#ecommerce performance testing
sdettechnologies · 16 hours
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Unlock the true potential of your testing team with automation, allowing them to focus on what truly matters—delivering innovative and high-quality software. Our SDET solutions seamlessly integrate into your workflow, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency. https://bit.ly/3rioafL #SDET #Automation #TestingInnovation #QualityEngineering #FreeYourTesters SDET Tech Pvt. Ltd.
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By ensuring your software is meticulously tested for global readiness, we help you deliver seamless user experiences across diverse languages and cultures. Let's transform your product into a global phenomenon, reaching audiences far and wide with precision and reliability. https://bit.ly/3EKzvs2 #SDET #GlobalProduct #LanguageGap #SoftwareTesting #UserExperience #Localization SDET Tech
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mariacallous · 7 days
As anyone who so much as glanced at the internet in the past few weeks probably noticed, Google’s sweeping AI upgrade to its search engine had a rocky start. Within days of the company launching AI-generated answers to search queries called AI Overviews, the feature was widely mocked for producing wrong and sometimes bonkers answers, like recommendations to eat rocks or make pizza with glue.
New data from search engine optimization firm BrightEdge suggests that Google has significantly reduced how often it is showing people AI Overviews since the feature launched, and had in fact already substantially curbed the feature prior to the outpouring of criticism. The company has been tracking the appearance of Google’s AI answers on results for a list of tens of thousands of sample searches since the feature was first offered as a beta test last year.
When AI Overviews rolled out to logged-in US users in English after Google’s I/O conference on May 14, BrightEdge saw the AI-generated answers on just under 27 percent of queries it tracked. But their presence dropped precipitously a few days later, the week before screenshots of AI Overviews’ errors went viral online. By the end of last week, when Google published a blog post acknowledging its AI feature’s flubs, BrightEdge saw AI Overviews appearing on only 11 percent of search result pages. Their prevalence was essentially the same on Monday.
Jim Yu, BrightEdge’s founder and executive chairman, says the drop-off suggests that Google has decided to take an increasingly cautious approach to this rollout. “There’s obviously some risks they’re trying to tightly manage,” he says. But Yu adds that he’s generally optimistic about how Google is approaching AI Overviews, and sees these early problems as a “blip” rather than a feature.
“We're continuing to refine when and how we show AI Overviews so they're as useful as possible, including a number of technical updates in the past week to improve response quality,” says Google spokesperson Ned Adriance. Google declined to share its internal statistics about how frequently AI Overviews appear in search, but Adriance says that the BrightEdge numbers don’t reflect what the company sees internally.
It’s unclear why Google may have decided to significantly reduce the appearance of AI Overviews shortly after it launched, but the company’s blog post last week acknowledged that having millions of people use the feature provided new data on its performance and errors. The company’s head of search, Liz Reid, said Google had made “more than a dozen technical improvements,” like limiting satirical content from cropping up in its results. Her post noted that these changes would trigger restrictions on when AI Overviews were offered but did not detail how exactly those restrictions would change the frequency with which AI results appeared.
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BrightEdge began tracking AI Overviews using its list of sample queries after Google allowed users to opt in to a beta test of the feature late last year. The test queries spanned nine categories, including ecommerce, insurance, and education, and were designed to span common but also rarer searches. They were tested over and over, in some cases multiple times a day. In December 2023, BrightEdge found that the summaries appeared on 84 percent of its searches but saw that figure drop over time. Google’s Adriance said it did not trigger AI Overviews automatically on 84 percent of searches but did not clarify its internal measurements. After Google opened up AI Overviews to all, BrightEdge continued tracking their appearance using a mixture of accounts that had previously enrolled in the beta test and others which had not but saw no significant difference between what the two groups saw.
Google declined to share exactly how much it changed how many AI Overviews it showed the general public versus people enrolled in the beta test, but Adriance said that people who had opted in to the test were shown AI Overviews on a wider range of queries. BrightEdge’s data also sheds light on the topics where Google believes AI Overviews can be most helpful. AI answers appeared on the majority of health care keyword searches, most recently at a frequency of 63 percent. Sample queries included in BrightEdge’s data included “foot infection,” “bleeding bowel,” and “telehealth urgent care.” In comparison, queries about ecommerce return AI Overviews at around 23 percent, while restaurants or travel very rarely trigger AI overview answers.
Yu calls those results “surprising,” because health queries can be especially sensitive, and Google has made a concerted push in recent years to refine what it shows people who ask health questions.
Mark Traphagen, an executive at the search-engine-optimization platform seoClarity, has also taken special notice of how Google is handling health-care-related queries. To track how AI Overviews are rolling out, the company is monitoring the responses to a list of thousands of searches over time. For 26 popular health-related keywords, including “how to treat insomnia” and “symptoms of Lyme disease,” Google shows an AI response for around 58 percent.
Like Yu, Traphagen has been surprised by how often AI Overviews appear in response to this type of question. But they say the way Google’s feature sources its responses to health queries, often relying on trusted websites like the Mayo Clinic or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is encouraging. “They have really turned up the safeguards,” Traphagen says. “They’re all from well-known, credible sources.”
Google’s AI answers still sometimes misfire, though, including on health queries. Some experts say that Google’s claims to cite high-quality sources for health answers doesn’t stand up. “They frequently cite pages that don’t rank anywhere, including for health queries,” says search engine optimization consultant Lily Ray. Her experiments have documented how AI Overviews seem to struggle to authoritatively answer “softer” health care queries on topics like aging, building muscle, and skin care. It’s much stronger on more straightforward medical queries, Ray says.
Last week, The New York Times reported concerns over the sources that Google’s algorithms used to answer some health queries, reporting that AI Overviews answered questions about the health benefits of chocolate by drawing on the websites of an Italian chocolate and gelato maker and a company that sells at-home “gut intelligence tests.”
