dertotehahn · 6 years
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Is it real, or just in our minds?
Setting up our hypothesis was the easiest part after our field inspection. Our fellow citizens would agree in our opinion, most certainly. Of course, everywhere are craft-workshops becoming extinct, and it would be nice if they could live a little while longer so that we could use these places as source of inspiration and learning, that the craftsmanship continues to live on in ourselves.
But is it like that? Are young people really interested in traditional craftsmanship? We gave those people a voice, for who we just put those word in their mouth. An empirical analysis should prove it, preferably open worded and value-free. Luckily there was this concert in the evening, with a lot of design students, and the next training school is neither far away. Many opportunities to gather many and diverse opinions about this topic.
Our cultural probe has confirmed, that young probants of our survey are indeed interested in learning some craftsmanship. Their preferred location seems to be a secured learning environment, where on the one hand they are introduced to the activity, on the other hand with enough independence where they can give themselves a try. The preferred craftsmanships are working together with an experienced professional from the wood, ceramics or textiles sector. Because here the individual demand for learning could be met as well as some creative spaces could be created for developing new ideas. Up to the half of the polled people are pretty new into their preferred craftsmanship, another majority said, they have a rough idea about it, but still, there is plenty space for improvement. Here our idea could jump in!
Ist es wirklich so, oder wollen wir es einfach nur glauben?
Unsere Hypothese aufzustellen ging mehr oder weniger einfach von der Hand. Die Mitmenschen sehen das ja bestimmt genauso, wie man selbst. Natürlich gibt es überall aussterbende Handwerksbetriebe, und es wäre sehr schön, wenn sie noch etwas länger am leben wären, sodass wir sie als Orte der Inspiration und des Lernens nutzen können, damit die Handwerkskunst in uns weiterlebt.
Doch ist das wirklich so? Sind junge Menschen wirklich an traditionelles Handwerk interessiert? Den Menschen, für die wir gerade noch gesprochen haben, haben wir versucht eine Stimme zu geben. Eine empirische Analyse, möglichst offen formuliert und wertneutral soll das überprüfen. Glücklicherweise war an der eigenen Universität ein Konzertabend mit vielen jungen Designstudenten, und die nächste Berufsschule ist auch nicht weit. Möglichkeiten, möglichst viele und diverse Meinungen mit Hilfe unseres eigenen Fragebogen zu sammeln.
Die Kulturprobe bestätigt, die jungen Menschen, die wir gefragt haben, sind sehr wohl daran interessiert, Handwerk zu lernen. Ihr Wunschlernort scheint eine gesicherte Lernumgebung zu sein, wo sie einerseits an das Handwerk geführt werden, andererseits auch Freiräume haben sich selbst auszuprobieren. Am Besten zusammen mit einem erfahrenen Handwerker aus dem Holz-, Keramik- oder Textilbereich. Denn hier kann  auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse ein Wissensaustausch stattfinden und ein Denkraum geschaffen werden, bei dem kreativ neue Ideen entstehen. Fast die Hälfte der Probanten gibt an, jedoch gänzlich neu in ihrem Wunschhandwerk zu sein, eine gute zweite Mehrheit sagt, sie kann bereits etwas mit dem Handwerk anfangen, hat jedoch noch viel Platz zum Lernen. Hier wollen wir ansetzen!
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Image by:
Felix Pliester
Felix Pliester
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dertotehahn · 6 years
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The itinerant interface - #Arrotino
Der Tote Hahn. is trying to gather information about local hidden crafts workshops from the non-online public. Our team has developed an interface to directly interact with citizens: the interface consists of a conversation-enabling device, a point where we could directly interact with our target group.
Our interface was supposed to be easy to move around the city and that let us ride door by door. The main purposes of the interface were to trigger our public with a targeted question, to gather information from them through a face to face informal chat and to leave them our contacts. We have therefore developed a quick prototype that has been tested on the street: we have hand drawn two flags and we have set them up on our bikes.
At the same time, we have conducted a research in order to understand which are the more suitable areas in the city of Bolzano to place the itinerant interface. The first intervention took place during the Saturday local market in Gries neighborhood.
From the first public intervention we have been able to start to map our hidden potential partners and we are going to include them on our website.
Our idea is to bring our itinerant interface to other areas in Bolzano, such as the Parco delle Semirurali and other urban gardens, and to other local markets, starting from Brixen and Bruneck.
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L’interfaccia itinerante - #Arrotino
Der TOTE Hahn. cerca di raccogliere informazioni riguardo laboratori artigianali locali e nascosti dal pubblico non-online. Il nostro team ha creato un’interfaccia in grado di interagire direttamente con i cittadini: un mezzo che permette di iniziare conversazioni con il nostro target di riferimento.
La nostra interfaccia doveva essere facilmente trasportabile per la città per poterci spostare porta per porta. L’obiettivo principale è quello di provocare il pubblico con una domanda per raccogliere informazioni attraverso una conversazione informale faccia a faccia e per distribuire i nostri contatti. Abbiamo quindi creato un veloce prototipo da testare in strada: abbiamo disegnato su due bandiere e le abbiamo montate sulle nostre biciclette.
