#during one session she watches him wrestle one of the lizard things (lizaflos or smth like that) with his bare hands and no rubberized armo
happyk44 · 1 year
Love the idea of Zelda studying Link like he's a little creature she found. Just imagining her admiring the new guards begin their training. She's a little lost because she thought there was supposed to be ten trainees this year, but she can only count nine.
Before she can call over their teacher though, Link comes sailing down from the sky and tackles his partner to the ground. Later she watches as he blows himself up on his own bomb by accident, but dashes through the fire he caused on the course anyway, and still come in first before all the others. During lunch he eats a pile of raw meat he packed for himself.
She is utterly fascinated by whatever is going on with this guy. She doesn't know what it is yet but she will figure it out.
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