When WIRED queried, “Is chocolate healthy?” on Monday morning, the AI Overview that appeared in response cited the same Italian chocolate company, as well as the website for a Minnesota-based chocolatier. But repeating the query later in the afternoon suggested Google had been making improvements: The chocolate companies had been removed from the citations list, which instead pointed to the websites of four reputable health care organizations, like Scripps Health. (The answer still notes that experts recommend eating a small amount of dark chocolate every day, which is, at best, a contestable summary of current medical advice.)
Despite AI Overview’s rough beginnings, Yu of BrightEdge says that long term, AI search is here to stay. “Big picture is that the AI moment in search is inevitable, and I think it’s going to get much better,” Yu says. That may be the case—but it’s an open question whether a new-and-improved AI Overview will make a big enough leap to repair its reputational damage.
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cocowebdesign · 4 months
Selecting the Best Content Management System for Your Business Website
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The content management system (CMS) powering your business website significantly impacts its capabilities, performance, and ease of use over time. With web developers today spoiled for choice between open source CMS options like WordPress and Drupal or proprietary systems like Adobe Experience Manager and HubSpot, the evaluation process proves daunting for companies. When embarking on a website project or redesign, stay focused on your organization’s unique needs, resources, and business priorities when weighing the pros and cons of various CMS platforms.
First, take time to thoroughly consider what types of content, assets, and functionality matter most to your brand and audience day to day. For example, blogging, news publishing and journalist teams center heavily around text creation and workflow. Multimedia creatives and marketers, however, need robust digital asset management and organization. Let your website designer align technology recommendations to your primary content focus and goals.
Also, realistically assess the technical skills and resources your team brings to the table for effectively managing the CMS if opting for an open source platform like Drupal or Joomla. While extremely powerful, these systems demand solid web development expertise to customize, which represents an added cost. Simpler tools like WordPress may suffice.
Evaluate prospective CMS options in regards to built-in workflow capabilities as well, like approvals, permissions, and multi-channel content publishing abilities out of the box. Understanding your collaborators’ needs shaping real-world content operations keeps implementations smoother. Select CMS tools accordingly.
Importantly, test and ensure any short-listed CMS easily integrates with your other vital back-end systems like ecommerce engines, CRM platforms, marketing automation tools, etc. An experienced website designer already familiar with related integrations will recognize any limitations or hurdles.
Lastly, the ultimate CMS decision should effectively balance your desired functionality wishlist, readiness of staff resources to leverage the platform fully, and sufficient ease of use for non-technical folks who will actually manage content. With an expert website designer guiding the process holistically using these criteria, your ideal CMS solution match for current and future needs emerges.
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ecommerce-yourguide · 9 months
Pre-Launch Strategies for Your Festive WooCommerce Store
The festive season is approaching, and if you're planning to launch a brand new WooCommerce store, now is the perfect time to prepare for a successful start. Building anticipation and creating a buzz around your store before the official launch can help you hit the ground running. Let's dive into some pre-launch strategies that will set the stage for a smooth festive eCommerce workflow.
1. Craft a Memorable Brand Identity: Your brand and business should align seamlessly. Choose a color scheme that complements your brand, and focus on creating a unique and memorable experience for your customers. Tools like Elementor can simplify the process of customizing your product pages, allowing you to design them exactly as you envision.
2. Verify Your Store's Functionality: Before launching, thoroughly check your store's functionality. Ensure that everything, from product listings to payment processing, is working smoothly. A flawless shopping experience is crucial.
3. Build Anticipation with Announcements: Make some noise about your brand! Utilize all available platforms to spread the word about your products and brand values. Create 'COMING SOON' pages on social media, complete with countdown timers. Use your blog to provide sneak peeks of your product line and generate excitement.
4. Create Lead-Generating Landing Pages: Landing pages are an excellent way to establish your brand's presence. Craft unique landing pages with customer-friendly and SEO-friendly content. Don't forget to analyze your competitors' strategies for inspiration.
5. Craft Compelling Product Descriptions: Enhance your product pages with product add-ons. Add fields like text boxes, checkboxes, and dropdowns, and include variations with sample images. This level of detail can make a significant impact on your product listings.
6. Optimize Speed and Responsiveness: Consult WooCommerce experts to evaluate your store's speed, responsiveness, and overall performance. Ensure that your website is optimized for quick loading and displays beautifully on various devices.
7. Quality Assurance Testing: Thoroughly test all website features, functionalities, and design layouts. Identify and address any bugs or technical issues to ensure a seamless shopping experience.
8. Beta Version Testing: Before the official launch, release a beta version of your e-commerce website. This phase helps evaluate the success of earlier testing and gather user feedback in real-world scenarios.
9. Content Marketing: Provide relevant content related to your products or services before your launch. Address the problems your products solve and the solutions you offer through your brand. Use blog posts, tutorials, webinars, eBooks, and other content forms to engage your audience.
10. Analytics Tools: Equip your WooCommerce store with essential analytics tools like Lighthouse, Search Console, SEMRush, and Google Analytics. These tools will help you track and improve your website's performance and conversion rate.
By implementing these pre-launch strategies, you'll set the foundation for a successful festive season for your WooCommerce store. Building excitement and anticipation among your audience can lead to a memorable launch and a strong start in the competitive world of e-commerce.
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nividawebsolutions · 11 months
Key Factors to Consider While Developing an eCommerce App
With the rise of online shopping, mobile apps have become a must for companies competing in the modern economy.  In today's cutthroat business environment, standing out from the crowd requires a well-designed, intuitive eCommerce app.  There are a number of crucial things that must be taken into account while creating an eCommerce app.  Turn your vision into reality.  Trust the eCommerce development experts at a renowned eCommerce development company in Vadodara, Gujarat, India like Nivida Web Solutions.  The effectiveness and popularity of your eCommerce app hinge on a number of things that we'll discuss in this blog.
