#do uh British people call people prickheads??? or does dickhead transfer over…
oh-surprise-its-me · 10 months
Roy/Jamie fic idea: Roy is secretly a centuries old vampire who can withstand sunlight. Something happens that leaves Roy cut up and bleeding out. He has no choice but to ask Jamie for his blood. Even though he's terrified, Jamie gives his consent. The second Roy gently sinks his teeth into Jamie's neck and tastes his blood, Roy knows he's ruined for all others. Jamie himself has never experienced something so intimate and amazing and he's just as gone for Roy. It gets complicated, but they figure out the possibility of eternity together
I don’t think I can describe my love for vampires.
The driver was drunk. Roy is starting to fade in and out but Christ at least Jamie is mostly okay just his broken arm from where Roy shoved him out of the way. The driver is dead. Slammed into Roy and then a tree, Jamie wanted to check on Roy first but he insisted Jamie go to the human.
God of all the years being alive Roy has never felt pain like this. He knows he can’t technically die but god he can get close. But Jamie still needs medical attention. He’s got a cut on his head from falling and the broken arm is seriously at a fucked up angle.
The only choice if fly but he’s way to weak for that. He’ll need blood.
He can’t drink from the dead drunk dickhead. Because, well, dead blood doesn’t work.
Jamie is crying. God he’ll have to ask Jamie. Christ he doesn’t want to ask Jamie for that. It’s too intimate, too close to what Roy craves.
“Jamie.” Almost like he’s summoned out of his fit Jamie throws himself at Roy. “Woah it’s okay I’m fine. I’ll be fine I just need to ask something strange, and no it’s not a concussion.”
Jamie scrubs at his face with his bloody hand. “Alright anything.”
“I need to drink your blood.”
Jamie blinks.
“Uh mate no I think you need to lie down I can try and run to find cell reception. I’m sorry about by stupid fucking let’s run in the country idea.”
Roy sighs. He sits up with a huff. “No Jamie I’m a vampire.”
“Bullshit. You’d be a werewolf.”
Roy growls. He lets his fangs drop, and opens his mouth for Jamie to see.
“Oh shit mate you aren’t fucking me around.”
Jamie looks shocked but there’s a hit of something else Roy can’t pick out in his face. “No not ‘fucking you around’ I’m a vampire Jamie and I need blood to fly us home.”
Jamie has a bit more of the unknown look in his face. “Alright sure.. want my wrist or like ankle, how much are you gonna take??”
Roy sighs. Normally a wrist would work but he needs a good amount. “No neck would be best.”
Jamie goes a bit red at that. “Yeah course just don’t drain me. Shit sure. Uhh yeah go for it I command you or like allow you or permit you or whatever to suck my blood. Side question do you sparkle?”
“I don’t fucking know don’t you have to be invited places.”
“No that’s a stupid fucking myth some jackass started.”
“And no sparkly vampires are for Mormons with bad fashion.” “You’ve watched twilight??”
“Come here and straddle me it’ll be easiest and I can hold your neck.”
Jamie goes tinted red at this point. Huh. Maybe he does want Roy how Roy wants him.
He crawls into Roy’s lap. Bracing his one okay hand on Roy’s shoulders, and sets the fucked arm in his lap, he leans his head back. Roy cradles the back of Jamie’s head. “Okay?” Jamie takes a Deep breath. “Okay.” Roy hesitates for a second. Then he darts forward and plunges his teeth in.
Oh god that’s good. God it’s perfect. Jamie is perfect. Of course his blood is perfect. He tastes like home. Roy knows of other vamps saying their person tasted like home but he never thought he’d have it.
Jamie let’s out a moan. Oh? Oh. He likes it. “Roy.”
Christ that’s going to be burned into Roy’s fantasies for a long time.
He stops drinking for a second, he’s already feeling stronger. He pulls back and looks at Jamie, his pupils are blown black. He looks like he should be on silk bed sheets instead of a country road.
Roy licks his teeth. “You okay.” Jamie lets out a quiet moan. “It always feel that good?” Roy shakes his head “uh no, you uh you’re special.”
Jamie nods, not really understanding but wanting Roy to continue but first. “Kiss me?” Roy looks at Jamie. How could he ever resist. “Always.”
He kisses him. God it feels like coming home. Perfect. Sweet. Bloody. Slick.
Roy pulls away with a gasp, “okay enough. Come on.” Jamie nods. “We get to do that again right.” “Right now in fact.”
The sound Jamie lets out should be illegal. Roy bites the other side of his neck, no good reason other then wanted to see Jamie marked up. He drinks with less urgency this time. He can feel Jamie’s pulse. God that’s good. But it’s time for them to go to a hospital.
He pulls himself away. Shushing Jamie when he whimpers, “it’s alright we can do that again, just time to fly.” Jamie looks excited at that. “Fly? Like Peter Pan?” Roy chuckles, lifting himself off the ground while still holding Jamie. “Basically yeah but Pan is a prick.”
“No fucking way he’s real.”
“He’s not I just wanted to fuck with you.”
“Dick!” Jamie smacks Roy’s chest.
Six months later Roy turns Jamie into a vampire, Jamie is extremely excited to learn that the only way they can ever die is if they kill each other. Because vampires are immortal unless the person they’ve taken the most blood from decides to kill them.
You better believe Roy and Jamie got busy in those months.
Years later (10ish) supernatural creatures become more known and even loved so a supernatural league of soccer become a thing and Jamie gets to live his dream for years!
Because you know my vampires my lore.
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