#el reino de acuatica
yeonchi · 1 year
The Sea Princesses Challenge
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It's not a TikTok challenge, but I thought it'd be nice to share. Liamasterink has created a challenge for fanartists to draw three characters, from any franchise or medium, whether it be Sea Princesses or otherwise, in the style of Book M1 (The World of Salacia)'s cover below:
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Here's a close look at some select works:
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Marcela, Louisa and Queen by Liamasterink
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Delfi, Tata and Soraia by tiburina310
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feat. Transformers by fabrizioalfonsosalvatierra9088
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Figurines by christianveras2004
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Christian Vera, Laura Lagos and Kaihiamal Quintana by christianveras2004
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Mina, Bello and Goomo (Jelly Jamm) by Carnal 2468
Feel free to make your own and share it with the community!
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indira0003 · 6 years
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Antes de ver esto, tráete un té y siéntate, que esto es una biblia de las biblias 100% real no fake (tenía esto pendiente por publicar xD)
estaba en duda si crear un Sans diferente, pero para que no hubiera problemas con el grupo, tiene dos transformaciones (when te das cuenta que casi todos mis sans tienen cambios de apariencias XD)
Historia de cyan y sus padres (posiblemente pueda ser cambiada)
Hace mucho tiempo, en un Au llamado FromOcean, existía un reino bajo el mar, una jovencita de colores azulados se iba a casar con un principe vecino, ella no estaba muy contenta con ello pero no podía hacer nada
Un día, un joven esqueleto se metió al mar con un equipo de buceo hasta llegar a lo mas profundo, hasta llegar a ver un reino, su sorpresa fue tan grande que quedo boquiabierto, ese día la joven estaba dando un paseo y vio aquel esqueleto, le pareció muy curioso el ver a un terrestre por el mar, los dos congeniaban muy bien, así que él iba a visitarla todos los días sin ser vistos por ninguno
Antes de que llegara el momento en que la joven se casara con el supuesto principe que habían acordado, planearon una fuga estos dos y se fueron lejos de allí, el rey al percatarse de la nota que dejó su hija decidió leerla, este enfureció demasiado,, tanto fue su enojo que decidió enviar su ejército a buscarla por todo el océano
Después de seis meses dieron con el paradero de la pareja, la cual ya tenían un hermoso bebé que recién acababa de nacer, su nombre era Cyan, el rey no cabía en sorpresa y espanto al enterarse que su hija había tenido un hijo con un terrestre, lanzó uno de sus mas letales poderes contra el esqueleto y quedó gravemente herido, la princesa quedó impactada ante lo sucedido pero sin dudarlo fue directo hacia donde se encontraba su amado aún con el bebé en brazos, en ese entonces, el padre de la joven miró al pequeño con rabia mientras volvía a cargar otro poder, unos huesos tocaron el brazo de la princesa y desaparecieron mágicamente, fue el esqueleto quien aún le quedaba fuerzas para hacer su ultima acción, se fueron lejos, muy lejos, se habían ido a otro Au donde jamás los encontrarían
Pero lastimosamente, no pudo sobrevivir, dio una despedida melancólica y dejó de respirar, la princesa tuvo que criar al bebé sola, le proporcionó todo lo que sabía sobre como sobrevivir en el mar, así el niño se adaptó y se convirtió en un sigiloso depredador
en la actualidad, Cyan (ya crecido) vive en el océano, aveces caza algunas aves que se acercan, pero normalmente se la pasa en lo mas profundo del mar
él se había enamorado de un hada que vendía corazones así que desde ese entonces, comenzó a subir a la superficie mas a menudo para hablar, por eso el hada iba de visita al mar esperando a que su amigo se asomara, tomaron tanta amistad con el paso del tiempo que cyan se armó de valor para confesarle sus sentimientos, se llevó una gran decepción al saber que el hada no lo correspondió, mas bien por que este no tenía un corazón propio y ninguno de los corazones que vendía eran compatible, cyan quedó con el corazón roto desde aquello, pero lo comprendió ya que sabía que el hada no tenía la culpa
pues a partir de aqui no sabría bien como formar una historia de shian y cyan XD pero lo que le dije a pau por chat que podría ser que cyan al tener ya el corazón roto, shian se lo reparase, y este corazón le indicará que su persona indicada sería Shian y así lo visitaría a su herrería a menudo(? todo lo que he escrito, podría ser simplemente el boceto, depende de las nuevas ideas que pau escriba, yo me basaré creando el mio con su historia, ya que están involucrados en el mismo Au
Cyan cuando pasa mucho tiempo fuera del mar, automaticamente se transforma en su forma terrestre, por lo que en ese momento aparecerá como un esqueleto desnudo si en su forma acuática no lleva antes su ropa
y por si no se habían percatado, Cyan tiene 2 transformaciones, una acuatica y otra terrestre, oh y es un principe mestizo(? xDD aunque ya no vive cerca de su reino
lo gracioso es que Cyan y Shian significa lo mismo en diferente idioma y que los dos tengan el mismo color de ojos XD
mas adelante pensaré el diseño del hada (es un sans XD) y también haré un poco de su ficha
se nota que amo el color azul(? XD
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yeonchi · 2 years
Sea Princesses Refresh now complete!
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After two months of work, the second and third stages of the Sea Princesses Refresh, namely the v2 versions of the book transcripts and translations along with the v3 versions of the cartoon reviews and v2 versions of the book reviews (though admittedly, not many changes were made for the latter) are now complete. 
The v2 book transcripts and translations have superseded the previous v1 versions on Google Docs. In addition, clean versions of the transcripts and translations (without the page numbers and/or footnotes) are available in PDF and ebook formats as well. The PDFs and ebooks for the literacy series books are compiled due to their lengths, while PDF and ebook versions of the short stories (albeit without images) are also available.
While working on the v2 transcripts, I also took a look at the Kindle releases to see what was different between them and the physical books. There are some grammatical changes here and there, plus the ending of the intro to the fourth book is slightly different (which I’ll include at the end of this post). For the most part, the transcripts are based on the raw scans, but I have put in footnotes for the chapters with different titles or split contents in the Kindle releases. 
The previous version of the cartoon reviews contained some information and statistics on the English voice actors and character appearances. Those have been separated for the v3 version. When the cartoon reviews were first published on Tumblr in 2019, some information was edited or omitted to make it easier to understand for non-Australians living in current year, but with the v3 reviews, nothing has been omitted for Tumblr. The book reviews have also been published in PDF format along with a list of character appearances in each book.
In case anyone missed it, the English, Brazilian Portuguese and Castilian Spanish versions of the cartoon series episodes are also available as well. The Brazilian Portuguese episodes were made available last December along with a refreshed cut of the English episodes taken directly from the Amazon raws instead of the videos from the Mr Bean and Friends channel.
Here’s an overview of what’s stored in my cloud drive folders and the links to them:
Cartoon series episodes (EN/PT-BR/ES-ES)
Cartoon series reviews
Official character descriptions (Flash/WordPress sites)
A collection of Sea Princesses fanart by Julx-Julz (Rainbow’s Network/princessrainbowchannel)
Google Drive:
Book transcripts and translations (Google Docs/PDF/EPUB)
Main series
Literacy series
Educational books
Sticker albums
Short stories
Book reviews
Don’t forget to check out Kisekae Insights for the involvement of Sea Princesses in my personal project (instalments 11-13, 20 and 27) and follow the Sea Princesses tag on my Tumblr for more insights into the series and its fandom in the Sea Princesses renaissance.
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Book checking started 6 August 2022 M1 done 6-8 August 2022 M2 9-11 August 2022 M3 11 August 2022 M4 11-12 August 2022 Literacy+Additional Material 12 August 2022
V2 translation started 13 August 2022 M1 13 August 2022 M2 13-15 August 2022 M3 15-16 August 2022 M4 16-20 August 2022 Literacy Books 26 August 2022 Additional Material 28-29 August 2022 (2009 P07)
Corrections 3-4 September 2022 Publishing work 5-7 September 2022
Cartoon reviews 9-16 September 2022 Book reviews 17-20 September 2022
Book M4 intro:
Essa é mais uma dessas histórias. Porém, por pouco ela não chegou às suas mãos. Um perigoso vilão, que sabe o poder que as histórias têm, tentou impedir que esta fosse contada. Ela fala sobre coragem...
This is another one of those stories. However, it narrowly missed their hands. A dangerous villain, who knows the power that stories have, tried to prevent it from being told. It is a story of courage...
Porém, uma das histórias mais emocionantes das nossas heroínas não foi contada por ninguém. Como todas as outras envolvendo as princesas, ela é repleta e ação e aventura. Fala sobre coragem...
However, one of our heroines' most emotional stories has never been told by anyone. Like all other stories involving the princesses, it is full of action and adventure. It is a story of courage...
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yeonchi · 2 years
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In September 2018, I translated a post from Fabio Yabu’s Instagram with some pretty inspirational words and posted it to the Sea Princesses Wiki blog. On it were the three drawings of Polvina you see above, from her initial design, prototype book design and animated series design. Coincidentally, this was also how I learnt about the origin of Polvina and the Sea Princesses series as a rejected design idea for water and waste management company Sabesp. Because Yabu’s post still resonates today as it did four years ago and I’m actively grubbing for content at the moment, I want to retranslate the post and share it with you below.
Original post link
I don’t know if this is worth the hashtag #Mermay, but here is a drawing I did that changed my life. After making many different versions of an aquatic character for a client, I got fed up with all the rejections and redos and I thought, “You know what? I’ll do anything, like a girl with an octopus on her head!” Fortunately, the client did not like it. The rest is history, told in more than 50 countries.
Today, a decade and a half later, I realised that the client was right.
Until some time ago, I thought there was something special about this sketch. There wasn’t really anything special about it, just like there’s nothing special about any idea at all. Polvina was just that - a sketch - not a divine gift, a gift from the ninjas.
What was special about her was the years refining the trait, relearning how to draw and how to write. The years swimming against the current of my own ignorance. The countless and endless meetings, the spreadsheets, the hundreds of script pages and the thousands of animations made by dozens of animators in Australia and Spain.
Those were the years of life I gave, and then there were the years that were stolen by someone I trusted. And all that was left after that was for me to start over. But that’s a story for another day. For now, keep this reminder and tip: when someone says that your drawing, your script, your business idea is bad, chances are that they’re right. No one is obliged to believe in your idea except you, and it is your duty to defy reality each day, to battle and bleed through each of your own Infinity Stones until you realise your vision. It's going to take years, but the world needs it, and you deserve it.
To repeat what I said in my blog post four years ago:
It’s pretty amazing to see an author reminisce about a work that he did ten years ago, even when the lack of localisation and merchandising in other countries led Sea Princesses to be lost and forgotten for a time (mostly in Australia), or even other countries (mostly in Asia) not knowing about this amazing cartoon. This is just my opinion, of course, but I’m glad to be reminded that this childhood memory hasn't been forgotten.
Once again, Mr Yabu, thank you for giving us this amazing series and we hope to someday hear stories about your work on it.
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yeonchi · 2 years
Sea Princesses First Airdates
Getting accurate information for Sea Princesses has been a rather daunting task, particularly given that this series wasn’t that popular in the first place and barely anyone recorded this information at the time. It’s also because of this that I am unable to pinpoint accurate airdates for any episode. I’ll get into this after the break, but here are the major airdates for Sea Princesses that I’ve found:
Amazon: 31 May 2007
Australia: 8 September 2007
Brazil: 24 March 2008
Latin America: 21 April 2008
So here’s the problem I have with the Amazon airdates. The Amazon airdates are plausible, but I’m sceptical of them for a few reasons. One, Fabio Yabu’s old blog posts show first mentions of the animated series around September 2007 and two, if production started in July 2006 and it took 18 months to finish, how could anything have been ready in nearly 12 months? I’ll come back to this point later, but admittedly, even the Amazon airdates are more plausible than the IMDb airdates, which were used on the wiki before I edited them - those airdates had Season 2 premiering from December 2013 to February 2014, which is quite ridiculous when I vaguely remember watching episodes earlier than that.