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1.      User Experience (UX) Design:
The shopping cart app's user interface is crucial.  A user's impression of your app and, by extension, their propensity to make a purchase can be greatly improved by adopting a streamlined and user-friendly design.  Keep things simple and uncomplicated, reduce the number of clicks required to complete a purchase, and create a visually appealing interface that is consistent with your brand's aesthetic.  The purchasing experience can be improved by adding functions like product filtering, search options, and personalised recommendations. 
2.      Mobile Responsiveness:
With more and more people using their mobile devices to browse eCommerce sites, it's essential that your app works well across a wide range of screen sizes and resolutions.  With a responsive layout, your app will look great on any screen size and provide the same fun and functional experience across all devices.  As mobile-friendliness is a major feature in Google's algorithm, this not only improves user satisfaction but also boosts your app's search engine ranks. 
3.      Security and Data Privacy:
Any online store should prioritise security.  When conducting business online, customers must feel confident that their private data, including credit card numbers, will remain secure.  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, data encryption, and encrypted payment gateways are all great ways to keep private information just that: private.  Also, if you want users to trust you and stay out of court, you need to adhere to data protection requirements like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
4.      Performance and Speed:
Users in the modern day have come to anticipate instantaneous gratification from their apps.  Frustration and high bounce rates are the result of slow loading times and sluggish performance.  Regular performance testing will help you find slowdowns in your software and fix them. Smooth and fast app performance can be achieved by picture optimisation, decreased server response times, and the use of caching methods. 
5.      Seamless Checkout Process:
Having a quick and easy checkout is crucial for increasing sales.  Don't have customers fill out superfluous forms during checkout, and offer a variety of payment methods to suit their needs. Users should be able to make purchases as "guests" without registering for an account, although incentivizing registration can improve customer retention. 
6.      Scalability and Flexibility:
Keeping expansion in mind while creating your eCommerce software is essential. The app's capacity to serve users well under increasing loads is essential as a business grows.  It is possible to smooth out the user experience even at peak times by using a scalable design and cloud-based solutions. Maximize your sales online by working with Nivida Web Solutions - one of the best eCommerce development agencies in Vadodara, Gujarat, India! 
7.      Intuitive Search Functionality:
Users need a reliable search feature that returns relevant results quickly.  The search engine should be smart enough to account for typos, alternate spellings, and similar products.  Customers will have an easier time navigating your store and finding what they need with the addition of filters, sorting options, and category tags. 
8.      Social Media Integration:
Your eCommerce app can profit greatly from incorporating social network features. Allow individuals to sign up using their existing social network accounts by enabling social login choices.  Make it easy for customers to tell their friends and followers about the products they love and the services they use by integrating social sharing tools. 
9.      Analytics and Insights:
Incorporate analytics tools into your app to learn more about how users interact with it and how well it performs.  The app may be optimised further by analysing statistics like user interaction, popular products, and conversion rates to determine where changes should be made. 
10.  Customer Support and Feedback:
Finally, make it easy for users to submit feedback and provide feedback through the app's customer support channels.  Resolve any user complaints or questions as soon as possible.  Your app's functionality and the user experience can both be improved with the help of consumer feedback. 
Final Thoughts: 
eCommerce software development is difficult and should focus on user experience, security, performance, and scalability.  By keeping these things in mind while you design and build your app, you can position your firm for long-term success in the competitive eCommerce market.  In order to keep ahead of the competition and meet the ever-changing needs of your consumers, remember that the journey does not end with the launch of the app.  Your eCommerce success starts here, unleash your digital potential by partnering with one of the most trusted eCommerce development companies in Gujarat, India – Nivida Web Solutions.
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cindylouwho-2 · 11 months
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As expected when I posted the recent Etsy and SEO news update in June, I didn't get much time during my road trip to work on the other portion. So here it is, covering ecommerce sites, social media, content marketing and lots of other things small and microbusinesses might need to know.
I've also updated my Tumblr theme to make it easier to read and more accessible overall. Please let me know what you think!
Finally, the next update will be out in a few weeks, and will contain everything together in one post again. If you don't want to wait for it, follow me on Twitter or on LinkedIn for more timely news.
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
You can now pay for a verified Meta account, and unlike Twitter, they actually verify your ID. 
Speaking of Twitter, Meta’s copycat app Threads took off rapidly, hitting over 100 million signups in the first week. 
If you have a Facebook or Instagram Shop, note that many countries will need to use Meta’s checkout as of April 24 2023.  While the US is one of those countries, the following places will not have to change anything at this moment: “Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, U.K. and Ukraine”.
Wonder how Facebook ranks posts these days? Search Engine Land covered the topic for you. 
Meta is pulling all news content in Canada after a new law passed that makes platforms pay media sources for their content. Google followed. 
LinkedIn recently changed its algorithm, and is giving more weight to people you follow, and to “knowledge and advice”.
Make sure you are using LinkedIn content analytics to see how your posts are performing. The company released some tips on how to get more views and interaction on your ads and posts. 
Pinterest is introducing Amazon ads that lead directly to Amazon so browsers can buy there. This is expected to take a few years to fully roll out. 
The Shuffles feature is particularly popular with Generation Z women. 
Yes, you can use Reddit to promote your business, but it is tricky. “It’s perfectly fine to be a Redditor with a website; it’s not okay to be a website with a Reddit account.”
TikTok is selling its own products through the app, called “Trendy Beat", although this is only happening in the UK so far. The items seemed to be based on trending videos. 
TIkTok is the latest to test searching by image, in its Shop feature. 
