Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Maniac [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts on the balcony in Banmaden
Cordelia: ...What is that wench’s problem...!? Ayato as well...!
How dare he oppose me like that...!
???: ...You seem to be in somewhat of a bad mood.
ー Richter approaches her
Richter: ーー However, you are beautiful even when upset, my precious Cordelia.
Cordelia: Richter...Hmph, what do you want?
Richter: I do not need a reason to be with you. Please do not be so cold to me.
Cordelia: Come on, if you want to keep me company that badly, come a little closer. ーー Get down on the floor, and lick my foot.
Richter: As you wish...
Richter: Aah, Cordelia. You are the perfect woman. Every part of your body is stunning.
Cordelia: Why of course? ...Fufu...That position fits you very well. Come on, lick it.
Richter: It would be an honour, Cordelia...Nn.
Cordelia: ...Exactly. You are doing a great job, Richter...
...Right...All men in this world should be at my feet.
Richter! I have had enough! Back off!!
ー Cordelia kicks him away
Richter: Ah!
Cordelia: Ah, gosh...! I have had enough of all these people.
Christa...That whore’s son...As well as the child of that hag Beatrix...
Destroying his violin did not deal nearly enough damage ...Fufufu.
Either way, if only I can retrieve my heart from that little girl...
Richter: Cordelia...
I will return your heart to you at all costs, my beloved.
For your sake, I do not mind just how much blood I have to get on these hands of mine.
Cordelia: Richter...Thank you. I am relying on you, fufufu.
However...Let me deliver the final blow, okay? I want to retrieve what belongs to me with my own hands.
In front of Ayato...I will rip out her heart...! What do you think? Sounds like the perfect come-back, no? 
Richter: Yes, Cordelia!
Cordelia: Nfu~ I knew you would say that.
As a reward for meeting my expectations...
I shall bless you with a kiss. Nn...
Richter: ...! Aah...Cordelia...!
ー The scene shifts to the Sakamaki manor
Reiji: ーー Hm? Aah. You can seal that invitation now.
Yui: Okay.
Reiji: Please use that candle over there to seal the envelopes.
Yui: Y-Yes...
Yui: ( There’s still so many left...I wonder how much longer it will take...? )
*Flip flip*
Reiji: Good grief...Starting with that good-for-nothing, I wonder why none of the people in this house are willing to help out with anything.
They are acting as if none of this concerns them. Honestly...
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( However, even if they were here, I feel like Reiji-san might have a hard time either way... )
*Flip flip*
ー Ayato enters the living room
Ayato: Woah, look who’s working hard over here! You’re practically buried underneath those letters, Chichinashi!
Yui: Ayato-kun!
Reiji: Ayato! Honestly, you are so...If you have the time to poke fun at someone else, how about you actually help out a little?
Ayato: In your dreams. That’s not my job.
Yui: ( I’ve been worried since he has been cooped up in his room as of late but...Seems like he’s doing well. )
Ayato: ...
ー Ayato leaves again
Yui: Ah...
( I guess he’s still... )
...W-Wait, Ayato-kun!
ー Yui chases after him
Reiji: You too!? Halt, Komori Yui!
Yui: I’m sorry! I’ll get back right away...!
ー The scene shifts to the forest outside
Yui: Haah, haah, haah...Ayato-kun!
Ayato: You...Why did you follow me all the way out here?
Weren’t you helpin’ out Reiji?
Yui: I was but...I wanted to talk to you for a bit.
Ayato: Hm...
Yui: W-What brings you here?
Ayato: Not like there’s anythin’ fun to do inside my room. Our family doesn’t need another shut-in besides Subaru.
My mind ends up wanderin’ as well...
So I figured I would get some fresh aーー
Yui: ...?
Ayato: I just remembered somethin’ great. Follow me for a bit.
Yui: Eh? S-Sure...
( I wonder what’s wrong? )
ー The scene shifts to the flower field
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Ayato: Ohー... They’re bloomin’, just like I thought...
Yui: Ayato-kun, this isーー
Ayato: ーー Lunar eclipse flowers.
Apparently they only bloom durin’ an eclipse. Last time, I came across them by pure coincidence...
I bet you like this kinda stuff, don’t you?
Yui: Yeah...
They’re so pretty...
( ...Every day has been filled with anxieties ever since we came here. )
( However, perhaps I was being too afraid of this place, simply because it is foreign to me. )
Ayato: ...