In Australia, the first season premiered on the Seven Network on Saturday 8 September 2007, while the second season premiered on Saturday 12 September 2009. I did manage to get those dates thanks to the advance guides on TV Tonight, but I am unable to pinpoint when exactly each episode premiered because some of the links for 2007 and 2008 are broken thanks to the person using MediaFire instead of hosting the files on the site like they did for later years. From what I saw however, there were some weeks when the animated series was given a one-hour timeslot, so you would have four episodes premiering instead of the usual two. Returning to my previous point about production taking 18 months, production of the first season was still in progress when it premiered, so my theory is that the series was split somewhere around the halfway mark and the second portion premiered in a different cour to the first, thus there were episodes that would premiere in 2008 and 2010, assuming the production of the second series was the same as the first (either that or the Seven Network wanted to split the series anyway, which is kind of likely). If the Australian airdates are hard to pinpoint, then I’d imagine that the Brazilian and Latin American airdates are probably impossible to pinpoint, so I’m not going to bother.
So yeah, the Amazon airdates are used on the wiki for the sake of completeness and even though they may not exactly be accurate, I would rather have that than make the effort to pinpoint the exact airdates. However, I will commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of Sea Princesses on 8 September and not 31 May as stated above.
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yeonchi · 4 days
Hi. I’ve been reading your Sea Princesses cartoon reviews. Being a Latin American that used to watch the series on Discovery Kids as a child, I got surprised at the fact that the Princes and Princesses’ original Brazilian names weren’t translated in the English version. The princesses’ pets had their names translated (Tenty, Spikey, Gummy), so the choice of not doing that to the main characters, at least for me, ends up being jarring. As you may know, the names of the latter are based on the Brazilian names of the species that each represent, usually forming a straight-up pun. The kind of pun that makes one say “Was there any thought in choosing these names?”. Based on how strange I’ve found having language references that only a few can understand, I’ve decided to make a list of possible English names for Salacia’s royalty (Miss Marla included). If you’ve seen the cartoon “Fish Hooks”, you may realize some influence of its pun-based character names on my, shall we say, “translations”. Without further ado, here we go:
Polvina – Octina
Ester – The writing of Ester’s name remains the same, but her name is pronounced as “Es-TER”, just like in the Spanish dubs.
Tubarina – Sharkina
Marcello – Hamar
Hugo – Telmo
Tata – Tara
Maurico – Tarchin
Bia – The name remains unchanged
Leia (a name that I’m surprised didn’t call the attention of Lucasfilm lawyers back in the day) – Wendy
Marli – Sora
Sirilo – Brad
Vivi – Nelly
Isa – Either the name remains unchanged or the character is named “Aisha”
Juli – Clara
Jessi – Claudia
Elektra – The name remains unchanged
Lia – The name remains unchanged
Delfi – Dolphie
Angelica – The name and its English pronunciation remain unchanged
Soraia – Finley
Camarina – Shrimpina
Caramelo – Stanley
Socita – Gretel
Agostinha – Leslie
Matilda – Helen
Veto – Kash (with a K and not a C)
Caton – Samuel
Miss Marla – Miss Chelsea (Ruby Gillman, where?)
That would be all. What do you think about my translations?
You're either a genius with puns or stepping dangerously into 4Kids localisation territory here. It took me some time to understand what you were going for, but looking at the character names in Fish Hooks, they made the puns more obvious whereas here you have to think about it for more than 10 seconds.
However, I would have named Maurico as "Murchin" or "Murchison" because above him you already had two names starting with T and it felt a bit jarring.
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yeonchi · 25 days
Kisekae Insights #48: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 6 - After Quartzer
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Starting with W before continuing from Gaim onwards, each Rider series has featured post-series direct-to-video specials known as V-Cinemas, which serve as epilogues or side stories to the main series. In some cases, series have been known to receive streaming-exclusive specials on the Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club years after the series ended. Such specials typically feature new Riders or new forms for existing Riders, and of course, this series is no exception.
There are two blocks of post-series specials, each consisting of a longer and shorter special, that were released in November and December 2022. These specials are set in the new world created by Sougo after the destruction of the main series timeline, with all characters being recreated in the new world. The first block features major crossovers with highlighted franchises (featuring their respective opening themes at the start) while the second block consists of adaptations of the two TTFC Rider Time miniseries written by Chris Chibnall Toshiki Inoue.
Let’s jump into the post-series specials for Zi-O and the true ending for my personal project.
Decade vs Sea Princesses: Revenge of Quartzer
Adapted from Kamen Rider Genms -The Presidents- and -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-.
Unlike the other specials, this special is set in the main timeline instead of the new world created by Sougo.
The Quartzer Riders continue to run rogue in the main timeline despite the defeat of their commanders. The Decade Riders, allying with Shugo, OOO, Birth and the non-Quartzer affiliated Salacian Riders, are tasked with suppressing the rogue Riders. Suddenly, Daniel Camielez (Ryuki) is afflicted with the Game Disease, causing a Bugster Kuroto Dan to emerge from his body. As a result of this, Daniel transforms into Ryuga instead of Ryuki. Genm defeats Ryuga and infects the Salacian Quartzer Riders, turning them into zombies under his control. After Ryuga is defeated, Dark Daniel (who is able to act independently from his host) separates from his body and covers the Salacian Riders’ escape.
In another battlefield, Decade and Diend are fighting the Quartzer Riders alongside Shugo Guardian Form (based on Den-O Liner Form), OOO Yadopangaru Combo (introduced in Soulbound Series 4) and Birth X. Akari’s rogue cousins join the battle on Quartzer’s side, only to be stopped by Accel Booster Form, Bravo King Durian Arms and Gridon Lychee Arms. The Quartzer Riders are captured and taken in by UNIT, but on the way, their cavalcade is surrounded by Zombie Gamers and the remaining Quartzer Riders are taken from it.
Hiroki and Daniel confront Kuroto alongside their allies. During the battle that ensues, Dark Daniel transforms into Ryuga Survive (a recolour of Ryuki Survive), which transforms Dragblacker into Blackranzer. As the other Riders are infected and Ryuga, Decade and Diend are defeated by Genm’s Mighty Critical Strike, time pauses and a Bugster Masamune Dan arrives to confront his son as Cronus. As the father and son argue, Daniel manages to convince the two to work together to achieve their dreams, allowing Kuroto to merge with his father and gain the Genm Musou Gashat. The new power allows Genm to summon his zombified Riders to charge at the remaining Riders; as Hiroki and Kayley transform into Decade Complete Form 21 and Diend Ultimate Complete Form and use the Gekijouban Attack Ride cards to summon all primary and secondary Riders, Daniel and Dark Daniel merge together into Kamen Rider RyukiRyugaSurvive, taking cues from EvilytyLive with the transformation pose of Kamen Rider Century.
All the Riders are released from Genm’s control as they are defeated and transformed. After Decade and Diend launch their shooting Final Attack Rides at Genm, RyukiRyugaSurvive launches the Impulse Dragon Rider Kick, which has Dragranzer and Blackranzer running laps around Genm as the combined Rider bounces off them similar to Drive’s SpeeDrop. With Kuroto’s disappearance, Daniel is cured of his Game Disease and the Quartzer Riders are forgiven since they have been punished enough already.
Zi-O vs Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rider Revolution
Adapted from Zi-O episodes 1, 49 and the Geiz Majesty special.
In the new world, Sougo Tokiwa and Akari Ichigo have become friends after their past conflicts and coincidentally, they apply to be transferred to Canterlot High. Geiz Myoukouin is transferring to Canterlot High as well while Luna Roberts is a local student living with her great-uncle Mark at the homestay house where Sougo, Akari and Geiz will be living in, also known as the clock repair shop 9TO5.
On the first day of school at Canterlot High (Sougo, Akari, Geiz and Luna are wearing the uniform), Akari quickly goes back to get her pencil case as she forgot to take it. It is at this point that Sougo, Geiz and Luna are met by Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito, who inform them of the Minato-Sugaru Rider Championships happening around the island, encouraging them to win and set off on their path to glory. At the same time, Akari finds a Genesis Driver and Lemon Energy Lockseed beside her bed and takes it with her pencil case as she is in a hurry.
At Canterlot High, the students meet Vice Principal Swartz (working alongside Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna) along with two students resembling Heure and Ora (who are also wearing uniform). Heure and Ora show the four around the school as the students are getting ready for the Rider Championships which are happening throughout the first week of school (after summer break). As Ora remarks how she hates how the championships have made everyone hostile towards each other, Sougo and the others realise that they have their own Drivers and collectables, leading Heure and Ora to tell them to enter the championships and beat everyone.
Sure enough, Sougo and his group enter the championships, which are co-hosted by Superintendent Abacus Cinch, Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep Academy, and Vice Principal Swartz. Other teams joining include Team Decade, made up of Hiroki and Kayley from the main universe, and Team Barlckxs, made up of Hiryuu Kakogawa and two obscure figures from my past; in this timeline, Luna’s parents were killed by the Matsunaga Army, whom Hiryuu was a part of, when she was eight years old.
There are a total of five rounds in the championships with 32 teams duking it out. The Rainbooms are Team Wizard, the Shadowbolts are Team Gaim and the Dazzlings are Team Faiz. To get 32 teams, some non-primary Riders, namely Meteor, Nadeshiko, Beast, Sorcerer and Wiseman, are given their own teams supplemented by monsters, while the Future Riders from the main series return, forming their own teams as well.
Throughout the first three rounds, Sougo, Geiz and Luna gradually regain their memories of the old timeline through their Ziku Drivers and Ridewatches, while Kachinebots attack the city, which are defeated by Birth X and Kaixa from the main universe. Akari loses against her opponent in the first round (against Team Gaim, though it was a two-on-one fight for each of them), but manages to defeat Equestrian Twilight Sparkle in the second round. When Geiz and Luna are defeated in the second round against Team Nadeshiko, Kazuto gives the Zi-O II Ridewatch to Sougo so he can turn the tides.
In the third round, Kazuto joins Team Zi-O as they fight Team Barlckxs. During the battle, Sougo transforms with Geiz and Kazuto into Zi-O Trinity when Luna and Akari are at risk of being defeated. It is then that Sougo, Andrew and Luna remember everything of the old timeline; as they talk to Kazuto and Akari about what they know, Kazuto reveals that the births of Gaim to Zi-O took place earlier than normal due to the Rider Championships, adding that he is also investigating who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Sure enough, it is revealed that Kensuke and Akihito are the ones pulling the strings alongside Team Barlckxs.
The fourth round is an all-out session featuring Team Zi-O and Team Decade against Team Wizard and Team Fourze, the latter side bringing their eliminated allies to the battle. In addition to Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito also join Team Zi-O to even out the numbers as Geiz and Luna are given the power of Geiz Revive and Tsukuyomi ABC. Sure enough, Team Zi-O and Team Decade are victorious and will be fighting each other in the fifth and final round.
The fifth round is fought by Sougo and Hiroki as the representatives of their teams. This round will have them running a course as Riders around the island, encountering enemies which they need to defeat before they fight each other upon finishing the course. Sougo is given the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch by Kazuto while Hiroki uses Decade Complete Form 21. During the battle, it’s shown that Decade, like Grand Zi-O, can summon Riders (final forms) by touching the card holders on his armour.
Elsewhere, Kensuke and Akihito are about to create Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi when Ora unknowingly stops them. Hiryuu throws his Revolcane-like sword at the two, but Heure manages to deflect it, making Swartz realise that they are starting to recover their Time Jacker powers. Kazuto reveals the truth to everyone; Kensuke knew that Kazuto would betray him, but Kazuto says that his loyalty has always been with his overlord and nothing more.
