#eddie wifeguy munson
blushweddinggowns · 10 months
Eddie, two weeks after getting with Steve, coupled with erratic hand gestures: Okay, so like imagine that your highschool prom king saves your life right? Like full on drags you from hell whilst on the brink of death. And then he helps you beat a murder charge with his connection to a dirty cop. And then he like, sticks around. Like playing full on nursemaid free of charge. And now you got the basketball starter, certified heart throb at your beck and call. And it turns out he’s sweet, and funny, and even prettier up close. Like, how do you not fall in love with that? And then imagine that you do, and some fucking how he loves you back. And your first kiss makes you feel like your dying and getting reborn all over again. Just insane shit. And you expect me not to talk about it? Like this will not be the only thing I am capable of discussing for the next ten years?
Dustin, head in his hands, wishing for death: All I asked was if you could pass the salt.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
thinking of eddie one day on live saying he doesn’t get why the internet calls him a wifeguy, him being defensive saying he talks about steve a normal amount people just over exaggerate it cause they’re gay
someone then proceeds to link him a 40 minute long youtube compilation thats part 4 in a ongoing series of eddie always finding the strangest ways to bring steve up in interviews, constantly derailing conversations without realizing, just being absolutely disgustingly in love etc etc. the video also includes the interviewers’ confusion as they try to comprehend what on earth steve has anything to do with what they just asked + the series has a counter of how many times eddie is recorded saying “my husband” that is currently well past the 200’s
eddie ends the live in embarrassment
I think Eddie would be offended the first time someone called him a wifeguy.
Someone in the chat say that Eddie is such a wifeguy and Eddie is just like, “Ummm, no? I’m not a ‘wifeguy’ because I’m gay. I’m married to a man. A wife does not enter the equation. I’m a husband-guy. A husband-husband, if you will.”
Eddie goes to find Steve and tells him, “Someone on the internet called you my wife.”
Steve, who is just trying to eat his lunch in peace: Oh-kay?
Eddie to the camera: He’s offended. Look at him.
People in the comments explain to him that a wifeguy is just a guy who loves his spouse and talks about them all the time. The term is a bit heteronormative, but the concept is just guy that loves his spouse, like Eddie. And Eddie is cool with that until someone else comments about how a lot of wifeguys have recently cheated or left their wives and they don’t want Eddie and Steve to break up.
Eddie responds to that and says, “Yeah…I don’t want – I don’t want that. I don’t want to be grouped with the YouTube guy that cheated on his wife at a Harry Styles concert. And I don’t talk about Steve all the time. I just tell you guys funny little stories and he happens to be there.”
Commence everybody linking Eddie in YouTube compilations of him talking about Steve, dating all the way back to Corroded Coffins’ first interview where he’s purposely not gendering his partner while he talks about how they were the inspiration of their current single.
I don’t think Eddie would be embarrassed because I think he just owns everything about himself, but I do think that he would go and find Steve again and film him showing Steve part 4 of the YouTube series Eddie Munson Loving His Husband.
Steve, who is still just trying to eat lunch, is like, “Ed, this forty minutes.”
Eddie: Shh, look how much I love you. Look how much I express my love for you. I’m giving you a – digital copy of my love. It’s – it’s a gift from me to you.
Steve: …Did you forget my birthday?
Eddie: It’s your birthday?!
End of stream.
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edancydaily · 7 months
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#eddie munson is the dorky wifeguy blueprint for nancy wheeler
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