#dodger is aforable
scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Saorsa, Chapter 16
A/N  Here is the next installment of Saorsa.  Jamie’s on a mission, and Ned Gowan makes his first appearance.  He keeps poking his head up in this story, like a marmot with a law degree.
Rather than link to all previously posted chapters, I’ll just direct those of you wanting to catch up on your Saorsa-reading to my AO3 page, where the fic is posted in its entirety.
Thank you to each of you liking and reblogging!  It does my little fanfic writer’s heart good.
For a man who couldn’t walk more than fifty yards without getting winded, Jamie Fraser was still a force to be reckoned with when he set his mind to a task.  In the two days since she’d confessed her dual secrets to him, he had directed labourers to a nearby bog to cut peat to burn through the winter instead of wood; suggested they mill the estate’s abundant acorns for flour, rather than letting the wild boar eat them all; shown Murtagh what was needed to repair the old grist mill; and sent the field hands out to collect the season’s last thornapples, so that Cook could stew them as preserves and dry them as fruit leather.  He deferred publicly to her position as Lady of Lallybroch in all matters, but it was clear that he knew a great deal more than she about the running of the estate in hard times.  How that came to be was a question she grew increasingly focused on answering.
With supper eaten and cleared away, they were now at opposite ends of the long couch in the great room.  Claire sat with her legs curled by her side, a novel resting on her thighs. Jamie's feet were extended on an ottoman as he listened attentively to BBC Radio broadcast the latest news of the war.
Her guest treated the war with odd disassociation.  Unlike most every other man she knew, he neither gloried in Britain’s triumphs nor seemed overly moved by her defeats.   He asked strange questions about the location of Pearl Harbor and the size and nature of a Panzer division, but otherwise absorbed the news in silence.  The Duke of Sandringham’s comment about the dubious dedication of the Scots to the war effort came to mind.  In truth, she barely knew Jamie, but she was certain he was not a coward nor a draft dodger.   As usual, all her suppositions about his motivations led her to barred doors that she did not feel entitled to open.
The news ended with the usual orchestral flourish and was replaced by quiet jazz.
Jamie stirred and looked her way.  “I’ve been thinking, Sassenach...”
She smirked, both at the now-familiar nickname and the fact that Jamie always seemed to be thinking.  He was often silent, as though over-awed by the simplest of daily occurrences, but it was clear that he was a man who reasoned deeply, yet preferred action to words.  It was a practical intelligence, when contrasted with Frank’s cerebral style.  If her late husband had been a florid adjective, James Fraser was all verb.
“I ken tis yer decision but would it no’ be wise tae consult the law about yer… situation?” he finished delicately.   She’d yet to tell anyone else about Frank’s death or her pregnancy, and she appreciated Jamie’s discretion.
“I thought of that, Jamie.  But I’m worried about what will happen if word gets back to the Duke of Sandringham before I’m ready.  He’s connected to every High Street lawyer in Scotland, I’m certain of it.”
Jamie grinned what she’d come to consider his piratical grin before suggesting, “Aye.  Where’er in Scotland could we find a man of the law who wouldna go blethering tae an English laird about keepin’ Lallybroch out of ‘is clutches?”
She couldn’t help smiling back at him, despite the seriousness of her situation.  Their eyes clutched and held for a long moment, before she broke the hold and looked down at her lap, smile fading.
“If you could make some discreet inquiries…” she murmured.
“Consider it done.”  He rose carefully from the couch and came to stand before her.
“It’s time fer me tae be beddin’ down wi’ Murtagh in the croft, Mistress Beauchamp.”
The switch from the familiar to the formal was not lost of her, and she rebelled against it instinctively.
“Absolutely not!  You’re still healing.  And you are not a labourer.  You’re my guest.”
“I’ve strayed in yer bed too long already,” he protested, and then blushed as he realized what he’d just said.  He plowed ahead anyway.  “Yer a widowed woman, and tis no’ right for me tae… weel, ye ken what I mean.”
