saltynovember · 8 months
My favorite ship is when the Protagonist has become so PROTAGONIST™ that every other character in the show adores them, even worship them like Protagonist is their god/hero, and forgotten they is a mortal human being
except the sidekick who has been with Protag this whole time like "no you dumbass you're my stupid friend who just wants to have a picnic and cry when this war is over now can u please stop acting like your body is made of stainless metal oh shit-"
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fangedprinx · 8 months
Wondering if I ought to make a renewed attempt at the Dracula Spectacula this October
Which is a fancy name for me whipping my unposted vampire themed WIPs into shape and posting them
At the moment I have a little bit of a The Vampire Dies In No Time fic with lowkey Drarona or Ronadora vibes where Ronaldo draws his own blood using a phlebotomy kit and gives it to Draluc to drink and then feels Some Kind of (weird) Way about watching him drink it mixed in with milk
And I have a Dracula novel WIP with bad end, Dracula wins, mind control + partial identity death + vampire turning of Jonathan and then Mina with Dracula/JonMina. Essentially, Jonathan was infected with vampirism during his stay in castle Dracula and it has been gradually developing without his awareness ever since. Even if he becomes evil because of turning into a vampire, Jonathan still Luvs his wife (he has quite different priorities though in the form of serving Dracula).
Even if I get nothing else done, I want to finish that Dracula fanfic.
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miyotesse · 4 years
Oh boy Garona was really cool in that trailer.
Wait, I mean Drarona.
Damn, that’s a hard distinction to make...
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