The Twitter algorithm now promotes Elon Musk’s tweets above all others. Yes, really. 
YouTube ended Stories on June 26, but plans on doing more with Shorts in the future. 
ECOMMERCE NEWS, IDEAS, TRENDS (minus social media)
Handmade alternative marketplace Artisans Cooperative has settled on its organisational structure now that they are moving forward with incorporating the co-op, and enrolling new members. Check their blog for all announcements on their plans. 
A new California initiative involves both ecommerce and brick and mortar businesses to help track down stolen items. Each site agrees to “assign staff and tools—dedicate webpage, online portal, or point of contact—to address concerns of theft that come in from retails or law enforcement, and to monitor listings “to affirmatively prevent and detect” organized crime.”
50% of online shopping trips start at Amazon, amazingly enough. Google comes in second. After peaking last year, TikTok’s share of product searches has dropped. 
Many merchants are reconsidering their return policies, and even free shipping. 
Some Amazon sellers had huge issues with verifying their information to comply with the INFORM Act. The deadline for completing verification was July 7, after which Amazon will place a hold on all payments. 
Amazon will now charge US buyers for returns to UPS stores. 
Many backpacks made for adults were removed from Amazon automatically, and sellers were told they needed to show proof the packs had met children’s safety standards. 
BigCommerce has followed Shopify in raising fees for the same amount, although existing users didn’t see the increase until June 1. As with Shopify, site owners can keep their current rate by opting for the annual package. 
If you are worried about eBay showing your home address to prospective buyers (due to the INFORM Act), you can apply for an exception. 
Ebay international shipping is available to US-based stores now, but there are a lot of complaints. Other recent eBay announcements and plans are discussed here in coverage of the summer Seller Update. 
Sales on eBay continue to drop, as do buyers. Here’s coverage of the 4th quarter report written for sellers, and the 1st quarter 2023.
eBay is now offering Canadian collectible sellers a new “Expedited Lite” Canada Post rate that costs as little as $5.85 to send 200 grams from Toronto to Yellowknife. Tracking and $100 insurance are included. [Attention other platforms - Canadians need these cheap rates!]
Poshmark now operates in the United Kingdom. 
Poshmark joined the vast majority of large ecommerce sites in the past year by laying off employees, although the reported numbers were just 2% of the workforce. 
After making big moves to enter the fulfillment market, Shopify sold off the logistics network to Flexport, which it will continue to work with, as well as owning 13% of Flexport’s stock. 
Shopify is resisting a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) request for 6 years of tax records for 121,000 stores. Note that the CRA must get a judge to approve such a request, which they filed for in April 2023. 
Shopify managed to beat the market estimates for the 4th quarter 2022, but predicts growth will continue to slow
There are ways to make your Shopify site more accessible for various disabilities; for some larger merchants, this is a legal requirement.
All Other Marketplaces
Bonanza is trying to improve its shipping label options, with the first step being decreasing the cost of USPS labels. It also now has a synced eBay importer, and is expanding its loan program to more sellers. 
Michael's has finally opened its maker supply online marketplace to third-party sellers. While this initial group of merchants was invited, the company is now accepting applications from experienced ecommerce merchants. Fees are a flat 15% commission, so no monthly subscriptions, listing fees or even payment processing fees (apparently). There is also a Shipstation integration. This could be a good channel for high-volume supply sellers who make/design their own products, especially if they work in a niche Michael’s doesn’t already service. Note that their makers website that would compete directly with Etsy is now taking a waitlist. 
Kohl’s opened a third-party marketplace, which includes their loyalty program benefits for buyers. 
All Other Website Builders
Squarespace bought Google Domains, but Google is still a domain registrar, and this should not affect your Google rankings. 
Payment Processing
Apple is very late to the buy-now-pay-later game, introducing Apple Pay Later for some users. 
There is a UPS strike looming; the union contract expires August 1. This could not only affect businesses who ship products via UPS, but also those of us who order supplies etc. 
Also note that the port workers in British Columbia are on strike as of July 1. “Analysts have said a strike could have a significant impact on worldwide shipping and the Canadian economy. According to the Maritime Employers Association's website, its members contribute $2.7 billion to the national GDP and handled roughly 16 per cent of Canada's total traded goods worth $180 billion in 2020.”
Chinese ecommerce businesses could lose their US tariff exemption, which allows companies in China to ship to the US cheaply. The bill is not yet law. 
USPS raised stamp prices and combined several services into the new USPS Ground Advantage plan, as of July 9.
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Is your small business making some common content marketing mistakes? 5 frequent errors and their solutions. 
Email welcome pages are a good way to increase sales from your list. “Imagine a shopper subscribes and is sent immediately to a page that, first, shares the discount code and, second, includes a short (30-second) welcome video that explains how to apply the code — without having to check email.”
Advertising through “retail media” (such as Amazon) will probably be greater than television ad revenue by 2028. “Retailers from Amazon, Walmart and Target to grocers such as Carrefour, Ahold Delhaize, Tesco and Sainsbury's are working aggressively to attract big advertisers to their websites” which could constitute more than 15% of all advertising spend by 2028.
Google’s Merchant Center will be getting easier to use next year, with the introduction of Merchant Center Next. Looks like complicated product feeds will be a thing of the past. 
Google Ads users are encouraged to import the conversion info from Google Analytics 4, to potentially improve ad performance. 
Many sites are incorrectly reporting visits as direct when they actually come from sources such as social media; here’s a study showing how that can break down. 
Google’s latest instructions for migrating from Google’s Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 even includes videos. If you don’t like Google’s explanation, here is another good tutorial [video and transcript] And here is a detailed outline of how to track organic search traffic in GA4, and how to set up site search.  Don’t worry if you haven’t migrated your account yet - although it will not collect new data starting some time after July 1, 2023, Google will transition the account to GA4 for you, and will also let you download your old Universal Analytics data for the next year. If you didn’t update to GA4 yourself, you are in the majority of website owners. 