“I most certainly do not.  I’ve been a widow for as long as you’ve known me.  Nothing about that has changed.   I will not hear of it, Jamie.  If you feel badly for depriving me of my bed, we can switch bedchambers.  You aren’t sleeping in that damp croft, and that’s final.”   She rose to stand in front of him, her fists resting against her hips and her chin thrown back in defiance.
“Did no-one e’er tell ye that yer as stubborn as a whole team o’ oxen, Sassenach?” he said with resigned affection.
“Let there be no mistake, Mister Fraser.  I’m far more stubborn than a whole team of oxen.”
Ned Gowan looked every bit the part of a disreputable lawyer.  His long hair was pulled back into a greasy pigtail, and he had the narrow, canny eyes of a larcenist.  Jamie would not divulge where he’d located the man, but he begged Claire to listen with an open mind as he set forth his argument.
The royal grant that saw Lallybroch pass from a family of Jacobite traitors into the hands of Frank Randall’s ancestors was clear.  Lallybroch would be held in perpetuity by successive generations of Randalls until there was no direct heir, at which time it would pass to the current Duke of Sandringham, to whose line protectorship of the estate had been given.  As long as the customary payment of a hundred pounds was made twice a year and a Randall resided at the estate, Lallybroch was theirs.
There could be no question in anyone’s mind that the child Claire bore was the lawful heir of Captain Frank Randall, conceived after their marriage and before his death.
Therefore, once born her child would be the natural inheritor of Lallybroch.   During the child’s minority, Claire would hold the estate in trust and be responsible for its management.
“Even though I’m a woman?  Even though I’m… not a Scot?” Claire asked, her hand unconsciously touching her still-flat belly.
“Oh, yes, my dear.  British history is full of examples of foreign women wielding power in the absence of their native husbands.   On that subject, the law is very clear,” the lawyer responded with a twinkle in his eye.  “I’m not saying the Duke will not try to contest it, but the child you carry is the future Lord or Lady of Lallybroch.”
She was totally engrossed in what Ned Gowan was saying, so she missed the look of mute agony that travelled over Jamie’s face.
The relief she felt after Ned Gowan’s visit put her in a playful mood.  She ribbed Jamie good-naturedly about his peculiar fondness for Cook’s cock-a-leekie soup at the supper table.
“Tis almost as good as my mam’s recipe, Sassenach.  She would make it when’er I was ill, or when I strayed too long in the dreich and came home frozen tae the marrow, which was often.”
She opened her mouth to ask about his mother, but he forestalled her question with his own.
“Where’abouts are yer people, Sassenach?  I ken they’re no’ here in Scotland, but do they visit ye?”
The smile fled from her face, and Jamie immediately looked contrite.
“Claire, I dinna mean to…”
“It’s alright.  It’s just that, well… I don’t have any ‘people’.  Not really.  Not the way you mean.”
He emitted a soft sigh and reached for her hand where it rested on the table.
“My, err… my parents died when I was quite young.  In the influenza epidemic that followed the Great War.  My uncle, Lambert, raised me until I was old enough to attend boarding school.   It was quite the unconventional upbringing, visiting all manner of places, wherever his work took him.   He was an archaeologist, you see.”
Jamie nodded absently.
“Lamb died before the war.  Cancer.  It’s been just me since then.   Well, and Frank.”
“How long were ye marrit tae ‘im?”
“Less than a year.   Love during wartime, I suppose.  We met last June, were married by October, and he was deployed only weeks later.  We last saw each other in August, and then…”  Her free hand unconsciously strayed to her flat tummy.
“I’m sae sorry, Sassenach.”   She was grateful there wasn’t an ounce of pity in his tone, only sincere regret.
“No, it’s alright.  It sounds cold, but we weren’t together long enough for me to truly miss him.  Anyway, you asked after my people, but all I have are memories.”
A pained noise burst from Jamie’s throat.
“Ye ken that isna true, Claire.  Afore ye know it, ye’ll have yer wee bairn tae raise.  And the men and women of this estate care for ye, truly.”