Kensuke, working with Kazuto and Akihito, teamed up with Changyue and Hiryuu to bribe Abacus Cinch to allow the Rider Championships to take place, then replicated all the Rider equipment from the old timeline and distributed them to those who were willing to fight in the championships. Kensuke’s objective is to take the powers of the Kamen Riders and Time Jackers so he can become the true saviour and rule over the world. It is then that Swartz betrays Kensuke as well, saying that he was secretly working with Kazuto because he would not walk the same path he did in the old timeline. Kensuke reveals that he can still steal Geiz and Tsukuyomi’s powers through the Future Note, but nothing happens when he writes in it; his abuse of the Future Note’s power to make the Rider Championships happen caused it to overload, rendering him unable to will the future.
Kensuke and Akihito transform and fight Team Zi-O alongside Team Barlckxs. After being informed of the situation, Hiroki forfeits the match so Sougo can hurry back and help his friends. Akari struggles in battle until Narutaki (from the main timeline) arrives and gives her the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed. Kensuke, Akihito and Team Barlckxs are defeated, but the former two show up again at the abandoned warehouse district. Transforming into Another Diend and Another Gold Drive, Kensuke and Akihito summon an army of Kachinebots before they are eventually defeated by the Riders, with Kayley giving Geiz the Geiz Majesty Ridewatch once again.
As the defeated Kensuke and Akihito retreat, Sougo, Geiz, Kazuto and Luna find their power-up Ridewatches disappearing. Kazuto comments that being in a new timeline doesn’t mean that they can use their strongest powers that easily, but Sougo comments that a new timeline also means a new start, meaning that they will just have to work to earn their powers again.
Team Zi-O are presented with the championship cup as the other Riders’ equipment and collectibles disappear, with the exception of Team Zi-O and Team Decade. The next week as school starts for real, Sougo, Geiz and Luna decide to have a race to see who can achieve their dream of being the demonic overlord, saviour or queen first. Akari is asked who she wants to cheer for, but she says that she wants to join the race instead, opting to become a princess since Luna already took the position of queen. Kazuto, of course, backs Sougo, just as he always has been, while he opts to chronicle this new timeline himself.
This special was designed to be a pilot to a new hypothetical series featuring Team Zi-O earning their powers again, hence why all their power-ups disappeared at the end (because they were brought in from the old timeline). The implication of Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi being created is an allusion to the Zi-O novel, where the aforementioned Another Riders alongside Another Woz were featured. The prologue was translated by revolutionpotato and nobody else has picked up the novel because they stopped posting after 2022 and nobody cares about Kamen Rider novels. The novel is a Woz-centric story, which is possibly what a Next Time Woz special could have been if Shinichirō Shirakura hadn’t nixed it with the reasoning that it wouldn’t feel like Zi-O anymore if they made it.
Decade vs Zi-O and the Game in the House of Death
A direct adaptation of its original counterpart. Where the original special featured Yusuke Onodera along with pastiches of the Time Jackers, those characters are changed to original characters as I wanted to highlight more forgotten figures from my past (though believe it or not, there have been some that I would rather stay away from).
Between scenes, the Decade Riders (save Narutaki) are in the Reading Room waiting for Hiroki to signal his location to them once he finds the new demonic overlord, the true Sougo. We also get treated to Akari talking about how she and Hiroki are a sex-positive couple.
After Narutaki reveals herself as the true identity of the masked jester, she admits that she has become tired of serving the true Sougo and would join Zi-O and the Decade Riders in the final battle against Ohma Zi-O. Zi-O gives Decade the Ninja Ridewatch because he apparently can’t use it. When Ohma Zi-O defeats the Decade Riders, though, Hiroki finds himself in the same quarry but with a jeep nearby (he ended up in a different pocket dimension).
Zi-O vs Decade and the Seven Sougos
Another direct adaptation of its original counterpart.
A week prior to this story, new world Sougo and Geiz are given Saturday detention by Vice Principal Swartz as they have been falling behind on their schoolwork due to their duties fighting monsters whereas Luna and Akari have been able to catch up. Luna volunteers to join Sougo and Geiz as well while Akari hangs out with the Rainbooms, but on the day, Luna forgot to bring her homework so she went back to get it, which caused her to end up somewhere else when Canterlot High was brought into the pocket dimension. We also learn that after the Rider Championships, humans are being transformed into various monsters thanks to something known as the Kaiju Factor.
The love plot between Sougo and Heure is changed to Heure and Ora playing Magic: The Gathering. Swartz holds a tutorial for the detention students about how to play the game, but by the end, Heure and Ora are the only ones playing. Heure’s life is spared thanks to this.
Micro Chips is shown playing the water coin drop at Sougo A’s mini-carnival, replacing the goldfish catching game from the original. Danielita and Alchemic Flower also appear in this special.
In the original versions of the last special and this one, we had a supporting character named Misa Kuon played by Rena Takeda. In the adapted versions, she is named Charlie Quander and because the actress I (hypothetically) cast for her face claim is a rising talent who is still rather obscure, I won’t go out of my way to name her. However, I will say that Charlie’s actress also plays Windy Adams, aka Kamen Rider Poseidon; I initially had her in mind for Charlie, but later on, I needed an actress for Windy and I didn’t want to bother finding a new one, so I went with Charlie’s actress and left it at that.
At night, Sougo A helps Swartz make food out of monster meat. Swartz suggests that they cook a feast the next time he checks up on Heure and Ora; Sougo questions if this is okay, to which Swartz says that it is because Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are outright having relations with students. There are also original characters named Eva Fukada, Riley White, Brandi Mikami, Johnny Katō and Carter Shimizu. Just saying.
On election day, the ballot box is knocked over, though Micro Chips manages to give his ballot to Swartz. This version highlights that it was a failed election and that Sougo A won in an undemocratic process to lampoon how it was done in the original.
As the true Sougo transforms into Ohma Zi-O, Decade gives Zi-O the Ninja Ridewatch, which allows him to transform into Decade Armor Ninja Form (based on Ninja’s Tri-Battlizer form but keeping the default Decade Armor design). Though Decade is seemingly killed in Complete Form 21 by Ohma Zi-O, he ends up in the Reading Room with his friends thanks to the recall systems they have in their vortex manipulators and Drivers.
The pocket dimension is destroyed and everyone returns to their own universes. Sougo B says his goodbyes to Sougo A before he rides back to his own universe. Since Luna was late for Saturday detention, she will be joining Sougo and Geiz for real; since Swartz sent everyone else home, Sougo, Geiz, Luna, Swartz, Ora and Heure get to work cleaning up the school. And this is where our story ends after 11 years (it would have been 10 if it weren’t for the pandemic and real life getting in the way).
And thus ends the story of Zi-O. Our final two instalments for this run will cover background information on the characters of the series and the series itself.
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yeonchi · 1 month
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 24: Yo-Kai Benja Special
There's no YouTube Community post link for this one as these OCs, created by Liamverse YouTuber Yo-Kai Benja, were sent to me via Discord DMs. This is a look into the salines of what could possibly be yet another universe. The World of Salacia, located off the coast of Brazil (particularly near Santos, Sao Paulo), isn't the only place where salines, kingdoms and royal families can be found. These princes and princesses are from kingdoms located across a mass of Dryland from Salacia, off the coast of Viña del Mar in Valparaíso, Chile. Read to the end for some lore and theories.
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Leo (Mussel Prince)
Name: Leo
Occupation: Mussel Prince
Race: Saline
Residence: Mussel Kingdom (off the coast of Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile, former)/Salacian Metropolis (current)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Likes: Chilean culture, Chilean rock, music, playing bass, Drylander customs
Dislikes: Drylander fishermen
Mussel King (father) ✝️
Mussel Queen (mother) ✝️
Chorito (pet)
Felipe (best friend)
Merluzina (friend)
Reinetina (friend)
Globina (friend)
Delfi (friend)
Agostinha (friend)
Marcello (bandmate)
Hugo (bandmate)
Sirilo (bandmate)
Leo is the Mussel Prince. When he was 9, fishermen destroyed Leo’s home in the Mussel Kingdom and his parents were killed, leaving him in the care of the families of his friends Felipe, Merluzina, Reinetina and Globina as he frequently moved between their kingdoms with his pet Chorito, becoming more and more independent as a result.
When Leo turned 15, he decided to move to Salacia, where he made numerous friends including Delfi, Agostinha, Marcello, Hugo and Sirilo. Although he loved living in the metropolis of Salacia, he would visit his friends back home sometimes, hoping that they could go on a trip with him to Salacia one day. He also frequents the Dryland cities of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar in Chile.
Leo is a kind person who likes to help people around him and works to prevent Drylanders from bringing harm to the sea.
 - Leo prefers to travel between his kingdom and Salacia through Dryland as it would be a two-week trip by bus (around the treacherous Drake Passage) whereas it takes 6 to 7 hours by plane and public transportation (from Viña del Mar to Florianópolis via Santiago). Before the Salacia-Dryland Peace Treaty was signed in 2018, this would have been an impossibility due to it breaking the First Law of Salacia.
- Leo is a fan of all things Chilean, such as the food, the cities and above all, music.
- Leo loves to listen to Chilean bands such as Chancho en Piedra, Los Prisioneros, Los Bunkers and 31 Minutos. He plans on forming a tribute band with Marcello, Hugo and Sirilo but he is unable to decide which group to tribute.
- Leo is a bass player, with his inspirations being Felipe Ilabaca and Jorge Gonzalez.
- Leo’s initial design had him wearing a t-shirt with the Chilean flag on it.
- Leo also has a pet mussel named Chorito.
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Globina - Globefish Princess
Name: Globina
Occupation: Globefish Princess
Race: Saline
Residence: Globefish Kingdom (off the coast of Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile)
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Likes: Music, hanging out with her friends
Dislikes: People making fun of her for her enlargement reflex
Leo (best friend)
Merluzina (friend)
Reinetina (friend)
Unknown prince (love interest, created by elpijazo)
Globina is the Globefish Princess, her family distant relatives to the Blowfish Royal Family. She lives in the Globefish Kingdom, off the coast of Viña del Mar in Chile, across a mass of Dryland from Salacia. Her design is based on the longnose puffer.
The Globefish Royal Family has a peculiarity about them; every time they get excited, their heads inflate and they have to deflate themselves. They can also trigger this inflation manually to prank others or scare off predators. Globina feels uncomfortable when she stays inflated for too long as it makes her body feel tight. Other people tend to make fun of her family for this, much to their chagrin.
Globina’s best friend is Leo, with whom she shares some of the same tastes such as their love for music.
Other OCs
Felipe (Chilean Abalone Prince)
No other details are known at the time of writing.
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Merluzina (Southern Hake Princess)
Note: Merlo and his family are the main royal family of the Hake Kingdom, mostly representing the Argentine hake.
Merluzina is noted to be a kinder version of Tubarina.
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Reinetina (Southern Ray Bream Princess)
Reinetina is Merlutina's best friend, though the latter finds her annoying at times.
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The lore of sub-species
While the World of Salacia may be vast, there are only so many kingdoms that can be located in the realm, so other kingdoms were established outside of it. Like with the kingdoms of Salacia, there are families who represent and look after smaller genera or species of fish. Some of them may be princes, princesses or high-ranking generals or ministers who are assigned a smaller species by their kings and queens. Some of them may be other nobles or aristocrats from a particular kingdom. Some of them may just be ordinary people, whether upper, middle or lower class, who could be distantly related to a Salacian royal family.
These families still have responsibilities to their particular species and are answerable to a family that oversees their taxonomic rank, up to the top rank that is the Salacian royal families. One such example is the Hammerhead Shark Kingdom; prince Marcello and princess Marcela are cousins to prince Veto and princess Tubarina of the Shark Kingdom. While Veto and Marcello may be the heirs to their respective thrones, Tubarina and Marcela could still be queens, only to a lesser sub-species and they would also be answerable to their respective monarchs. Not every prince or princess will become the ruler of a sub-kingdom, though they may be assigned to other positions.
Despite this caste system, there is rarely any discrimination, for the Laws of Salacia state that all families and all castes, whether royal, commoner or anywhere in between, should be respected.
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yeonchi · 1 month
Kisekae Insights #45: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 3 - Road to the King
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“The last of the Kamen Riders have been gathered as they await the passing down of their legacies. Once all their powers have been inherited, the path to the final chapter awaits. Hark the herald angels sing, rejoice for the one true king!”
