seeing a flower in full bloom on a walk home from a shitty day
The constant changing of key signatures teeters between a nurturing vibe to almost a melancholic one, almost as if it wants to incorporate the melancholic feeling that accompanies that fleeting moment of peace in your life
But regardless of the sadness that infiltrates the piece, it ends in the original key, kinda to symbolize that even though the peaceful times are fleeting, the tumultuous times are, too, fleeting
A good piece to remind me that there are still simple pleasures in life despite the world around you feeling like nothing good or wonderful can ever come out of it
It gives me like “waking up to the sun shining warmly on your face next to your S/O early in the morning when the world is still asleep. You take in their still sleeping form, peaceful and carefree, and you think to yourself that instances like these are moments that you wish to engrave into your heart forever. The love you feel for your S/O is passionate and powerful, yes, but also gentle and nurturing. You wish to protect moments like these with them, you wish to protect everything that rewards you with their smile because it reminds you that there is still something to wake up to every day. You go through your obstacles in life and there are days when you want to give in to the pessimism of the world but these quiet, tender, fleeting seconds of tranquility make everything just a little bit better” kinda vibes
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My first rambling post! Excited to talk about this piece because it holds a lot of warmth in my heart but nervous bc idk if my words can accurately convey my feelings towards the piece. 
i’ve always loved the timbre of the marimba, very warm and mellow, and this piece really highlights the gentle, lullaby-esque nature of this wonderfully large instrument. i first listened to this piece back when i was in high school and it still floods my mind with the softness and comfort that i felt the first time i heard it
(pulled from Google Docs; 11/7/2020)
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ddumplingsmusic · 3 years
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#ddumpling’s foundation
my posts on things i consider vital information; this is mostly for the convenience of the folks on tumblr mobile
#ddumpling’s monthly 
what i will tag my monthly playlists under
#ddumpling’s effervescence 
when i talk about a specific song or piece of music outside of the monthly playlists; basically where my ramblings will be placed
#ddumpling’s playlists 
any playlists i make will be filed under here; i don’t make many public playlists tho because i am afraid of being perceived but just in case i want to talk about any playlists i’ve made, this is here
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