“Do they?” she asked, glancing at him sideways.
“Aye.”  Jamie nodded, but said no more.
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juvenilehousefinch · 4 years
Birds, Bonapartes, Biological Nomenclature
The more that I learn about the Bonaparte clan, the more I realize that the  family most famous for Napoleon I, the emperor and military genius, had connections to basically everything in the 1700s and 1800s. One shocking connection to me was that Tarrare (that hungry guy during the French Revolution who ate basically everything) worked under Alexandre de Beauharnais, who was married to a woman known as Rose Tascher de La Pagerie. After Alexandre de Beauharnais perished during the Reign of Terror, Rose remarried to a young general named Napoleon Bonaparte and adopted the name of Josephine.
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Pictured above: the curl-crested aracari, photographed by Lonnie Huffman
Just as I never expected the Bonaparte clan to have a connection to the infamous hungry guy, I also never expected them to have a real impact on ornithology. It seems so out there, so disconnected from the politics and conquest that are usually associated with their name. While reading about birds in the past, I’ve frequently stumbled upon the name “Bonaparte” or “Beauharnais” (Josephine’s martial name by her first husband, and the last name of both of her children, who became instrumental in Napoleon’s securing of power throughout Europe)[1]. I always assumed that the names simply came from people wanting to honor monarchs that hailed from the Bonaparte-Beauharnais clan, as naming new species (well, new to western scientists) after monarchs was trendy during that time. One such example is the curl-crested aracari, whose scientific name is “pteroglossus beauharnaesii.” I mention this specific example because the curl-crested aracari is awesome and vastly underrated compared to better-known species in the Ramphastidae family, such as toco toucans.
I recently learned, however, that the Bonaparte family’s influence on ornithology is more than just symbolic! I decided to dig a little bit deeper into learning why the name “Bonaparte” appears so frequently in bird information, and I found out that Napoleon’s nephew and the son of his brother Lucien, Charles Lucien Bonaparte was a prominent ornithologist who was the authority on 165 genera, 203 species, and 262 subspecies. Learning about this was really cool for me because two of my primary passions in life are Napoleon and birding, and I find it really exciting that there’s this unexpected and kind of random intersection of the two.
According to the IOC World Bird List, among the species studied by Bonaparte are a subspecies of oriental turtle dove of Europe and Asia (Streptopelia orientalis erythrocephala), the blue-winged goose (Cyanochen cyanoptera) endemic to Ethiopia, and the Pel’s fishing owl (Scotopelia peli) endemic to Africa.
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Pictured above: the blue-winged goose, photographed by Dick Daniels
Among Bonaparte’s notable contributions to ornithology is also his naming of the New World dove genus, Zenaida, after his wife. Bonaparte married Zénaïde Bonaparte, who was his cousin and the daughter of Joseph Bonaparte, older brother of Napoleon and Lucien Bonaparte. This was incestuous and nasty, but what can you really expect from European nobility? The Zenaida genus notably includes the Zenaida dove (the type species) and the mourning dove. Mourning doves are common where I live, and from now on, whenever I hear its iconic call of “hoo hoo hoo,” I’ll think of the Bonaparte family.
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Pictured above: The mourning dove. “Dove by Almaden Lake” by Don Debold
Bonaparte also was an early supporter of John James Audubon, who was then relatively unknown as a naturalist. I would also like to note that Audubon grew up in France[2], and used a fake passport to flee to the United States so that he wouldn’t be conscripted into the Napoleonic Wars. (I can only imagine what Bonaparte must have said if/when Audubon told him, “Yeah, I came to this country as a draft dodger because I didn’t want to die in all those wars that your uncle keeps dragging us into.”) Bonaparte recommended him for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (now a part of Drexel University) while living in Philadelphia, where he and his wife moved after getting married so that they could be with Joseph Bonaparte, who lived in exile in the city. Unfortunately, Audubon’s bid for membership because George Ord, an ornithologist and member of the academy, disliked his style of painting. Well, George Ord isn’t the one amongst them who has become basically synonymous with ornithology and bird conservation in the United States, so evidently, Audubon got the last laugh.
