ow-anteater · 3 years
I am once again being on brand as possible and begging you to rant about Baptiste for the send me a character game.
I once again owe you my life for playing along
First impression
We’re getting into the deep anteater lore rn, but I started playing overwatch for Orisa, then I branched out to Lúcio because his controls seemed the most intuitive to me and then I forced myself to play like 30 hours of very mediocre Baptiste because I liked his character enough to suffer for the boy ...
Impression now
I’ve taken detours through a lot of heroes, but as far as gameplay go I’m back on that Bap juice. I am protective of my Brig main identity (a cringe fail move, I know), but I probably play as much comp Bap as I play Brig these days. As for his character I am stil just brihwwihgfdqhigdqbidajbd for this man
Favorite moment
Ok so ow canon doesn’t have much in terms of moments, but his short is delightful all the way through and I am very partial to the sizable chunk in the beginning dedicated to letting the reader know that Bap is, indeed, very pretty. I’m also very fond of the ‘everyone sign their life insurance policy?’ set up voice line ... there’s so much character in the delivery
Idea for a story
I’m actually working on two different Bap centric things rn. One is a McBap thing about how they both (re)turn to overwatch. It’s a semi fakedating thing too, and it’s fun to work on even if it’s slow going. The other is a combined Bap character study and McBapZo get together fic featuring a healthy dose of snowed in together and there was only one bed ...
But honestly there are so many interesting things you could do with Bap. Somebody write an epic about this dude please, he’s so interesting and nice and has so many solid connections to explore
Unpopular opinion
I guess the whole ‘aggressively ship him with McCree’ thing is pretty uncommon? (also, unless you don’t have eyes this shouldn’t be controversial, but Bap is the prettiest of the ow men)
Favorite relationship
Him and Sombra are beyond amazing, and I’m fairly intrigued by how him and Angela have interacted and what they think of each other? Mauga too, obviously, is a strained and complex connection that does make me go feral. Also also, snark meister #1 and #2, Widow and Bap being forced to hang out and fucking hating every second of it is a very spicy thought
Favorite headcanon
Related to the above, but I love the idea that he’s very nice and social and good, but also viciously, horrifically smart. It takes a lot to get on his bad side but he’ll tear you apart verbally if you manage to get there.
And completely unrelated note because I can’t hear apparently
I was looking up voice lines to make sure I got it right, and I never knew that one of his respawn voice lines was Haitian creole (Ann kenbe atitid pozitif lan) I had fully accepted he’d had some long conversations with Lena and said ‘I’m keeping the attitude positive, love’
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