Last time, we saw Ohma’s Day being delayed for the time being as Sougo is tasked with obtaining the final six Ridewatches. With all the Riders now in 2019, the Time Jackers would resort to creating Another Riders in that year, meaning that the Legend Riders would be another obstacle in their plans. Also, Kensuke Nitta still remains despite Geiz Revive’s future no longer coming to pass. What are his plans and why did I write this into the plot? Let’s find out now.
Episode 21: Unknown Memory ~ Awaken the Agito 2001 ~
In the original series, we never knew who Another Agito’s identity was. No, it’s not Kino from Decade. In this version, Swartz goes to the Tomb of the Unnamed Lover in the Valley of Dusk (in Salacia) and uses the Agito Anotherwatch to resurrect the slain husband of Mermaid Princess Selena as Another Agito.
G3 is working with the Minato-Sugaru Police to establish a G3 Unit on the island. Meanwhile, Zhuge Sōta, Zhuge Shu’s son, is working with Duante at the Surf Shop Agito, which replaces Restaurant Agito from the original.
In the last episode, we learnt that Kazuto was originally a member of the resistance in 2068 before he was revealed to have been a spy for Ohma Zi-O, giving them false information that would lead to them being slaughtered. Luna was found in 2068 with no memories; not knowing her real name, the resistance decided to name her Luna. In this episode though, Luna unconsciously causes herself to freeze time. Swartz notes that Luna’s power is reawakening and that it is only a matter of time before she remembers the truth.
Episode 22: Sea Amazons ~ Unlock the Quartzer 2016 ~
This is an original episode that follows from the events of the Agito tribute. The Amazon Riders are attacking the city alongside Kamen Rider Woz. This Woz, though, isn’t Kazuto, but Kensuke. Despite having his Rider power stolen from him, Kensuke still had some lingering power left which was used to manifest the Zi-O Trinity Ridewatch earlier. This means that he can still transform into Kamen Rider Woz, he just can’t use the Jikan Despear or his Futurering forms. He is therefore Kamen Rider Proto Woz. To differentiate between Kazuto and Kensuke, Kazuto will tend to use his Futurering forms more often.
Kensuke has established a new organisation called Quartzer, gathering anyone from unaffiliated Riders, monsters or soldiers to establish a new future with himself as the keeper of time. Quartzer in the original series is a group played by ISSA and the members of DA PUMP who are the antagonists of the movie Over Quartzer, a rehash of All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker which I hate because it robs the protagonists of their agency. It’s like the Timeless Child arc of Doctor Who, only not as bad. Because Kensuke was inspired by Sougo to establish Quartzer, everything else that happens with them is kind of his fault. Insert surprised Pikachu face here.
Kensuke’s plan, with the Amazon Riders under his wing, is to flood Swansea by using Tlaloc particles to control the water. Akeno Shiranui (New Omega) and Miss Marla (Neo Alpha) are revealed to be spies for the goddess Salacia. Together with Salacia, Windy Adams and Duante, Zi-O and co stop Quartzer’s plans, however Kensuke has a tablet (similar to that of Luna’s) which he uses to summon simulations of Riders and monsters that move and act like the real thing. In this episode, Kensuke summons the Mole Amazon (second form) and the Crow Amazon along with Dark Kabuto, Orga and Dark Drive.
Sougo asks Luna if she would like to become a Kamen Rider someday, but Luna says that she would rather stay as she is because she always saw being a Kamen Rider as a boys’ thing. Luna is told that it isn’t just a boys’ thing because there are a few girls who are Kamen Riders and Sougo offers to see what he can do.
Episode 23: Entering the Reiwa Era ~ Hit the Beat Keep Your Beat 2005 ~
As the title of this episode implies, we have entered May 2019, when Japan transitioned from the Heisei era to the Reiwa era. The Hibiki tribute is extended from the original and combined with the Magica tribute for a two-parter episode with a mix of original and adapted plotlines.
Aside from Marcela (Hibiki), Marli (Ibuki), Caramelo (Todoroki) and Delfi (Zanki), all the other Oni Riders have joined Quartzer. Takumi Kamijō is shown struggling against the rebel Oni Riders when Marli, Caramelo and Delfi offer their assistance to him. Another Hibiki and Another Magica are respectively Kyōya and Kasumi Shinomiya from another universe, only they have different names. The two Another Riders were respectively created by Heure and Ora.
Sougo has dreams of marrying Akari Ichigo, but he doesn’t know who she is. Later that day, after witnessing Todoroki chasing after Another Hibiki during their fight, Sougo and Geiz are met by Marcela, who offers them the Hibiki Ridewatch if they undergo special training. Because it’s not Sougo’s birthday, Kazuto doesn’t join in the training to find out a way to celebrate because there’s nothing to celebrate here. Sougo and Geiz can’t keep up with Hibiki and she tells them to go lift some weights.
Luna and Kazuto inform Sougo and Geiz of Another Hibiki’s reappearance; the latter two go to help Caramelo fight him while the former two meet with Takumi, Marli and Delfi, who are trying to find Yuki Yamaki (Magica) in the hope of finding out what Quartzer is planning with their friends. Kensuke arrives and he fights Kazuto, only for Ora to send in Another Magica to stop the fight. Meanwhile, Marcela learns from the Disk Animal Akanetaka that Another Hibiki and Another Magica are from another universe.
Later, Sougo and co are confronted by Kensuke, Another Magica and the Oni Riders. Though the Quartzer forces are defeated, Kensuke’s trump card arrives in the form of Yuki Yamaki, who transforms into Magica and defeats Zi-O and the other Riders with a finisher attack…
Episode 24: Shatter the Unchangeable ~ The Bow of Justice 2008 ~
Yuki Yamaki explains to Marcela and Takumi that he sided with Quartzer because time is about to be violated on a level never seen before and that the rise of Ohma Zi-O caused it. Sougo fights Yuki again but he is defeated, with Kensuke telling everyone that they will meet again at the time of Orochi.
Back at 9TO5, Takumi explains to Sougo that he is his son, which comes to Mark’s shock until they explain that Takumi was joking. Marcela explains that Kensuke is planning to manually trigger Orochi by channelling massive amounts of Ongeki power into the Earth and causing hordes of Makamou to roam the earth. Suddenly, the sky turns dark as Another Magica causes witches, familiars, Nightmares, Wraiths and Uwasa (rumours) to be summoned around the city, which is surrounded in an artificial witch barrier created by it.
The Riders head out and deal with the chaos. Zi-O, Geiz and Woz knock Another Magica out of the sky, but Yuki arrives and summons illusions of his Torchwood Pleiades comrades to fight them. Suddenly, the Orochi ceremony is about to begin and the Quartzer forces fall back, taking down the artificial witch barrier in the process.
The Disk Animal Asagiwashi, which Marcela gave to Yuki when they last saw each other, returns to the former; Yuki tells Marcela where Quartzer is conducting their plans, informing her that he has a plan to betray Quartzer at the last minute and that Jaune and Goldina are willing to help him.
Sougo and co head to Afan Forest Park, where the Ace Riders and the summoned Psyga, Skull and Exceed Gills stand in their path. Kensuke confronts Sougo, Geiz and Kazuto as Zi-O Trinity, telling them that the rebel Oni Riders don’t have enough Ongeki power to trigger Orochi and that only the Ongeki power of Hibiki, Ibuki and Todoroki, being the strongest masters of percussion, wind and string Ongeki, have enough power to do so. Sougo wonders whether he should keep fighting Kensuke or stop Hibiki and the others, but Kensuke and the rebel Oni Riders manage to keep him distracted.
Yuki goes to destroy a pillar that Quartzer hammered into the earth that would absorb the Ongeki power and trigger Orochi, but he is backstabbed by Jaune and Goldina just as he does so; Kensuke anticipated his treachery and allowed the two princesses to accompany him so he could see what he would do. Kensuke and the Quartzer Riders decide to retreat, but Another Hibiki and Another Magica still stand in their way. Zi-O Trinity and Hibiki defeat Another Hibiki while Magica and Serranon defeat Another Magica.
However, when the four Riders meet with Marli, Caramelo and Delfi in a clearing, a mutant Bakegani comes up from the ground, having been woken by the Ongeki power. The seven Riders work together to defeat the mutant Bakegani and neutralise Orochi in a special Ongekidou ceremony sequence replicating that of the final battle in Decade episode 19, with Hibiki, Ibuki and Todoroki playing their respective instruments on the Bakegani while Zanki, Zi-O Trinity (percussion), Magica (wind) and Serranon (strings) acting as support on the ground. Sougo, Geiz and Kazuto are also shown beating on taiko drums within the shared space of Zi-O Trinity’s consciousness.
Following this, Sougo reunites Kyōya and Kasumi with their parents, who are a version of Sougo and Akari from another universe. They were the couple he saw getting married in his dream. Marcela and Yuki allow Sougo and Geiz to take their Rider powers, leaving three Watches remaining to be collected.
Episode 25: Hearts Come Together ~ Finally Time 2021 ~
This episode adapts the Kiva tribute plot, but the Kiva tribute is excised so that the episode fully focuses on Kamen Rider Ginga. This is also a crossover episode with the Soulbound series that takes place after the events of that series.
In space, Soulbound protagonists Shinbu Serizawa, Mogoro Kuwabara and Eigen Kasamisoka evade Kamen Rider Ginga’s attacks in the Barrier Base as they try to hold on. Shinbu manages to hit Ginga with a cannon blast that knocks him away, but the Barrier Base has taken too much damage and they land on Minato-Sugaru Island to repair. Harking to the Den-O tribute arc, the three seek the help of Mark to help them repair some parts in the Barrier Base because of course he would know. While doing so, they meet Sougo and co and they tell them all about their adventures in the multiverse. Soon, they are attacked by Kensuke, Topsy the Kangaroo and Melanie Yang who they begin fighting, but they decide to help the civilians when Kensuke’s Kurokage Troopers attack them.
The Riders assist two civilians who resemble Copper Plume (by ImperfectXIII) and Rally Flag; the Barrier Base trio see this and immediately stop them because they are Ginga’s disciples. Sure enough, the two kick the Riders away before they transform into Kamen Riders Wakusei and Taiyou. Sougo, Geiz and Kazuto fight them off, but the two are no match for them. Later, Dark Lugiel, aka Storm Dasher/Hikaru Tomokaze, would arrive in a meteor. Wakusei and Taiyou would combine with Dark Lugiel to become Kamen Rider Ginga. After Shinbu, Mogoro and Eigen fail to fight Lugiel, allowing him to transform into Ginga, Zi-O Trinity fights Ginga but to no avail, forcing everyone to retreat.
Ginga, Wakusei and Taiyou’s backstory is that in some universe, they were weighed down by regrets and left behind by the times because of lost loves, missed opportunities and passed-on possibilities. Dasher merged himself with Dark Lugiel and Copper and Rally sold their souls to him for power, allowing Ginga to become a Rider of raw, unfiltered power that will lead universes to extinction. Ginga’s existence was brought to the attention of the Barrier Base trio and they pursued him to Sougo’s universe.
Sougo’s group, the Barrier Base trio, the Time Jackers and Quartzer form a temporary alliance to deal with Ginga and his disciples. During the battle, Ginga is weakened and separated upon being hit by Zi-O, Geiz and Woz as the sky becomes cloudy. However, when the sun shines again, Ginga is able to combine again and continue fighting at his most powerful. Ginga is eventually defeated and his power harvested into a blank Miridewatch by Swartz which is then taken by Kazuto. Dasher, Copper and Rally manage to escape. Because of Wakusei and Taiyou’s addition into the series, the Ginga Miridewatch contains the power of three Riders and not just one.
Kensuke summons the Kabutick Riders and sets them on the group, but Kazuto transforms into Woz Ginga Finally for the first time to defeat them. Since his proclamation was shortened in the original episode, I’ve taken the effort to make an extended proclamation here:
“Rejoice, one and all, for my power has traversed time and space to become the strongest in the universe. And my name is Kamen Rider Woz Ginga Finally! Bear witness to a new stage of my evolution!”