Once you do start with GA4, make sure to connect with the Search Console and activate reports. There are also some reports you cannot get with GA4, but this article explains what you can come close to replicating from the old version. 
You can now move all of your Google Search Console data into Google’s BigQuery, which is great for really large sites. If you struggle to digest the info provided by Google Search Console, then you might be interested in a few integrations to make things easier. Some are even free! 
How to answer common buyer questions to make purchasing easier (and more likely!)
Generation Z (born from 1997 to 2012) uses social media differently than other age groups, and that affects how you can market to them. Check out the different values and behaviours they have as a group. 
Many sole proprietorships struggle with how to deal with demanding customers. Maybe you should fire them instead? [Twitter thread] Example: “Bad Clients are “un-leveragable”. You cannot
Learn from them
Use them as references
Earn a good margin to fuel your biz
Factor the intangibles when calculating your ROI. Not everything that counts can be counted.”
Consumers are always changing how they shop and buy; here’s some data from the end of last year, explaining that buying through social media is slowly growing, among other points. Also, “42% of consumers have chosen a product based on it being made by a small business in the last three months, up 8% from May 2022.” Hubspot also released more data on the social media angle of the research, giving reasons why some buyers are still hesitant. 
US ecommerce sales were up 3% in the first 3 months of 2023. The total was $272.6 billion.
Need new icons for your website? Here are 20 free sets. 
And here are some free web design tools, although you should note many use AI. 
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ae-shopify-experts · 1 year
How effective to work with Custom Shopify Application Developers in Chandigarh?
In this technical era, Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms that allows businesses to create and manage their online stores in a smart way. Despite a lot of built-in features and functionalities in Shopify, many businesses require out of the box customizations that are not available. This is where custom Shopify application developers come into the action.
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One of the key benefits of working with custom Shopify application developers in Chandigarh is that they can help businesses stand out from their competition. It offers unique and innovative features for businesses that can provide a better user experience and increase customer satisfaction.
Another benefit of custom Shopify application development is that it can help businesses save time and money. By automating certain processes or creating custom workflows, businesses can streamline their operations and reduce the need for manpower which can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.
Why Do We Need to Work with Shopify Experts?
However, developing custom Shopify applications is not a task that can be taken lightly. It requires expertise in the Shopify API, as well as knowledge of trending programming languages. This is why it’s important to work with experienced Shopify Experts in India like Alliance Ecommerce who have a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions for Ecommerce businesses over the world.
Let’s take an overview of the Alliance Ecommerce services
Shopify Theme Design: To streamline the user experience by making online purchases as easy and efficiently as possible, Alliance Ecommerce offers interactive E-Commerce UX Designs and helps businesses to accomplish their long-term goals.
Shopify Development: Alliance Ecommerce has a proven track record of creating advanced and high-performing Shopify stores by offering the best Shopify Development services in Chandigarh and for top brands and retailers worldwide.
Shopify App Development: To extend the functionality of your business apps, Alliance Ecommerce has expertise in all kinds of public, private, and custom app development as per your requirements. Also, it provides a free demo and setup for each of our apps.
System Integrations: Moreover, Alliance also offers the Shopify System Integration process and ensures that the subsystems work well at all phases of system development.
Digital Marketing and Optimization: Rather than just focusing on development and designing, It aims to increase traffic, engagement, and conversions on a business’s website, ultimately leading to improved revenue and growth through data analysis, speed optimization, testing, and conversion optimization.
Conclusion: To conclude, working with custom Shopify application developers in Chandigarh offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to improve their online stores. All you need to hire the best Shopify experts to accomplish your business goals.
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prernamodi · 2 years
Website Development In India
Web development is the building and maintenance of websites, it’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well.
Web developers using a variety of coding languages. The languages use depends on the types of tasks they are preforming and the platforms on which they are working.
There are many different types of website development, including web design, web development, and online marketing.
Web development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too making development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields and do not need university degree to become qualified.
There are 3 main types of web development
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Front-end development
Back-end development
Full stack development.
Front-end development
Front-end development is the process of designing, building, and testing the visual part of a web or mobile application.They work with both visual and functional design, as well as user experience and accessibility.it can involve a variety of programming languages, design tools, and testing frameworks. Some common front-end development tasks include the following:
1. Designing and developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
2. Developing and testing web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
3. Developing responsive designs for varying screen sizes.
4. Building custom animations and 3D effects for websites or applications.
5. Conducting usability tests to evaluate the effectiveness of a website or application's user interface.
Back-end development
Back-end development is the process of designing, coding, and testing the functionality of a web application's back-end - the part of the system that handles requests from users and interacts with databases. This includes everything from developing the system's architecture to writing code to support user authentication and data storage.
Back-end developers work in close collaboration with front-end developers, who design and create the user interface for a website app.
If you want to become a back-end developer, you will need to have strong programming skills and knowledge of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
Full-stack development
Full-stack development is the process of developing a web application from start to finish, including the design, development, testing and deployment of all the necessary components. This includes everything from the back-end to the front-end, and can be done using a variety of languages and frameworks.
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Website development can be broken down into four main steps
#websitedevelopment #website #webdesign #digitalmarketing #seo #socialmediamarketing #marketing #ecommerce #design #graphicdesign #softwaredevelopment #techs #itechsolutions #development .
Prerna modi
iTech Solutions
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moscheamara · 2 years
Do you intend to create software for your company?
Do you have a tight spending plan?
If so, offshore software development companies can be your best option.
There are several benefits to hiring an offshore development agency, including competent software engineers, lower costs, quicker software deployment, etc.
