#don’t do it on ao3 obvs but I support you doing it anywhere else
harocat · 11 months
Honestly I'm really tired of people just unapologetically refusing to be critical of @03 regardless of what BS they pull. They are not your saviors or your friends. Non-profit or not, they are just a website, and you, as one specific user, are not important to them. Neither am I.
And if you are critical, you're an anti. Like be reasonable with me, I don't care about thirty year olds writing porn about the teens from Haikyuu or someone's seven year age gap fic. I care about their refusal to confront racism and racist harassment (despite making a pledge to do so), their allowance of RPF smut fic about REAL LIFE children (NOT their characters, the actual actors), and their middling to positive stance on AI ('well it would be impossible to ban outright'. okay?? at least make a rule against it and try. at least TRY to embed things that make scraping harder).
I care about their terrible policies and their refusal to grow, change, and adapt at all over the last ten years.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Ah anon responded back;;
(I’d answer the anon, but again won’t be able to because they linked the person’s blog in their ask, oOOP) 
Anon replied; 
“literally fucking go on their blog they ship ikki and daiji and their bio says proship. you have commented on their (insert specificity about another person’s blog) posts. you obviously follow them.“ 
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haha I don’t follow them. 
Also, I don’t understand how the ikki/daiji ship has anything to do with pedophilia? o.o 
Like, I’m pretty sure Daiji is adult-age. 
Now --do I ship those two? Haha no :’D. 
And tbh I didn’t even know what “pro-ship” meant LOL! I had to ask Nacho and Jay about it.....Nacho defined it as ’a safe-space for problematic ships that are unsafe elsewhere’ (#I see. I see.) 
So 2 things: 
1. Fiction, as long as its kept in the realm of fiction, is fiction. 
I perfectly understand why you wouldn’t support an incest ship or why you would find it problematic. 
I respect your opinion. 
I *also* understand that fiction is a safe-space for people who have been through some sh*t and can’t process it anywhere else except in the realm of fiction. Tbh I believe that’s why there’s so many fcked up things on ao3 o_e.  
And I would also rather these people explore it in fiction than in real-life. 
PLUS, fiction is a place where we can experience /cross many lines we would never actually cross in real life -- or would otherwise be too uncomfortable to. It lets us explore darker topics, so to say. 
Like I don’t condone eating people but I certainly watched Hannibal. (Also don’t condone toxic ships, even though they ARE very interesting things to explore) 
2. If their blog put up warnings, then its obv so people who have those lines won’t wander in and get triggered. 
....Which is actually rather thoughtful for someone to do? Like if you have a problem with this person then, just ignore them? Or block them or whatever and continue with your day and what not. 
And again, idk how that specific ship is something that makes them a pedophile. Honestly when it comes to fiction (unless the author is trying to make it seem, y’know, like something normal and not fked up) I don’t really have any hard lines. As in, if I”m reading something and fked up things happen, even if I drop the thing that I’m reading I’m not gonna outright blame the author. (Depending on their intent) 
When I was in HS I read a lottttttt of teacher x student fanfiction; but y’know -- as a kid I didn’t realize how fked up that stuff was? Cause I was a kid and too young to understand how big a gap there was in maturity between a teacher and a student. (Again this is in fiction; in real life? Gross yo.) Now that I”m not a teenager anymore I can understand and feel that gap in maturity and therefore am extremely uncomfortable reading anything where someone younger than 20 has anything even CLOSE to a relationship with anyone older than 20. 
But again, fiction is fiction. 
And since I don’t even specifically follow that person either lol then I guess all this discussion is moot anyway. 
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