On a slightly different note, a fascinating aspect of biological nomenclature that I had never considered before learning about Bonaparte was the frequency at which people named species after their own political leaders, like the afore mentioned curl-crested aracari. Now that royalty and monarchies aren’t nearly as relevant to most people’s lives as they were during the time of the Bonapartes, the trend has evolved so that people name species to honor celebrities and other pop culture icons. (Though, whereas before famous people had birds named after them, now discovery of a terrestrial vertebrate animal is uncommon enough that people only get bugs and worms unless they’re lucky.) Take, for example, Aleiodes shakirae, Aleiodes gaga, and Aleiodes colberti, wasps that are named after Shakira, Lady Gaga, and Stephen Colbert, respectively. There’s even a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to listing the creatures whose scientific names take after the Harry Potter series. (There’s a whole dinosaur named Dracorex hogwartsia, which translates to “dragon king of Hogwarts”! I’m jealous! … Also, read another book, smh.)
Anyway, anyone who complains that people are making everything political these days clearly hasn’t read their history. One of Bonaparte’s notable contributions to ornithological nomenclature was his naming of Wilson’s bird-of-paradise, whose colloquial name comes from Alexander Wilson, a prominent American ornithologist who laid the foundation for ornithology in the United States. The scientific name for Wilson’s bird-of-paradise is “cicinnurus respublica,” with respublica commonly being translated as “public affair” or “commonwealth.” Bonaparte wanted to deviate from the tradition of naming species after royalty and royalty-adjacent people, and instead honor the concept of the republic. In my opinion, this is disdain for royalty was entirely performative, given that Bonaparte was a descendant of an imperial dynasty, was a prince himself, and was afforded his privilege in life by the fact that his uncle seized power in France, installed himself as the country’s leader, and eventually crowned himself emperor.  
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Pictured above: Wilson’s bird-of-paradise, photographed by Serhan Oksay
I’m always taken aback when I learn about just how connected the world was [for wealthy white men] before modern technology, and the influences that people from completely different geographical backgrounds could have on each other. It is important to acknowledge that so many of the naturalists from this time period were able to make such developments in their fields not because of their intrinsic talent as biologists and ornithologists, but also because of their immense connections and lucky circumstances that paved their way to success. Also, the “discovery” of many New World avian species wasn’t true “discovery” at all, because the indigenous people of the Americas had lived with those species for millennia. It was only “discovery” for westerners, who placed their mark of colonization on those species by naming them after rulers and other prominent western figures.
Although Bonaparte definitely had the passion to contribute so much to ornithology, he came from an incredibly powerful political dynasty that could bankroll his studies. He could travel wherever he wanted to and obtain any specimen that he wanted to obtain because of who his family was. Similarly, although Audubon certainly had a passion for birds and talent as an illustrator, he was only able to develop those skills through meeting the right people and having the generational wealth to do whatever he wanted in life. That’s not to say that every single ornithologist came from a position of wealth and power — the aforementioned Wilson, for example, was a weaver who lived in poverty in Scotland before emigrating to the United States and working as a schoolteacher. I don’t think that that makes the contributions of people like Bonaparte and Audubon less important or meaningful to the field (I’m also not an ornithologist so I don’t have that authority), but, as with most fields even today, it’s worth thinking about that the people who made these contributions reflect only the people with the access to the most resources.
NOTES: [1] Although Josephine is frequently referred to as “Josephine de Beauharnais,” she never actually went by that name during her lifetime. When she was married to Alexandre de Beauharnais, she went by Rose, and only adopted “Josephine” after having married Napoleon, because he liked the nickname. [2] Audubon was born in Haiti, where his father owned a plantation that he sold in 1789 when tensions began to rise between white slave-owning colonizers and enslaved people of African ancestry. The elder Audubon had a number of mixed-race children by a mistress who had ¼ African ancestry, but only the younger Audubon and his sister, who were both considered white, were moved to France alongside him.