However, as a business owner, you might have a lot of questions on your mind, such as:
Which is the best offshore development firm? 
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Don't worry, though.
All the questions mentioned above' answers can be found on this blog. We will go over the top 5 offshore developers who have established their names due to their outstanding services.
List of The Best Offshore Software Development Companies
Founded: 2007
Clutch Rating: 4.8
Hourly Rates: $25-$49/hr
Prominent Clients: Coca-Cola, Huawei, Motorola, HP, etc.
SparxIT is a leading offshore software development company based in the USA. The firm offers various offshore development services, including fast onboarding, dedicated account manager, team outsourcing, staff augmentation, virtual CTO, developers cost optimization, etc.
The company has delivered its services to Fortune 500 businesses, SMEs, and well-known brands. SparxIT offers complete web and mobile app solutions across various industries, including travel, fintech, logistics, healthcare, real estate, etc.
Other Services Include:
Blockchain Development
Artificial Intelligence
IoT (Internet of Things)
NFT Development 
2. BairesDev
Founded: 2009
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Urban Outfitters, SiriusXM, ViacomCBS, Chime, etc.
They are the top providers of offshore software solutions. They design and create scalable, high-performing software solutions for their client's businesses. 
BairesDev translates digital transformation into digital acceleration using technological know-how and cross-industry experience. 
They offer time zone-aligned services to enable Fortune 500 organizations and top brands. The firm has more than 5,000 seasoned developers in 36 countries.
Other Services Include:
Inventory Database Software Solutions
Healthcare App Development
Real Estate Data Management Software
Blockchain and Education
3. iTechArt Group
Founded: 2002
Hourly Rates: $50 – $99 / hr
Major Clients: ClassPass, Freshly, Merkle, DealCloud, etc
iTechArt is a mobile app development company in the United States. It is a digital product consultancy firm that helps businesses reach their goals. The company has over 3,500 developers with vast experience in mobile, web, DevOps, cloud, and emerging technologies.
Services Include:
Real Estate
Business intelligence 
4. Innowise Group
Founded: 2007
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Terraces.io, Voka, Belyagdar, Instatsport, etc.
Innowise Group is an IT outsourcing and staff augmentation firm in the United States. The agency provides its services to large and small-scale industries. 
They specialize in custom software development, cloud migration, testing, and quality assurance. 
Other Services Include:
Team Extension (Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Teams)
IT Outsourcing
Custom Software Development
Enterprise Application Integration
Web & Mobile Development
5. Resourcifi
Founded: 2016
Hourly Rates: $25 – $49 / hr
Major Clients: Stanford University, Proximity Learning, FitFiends, etc.
Resourcifi is a leading technology solution partner in the USA. They assist businesses in building user-friendly, creative and robust software solutions. 
The firm has experienced software engineers and extensive compliance protocols to build top-notch solutions tailored to business needs. 
Services Include
Healthcare Software Development
Mobile App Development
Healthcare Software Development
Website Development
Choosing a reliable offshore development company can be challenging as so many exist. To make a unique software solution that draws more target audience, you should hire app developers with relevant industry experience and impressive portfolios.
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webmeridian · 2 years
Why Do eCommerce QA and BA Play a Key Role in the Retail Industry?
The article was initially published in WebMeridian blog.
The website handles everything, from sales to the processing of financial transactions. Giving clients the highest level of pleasure is crucial for the company to thrive in the competitive market. If there is even a slight error, it might be disastrous for both the business and the customer.
As a result, “Quality Assurance (QA)” is crucial for the eCommerce sector. Spending a lot of time on maintaining or increasing the quality of the services provided or the functioning of the items on sale may help the business build its brand and remain competitive for an extended time.
What Exactly Is eCommerce Quality Assurance?
Quality assurance is a technique developed to guarantee improved or higher performance, functionality, and usability of a particular system. Preventing flaws and providing clients with better items that meet their needs is the primary goal of quality assurance in this context of e-commerce.
Performance, usability, navigation, customer service, and payment systems testing may be provided for an application or website by a committed team of eCommerce QA professionals with experience in e-Commerce testing.
The QA process in eCommerce website development frequently entails the establishment of specific measurements and designs, including:
carrying out simulations
software function testing
examining the code
reviewing the design
These procedures give a specific understanding of the software’s quality and usefulness.
Why eCommerce QA Testing Is Essential
Testing, when done effectively and consistently, may significantly boost conversions while also enhancing the entire experience of site users.
Increase user engagement
Testing aids in verifying a page element’s hygiene. It enables us to address problems more quickly by revealing which website element or procedure impacts a user’s on-site experience. The more people will be engaged on the site, the better the user experience.
2. Develop market strategies
You may create efficient strategies for your website by testing and optimising it. You can engage more visitors and lengthen their stay by highlighting the sections of your website that need improvement.
3. Lessen risks
Making extensive and significant modifications to your website can frequently result in noteworthy strategic shifts or even substantial financial losses. However, carefully planning the testing of these adjustments can help reduce the likelihood of these unknown losses.
4. Boost the rate of conversion
Your website is being tested in practically every area, and site optimisation ensures a positive user experience. As a result, your conversion rate is certain to rise.
5. Improved knowledge of visitor behaviour
It might be challenging to map the wants and preferences of your website users and then improve your site accordingly. However, anything is possible with testing. This method is one of the finest and quickest methods to find out what your visitors appreciate.
How We Conduct eCommerce QA Testing
Functional analysis
Do all the buttons and links go as they should?
When evaluating an e-commerce website, we look for proper operation and compliance with the specifications.
UI/UX testing
Is it obvious where to locate products or how to buy them?
We evaluate the interface components and the product’s usability.
