#edit: turns out i posted the wrong video oopsies
archivvve-xp · 1 year
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Decided to post the one drawing at the end from the animatic i posted earlier :3
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Bad things pewdiepie has done/said
I can't rewrite the vile things he has said and done. Instead copy and paste and leave the links. "PewdiePie’s content is written about even less often." (for reference) "Last year he made news globally after paying two Indian men to hold a sign saying 'Death to all Jews'. Three months later he drew headlines again after using the 'n' word while live-streaming a video game." "PewdiePie is not immune from such behaviour; he has his own brand of ergonomic chair, ideal for gaming, that he sells for $399. But Kjellberg’s videos are more largely concerned with critiquing the internet." "He relies on the footage and his own deeply ironic sense of humour to make the shows work." Alright for this one I wanna say that people often respond with things like "oh dark humour is FINE!" Do you realize you're talking about racism and anti-semitism? And most if not all of you saying these things are white Christian males? Why make a joke about a group, it WILL offend people, for SURE! Back to the quotes from the first source... "He also swears an awful lot more than James ever did." Parents REALLY let their kids watch this?!? "Sharp cuts, interpolations, green screen scenes and filters which warp the image or subvert the sound are standard. The combined effect is to turn one man and his desk into something both hyperactive and psychedelic." Yeah whatever not important but a little freaky? "When Kjellberg was confronted about his anti-semitic prank and his offhanded use of racist language last year, he apologised. In another short clip he said 'It’s not that I think I can say or do whatever I want and get away with it. I’m just an idiot.' However it remains unclear whether his experience has led him to question his behaviour. Always inclined towards the type of humour common on the forums of 4Chan and murkier subReddits, Kjellberg has nowadays doubled down on material that is, to put it gently, anti-PC." "His ironic tone means he rarely says anything explicitly offensive. But the themes and memes that recur in his videos are consistent: images of famous African-Americans (Neil deGrasse Tyson, Barack Obama) captioned with the wrong names; a meme to which the punchline is 'respecting women'; African voices sampled and replayed in incongruous situations; recitations of English language posts on Indian Facebook. Pepe the Frog will also make appearances." Those quotes are from: https://amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2018/apr/05/whats-up-pewdiepie-the-troubling-content-of-youtubes-biggest-star Next source "YouTube’s most popular user is once again facing backlash — this time for promoting a highly anti-Semitic channel by recommending a video featuring a racial slur and a white supremacist conspiracy." Long one... "In a since-edited video posted on December 9, he recommended several YouTube channels he said he’d been enjoying recently. One of those channels is called 'E;R,' and PewDiePie lauded its 'great video essays,' including 'one on [the Netflix movie] Death Note which I really enjoyed.' He also linked to the channel in his video description. (The recommendation has since been edited out of the video.)
To casual observers, PewDiePie’s support of E;R may have appeared harmless — one YouTube user supporting another. But a more-than-cursory dive into the channel would have revealed several instances of disturbing imagery, slurs, and white supremacist messaging. E;R’s creator even refers to his reputation as a racist in the channel’s FAQ." "The outcry against PewDiePie’s recommendation of the channel was immediate, with media outlets and other YouTube users citing it as an example of PewDiePie flirting with alt-right culture and sending a dangerous message to his millions of followers, many of whom are teenagers." "In response, PewDiePie released a follow-up video on December 11 in which he described the incident as an 'oopsie' and scoffed at the idea that he was promoting anti-Semitism by merely 'recommending someone for their anime review.'" "“All I said was I like this guy’s anime review,” PewDiePie says in the video. “[The channel creator] apparently likes to have hidden and not-so-hidden Nazi references in his videos and obviously if I noticed that I wouldn’t have referenced him in the shoutout.”" "PewDiePie also referred to several past incidents that sparked a similar outcry: a video in which he performed a Nazi “heil” salute, and one in which he hired a pair of performers from a freelancer website to hold up a sign reading “Death to all Jews.” He said these examples were satirical, but many observers condemned them as anti-Semitic." The article where these quotes came from is REALLY IN DEPTH. Link (if interested PLS READ): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/12/13/18136253/pewdiepie-vs-tseries-links-to-white-supremacist-alt-right-redpill
Further reading: http://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2018/12/why-pewdiepies-anti-semitic-youtube-jokes-dont-hurt-him.html https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/59q98k/pewdiepie-alinity-copyright-feud-twitch-fails https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/technology/2018/12/20/forever-war-pewdiepie-youtubes-biggest-creator/
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