#does this count as Polyninja? idk
im-a-mint · 3 years
Summary: My Headcannons: The One-shot.
Rating: General (dw ppl you can read this infront of your parents)
Notes: This is basically just some ninjagays i thought about idk oh and this takes part during their bromance era so
Since the humble beginnings of the ninja team there had been a single activity that never changed no matter what: healing sessions. They were at first just another job for the first two students, Jay and Cold, to do so that they could bond together as a duo, and it really just was fixing your own injuries and sometimes asking the other one for help, but as two became three and three became four, it was pretty obvious they would start evolving.
It all began with Kai's arrival to the temple and their first actually dangerous mission against Garmadon. They came back home tired, worn out, and seriously beaten up, so when the time for a healing session arrived they basically depended on each other to fix their injuries. Cole's hands felt numb, Jay had a seriously bad lightning injury he got on himself, Kai's fists and arms were bruised and sore, and Zane was the only one who could actually help.
"I'm fine, I'm telling you. I'm okay-" Was what Jay tried to say before hissing in pain as Zane continued to disinfect his injury. It was big, it was bloody and it was all across his back. "Jay, you're not in position to try and heal it yourself, please let me help" Zane was surprisingly not panicking over the fact his friend had survived a whole-ass lighting attack and yet was still saying he was okay "Your lucky it only brushed against you, if it had hit you you would've ended in the hospital".
Jay sighed at this "I guess your right, but wouldn't i survive if i got struck by lighting? I'm the master of lighting after all!" Jay argued, fighting back the urge to hiss once again as Zane kept on with his slow and steady cleaning work. "You may be the master of lighting but you're still human, and I don't want my friends hurt" Zane said as he finally finished with his work, Jay soon sitting up from laying down and facing the bed and smiling a bit "I'm glad we are friends".
"No- Goddamit Kai quit moving!" While Jay and Zane were having quite a nice time together, Cole and Kai were having a bit more trouble if we can put it like that. "I'm trying but your numbness isn't helping!". Zane had moved Jay to another room to fix his injuries as they were pretty bad, and since it was a pretty lengthy process, the remaining two had decided to try and get the job done themselves, which resulted in quite the..chaotic experience.
Cole couldn't feel a thing in his hands even if it was hurting them, so that wasn't of big help when he began his attempts at fixing Kai's injuries. Kai was surprisingly sensitive and didn't enjoy pain in the slightest in fact he tried avoiding it. Combine this two and it's pure chaos.
Cole's fingers would accidentally touch the bruises a bit too much and Cole would automatically pull his hands away, which leaded to them bickering over and over again. That was until the sense of touch started coming back to Black's hands, which was great news as Red would now actually let him fix his very bruised arms.
"Huh, you're not as bad as i thought you'd be. You actually do a pretty good job at this!" Kai complimented, smiling a bit as he admired the work Cole did to make sure his arms would heal well enough. "I got in fights sometimes, you know how it is" Cole admitted, smiling as well before finding some bloody injuries right over Kai's knuckles.
"I think we gotta get you something to aid your knuckles with" Cole pointed out as he grabbed some rubbing alcohol, Kai soon realizing and pulling his hand away.
"You're not planning on putting that on my knuckles are you?"
"What, are you scared?"
"No I'm not!"
Kai frowned. If there was something he hated was to being basically told he was a scaredy-cat, but lucky him did Zane come just in time to save him from that fate of having rubbing alcohol all over his injuries.
"You can come check on him now, he's all bandaged up" But before he could even finish, Cole was already there and checking on Jay who was pretty much zooted out. Bless and curse those painkillers that Zane got because those were some of the funniest moments in their lifetime.
The white ninja was no where near being unobservant, and he immediately spotted the bloody knuckles all over Kai's hands, gently holding them to check them out. "Don't think you'll fool me and get me to get that alcohol over my injuries because that is not happening".
Zane only chuckled a bit, using his ice powers to soothe the pain in them just a bit before putting the rubbing alcohol over his injuries, which made it much more tolerable than expected. How the hell could Zane just do everything much more tolerable?
And with that, the birth of their tradition started
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