#did I make a fanmix as if this is tumblr 2015? yes. Yes I did
yoyo-inspace · 2 years
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Jonathan Harker / Count Dracula - a fanmix  Aka: Jonathan and Dracula trying to figure out if they’re in Beauty and the Beast or Bluebeard
(Spotify link)
Track list
1. The Horror Of Our Love - Ludo | 2. Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives | 3. In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier | 4. Kill Of The Night  - Gin Wigmore | 5. In All My Dreams I Drown (Room 8:36) - American Murder Song | 6. Howl - Florence + The Machine | 7. Graveyard - The Devil Makes Three | 8. The Unwanted Animal - The Amazing Devil | 9. Shades and Shadows - Peter Gundry | 10. Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine | 11. The Judge - Twenty One Pilotes | 12. Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars | 13. Stalker’s Tango - Autoheart | 14. Become the Beast - Karliene | 15. If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray | 16. Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine | 17. Drawn to the Blood - Sufjan Stevens
Classic Lit fanmixes
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cluelessrebel1988 · 5 years
Shipping questions
Saw that @hpfangirl13​ had done this and it looked like fun so I thought I’d give it a shot
Talk about the first ship you ever had.
One of the first pairs that I remember wanting to get together was Harry/Hermione as I was reading the Harry Potter series. I didn’t know what shipping was at the time (I’m not even sure there was a term for it yet), but I really thought they made a better couple than Ron/Hermione for the longest time. I eventually came around to Ron/Hermione (Book 7 was the game changer), but Harry/Hermione was the one I was rooting for for about half the series.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
I mean, the first one is pretty important, right? The one that gets you started on wanting to see where a relationship or friendship goes. So yeah, Harry/Hermione would probably be an important one. Outside of that, the top three are Cartinelli (Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli) on the show Agent Carter was a big one for me because that kickstarted by deep and resounding love for f/f pairings;FitzSimmons from Agents of SHIELD. If for no other reason than that’s the one thing that kept me watching through some pretty dismal story arcs; And Riley Matthews/Maya Hart (Rilaya) from Girl Meets World, due to them being one of the few pairs I’ve shipped since day one.
What’s your current OTP?
Not gonna lie, I fell pretty hard for the budding romance between Jane Banks and Jack the lamplighter in Mary Poppins returns. It’s just so sweet and pure and just starting out and it’s damn near perfect.
What’s your current NOTP?
I don’t really have one at the moment. The most recent was probably Kara/Mon-El on Supergirl, but mostly because I thought the relationship was poorly written and that the arc that they gave Mon-El would have worked just fine if they weren’t in a relationship.
Do you have any poly ships?
No. I’ve never been able to get into that. No judgement against people that are, though!
How do you feel about love triangles?
I have yet to see one that didn’t get old fast and drag a story down hard. 
How do you feel about RPF?
Not really my thing. Feels too weird.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
I actually have. Generally when I’m testing out OCs in my head or in the canon of the story, I don’t have them mess with canon pairings, but I’ve got a Lord of the Rings OC that I ship with Eowyn and yes, it’s pretty much a self-insert situation. 
Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
Well, Cartinelli never became an actual couple, but I was never expecting them to. That’s probably the only one.
Do you ship any characters that have never met?
No, there’s gotta be some kind of meeting
Talk about your favorite first kiss.
Gotta go with FitzSimmons on this one. After a little over two seasons of slow burn, and just about every bad thing you can think of getting thrown their way (including one of them getting sucked into a portal to an alien planet), they’re back together, dealing with the long months apart, the fact that one of them is convinced they’re cursed as a couple and conflicting emotions abound, and the confrontation scene they’re having reaches a tipping point and Fitz kisses Simmons as passionately as he can. She kisses him a moment later, but more gently and for just a moment, nothing else matters. No one else matters. It’s just them. Still love that scene.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?
Not really. Not that I can think of.
Has a ship ever broken your heart?
I had my heart broken about a dozen times over with FitzSimmons, largely due to a combination of amazing writing and an inexplicable desire by said writers to keep them from getting together.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they?
Oh, if it’s done well, it’s about as perfect as it gets. But you gotta do it right. 
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
I think most, if not all, of my ships started at first sight
Talk about a ship you initially disliked.
I was never on the Reylo train, and I’m still not even after ‘The Last Jedi’ (though I get why a lot more people started shipping them after that movie). I’d be lying if I said I hated it, but it’s just one that I never got on board with.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.
I really can’t think of any.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
I really had a hard time understanding the SkyeWard (Agents of SHIELD) ship after it was revealed that Ward was Hydra. Pretty much everything about him after that was just...ugh. I’ve maintained for a while that his character deserved a redemption arc and that said arc would have been a more interesting story than just straight up making him the bad guy, but the two of them together never made sense to me after that reveal.
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?
Not really. I know what I like and what I don’t and my ships tend to fall in line with that.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping?
Probably just about any pairing from ‘The Great Escape’ but that’s largely because it’s a movie from 1963 and I’m not sure how many people in the shipping culture of today have even heard of it.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
Not really. Most of the ships I don’t get I have problems with, and the ones I don’t ship, but don’t have a problem with I at least understand 
Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
FitzSimmons has always had amazing chemistry and just continues to get better
Which of your ships deserve better writing?
FitzSimmons deserves writers that will just let them be happy for five fucking minutes, okay?
Do you mostly ship canon pairings?
There’s a bit of balance, I think, maybe leaning toward canon pairings.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?
Not that I can think of.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
It’s what I (and a lot of Tumblr users) call the Slytherin/Hufflepuff dynamic. You’ve got the tough character who would set world on fire to protect their less world-weary counterpart, and the eternal optimist who will forever see the best in their significant other, perhaps most especially when they can't see it in themselves.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?
I guess my longest, most consistent ship has been FitzSimmons which I’ve been shipping since 2013. Cartinelli is a close second, that one’s since 2015
Does shipping come easily to you?
Oh yeah. It takes very little for me to start shipping something, even if its casually.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?
I don’t know if I NEED to ship something to enjoy the source material, but I’d be hard pressed to think of a situation where it doesn’t improve it at least a little.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.
I’m not currently shipping anyone on the show Manifest, so there’s that.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
It’s not one that I came up with, but I did see a FitzSimmons headcanon a few years back that he didn’t know how to tie a tie (despite wearing them all the time) and she tied them for him but no one knew about that. I really liked that and it’s kind of the epitome of their relationship in season 1
Name your favorite fan artist(s).
I don’t really have any favorites, not that I could list.
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.
I did come across a Cartinelli fanmix a while back that I liked. I don’t remember all the songs in it, but I do remember it included ‘La Vie En Rose’ and “Someone to Watch Over Me’ which are songs a lot of people associate with the ship
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for your ships?
I’ve made a few fanvids for a couple of my ships, and I’ve written a fair share of fics for others.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?
My favorite FitzSimmons AU is one where they get a happy ending (I’m a bit bitter about this, can you tell?)
Do you like and use ship names?
Dear God, yes. The more creative the better.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?
I mean, apart from one where I’m a rider of Rohan and am able to romance Lady Eowyn, no
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
Angie Martinelli plays a bigger role in season 2 of Agent Carter and there’s no forced love triangle BS with Peggy.in Los Angeles. Cartinelli happiness (romantic or otherwise) ensues
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