Allo stesso tempo abbiamo cercato di capire quali fossero le aree di Bolzano più indicate per testare la nostra interfaccia itinerante. Il primo intervento si è svolto durante il mercato del Sabato nel quartiere di Gries. Da questa prima esperienza siamo stati in grado di iniziare a mappare i nostri partner potenziali e nascosti che verranno inclusi nel nostro website.
La nostra idea è di portare l’interfaccia itinerante in altre aree di Bolzano, come al Parco delle Semirurali o altri mercati locali, partendo da Bressanone fino a Brunico.
https://goo.gl/maps/Vo7vBBmWqau Gries local market, Mercato del Sabato
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Illustration by:
Chiara Rovescala
Chiara Rovescala
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dertotehahn · 6 years
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In the beginning there was the PartnerForum
In Spring 2018 the course of studies M.A. Eco-Social Design has organized the PartnerForum. Its purpose was to match potential projects with eco-social design students. Following partners were there:
the South Tyrol farmer association "Roter Hahn"
the civic association "da Mals" from Obervinschgau region
the cooperative association "Haus der Solidarität" from Brixen
the cooperative association "Officine Vispa" from Bozen
the art collective "Macao" from Milano
Armin Bernhard, representing »da Mals«, introduced us in a potential project around an old weaving mill in the historic centre of Mals which was shut down a couple of years ago. It caught our interests, and so it began…
Am Anfang war das PartnerForum
Im Frühjahr 2018 veranstaltete der Studiengang M.A. Ökosoziales Design das PartnerForum. Ziel war es Projektinitiativen mit Studenten zusammenzubringen. Gekommen sind:
der Südtiroler Bauernbund "Roter Hahn"
die Bürgergenossenschaft  "da Mals" aus dem Obervinschgau
die Sozialgenossenschaft "Haus der Solidarität" aus Brixen
die Sozialgenossenschaft "Officine Vispa" aus Bozen
das Kulturkollektiv "Macao" aus Mailand
Armin Bernhard, von der Bürgervereinigung »da Mals«, präsentierte als ein Projektschwerpunkt eine verlassene Weberei im Zentrum von der kleinen Stadt Mals im Obervinschgau. Das packte unsere Aufmerksamkeit und alles begann…
Image by:
Chiara Rovescala
Felix Pliester
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dertotehahn · 6 years
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Der TOTE Hahn.
We are four students currently conducting research for our semester project at the Master in Eco-Social Design, at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano.  
We are focusing our project on local craftsmanship. Therefore, we have been examining economic, social and cultural issues related to the topic, such as the economic difficulties of young enterprises to start their activities from the very beginning, the depopulation of rural areas, the closing of small traditional craftsman workshops and the consequent loss of traditional local knowledge. Our purpose is to combine the complementary needs of young and old generations of artisans in order to achieve mutual benefits. Starting from our research we will map the hidden needs and potential in South Tyrol to support the emergence of new regional networks. Our ultimate goal is to incentivize young people to return to or stay in the mountains and to consequently enable human relations, combining traditional and new types of knowledge.
Siamo un team di quattro studenti che frequentano il Master in Eco-Social Design presso la Libera Università di Bolzano.
Stiamo concentrando la nostra ricerca per il nostro progetto di semestre sull’artigianato locale. Abbiamo esaminato i problemi economici, sociali e culturali legati alle realtà artigiane, come per esempio la difficoltà per le giovani aziende di aprire una nuova attività, la depopolazione delle aree rurali, la chiusura dei piccoli laboratori artigiani e la conseguente perdita delle conoscenze tradizionali locali. Il nostro scopo è quello di trovare e combinare i bisogni complementari delle nuove e vecchie generazioni di artigiani, in modo che entrambi ne traggano vantaggio. Partendo dalla nostra ricerca, stiamo creando una mappa dei bisogni e dei potenziali nascosti in Alto Adige, per supportare la crescita di una nuova rete regionale. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di incentivare i giovani appassionati di artigianato a restare o a tornare nelle aree montane e, di conseguenza, stabilire nuove connessioni, combinando le conoscenze di due diverse generazioni.
Wir sind vier Studierende vom Master Ökosoziales Design an der Freien Universität Bozen. Derzeit recherchieren wir für und arbeiten an unser Semesterprojekt.
Dieses konzentriert sich auf lokale, traditionelle Handwerkskünste. Deshalb haben wir uns mit wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Schwierigkeiten, wie die Aufnahme des Betriebs  junge Unternehmen, Landflucht sowie der Schließung kleiner, traditioneller Familienbetriebe und dem daraus resultierenden Verlust von traditionellem, lokalem Wissen, beschäftigt. Unsere Absicht ist es, die komplementären Bedürfnisse junger und alter Handwerker Generationen zu kombinieren, um so gegenseitigen Nutzen zu erreichen. Ausgehend von unserer Forschung werden wir die verborgenen Bedürfnisse und Potenziale in Südtirol aufzeigen, um das Entstehen neuer regionaler Netzwerke zu unterstützen. Unser Ziel dabei ist es, Anreize für junge Menschen zu schaffen, in den Bergen zu bleiben oder dorthin zurückzukehren und menschliche Beziehungen zu ermöglichen, indem traditionelle und neue Arten von Wissen vereint werden.
Chiara Rovescala
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