At the end of the episode, Mark has finished fixing the Barrier Base parts and Shinbu, Mogoro and Eigen farewell everyone as they leave.
Episode 26: Brothers from Hell ~ Next Level Kabuto 2006 ~
This episode is another close adaptation of the original with some alterations. In the original, only PunchHopper was a Worm, but in this version, both of the Hell Brothers are copied by Worms. KickHopper still becomes Another Kabuto as with the original.
Because Hiro Mizushima was blacklisted* from Toei productions by his former agency, Ken-On, for breaking his contract and going on to start his own agency so that he could look after his wife who was sick at the time, Yuki Satou reprised his role as Kagami Arata/Kamen Rider Gatack and would go on to become Kamen Rider Kabuto as well in the Kabuto tribute arc. In this version, Tommy Cooper (Kabuto) is stated as having gone to Brazil to study the teachings of Monja Coen, but when Kyle Bonlin (Gatack) is defeated in the final battle against Another Kabuto and PunchHopper, Tommy returns and Kyle is effectively sidelined due to the original footage.
When Luna uses her time powers to save a mother and her child, she sees visions of her younger self with her family in the supercomputer on Never Land (they are obscured but Fifi’s head is a dead giveaway). Hiroki approaches Luna and takes her into the supercomputer in his universe where they indeed meet the rest of her family, consisting of her mother Fifi Forget-me-not; her older brother Takuhiro; and her father, a younger version of Swartz. The present Swartz discovers this and kicks them out before having Hiroki take Luna back to her time so she can stop the gargantuan meteor.
Mark making sandwiches is the alternative to onigiri in the original. At least we show that Mark is actually making sandwiches and not just calling onigiri “sandwiches”, let alone “jelly donuts”.
And before you ask, we corrected Gatack’s belt voices in this version of the episode. Fuck Shinichirō Shirakura and Kyōhei Yamaguchi.
(* yeah, apparently people, even the man himself, are saying that Hiro Mizushima wasn’t blacklisted, but he’s barely been in anything since 2016 and while it is true that he wasn’t asked to reprise his role in Zi-O, maybe agencies and production companies aren’t going out of their way to look for him because he’s still shadowbanned from the industry and they fear getting blacklisted.)
Episode 27: All Hearts Unleashed ~ Grand Climax 2007 ~
Kamen Rider Shugo is defeated by Nega Shugo, Shugo Nexta and Shugo Special and her Shugo belt is confiscated. However, Zhuge Qiao reveals that she still has the Shugo Ridewatch before she rushes to give it to Sougo. It is revealed that the three are trying to prevent this because they saw into Ohma Zi-O’s future through the Road of Stars.
Sci-Twi is struggling to juggle her work, social life and personal life when Ora transforms her into Another Shugo and tells her to unleash the hearts of everyone on Minato-Sugaru Island. Dasher Arekawa leaves Wallflower Blush’s apartment when Another Shugo unleashes their X-Egg and Mystery Egg, turning them into the Rat Fangire and Mole Imagin. Another Shugo continues to do this with the rest of the people in the city.
As Zi-O Trinity and Shugo attempt to deal with Another Shugo’s forces, the other three Shugos and Kensuke alongside the summoned Fifteen and Bujin Gaim stand in their way. Tsukasa Amakawa is shown to be working for Quartzer, but then Kensuke knows that he is a spy because of all the spies he found in his army previously.
Eventually, Zhuge Qiao is allowed to give the Shugo Ridewatch to Sougo, allowing him to combine the 20 Ridewatches and transform into Grand Zi-O, with the initial transformation being stretched out to fit with the length of the standby announcement. Zhuge Qiao can’t transform into Shugo as a result of this, but she remembers that she only put half of her Rider power into her Ridewatch because she knew her comrades would try to take her belt away from her. Sougo uses his power to recover the Shugo Belt and allow Zhuge Qiao to transform once again. Another Shugo, the Rat Fangires, Mole Imagin and Quartzer Riders are defeated and everything goes back to normal.
This episode featured the Humane Six and Shadowbolts along with Big Mac, the Equestria Girls counterparts of the Wonderbolts and some other OCs not seen before in the series, namely Sierra Nightingale (by NightieTime), this universe’s versions of Copper Plume and Rally Flag, Winter Sky, Paladin Colt (to be changed to Shadow Warp in 3.0) and Skittle (by Skittle_Cuddler, not to be mistaken for a different OC than the one in the description).
At the end of the episode, Sougo disappears as Swartz prepares to make his move with Hiryuu Kakogawa. Sougo ends up in 2068 where he prepares to face off against Ohma Zi-O…
Episode 28: The Reverse Overlord ~ Reset World 2019 ~
Grand Zi-O fights Ohma Zi-O, but Ohma Zi-O is able to hijack the former’s summoning of Drive to defeat him, revealing that he hasn’t actually obtained the Drive Ridewatch yet.
Sougo is sent back to 2019 (two months after his disappearance), where Hiryuu has taken over Minato-Sugaru Island as Another Zi-O II and his friends don’t remember him, with even Kazuto siding with the new demonic overlord. Hiryuu’s motivation for doing this is because he felt humiliated by Sougo’s shallow platitude to let go of the past and live for the present. Hiroki manages to rescue Sougo from Hiryuu before Narutaki infiltrates Hiryuu’s base. Swartz catches Narutaki and gives her some of his power, allowing her to freeze time as well, which she uses to take the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch.
Luna is captured by the Time Jackers and brought to Swartz; in the original, it is revealed that Luna’s counterpart is Swartz’s little sister, but in this version, Swartz confirms that Luna is his daughter.
New OCs featured in the Another Zi-O II arc include Danielita/Dany Melody (by Danielitamlp), Draco (Knight) Blaze, Roxy Vorpal Sword (by Dynasty-Dawn) and Shy Wishes.
Episode 29: The False King ~ Luna Confidential 2019 ~
The first half of this episode concludes the Another Zi-O II arc from the previous episode. Swartz reveals (or rather confirms) to Luna and the other Time Jackers that they are indeed the family from the Never Land supercomputer shown 3 episodes ago; Swartz is the Hiroki avatar, Ora is Fifi Forget-me-not, and Heure is their son Takuhiro, whereas Luna was created after the events of Decade and was actually named Mahina.
In the original, Swartz only took back Ora’s time power whereas in this version, he takes back Heure’s time power as well before going on to take Luna’s reawakened time power as well. He mentions that their time powers were gifted to them by Hiroki Ichigo; hold onto that thought for now.
Swartz erased his family’s memories and changed their appearances in order to evade detection from their enemies. When Luna asks why she didn’t remember the other Time Jackers, Swartz explains that someone made him realise that she would get in the way, so on top of erasing Mahina’s memories and suppressing her time power, he threw her into the Time Vortex and left her to die where she would end up. Mahina ended up in 2068 and would be named Luna by the Resistance.
Narutaki gives the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch to the Time Jackers so they can give it back to Sougo. Kazuto manages to escape with Luna once he has taken her time power. Sougo, Geiz, Kazuto and Hiroki work together to defeat Another Zi-O II and his Another Rider Army. During the battle, Decade’s power is stolen into an Anotherwatch thanks to Gold Drive’s help. Hiryuu is defeated and Narutaki takes the Zi-O II Anotherwatch for herself, Hiryuu being of no use to Swartz anymore. Swartz asks Sougo to choose which of the three paths he will choose; his friends, Hiroki Ichigo, or Ohma Zi-O.
The second half of the episode skips ahead to adapt episode 47. With the world now restored, Sougo and the others try to work out what Swartz is planning when he makes his move, transforming into Another Decade and sending out monsters to attack all over the island.
Hiroki takes Sougo and Luna back to the supercomputer in an effort to find out what Swartz was planning; it is revealed that his ultimate plan is to subjugate humanity and become the king of time himself. When Swartz saved Hiroki’s soul after he destroyed his own body, he ended up absorbing his memories and negative emotions while also obtaining the power to control time. Swartz’s ultimate goal is to take revenge on humanity for how they treat people like Hiroki for being who they are. He intended to do so by going to another universe and making the Sougo of that timeline, aka the other Sougo, become the king of time, then have him liberate Hiroki in the past (before he became Hiroki) and make him become the Sougo we’ve been following throughout this series. Meanwhile, Swartz would covertly assist the main Sougo by creating the Another Riders, then once the main Sougo became the king of time, he would then take his power for himself and rule in place of the two Sougos.
It is then that Sougo poses the possibility of Luna growing up to be stronger than her father, which then leads him to throw Mahina into the Time Vortex and establish the Time Jackers. Sure, the whole show is an idiot plot, but the whole show revolves around time just like Doctor Who. The whole thing’s a satire to myself, Shinichirō Shirakura and the toku fandom. Anyway, Swartz sends a blast at them and Hiroki takes it, killing him in the process. Narutaki uses the Zi-O II Anotherwatch to revive Hiroki, but it transforms her into Another Zi-O II. Hiroki takes the Decade Ridewatch from Sougo and uses it to recover his Rider power, because he placed half of his power into it anticipating that something like this would happen.
Decade and Zi-O work together to defeat Another Zi-O II, but after this, Geiz and Kazuto report that warships have surrounded the island. It is then that the Riders are confronted by Kensuke once again, leading the Teiro Army led by Akari’s cousins…
Episode 30: Reconciling the Truth ~ Full Throttle 2014 ~
In the original Zi-O, there was no real Drive tribute arc as it was split between the Over Quartzer movie and the series finale arc, therefore we never got to see Sougo inheriting Drive’s power. Let’s fix this right now as we adapt the final arcs of Zi-O into this episode.
Daniel is the new Kamen Rider Drive (replacing Shinnosuke Tomari) and David is Another Drive. Three more cousins also appear as Kamen Riders Zerodrive, Protodrive and Overdrive (Super Dead Heat Drive). Together with Mach and Chaser, they cause a time slowdown that affects the whole of the island except for Kazuto as Woz. They then make the slowdown stronger, equivalent to the Time Jackers’ abilities, before defeating Zi-O, Geiz, Woz, Decade and Gold Drive with their Rider Kicks, Kensuke following that up with a Time Explosion. This destroys the Drive Ridewatch and causes the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch to disappear. It is revealed that while Akari’s cousins don’t have any beef with Hiroki, their beef is actually with Sougo for the past. Diend and Kuuga lead some Riders to escape as the chaos continues, the other Riders assisting where they can.
Thanks to this attack, Sougo begins to remember his past before becoming Zi-O. After leaving his secondary school army in July 2012 at the age of 14 to become a ronin, he walked through a portal and ended up in the midst of the Ohma War. As a result, the Sougo we’ve been following is a parallel isotope of Hiroki, having been displaced from his timeline due to Ohma Zi-O and Swartz’s machinations. The Ohma Zi-O in 2068 is the older version of the other Sougo, who is native to this timeline. He was the one whose parents were killed in the bus accident and Swartz purposefully made Hiryuu lash out at the main Sougo. It is possible that Ohma Zi-O fabricated Sougo’s history (as shown on Luna’s tablet in the first episode) to obfuscate the truth of his origins.
On top of this, Geiz and Kazuto aren’t actually from the future; they are parallel isotopes brought to 2068 nearly a year before Sougo was. Geiz was brought into the future thanks to “some woman” while Kazuto was a prisoner of war just as he told Sougo before. Mark finally learns the truth about Sougo and his friends being Kamen Riders (like they weren’t doing a good job of keeping it a secret in the first place) and encourages them to continue using their powers to protect the people.
Sougo decides to face off against Ohma Zi-O again while Geiz, Kazuto, Hiroki and Narutaki deal with Drive and Quartzer. Luna also tells Sougo that she has made her decision to become a Kamen Rider as well. Before Sougo heads for 2068, however, Hiroki warns him that he will need to make a choice as to whether he wants to stay in this timeline or go back to his original timeline with him; if he stays here and becomes king, his original timeline will be destroyed, but if he goes back, he will never be a king or a Kamen Rider until he becomes Hiroki. Sougo says that Swartz gave him a similar choice and that if there was another option that doesn’t involve sacrificing either timeline, he will happily take it.