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soccerdrawings · 4 years
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Bob Rosato
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Soccer Background Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock - background soccer images | background soccer images Simon BrutyNCAA Academy Football Championship: Ohio State vs. Oregon at AT&T Amphitheater in Arlington, Texas.Andrew HancockAmerican Pharoah (5), ridden by jockey Victor Espinoza, leads Materiality (8), Keen Ice (7), Frosted (6) and Madefromlucky (3) at the half-mile pole en avenue to acceptable the chase and the Triple Crown at the 2015 Belmont Stakes at Belmont Esplanade in Elmont, N.Y.Bob MartinSerena Williams and Garbine Muguruza airing off cloister captivation trophies at Wimbledon at The All England Lawn Tennis Club in London.Simon BrutyUSA players arrive with bays afterwards acceptable theFIFA Women's World Cup Final adjoin Japan at BC Place, Vancouver, Canada.Greg NelsonDraymond Green in the NBA Finals Cleveland Cavaliers adjoin Golden State Warriors during Bold 1 at Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif.John IaconoTom Brady of the New England Patriots passes during Super Bowl XLIX adjoin the Seattle Seahawks at University of Phoenix Amphitheater in Phoenix, Ariz.John W. McDonoughKyle Wiltjer of Gonzaga during a bold adjoin Pepperdine at the McCarthey Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash.Donald MiralleCharles Nelson (6) of Oregon flies through the air but avalanche abbreviate of the endzone on the one-yard band adjoin Nate Andrews (29) and Tyler Hunter (1) of Florida State during the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif.Robert BeckFloyd Mayweather boxes adjoin Manny Pacquiao during the unified welterweight championship bender at MGM Grand/Las Vegas.Greg NelsonOklahoma City Thunder's Russell Westbrook in activity adjoin the Golden State Warriors during Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals at Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Okla.Erick W. RascoFans acclamation from the stands during the 2016 Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky.Damian StrohmeyerClemson's Mike Williams makes a bolt for a 50-yard accession adjoin Boston College's Isaac Yiadom at Boston Academy Alumni Amphitheater in Newton, Mass.Erick W. RascoFans accumulate alfresco of Wrigley Acreage afore Bold 3 of the World Series area the Chicago Cubs played the Cleveland Indians.Donald MiralleMichael Phelps competes in the men's 200-meter butterfly final during the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Phelps took home a gold badge in this event.Simon Bruty (left); Kohjiro Kinno (right)Simone Biles holds her medals from the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games (left). Simone Biles trains arch up to the Olympic Games at her gym in Spring, Texas.Jordan Naholowa'a MurphBrazil's Neymar array the bold acceptable amends bang adjoin Germany goalie Timo Horn during the Men's Final Gold Badge bout at Maracana Stadium. Brazil wins in the amends bang shootout in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.David E. KluthoChicago Vocational School acceptance attending to their drillmaster afore a bold at Gately Esplanade in Chicago.Deanne FitzmauriceBroncos QB Peyton Manning jogs on the acreage during Super Bowl L. The Broncos defeated the Panthers 24-10.Duke's Luke Kennard agaisnt Devonte' Graham of Kansas at Madison Square Garden in New York during the State Farm Champions Classic.Erick W. RascoRunners accomplish their way through South Williamsburg during the the 2017 TCS New York City Marathon.Simon BrutyNew England Patriots Julian Edelman is abeyant midair adjoin the Atlanta Falcons at NRG Amphitheater during Super Bowl LI in Houston, TX. The Patriots defeated the Falcons 34-28.Greg NelsonGiannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks makes his way on the cloister adjoin the Oklahoma City Thunder during the approved season.Robert BeckFloyd Mayweather looks at his adversary Conor McGregor at the T Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.Winslow TownsonGeorge Springer of the Houston Astros dives into home during ALDS Bold 3 adjoin the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Esplanade in Boston.
