#edelstan crit
emblemofthequeen · 3 months
Edelstans: “Edelgard detractors completely miss the nuances and morally grayness of her character! Fandoms can’t handle complex characters!”
Me: Oh I agree…
Same Edelstans: *Remove all the nuances and moral grayness from Rhea and make posts about how she shouldn’t have been an ally on any routes or even that there should’ve been a golden ending where all houses team up to defeat her* Me: You know what, forget it, I can’t sympathize with you anymore
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danzafila · 6 months
relatedly, some rando came onto a year and a half old untagged 3h post of mine to try and debate it ig and ???? are you guys not fucking tired of this shit
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
Lucky Crit, Unlucky Tweet
Just read Lucky Crit's recent tweet about how siding w/El makes no sense, and the replies make me want to bleach my eyes. 
  "3H doesn’t do a good job showing how Rhea or the Church are evil." 
  "JeRalT ToLd Us RhEa SuS!" 
  FFS, if this argument were a person, I'd strangle it. I don't even like Jeralt, but this makes him look more shallow than he is. He saw how being at the monastery helped his child, and he wonders if he made the wrong choice by leaving. That’s character development! It definitely should’ve been written better, but it’s still there. He hardly has much characterization to go on, and all this argument does is remove one of the few good moments that he has. Let him have this! Out of ALL those comments, including LCs, only THREE said anything that made sense. The rest is just a tempest of lies and misinformation. MAKE THE BAD TAKES STOP, MOM!
I've seen the tweet... 84 replies... I ain't goin' in there for a second lmao
But yeah!! Jeralt literally changes his mind about leaving Rhea/the monastery once he sees how good an impact they've made on Byleth, but people - not even just Edelstans mind you! - desperately cling onto that initial statement of doubt as though characters can't... change their mind about an opinion they had. It's the same with Claude - so many people have a hard-on about him always straight up hating Rhea when we literally see him change his demeanor about her once she reveals the truth. Or Dimitri - he stays the same vengeance seeker, despite growing past that literally being his character arc. Or Rhea - she never sees Byleth as a person, despite her literally showing that she eventually does.
It's. Like. The fandom is made up of. Like. Children. Like, literal, actual children, who can't comprehend that opinions aren't always these hard-set things that never change - they rarely are, really! In fact, Edelgard's about the only one of the main characters that doesn't change her mind. Dimitri changes his mind about vengeance, Claude and Jeralt change their minds about Rhea, and Rhea changes her mind about Byleth being just a vessel for Sothis. Because they grow as characters, they let their experiences change them, and usually for the better at that.
Edelgard's the one who never changes her mind about anything, on or off her route - the strong should still rule the weak, religion's still bad, Rhea's still bad, conquest still good, sacrifice's still okay, Nabateans are still bad, Edelgard should always be the one ruler of Fodlan, TWS are still okay enough to work with and cover for. She stays the same racist, dictatorial imperialist as she always is. Maybe that stagnancy is why she's so appealing to some of these people lmaooo
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