Performance evaluation
How can large loads be avoided in crashes?
We assess the effectiveness of your solution in terms of performance (speed, resource consumption, load, etc.).
Compatibility check
Will it function identically on MAC and ASOS?
We test the website’s functionality in various settings (different devices, browsers, platforms).
Regression analysis
How can I be sure that everything is stable following an update or bug fix?
We examine your solution work to see if the most recent revisions have any detrimental effects.
End-to-end testing
Exist any problems?
We thoroughly assess the e-Commerce product to ensure that it functions properly.
Integration testing
Do programs function properly?
We verify the prerequisites needed for all e-commerce software programs to correctly and efficiently communicate with one another.
Testing for localisation
Is it cosy halfway around the globe?
We assess e-Commerce items to ensure they are appropriate for the intended market (translation, local time, currency, date format). Includes examinations in linguistics, technology, and visuals.
eCommerce QA Testing Process
Requirements analysis
Before proceeding to testing itself, our team examines all the clients’ requirements in order to understand the scope of further work. We identify if the requirements are testable or not, and check that they do not contradict each other as well as understandable for implementation.
Checklist compiling
In accordance with the requirements, we create the checklist of features, that should be tested. It usually consists of the number of tests done, their results and bugs that were identified. The checklist’s content may vary depending on the environment.
Functional testing
At this stage, we test the logic of the features pursuant to the developed checklist. We have a responsible attitude to the testing process as detecting bugs at the testing stage costs much less than if they are found by users.
Usability testing
After functional testing, we begin to test usability. We check the arrangement of elements and their conformity to layouts. If there are not any layouts, then we check the integrity and correspondence of the elements to each other. Graphic optimization and cross-browser compatibility are also tested at this stage.
Regression testing
During the testing, we create a bug report, where all the bugs that we identified are described in detail. This bug report is necessary to answer the next questions:
what feature is not working properly?;
where is this feature?;
when the bug occurs?;
how should this function work?;
Full debugging
After all the bugs are identified and described, we pass our report to the developers for further debugging. After each stage of debugging, we test the product again until it works properly.
What Is The Role of a Business Analyst in eCommerce Quality Assurance?
A QA business analyst is tasked with bridging the gap between an IT team and a business team as a product development team member. This expert typically:
studies the business domain,
assesses strengths and weaknesses,
determines potential business value,
describes business needs,
takes part in acceptance testing or beta testing,
and develops new plans and initiatives.
Business analysts leverage data-driven insights to identify requirements and/or enhance areas to boost the supply of business value. They provide the reports to the interested parties and consult with the IT team to balance the proposals that have been authorised with what is technically achievable. The process may also work in reverse: a BA specialist examines if possible concepts are practical from a budgetary standpoint, fit with other functional and UX considerations, etc.
So what exactly does a business analyst do? The following duties often fall within this professional’s job and responsibilities:
Observe products and/or processes, talk to stakeholders and team members, use associated reports, and so on to gather information.
Analyse corporate processes to identify possibilities, determine areas that require change, and comprehend issues and their causes.
Find solutions that will improve the product’s potential and performance on the market based on independent analysis.
Explain the concept to the stakeholders and explain the execution strategy.
Discuss the proposal with the development team to determine whether it can be implemented technically.
Analyse the workable options in light of the available resources, timelines, and other constraints.
Verify the business requirements to ensure that they are understood by everyone engaged in the development process.
At this time, a BA specialist’s job is over. A development team is given the duty of implementation. A Business Analyst can, however, also oversee the implementation.
Determine the actions or duties that must be taken to make the changes.
Make the development process more uniform so that everyone in the team follows the same previously defined procedure.
Verify the anticipated outcome. If everything goes according to plan, studying the same factors (business processes, customer happiness, etc.) following change implementation reveals favourable dynamics.
The duties of a business analyst are often governed by the procedures and practices of the organisation. In other words, before beginning the collaboration, both sides should negotiate the duties and degree of participation.
Key Takeaways
The role of an eCommerce QA and Business Analyst in the development process is crucial. One of the numerous reasons a firm can need to improve is low client satisfaction.
Therefore, quality control in the eCommerce sector guarantees a methodical approach that ensures that the products supplied to the clients fit customer expectations. Nowadays, a substantial portion of businesses has a dedicated quality assurance division that ensures carefully thought-out, practical procedures are followed to avoid errors and achieve remarkable performance in the online world.
In order to attract devoted customers who will do business with you again in the future, you need a website that is functional, appealing, and error-free.
Want to learn more about eCommerce QA testing or ask the CQL quality assurance specialists a question? We are available to assist you with all of your e-commerce and business needs. Contact us right now.
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sdettechnologies · 7 days
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Read our latest blog: https://bit.ly/3yMoJ52 which dives deep into the necessity of web service test automation, highlighting how it not only accelerates testing processes but also enhances the quality, performance, and security of web services. #TestAutomation #WebServices #AutomationTesting #SoftwareDevelopment #TechBlog #QA #DevOps SDET Tech Pvt. Ltd.
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accessiblemindstech · 27 days
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On October 5, 2023, the much-anticipated release of the latest iteration of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) marked a significant milestone for digital inclusivity. The unveiling of WCAG 2.2 by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) presents an opportunity for businesses to prioritize accessibility and cater to a broader audience. Click Here:https://shorturl.at/SX457
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snakepolo6 · 2 years
How To Protect Your Facebook Account - 5 Internet Security Pointers Exposed!