Geiz, Kazuto, Hiroki and Angela arrive to assist the other Riders as the rest of Quartzer arrives to help Kensuke and the Drive Riders. With the Drive Riders defeated, the Drive Anotherwatch is destroyed while Andrew takes Drive’s power from Daniel to regain the Drive Ridewatch. Despite this, Swartz’s monster army is still attacking the island and to make things worse, Zerodrive, Protodrive and Overdrive don’t care that their other cousins have decided to stop fighting.
In 2068, Sougo has his rematch with Ohma Zi-O and manages to gain the upper hand by using Zi-O Trinity, saving Geiz and Kazuto from being defeated by Another Decade and the three rogue Drives using the Trailer Cannon recklessly. Zi-O Trinity defeats Ohma Zi-O before Sougo sends Geiz and Kazuto back. Sougo confirms that while the Ohma War dream he had was caused by his amnesia, the other dreams he had been having were Ohma Zi-O psychically projecting them to him through time. He learns about Ohma Zi-O’s true power to create and destroy time before asking him to make Luna a Kamen Rider. Instead of having the time loop shit where Sougo meets Geiz and Luna in the midst of a fight against Ohma Zi-O, Ohma Zi-O infuses some of his power into a blank Ridewatch and gives it to Sougo, who quickly heads back.
Luna is still being attacked by the three Drives when Another Decade suddenly defends her for some reason. When Another Decade comes to his senses, Sougo returns with the Ridewatch and together with a Ziku Driver from Kazuto, Luna transforms into Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi for the first time and defeats the rogue Drives alongside Mach and Chaser. After this, Sougo, having regained the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch, challenges Another Decade again. In the original version, this would be where the main Sougo becomes Ohma Zi-O, but instead in this version, his friends are there to help him. Swartz is defeated and his summoned monsters are eradicated, but before he retreats however, he takes back the time power he gave to Narutaki and also takes a portion of her Rider power to create the Gold Drive Anotherwatch.
Elsewhere, Hiryuu is found by Kensuke, who offers him another opportunity to become king by giving him the task of collecting the fifteen Ancient (Showa) Kamen Rider Ridewatches and obtaining a power rivaling that of Ohma Zi-O…
Kamen Rider Tsukuyomi was only introduced in the finale of the original series so all plots and fights involving her are original to this version.
Also, on the Rider Wiki episode pages for the three-part finale, I attempted to create a list of all the monsters that appeared in those episodes, but my changes were undone by the jannies. I understand if they wanted to maintain a consistent format for episode pages, but at the time of writing, they have monster lists for Decade’s premiere episode and the Wizard epilogue two-parter. As such, here is a list of all the monsters that appeared in the adapted arc, including monsters exclusively seen in this version. Fuck Rider Wiki jannies.
Gurongi: N·Daguva·Zeba
Mirror Monsters: Darkwing, Volcancer, Evildiver, Metalgelas, Omegazelle, Biogreeza, Dragblacker, Raydragoons, Hydragoons
Makamou: Bakegani, Amikiri, Ooari, Ubume, Ittanmomen
Dopants: Violence Dopant, Utopia Dopant, Masquerade Dopants
Yummies: Bison Yummy, Kuzu Yummies
Zodiarts: Orion Zodiarts, Sagittarius Zodiarts, Dustards
Phantoms: Argos, Ghouls
Inves: Shika Inves, Lion Inves, Elementary Inves
Roidmudes: Mashin Chaser (original only), Blazer Roidmude (this version only), Plain Roidmudes
Gamma: Katana Gamma, Gamma Commando
Bugsters: Revol Bugster, Gamedeus, Bugster Virus
Faust: Guardian, Kamen Rider Evol
So with this, the entire plot of Kamen Rider Zi-O has been adapted. However, there are ten episodes left, the Time Jackers and Quartzer are still standing, and Sougo is still yet to become Ohma Zi-O. Join us next time when we arrive in the final days of this timeline.
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yeonchi · 2 months
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 23: Soraia (ver. Water and Blood)
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In the last post, we covered Marli from manuelalejandro5980/Sirilo2023 Productions' creepypasta series, Sea Princesses: Water and Blood. This time, we cover another character, Soraia.
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Name: Soraia
Occupation: Stingray Princess (former), Psychopathic assassin (current)
Race: Salacian/Cannibal
Residence: Abandoned beach/fields
Gender: Female
Date of birth (original): ?? October 1997 (age 7, Libra)
Hair colour: Blue
Eye colour: Blue (former), black and red (current)
Height: 84 cm
Sirilo (friend)
Marli (friend)
Maurico (friend)
Hugo (friend)
Juli and Jessi (friend)
Leia (friend)
Isa (friend)
Caramelo (former friend)
Manuel (former friend)
First appearance: Sea Princesses: Water and Blood 2 (cameo in 1)
Skills: Super strength and resistance
Likes: dancing, spending time with her friends (formerly), killing and eating people (currently)
Dislikes: Manuel (for abandoning her), Drylanders and having no food
This Soraia and a number of her friends were clones who were released when their stasis tubes malfunctioned. They ended up on Dryland where they met Manuel, a friendly boy who would become friends with them as he brought them food and played with them every day.
However, a day came when Manuel had to leave his Salacian friends as he had to go to high school. With Soraia and her friends forced to fend for themselves, they would end up becoming wild after eating Caramelo, leading them to resent Manuel and Drylanders as a whole.
After 6 years, Manuel would return with his girlfriend to discover that the place where he played with his Salacian friends was deserted. They would fall into a trap set by Marli and Sirilo; Manuel was able to escape but his girlfriend was killed. Sirilo would go to Maurico and Soraia to ask for help getting revenge against Manuel.
Initially, Soraia wore pink clothes, but as time went on, she would wear a worn pink dress.
- Soraia and Maurico do not appear in the first part except for in flashbacks. Their first appearance in the second part would be when Sirilo and Marli took Manuel to the cave where they hid Caramelo’s body.
- Soraia prefers to hunt in rural areas as she likes fields and places where there are crops.
- Her favourite weapon is a double-edged machete.
- She is also the most agile due to being the youngest of the group, ahead of Maurico and Isa.
0 notes
yeonchi · 2 months
Kisekae Insights #44: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 2 - Ohma’s Day
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“Hark, Ohma’s Day! The future of the Kamen Riders lie in a battle for the fate of time. Will a saviour rise or will a king take his throne? Peace on earth and mercy mild, past and future reconciled!”
The first arc had Sougo and Geiz gaining the cooperation of Decade and all the Riders that came after him. The second arc takes us into 2019 as Kamen Rider Woz makes his debut, bringing forth the existence of new Riders and powers that will take us to the dawn of Ohma’s Day.
Episode 11: Men from the Future ~ Happy New Woz 2019 ~
The episode closely follows the original, the only difference being that Rentarou’s friend in this episode is actually Isamichi Konjou, who will also appear in the next episode.
Kensuke Nitta (White Woz) makes his debut as Kamen Rider Woz. He is Kazuto’s nephew from the year 2040 and has come to 2019 to guide Geiz to become the saviour Geiz Revive. His Future Note allows him to manipulate events by writing or speaking into it.
At the end of the episode, Rentarou and Isamichi decide to enrol in a ninja academy…
Episode 12: The Amazing Era of the Future ~ Future Time 2022 ~
Inspiration for this episode was taken from Rider Time: Kamen Rider Shinobi.
In the original series, Geiz was unable to go to the year 2022 to find Rentarou because it is an alternate timeline created by Sougo’s dreams. In the last episode of this version, Geiz does go to 2022, but it is pretty much the same as 2019 and Kamen Rider Shinobi is nowhere to be seen. However, Another Shinobi’s defeat does allow Kamen Rider Shinobi to exist in 2022, something that Sougo discovers when he decides to head there in this episode.
In 2022, Rentarou, his sister Iroha and his friend Isamichi are studying at the Leapfrog Ninja Academy. Rentarou took on the banner of Kamen Rider Shinobi to fight the Rainbow Serpent Clan led by the Dark Ninja, but right now, he is being tasked with investigating three of their operatives, namely Hikaru Azuma, Kanon Azuma and Moe Nakajima of the Wind Ninja Academy. Yes, these are the Hurricanegers, aka the “unofficial” ninja Kamen Riders from Decade’s Nine Riders Arc. Kazuto suggests to Sougo that he gain Hikaru’s power as Kamen Rider Ninja so they can gain the upper hand on Kensuke.
Andrew, Luna and Kensuke arrive in 2022 to find Sougo, but they are confronted by Kanon and Moe, who transform into HurricaneBlue and HurricaneYellow, aka Kamen Riders Mizuna and Okachi. Kamen Rider Fuma from the Ex-Aid movie also appears as another Dark Ninja operative to attack Sougo and Rentarou, but Isamichi comes to their rescue as Kamen Rider Hattari. The Dark Ninja tries to kidnap Iroha but fails to do so, leading him to capture Isamichi instead.
Zi-O, Geiz, Woz and Shinobi work together to free Ninja, Mizuna, Okachi, Fuma and Hattari. The Dark Ninja admits his defeat and leaves. Sougo doesn’t take Ninja’s power as he believes he and his allies can help Rentarou and Isamichi in 2022. After saying their goodbyes, Sougo and his friends head back to 2019.
Episode 13: The Parable of the Hyperstudious Father ~ Your Final Answer 2040 ~
Due to the modifications made for this episode, the scenes featuring Another Quiz’s creation are brought back to the last episode.
Like how Shinobi and later Kikai were created from Sougo’s dreams, Kamen Rider Quiz is also shown to be likewise where it wasn’t originally. Sougo is being chased by Bugster Virus footsoldiers in 2040 when Kamen Rider Quiz appears and fights them. Quiz asks Sougo, “You will wake up from your dream,” and the answer turns out to be true as he kicks some Bugsters into him, causing him to wake up.
Quiz’s identity is a man of Vietnamese descent named Reimondo Doan, born to his father Jeremy and his mother Mylena. The O and X part of his gimmick is translated as “true” or “false”, which is essentially what those symbols can represent.
Episode 14: Battride War Salacia ~ Advent 2002 ~
Inspiration for this episode was taken from Rider Time: Kamen Rider Ryuki. If I followed that mini-series more closely, some Rider identities would change. Also, imagine Soraia having Unite Vent sex with Marcello before betraying him the next day lmao.
This episode is an additional tribute to Ryuki that serves as a prequel to Sougo gaining the Zi-O II Ridewatch. I’ve covered most of this episode’s plot in #27.
Linsum makes contact with Dark Daniel from Mirror World and gives him the power of Another Ryuki. Dark Daniel then goes to confront Daniel Camielez and Polvina; they are defeated, but Daniel is nowhere to be seen after.
Sougo, Geiz and Luna are having a picnic on a beach when the Shark King, Lorah and their Riders attack from the sea. Sougo and Geiz transform to fight them; they are no match for the power of thirteen Riders as they are defeated, with Sougo being taken by the Salacians as well, having been willed to do so by Kensuke to get him out of the way of Geiz becoming the saviour. However, Geiz insists that he will fight Ohma Zi-O his own way. As Sougo is interrogated at the Shark Palace regarding Polvina and Daniel’s disappearance, Kazuto is nowhere to be seen as he has gone to meet with Ohma Zi-O to obtain half of the Zi-O II Ridewatch.
Andrew and Luna are approached by Daniel to ask them for the way to Salacia and they head there. As the Shark King is informed of this by Tata and goes to investigate, Ester and Tubarina meet with Sougo and the latter gives him the Ryuki Ridewatch after telling him that the Daniel with Andrew and Luna is the imposter Dark Daniel because the real Daniel and Polvina would never leave each other behind if they were in trouble.