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Soccer Field Background Photos, Soccer Field Background . | background soccer images Laura HealdAlways Dreaming #5, ridden by jockey John Velazquez, competes during the 2017 Kentucky Derby Chase in Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky.Marco GarciaA apprentice from Kahuku High School practices with his football team, the Red Raiders in Kahuku, Hawaii.Greg NelsonNorth Carolina Joel Berry II dribbles adjoin Gonzaga at University of Phoenix Amphitheater in Glendale, Ariz., during the Final Four Championship.David E. KluthoWashington Capitals Nate Schmidt with the bogie in a a bold adjoin the Detroit Red Wings at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Mich.Erick W. RascoSergio Garcia looks aback afterwards acceptable the 2017 Masters at Augusta National in Georgia. Donald MiralleCompetitors activate the triathlon chase during the 2018 Ironman World Championship in Kailua, Hawaii.Rob TringaliAlabama's Devonta Smith makes a touchdown bolt adjoin Georgia during the College Football National Championship at Mercedes-Benz Amphitheater in Atlanta, Ga. Mike Smith in activity aboard Justify during the Belmont Stakes at  in Elmont, N.Y. Justify went assimilate win the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown.Rob TringaliPhiladelphia Eagles admirers bless in Center City afterwards the Eagles win Super Bowl LII adjoin the Patriots.John W. McDonoughPatrick Mahomes in activity adjoin the Los Angeles Rams during Week 11 of the approved division at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Erick W. RascoLos Angeles Dodgers Max Muncy (13) watches his 18th inning, walk-off home run leave the esplanade adjoin Boston Red Sox Nathan Eovaldi (17) at Dodger Amphitheater during Bold 3 of the World Series in Los Angeles.Bob MartinFrancesco Friedrich, Candy Bauer, Martin Grothkopp and Thorsten Margis of Germany attempt in the 4-man Bobsleigh Heat 3 in the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea on the February 25, 2018. Jonathan FerreyLeBron James of the Lakers dunks adjoin the Portland Trail Blazers at Rose Garden in Portland, Ore.Winslow TownsonBoston Red Sox Andrew Benintendi makes a leaping bolt at bank adjoin Los Angeles Dodgers at Fenway Esplanade during Bold 2 of the World Series in Boston.David E. KluthoNotre Dame QB Ian Book makes a canyon adjoin Pittsburgh at Notre Dame Amphitheater in Notre Dame, Ind.Kohjiro KinnoTiger Woods at the 18th aperture afterwards his final putt and Masters achievement at the Augusta National Golf Club.Simon BrutyCloseup of San Francisco 49ers Mike Person (68) during a bold adjoin the Washington Redskins at FedEx Acreage in Landover, Md.Simon BrutyBaltimore Ravens Kenny Young (40) tackles Jacksonville Jaguars QB Gardner Minshew II (15) during a preseason bold at M&T Bank Amphitheater in Baltimore, Md.Erick W. RascoCloseup of Jamaica Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce in activity during the women's 100-meter final at the IAAF World Athletics Championships at Khalifa International Amphitheater in Doha, Qatar. Fraser-Pryce won gold. John W. McDonoughUtah QB Tyler Huntley attempts a canyon adjoin the USC Trojans during Week 4 of academy football at the Memorial Coliseum in L.A.Simon BrutyUSA Rose Lavelle (16) arrive afterwards scoring ambition and acceptable bold vs Netherlands at Parc Olympique Lyonnais during the FIFA World Cup. Erick W. RascoUSA Serena Williams in activity adjoin Canada's Bianca Andreescu during Women's Finals match of the US Open at BJK National Tennis Center in Flushing, NY.David E. KluthoJa Morant of Murray State dunks over University of Tennessee Martin at the Elam Center in Martin, Tenn.Kohjiro KinnoLos Angeles Angels Mike Trout (27) walks off the acreage during a bold at Dodger Amphitheater in L.A.
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