The very first thing you better do prior to starting a home service is in fact set up a service. That implies obtaining either a social security or company recognition number. You're going to require to report taxes if you work in the United States and make an income of over $600, which hopefully you'll do. The last thing you want to do is run your service unlawfully. If you have reason to believe or highly believe you have an infection, much like calling your physician's workplace, stop what you are doing. If you value the info on your system and do not want to lose it or share it with details burglars the finest thing to do is turn your system off - DO NOT restart it up until you have it in the hands of a qualified professional to get rid of the infection or corroborate its existence. Err on the side of caution. This is the best service of all because if it do not break, you never ever need to fix it. We typically want that life was so basic that we could solve problems prior to they occur. Though not common in the physical aircraft, this is a reasonable state in the cyber-world. Possibly, not entirely however you get the concept. penetration testing website realize death and taxes are unavoidable. Death applies to your computer system as well. The hope is we will update by desire prior to we are required to update by requirement. The following are some tips to bring that dream better to truth. Be certain that your site's navigation is basic to follow and understandable. Make it hassle-free for your visitors to find their way around your website by having the right keywords, titles and links. A friend recommends you re-install your operating system on your computer to improve its performance. If you wish to format the drive (a step in re-installing Windows XP) you accidentally hit the wrong key, during the procedure you are asked. Congratulations, you have now cleared all of the details on your computer system. In numerous cases, the details loss is not irreparable however its repair work can be REALLY pricey and time consuming. You require to make sure you have an excellent internet connection with a working computer. In the current times, lots of people experience web breakdown or low speed. This is because; they do notknow where to get the finest cyber security tips web connection. Cyber Monday is one of the finest profit-making opportunities of the year if you run an online shop. But it will take more than excellent items and a website to bring in online buyers. There are a variety of essential things that online sellers like you ought to get ready for prior to Cyber Monday comes.
29. Adopt tools and strategies that permit you to measure the experience of real users throughout all websites to value the real service effect of poor performance. Look out for availability steps and your ecommerce-website speed, and tune your system accordingly. When you obstruct a person, there will be a window appears and ask you for the reason. If they have cyber stalking or harassment, you should REPORT them. It is essential to REPORT if this is really occurring, since individuals will not stop if no one reports. I make sure there are websites that are respectable and exceptional in offering you with different kinds of automobile funding alternative for first time vehicle buyers. Some of them will go out of their method and provide you with numerous auto loan rates from the lenders near your area. These sites generally, work like online search engine for vehicle loan for all types credit. So, it would be more useful for anyone to search for car loans online.
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ardhra2000 · 19 hours
How to Maintain Your Ecommerce App for Long-Term Success?
From development and launch to growth and maturity, an e-commerce app goes through several stages in its lifecycle. Each stage presents unique challenges and opportunities that require ongoing maintenance and attention.
To ensure long-term success, it's important to understand the lifecycle of your e-commerce app and implement e-commerce app development services for maintenance strategies accordingly.
E-commerce apps are hubs of personal information as the users need to put their name, number, address, credit card, etc for smooth transactions. These data make e-commerce Android apps prone to data theft. 
The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements. Upgrading your e-commerce app's technology stack and integrating it with other platforms can help you in the long run of competitiveness and provide new growth opportunities.
Proper testing ensures that your e-commerce app functions are running as per the requirements providing a seamless user experience, and the app is free from critical bugs or security vulnerabilities. Testing can be classified according to their specialty.
To keep your e-commerce app running smoothly, conduct regular meetings, clear communication channels, and introduce project management tools that can facilitate smooth collaboration among team members. 
To conclude, maintaining an e-commerce app is not a one-day task but an ongoing and continuous process, more like growing a tree from a seed. It will take tons of effort and patience from your end to run a successful e-commerce app. 
While hiring e-commerce app development services prioritize regular updates, make sure security and data privacy are at the top, optimize the app’s performance, listen to and address user feedback and grievances, and regularly fix any potential bug to stay in your position of your long-term app success. 
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ecommerce-yourguide · 9 months
What Does it Mean to Scale Your WooCommerce Business?
The scalability of #woocommerce is often misunderstood, with a common misconception that it struggles to support small businesses as they grow.
In reality, WooCommerce is highly flexible and can adapt to the needs of both small and large-scale stores. Supported by a robust developer community, it's considered one of the best options for businesses of all sizes looking to expand their operations.
Understanding WooCommerce Scalability
Q: Is WooCommerce Actually Scalable?
Absolutely. WooCommerce continually receives updates to ensure it can handle the evolving dynamics of eCommerce. These updates focus on both performance and adaptability. Moreover, you can extend your WooCommerce presence to multiple marketplaces through integrations, increasing your reach and potential customer base.
Q: When is the Right Time to Scale My WooCommerce Store?
The timing of scaling your WooCommerce store depends on various factors, including business growth, customer demand, and available resources. A clear sign that it's time to scale is a significant increase in sales and website traffic.
Several factors influence the scalability of your WooCommerce business, including:
Website Code
Server Hardware
Q: Is It Easy to Scale WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is known for its user-friendliness and flexibility. Even for non-technical sellers, it provides a wide range of features and functionality. You can customize your online store to meet unique requirements with various themes, plugins, and extensions available. This flexibility allows you to tailor your eCommerce site for a personalized shopping experience.
Performance Analysis Tools
Website Speed Testing
Load Testing
Q: Do I Need Specific Plugins to Scale Better?
WooCommerce offers a wide range of plugins to assist with scaling your online store at every stage of growth. These plugins cater to various aspects of scaling, such as bulk stock management and mobile inventory management, making them valuable tools for optimizing your store's performance.
Q: Is Offloading Functionality Helpful?
Consider outsourcing certain aspects of your business operations to free up WooCommerce resources for performance and conversion optimization. Tasks like image optimization, marketing automation, accounting, customer support, and A/B testing can be outsourced to streamline server operations and enhance website speed.
By effectively addressing these aspects and leveraging the capabilities of WooCommerce, you can successfully scale your online business while maintaining exceptional performance and user experience.
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