#dream does not have the revive book irl im sorry. he didnt blow up a country irl
dyketubbo · 2 years
keeping out name/icon for the sake of preventing possible harassment but i was looking through various blogs and found this comment about the idea of making a fankid for cdream and god. these people do not at all do their research huh
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"people only started separating the two" people as in dreamwastaken himself? the actual dude who confirmed that hes playing a character? because hes obviously not a serial killing necromancer in real life? you think people who make a difference between dream the human person (some guy from florida who has more online popularity than he should) and dream the minecraft roleplay character (abused a teenager, went to prison for a year, got tortured in prison, has a necromancy book, literally dies twice and is likely to die a final time soon) are just making a separation to excuse writing porn of dream the real life person (literally from real life, isnt from minecraft)?
the difference is negligible? do you think dream went to prison and got tortured by quackity irl? did irl dreamwastaken kill irl tommyinnit three times and bring him back to life while nobody was watching? when did he have the time to go on twitter while being broken out of prison by technoblade, who was a real life pig with a crown and cape? i think we should be worried everyone if theres no difference between ccdream and cdream maybe we should check on vikkstar and lazarbeam real quick 😰 im kinda worried like do you think he made ranboo enderwalk and edit his manhunt videos for him. scary
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