Yui: The Demon World, you see...It’s obviously different from my own world, so there’s a bunch of surprises...
However, I now realize it’s home to such beautiful flowers as well.
This is where you and your brothers grew up, isn’t it?
In that case, I want to get to know it better as well.
Ayato: Yui...
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Don’t you dare show that expression of yours to anyone else, ‘kay? That’s a promise with Yours Truly.”
“Vistin’ these kind of spots isn’t bad once in a while, right? I was so kind to take you here, so you better be grateful, Chichinashi.”
Ayato: ...Even so, don’t just go wanderin’ ‘round while leavin’ yourself completely defenseless, ‘kay?
No matter in which world we are, you are still mine, remember?
Oi, do you understand that?
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Yeah...I belong to you, Ayato-kuーー
Ayato: ...!
Who’s there!?
???: ...My sincere apologies. I did not mean to interrupt.
I am simply one other person drawn to this place by the lunar eclipse flowers.
Yui: ( Who is this guy...? )
Ayato: ...What? Haven’t seen you ‘round here?
Mertz: Nice to meet you. ーー My name is Mertz.
Yui: Mertz...san...
Mertz: Exactly. This presence...That gentleman over there is a Vampire, is he not? So am I. Furthermore...
I could not help but become captivated by the image of a young, interspecies couple sharing their mutual love amidst the beautiful flower fields.
Ayato: Ah!? Don’t make me gag!! Get out of my sight!!
Mertz: ...You say that but...I am not quite sure where I should go...
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Mertz: To tell the truth, I am a bit of an outcast seeing as I was both born and raised in the human world...
Even so, to reconnect with my roots as a demonic species, I made the decision to return to this world.
That being said...This place is simply too different from the human world.
I have been aimlessly wandering around, unknowing where to go.
Ayato: Hm...
Yui: ( He was born and raised in the human world...Which means he is the same as me. )
( In that case, I can definitely sympathize with him. )
( Above all...He must be horribly lonely. Me too, if I didn’t have Ayato-kun and the others, who knows what... )
Mertz: ...Excuse me...I realize this might be very imprudent of me to ask, however...
I am sure we met here through some sort of fate. Would you be so kind...to teach me about the Demon World?
Ayato: Aah? Just walk ‘round here for a bit and you’ll figure things out whether you like it or not.
Mertz: I am sure, but...
Ayato: Then leave already!
Yui: W-Wait, Ayato-kun. Let’s try hearing him out first.
Ayato: Aah!?
Yui: I kind of understand how he would feel at a loss here...
Ayato: ...Haah...
Yui: Please, Ayato-kun?
Ayato: ...
...Che, fine.
If we return to the castle now, we’ll just get another one of Reiji’s annoyin’ lectures anyway.
Mertz: Aah...! Thank you so much! I have found some reassuring comrades down here!
Ayato: Comrades? Don’t get the wrong idea now...
Yui: ( Thank god...While we’re at it, it’ll be a great opportunity for me to learn about the Demon World as well. )
ー The scene shifts to Mertz’ manor
Yui: ( So this is Mertz-san’s home...? )
Ayato: ...Hm? What’s this smell?
...! Oi, what’s this thing sittin’ on the table?
Mertz: Fufu, they’re extra-large takoyaki made with a special spice blend.
Ayato: Takoyaki, you say...!?
Mertz: Oh dear? If you like these, go ahead and have one.
Ayato: ...
...Well, guess I have no other choice if you insist. I’ll try one then.
This stuff’s hella delicious!
Yui: A-Ayato-kun! You shouldn’t eat them all...
Ayato: Shut up! Never heard of survival of the fittest? The early bird gets the worm!
Mertz: Fufu, good point. That might be how things work in this world.
Ayato: Oh! You get me!
Yui: ( Gosh, Ayato-kun... )
( But...I do want him to smile brightly like this after all. )
Mertz: ...
ー The scene shifts to the reception hall in Banmaden
Shin: Nii-san! Nii-san, listen to me!
Why did you give a physical body to that woman!?
She’s been going around acting as if the whole world belongs to her...I’ve reached my limit. Can I just kill her already?
Carla: ーー You cannot.
Give that woman free reign for now. She will eventually begin to carry out her duty.
Shin: What do you mean...?
Carla: She is an important piece in the puzzle to put an end to Karlheinz.
Shin: Hm...I feel like I understand, yet not quite at the same time.
However...Seems like things are about to get interesting. Hehe...!
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