Sure enough, Ryuga reveals himself and the Salacians Riders fight but to no avail. Ryuga summons Dragblacker but Kensuke arrives in his Time Mazine and uses Woz Future ring Quiz to fend him off before using his book to free Sougo, Geiz and Luna as Ryuga transforms into Another Ryuki. The fight is brought to Dryland, but despite help from Knight, Saga and Poseidon, the Salacian Riders are defeated. The goddess Salacia chides the rest of the Salacian Riders while Kelvin Galvarro gives Geiz the Knight Ridewatch. Sougo and Geiz use the Ridewatches they obtained to defeat Dark Daniel. The Ryuki Anotherwatch is picked up by Swartz, which he uses his power on to reform it into the Ryuga Anotherwatch…
Episode 15: Making the Time Connection ~ Zi-O the Strongest 2019 ~
In a basement somewhere, the other Sougo creates the Zi-O II Ridewatch by coming the data from his Zi-O Ridewatch with the data he recovered from the destroyed Time Mazines. This creates the left half of the Zi-O II Ridewatch, which the other Sougo holds against a mirror to complete its other half and duplicate it as well. The left half would be given to Woz in 2068 while the Mirror World right half would be given to Sougo in 2019.
The rest of the episode follows the original, with the differences being detailed in #27 already. Polvina takes the place of Okubo as Sougo encounters her while handing out fliers to help find Daniel. Mirror World Sougo is a more toxic version of his other counterpart as creating the Zi-O II Ridewatch copied his personality over to him. Mirror World Sougo merges with Sougo as his version of the Zi-O II Ridewatch is completed, unlocking Ohma Zi-O’s power to rewind time.
“Inside and outside, past and future. This is the Watch that will rule over both worlds!”
“Good and evil, light and dark, I accept it all! And with this power, I will forge my future!”
Sougo uses Zi-O II to defeat Another Ryuga and Dark Daniel makes peace with Daniel as he reunites with Polvina.
Episode 16: Soldiers Facing the Enemy ~ Musou 2008 ~
The Japanese title of this episode is based on the Japanese kuji-kiri, namely 臨兵鬥者皆陣列在前 (rin-pyou-tou-sha-kai-jin-retsu-zai-zen). This is an original episode with no reliance on the original Japanese plot or footage.
Multiple armies are being defeated across the land. Parker in the east gets a call from his friend in the west asking for reinforcements, but he can’t do anything because his side is being invaded as well. On top of that, Queen Fifi is upset with Parker over her Never Land reinforcements being killed every time he borrows troops from her. Sougo heads on an excursion to the mainland and is brought in by one of Parker’s allies. Parker is relieved that Sougo has returned, only this Sougo doesn’t remember him.
We then learn about the history of the land; the land turned into chaos after the Battle of Chibi in 2008, made worse by Sougo’s parents being killed the year after. The armies of the land blames each other for causing the accident; Parker had enough of this and decided to unite the land by any means necessary, whether by making alliances with friendly groups or violently subjugating hostile groups, some who blamed him for the accident. At some point, a demonic overlord appeared and it turned out to be Sougo.
Sougo offers to help defend Parker’s camp when enemy troops arrive. While fighting as Zi-O, he is confronted by his other self and they fight. The main Zi-O is defeated, but he meets with his other counterpart later, telling him that he will have to help Parker’s ally in the west sooner or later.
After the main Sougo asks a favour from Kensuke to will it into happening, the two Zi-Os fight again in their different forms. It is in this battle that we also get the Decade Origin Ridewatch and Decade Armor Origin; the Ridewatch does not have the extra slot for Ridewatches, making it similar to the Gashapon version of it, and the transformation sound is the shortened version as used for the Decade Violent Emotion Ridewatch; the Armor is identical to the main counterpart’s but the helmet is styled like that of the other Armors instead of being a screen. The main Zi-O wins and the other Zi-O agrees to help Parker’s ally in the west. This battle between them was for the main Zi-O to teach his other counterpart not to take the people he meets for granted. The two Zi-Os save Parker’s army as Zi-O II before Kazuto comes to pick up the main Sougo and take him home.
Episode 17: My Best Friend ~ Man or Machine 2121 ~
“Are you man, or are you machine?”
Another direct adaptation of the original plot. However, due to Sougo no longer going to school, the retest study plot is changed to Sougo coming down with a fever after coming back from the mainland. The Humanoise in the year 2121 are named Cyberdroids in this version, being Cybermen that have taken on human disguises and are using emotional emulators to blend in, which admittedly does go against their creed of abandoning emotions. Yes, 2121 Earth is the early years of the Cyber-Wars, which in the Doctor Who extended universe didn’t happen until the 2150s with the Vogan War. Minato-Sugaru Island has become a human enclave against the Cybermen, though the Cybermen are doing all they can to infiltrate it.
Kamen Rider Kikai is Handles Machina (you can guess what the inspiration for that name was), who was a Cyberdroid until he grew a heart and became the friend to a group of children escaping the Cyber-Wars. His power source comes from the solar generator satellite Zeark (and the autists at the Kamen Rider Wiki who called it “There” can go fuck themselves), which the Cybermen hack to turn Handles evil.
Because Heure had already become Another Kuuga in episodes 9 and 10, Ora is the one who Swartz turns into Another Kikai in this episode, swapping the roles of the two in this version. In the end, I never understood Ora and Heure’s nature in the series because their origins and motivations are never explained.
In this episode, the other Sougo sends the main Sougo a gift to thank him for the lesson he taught him in the previous episode. The gift is a Cyberman figurine with “WILL BE THE KING” written on it, which Luna intercepts because Sougo was still in bed when it came. Of course, Sougo’s initial password guess “WILL BE THE BFF” is retained from the original version because Engrish.
Geiz and Luna realise that Sougo isn’t just seeing the future in his dreams, but creating them and the Future Riders with them; the Another Riders are merely a side effect of that. As the two decide to leave 9TO5, Kensuke brings the Shinobi, Quiz and Kikai Miridewatches to bring forth the Geiz Revive Ridewatch…
Episode 18: The Reverse King ~ Another Zi-O 2019 ~
Admittedly, this arc is my favourite arc of Zi-O.
This version of the series adds some backstory to Hiryuu Kakogawa and how he became Another Zi-O. With Sougo’s acquisition of the Zi-O II Ridewatch finally allowing Swartz to create the Zi-O Anotherwatch using the research taken from his previous experiments, Swartz finds Hiryuu in the middle of a battle against Parker’s army and rescues him from being killed by the other Zi-O, revealing his identity to him and offering to make him the king of time. Aside from the Anotherwatch, Hiryuu is also given the Another Driver, which is the black Ziku Driver that appears when he transforms into Another Zi-O, only we made it an actual thing that Hiryuu uses to transform.
Hiryuu is modelled on a friend I used to know when I was little. His mum and my mum were friends and we used to go to the same playgroup and church together. Then, my friend went to a different school and we just lost contact with each other. The last time I saw him and his mum was at least a decade ago at this point. I’d never brought him up when I was searching for characters to put in my stories and his significance in my youth made him a perfect candidate to be Sougo’s nemesis. Oh wait, I’m giving away the story at this point, aren’t I?
So, Hiryuu goes around attacking the previous Another Riders to obtain their powers. Sougo and Geiz try to stop him but to no avail. Luna tries to ask Mark about Hiryuu but the name doesn’t ring a bell to him. She finds Karen Brewer’s number and asks about Hiryuu; she doesn’t remember much about Sougo because it has been so long, but she looked into his past and learns that his parents were killed in a bus accident in 2009. However, because the Sougo we know only arrived in 2018, Karen is referring to the other Sougo, and the connection isn’t made clear to the others until later.
Luna heads to 2009 and goes to the hospital where Sougo and Hiryuu ended up. A nurse gives Sougo the Cyberman figurine from the last episode before he freezes the nurse in time and rewrites their memory before getting dressed and leaving. This is seen by both Hiryuu and Luna.
Geiz apparently sees Luna being killed in the crash, which gives him the determination to unlock the power of Geiz Revive, something that is rejoiced by Kensuke. Geiz sends Another Zi-O fighting before he turns his attention to Zi-O…
Schwarzer is a newly-featured OC in this episode as the owner of a magic café where Trixie now works.
Episode 19: The Day It All Began ~ Geiz Revive 2019 ~
Kazuto interrupts the fight between Zi-O and Geiz to take the latter away. Geiz fights Kazuto, but despite Geiz Revive’s side effects, Kazuto is no match for him. As a result, Kazuto goes to the Time Jackers for help and Heure helps him steal Kamen Rider Woz’s power from Kensuke using blank Miridewatches (and not blank Ridewatches as shown in the original). The words Kensuke uses to take back Woz’s power is changed to “Kamen Rider Woz’s power returns to its proper owner” in adaptation.
Kazuto transforms into Woz in an attempt to stop Geiz from fighting Sougo, but just as they are about to fight, Hiryuu comes in to fight the two with his Another Rider Army. Sougo and Geiz work together to defeat them and Sougo encourages Hiryuu to let go of the past and live for the present.
Meanwhile in 2009, Luna gets onto the bus that Sougo and Hiryuu were on, which is being driven by Hiroki Ichigo. Sure enough, Swartz hijacks the bus and takes the children to the alternate 2019 with the Dai Mazines attacking, the only difference being that Sougo was the boy that Swartz was looking for from the beginning and that their meeting wasn’t by chance. After saving Sougo and Hiryuu from being killed, Swartz gives some of his power to the former before taking the two back to the site of the bus crash where their parents and everyone else onboard were killed either in the crash or in the alternate 2019.
Luna is sent back to Sougo and Geiz in 2019. She and Geiz return to 9TO5, only this time, Kazuto decides to join them as well. With his version of Ohma’s Day now never coming to pass, Kensuke concedes his loss to Swartz.
Episode 20: The Trinity Begins ~ Blade Joker 2004 ~
You are supposed not to know about Trinity. You would have known if you’d been following Kisekae Insights up to now.
The BOARD Riders fight a Kamen Rider Blade from another universe before Swartz takes their powers upon their defeat and creates the Blade Anotherwatch. That Anotherwatch is then given to Kensuke for him to use as he pleases.
The Blade from another universe is, of course, Takeru Tenkuuji from an alternate Dai-Shocker universe. Another Blade is this universe’s counterpart of Serena, the mother of Mermaid Prince Seretao aka Zhuge Shu, Kamen Rider Chalice. Zhuge Shu is present in this universe, but he isn’t really her son; he only stayed with her to make her happy, though after the entire ordeal is over, Serena is happy with looking for her son on her own because seeing Zhuge Shu gave her hope that he would still be out there somewhere.
The biggest change in this episode, though, is that Daiki Kaitou as Diend is changed to Narutaki as Gold Drive, meaning that Diend’s fights had to be reshot. She didn’t appear in episodes 9 and 10 because she was working for Ohma Zi-O following the Ohma War.
When Another Blade absorbs Blade and Chalice’s Rider powers and causes the end of the world, Sougo talks with Kensuke as he, Geiz and Kazuto go to confront the Another Rider. Sougo convinces Kensuke to fight for the future he wants until the very end and so, he manifests the Zi-O Trinity Ridewatch from himself along with the Zi-O II and Geiz Revive Ridewatches. How could Kensuke have done that when his powers were taken? That will be explained next time.
After Another Blade’s defeat to Zi-O Trinity, Takeru flees and Zhuge Shu allows Sougo to keep the Blade Riders’ Ridewatches. Kensuke does not disappear after his future of Geiz Revive does not come to pass, but he throws away his Future Note as he prepares to become Sougo’s new rival in a different way. The Future Note is taken by Narutaki, who confronts Sougo and Geiz with a message from Ohma Zi-O; there are six more Ridewatches left for Sougo to obtain, one of them being the Drive Ridewatch despite it being in Geiz’s possession.
Three Equestria Girls characters make cameo appearances in this episode; Fluttershy is shown at the beginning working at Serena’s cafe, wishing her luck in finding her son before leaving. Sougo and co encounter Photo Finish when Another Blade attacks her studio, then Geiz and Luna encounter Juniper Montage at another photo studio where they find out where Zhuge Shu is staying.
Ohma’s Day was originally the day when Sougo would become Ohma Zi-O. Thanks to Sougo briefly giving up his destiny, a divergent timeline was created where Geiz Revive would dethrone Ohma Zi-O and become the saviour of the world. Despite delays to Zi-O and Geiz’s grand duel caused by various parties, Ohma’s Day still came to pass, but with Zi-O Trinity being born instead. Despite this, Sougo is still destined to become Ohma Zi-O, with the true Ohma’s Day still yet to come.
The Time Jackers’ machinations would continue, but Kensuke would set his own plans in motion as well. Join us next time to see how their plans come into conflict with Sougo’s quest to collect the Ridewatches.
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yeonchi · 2 months
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 22: Marli (ver. Water and Blood)
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The walls of the universe are beginning to wear thin as characters from different universes are starting to appear in Yabuverse PM10, where the war between Drylanders and Salacians continues on. You may recall manuelalejandro5980 aka Sirilo2023 Productions, the creator of Carlita and her siblings who is also a prolific creepypasta creator in the Liamverse. This is a character from one of Manuel's series, Sea Princesses: Water and Blood.
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Name: Marli
Occupation: Swordfish Princess (former), Psychopathic assassin (current)
Race: Salacian/Cannibal
Residence: Abandoned beach
Gender: Female
Date of birth (original): ?? March 1997 (age 7, Pisces ♊)
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Navy blue (former), black and red (current)
Height: 85 cm
Sirilo (boyfriend)
Soraia (friend)
Maurico (friend)
Juli and Jessi (friend)
Hugo (friend)
Leia and Namio (friend)
Elektra (friend)
Caramelo (former friend)
Manuel (former friend)
Delfi (friend)
Agostinha (friend)
First appearance: Sea Princesses: Water and Blood
Skills: Super strength and resistance
Likes: making friends, playing with her friends (formerly), killing and eating people (currently)
Dislikes: Drylanders, Manuel (for abandoning her)
This Marli and a number of her friends were clones who were released when their stasis tubes malfunctioned. They ended up on Dryland where they met Manuel, a friendly boy who would become friends with them as he brought them food every day.
One day, Manuel stopped bringing them food and Marli and her friends began to resent him as they were forced to survive in a nightmarish world. They eventually resorted to eating Caramelo and from then on, they became wild beasts with a hatred for humanity.
In the first part of the story, her past self wore a pink shirt, blue overalls and a yellow bow in her hair, but after becoming wild she wears an old black shirt, blue pants, black shoes and a chain.
In the second part, she now wears a magenta shirt with black grid stripes (similar to Sirilo’s) under black overalls.
- Although she was thought to be defeated in the first part after a girl hit her on a head with a mallet and she was tied in chains, she is revealed to still be alive.
- Her clothes were changed in the second part as many thought that she wore men’s clothes.
- Marli and Sirilo are the leaders of the entire band of cannibals (which also include their friends) in the second part.
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yeonchi · 3 months
Stumbled on some hidden insights to the Brazilian Portuguese dub of Sea Princesses.
Lia was voiced by Eduarda Emerick with the assistance of director Angela Bonatti, shown in the first three minutes of this video of her dubbing her lines for the Season 2 episode Beauty. Eduarda, or Duda for short, is blind, having been born with congenital glaucoma, and so some adjustments had to be made in order for her to conduct her role, such as having the script printed out in Braille and Angela assisting Duda in reading her lines. What follows is an interview alongside the late voice actor Waldyr Sant'anna.
It's unknown whether Angela Bonatti or Waldyr Sant'anna had any involvement in Sea Princesses at all as no other credits have surfaced. I will note some other related tidbits I found at the same time thanks to the Dublanet forum and the Dublagem Wiki, though keep in mind that although I have added the information to the Sea Princesses Wiki for the sake of completion, most of this is still fan speculation:
The Octopus Queen was (possibly) voiced by Flavia Fontenelle.
The narrator who reads out the episode titles and the Audio Corp credit is (possibly) Carlos Roberto.
There appears to be some doubt that Marcello was voiced by Eduardo Drummond as a commenter suggested that he had a different voice and that Eduardo only started his career in 2008, forgetting to consider that he was young back then so his voice may have been different, and also that "debut dates" typically refer to someone's first appearance in media and not when they were involved in their first production.
I also took a look at Lia's previous appearances in The Diary and The Missing Princess and although I initially thought they didn't sound the same, I gave it a pass after a few more tries side-by-side.
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yeonchi · 6 months
Sea Princesses Creepypasta: The Successors
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The side story saga continues with a creepypasta inspired by Liamasterink and the Sea Princesses renaissance as we continue towards the 20th anniversary.
Blowfish Prince Dinho returns from a long trip around Salacia to see his friend, Polvina, but the thing is that she doesn't remember him and on top of that, the girls don't even know that a Blowfish Prince even existed. The answers to these mysteries lie with the Abysmal Princess Bia, who is privy to a conspiracy involving the people they least expect…
New chapters will be released every Saturday AEDT. Feel free to check it out!
Protip: Use an adblocker to access fanfiction.net, or if you have an account on the site, you can also read this fanfic on the app!
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yeonchi · 6 months
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 14: Squid Princess Luisa
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Name: Luisa
Occupation: Squid Princess
Race: Salacian
Residence: Squid Kingdom/Metropolis (formerly)
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 7 March 2000 (age 7, Pisces ♓)
Hair colour: Orange and brown (current), orange and yellow (beta)
Eye colour: Brown (current), light orange (beta)
Skin colour: Peach
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 85 cm
Squid King Cesar (father)
Squid Queen Petra (mother)
Octopus King Paul (uncle)
Octopus Queen Vinila (aunt)
Polvina (cousin)
Marcela (best friend)
Queen (best friend)
Ester (acquaintance)
Tubarina (acquaintance)
Troy (love interest)
Richard (future son)
Caton/Saulo/Carlos (for annoying her cousin and her friends)
Chef Mortini (under the false belief that he is a pervert)
Mr Chain and Weasel (for trying to kidnap her cousin and her friends)
Status: Alive
First appearance: A Shadow in the Water (mention)/Her own drawing (13 December 2021)
Skills: Being able to talk with squids (as with her parents and everyone else in her kingdom)
Likes: Playing, hanging out with squids, flowers, dolls, visiting her cousin Polvina
Dislikes: Being teased, being told that she is very childish, people bothering Polvina, Krakens (her biggest fear)
Luisa is the Squid Princess, daughter to the Squid King and Queen and the cousin of Polvina, the Octopus Princess.
Luisa lives in the Squid Kingdom located in the Farlands. From time to time, her family and Polvina’s family will go to each other’s kingdoms to visit them. She is a naive girl who is very happy and enthusiastic. She loves playing with the squids and octopuses, particularly alongside her cousin Polvina.
Although she was not interested in love at first, she would fall in love with Flying Fish Prince Troy. Troy was not interested in Luisa because of her childish appearance but he would come to fall in love with her.
In some continuities, Luisa and her family lived in the metropolis while the family of one of the kingdom’s retainers acted as their decoys following an incident with the Mermaid Kingdom when Luisa’s father, Cesar, was young. Cesar and Petra returned to the throne after the last decoy died in battle against the Drylanders. The decoy’s daughter left the Squid Kingdom and became a mercenary to take revenge against her father.
In the series
Luisa is mentioned in Chapter 2 of A Shadow in the Water when Polvina tells Ester and Tubarina about the differences between octopuses and squids as they were doing their homework.
As Luisa was only mentioned in the book, she never had an official design, giving the reader free interpretation of what she could look like. As such, this post describes Liam’s version of the character. Luisa was first imagined as a 12-year-old girl with tanned skin and her colours being fuchsia and violet, but that was given to her mother Petra.
Beta version: Luisa is a small girl with a thin appearance and her colours being orange and yellow. She wore a crown of an orange squid with its head up, long tentacles reaching below her shoulders that also serve as her hair, and small tentacles that serve as bangs. She also has light orange eyes, freckles on her cheeks, a tube top and a skirt of orange tentacles with dark orange touches.
Current version: Luisa retains her light orange design but the yellow and dark orange touches are changed to brown. Her hairstyle and clothing was changed to be similar to Polvina’s. Her eyes are now brown and she no longer has freckles (it was originally planned to be carried over but due to neglect it was better to remove them instead).
- Luisa, along with Caramelo, Aldo, Ayrton and the Abysmal King and Queen, were 6 characters in the books who did not have official designs. Caramelo would be given an official design in the animated series.
- Luisa and Marcela are the cousins of Polvina and Tubarina who never appeared in the series; Marcela was not mentioned in the books before she was replaced by Marcello in the animated series.
- In the Liamverse continuity, she is the best friend to Hammerhead Shark Princess Marcela and Rainbow Fish Princess Queen. Their group would be the Farlands counterparts to the main girls, Polvina, Ester and Tubarina, the only difference being that Queen is not Ester’s cousin.
- A redesign is currently being considered so as to make her look less childish.
- Despite being young and sweet, she can get defensive if anyone makes her angry or bothers her loved ones.
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yeonchi · 6 months
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 13: Blue Tang Princes Ramon and Ramiro
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Names: Ramon and Ramiro
Occupation: Blue Tang Princes
Race: Salacian
Residence: Blue Tang Kingdom
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 24 November 2000 (age 7, Sagittarius ♐)
Hair colour: Red with brown highlights
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: White
Height: 75 cm
Blue Tang King and Queen (parents)
Bethany (younger sister)
Juli and Alicia (girlfriends and future wives to Ramon)
Beya and Bella (Ramon’s future children)
Jessi and Anna (girlfriends and future wives to Ramiro)
Dina and Della (Ramiro’s future children)
Clownfish King Derek and Clownfish Queen Sheila (parents-in-law)
Jason and Jacob (uncles-in-law)
Seahorse King Terence and the Seahorse Queen (parents-in law)
Enemies: None
Status: Alive
First appearance: Drawing (19 June 2022)
Reading comics, studying, playing video games, making mischief (Ramon)
Reading comics, extreme sports, exercise, making mischief (Ramiro)
Dislikes: Whatever the other twin likes (from time to time)
Ramon and Ramiro are the twin Blue Tang Princes, sons to the Blue Tang King and Queen and the older brothers to Princess Bethany.
Ramon and Ramiro are identical twin brothers who seem very different from each other, yet are almost the same. They both like to do different things, with Ramon being more studious and Ramiro being more physical. They both love playing pranks and playing with their little sister Bethany.
Ramon and Ramiro would meet and fall in love with the twin Clownfish Princesses Juli and Jessie. However, when the twin Seahorse Princesses, Alicia and Anna, came from the Farlands, they fell in love with the twin boys. This led them to struggle whether to be with the Clownfish or Seahorse Princesses, but in the end, they decided to enter polyamourous relationships, with Ramon being with Juli and Alicia; and Ramiro being with Jessi and Anna. In the future, the twins would have children with their wives.
The boys have different interests but they are the same in terms of personality.
Despite being identical twins, they have characteristics that differentiate them; Ramon and Ramiro are of average height with thin build, round faces, small noses, blue eyes and red hair with bangs and mullets. They wear their blue tang crowns on their heads and they wear blue, yellow and black shorts. What differentiates them both is that Ramon has glasses and Ramiro has freckles on his cheeks.
Juli and Jessi: Ramon and Ramiro are very nice to Juli and Jessi as they make them laugh and they like to play with them.
Alicia and Anna: As with Juli and Jessi, Alicia and Anna get along very well with the boys and are very close with each other.
Bethany: Bethany loves her older brothers very much and likes to play with them.
- Ramon and Ramiro are the third set of twin OCs following Jason and Jacob (the uncles of Juli and Jessi) and Alicia and Anna.
- They are both in a polyamorous relationship with two sets of twins, which some may find strange.
- Both Ramon and Ramiro are based on some Sonic OCs which can be seen below. Ramon and Ramiro’s designs are adapted from said OCs, with changes made to fit their new aesthetic.
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