lea-andres · 4 months
To the anon preaching the joys and wonders of Espio x Warm Blooded Partner ships:
I see you, I see what you're laying down and I'm all here for it... But I assume you're new here and didn't realize the way you worded your ask you accidentally signed me up for a world of pain had I answered it.
To catch you up, I now have a spicy relationship with one of the ships you mentioned. Mediocre takes of boiling away their personalities until it's the same old same old tropes where you could plug literally any other two people who have gone through the same boiled peanut personality process into their spots AND NOTHING WOULD CHANGE wore me out, but the final nail in the coffin was when they'd fucking show up on other ship posts going "But [ship] is better!" Like they expected that to end any other way than with a one way ticket to the void (blocked).
So... Yeah. You see my problem. I'm sorry your ask turned into this because again: I'm assuming you meant well.
Back to actually addressing the meat and potatoes of your ask, which is giving Espio a warm blooded partner, I'm always down for this. I love any excuse where the cuddles become medically necessary. I feel like at first Espio would mutter about it because he doesn't require warm cuddles because he's a stoic ninja or whatever absolute nonsense he'd pull out of his ass, only to get used to it and begin requiring it lmao. He's like me sleeping with an electric blanket AND a heating pad, except it's his partner lmao.
(Hell he probably sleeps with the electric blanket and heating pad too when he's by himself.)
You made the terrible mistake of mentioning Espnah as a good example of one of these ships in your ask so I'm gonna get annoying in THAT direction now. 😈 Between being an oupy and being a slightly bigger girl in general (not in height though lmao), Dinah runs very warm. Espio can't bring an electric blanket or heating pad anywhere near her without a lot of complaining on her part, but she does the job well enough on her own. Hot water bottle girlfriend lmao.
Wave is an interesting inclusion on this list. Swallows are warm blooded, yes, but they also usually avoid the cold. Flying south for the winter and all that. But hey, Wave can always just take Espio with her to warmer climates. That certainly solves the issue of being cold. What winter? We're going to the Bahamas, bitch! Can't get cold if it's not fucking cold. Espio deserves a vacation, assuming he can focus on vacation when robberies that definitely aren't the Rogues' doing happen. 🤔😂
Lanolin I imagine is like a sentient wool blanket lmao. *Maybe* she's a little itchy, but she traps heat in like crazy. Beats being cold.
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Kaare Espolin Johnson - Pacific Ocean (1988)
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huariqueje · 4 years
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On the Bridge   -   Kaare Espolin-Johnson, 1992.
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Lithograph,24 x 40 cm.
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Crane in flight by Johnson Kaare Espolin (1907-1994)
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poboh · 3 years
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The girl with the gramophone, 1968, Kaare Espolin Johnson. Norwegian (1907 - 1994) - Color lithograph -
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tootie · 5 years
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Fylgje (1961), Kaare Espolin Johnson
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ghostcultmagazine · 5 years
Tempel - Tempel
Tempel – Tempel
With the unlikely success story of his main venture Kvelertak becoming one of the most prominent Metal acts in recent years, drummer Kjetil Gjermindrød’s latest venture feels somewhat like a return to roots. Also consisting of brothers Espen and Inge, alongside childhood friend Andreas Espolin, Tempelhas an air of those early stages Garage bands in the sense that it feels like it is being played…
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onlyfnet-blog · 6 years
Оскар Америка / Oskars Amerika (2017)
Режиссер: Torfinn Iversen В ролях: Бьорн Сундквист, Торстейн Бьёрклунд, Ёрген Лангхелле, Андерс Т. Андерсен, Мари Блокхус, Jonathon Espolin, Odin Eikre, Lena Hope, Rune, Bethlem M. Patrick О фильме: Когда мама 10-летнего Оскара оставляет его с его дедушкой, чтобы поехать в Америку, он настраивает сумасшедший план пересечь Атлантический океан в гребной шлюпке с его новым другом Леви и его близорукой лошадью. ... Читать дальше »
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Hui es coneixeran les falleres majors de València
Hui es coneixeran les falleres majors de València
Malgrat que cada vegada es tracta de demostrar que ser fallera major no és qüestió de diners, ser la primera valenciana en una edició de falles de València té uns costos. Malgrat els espolins oficials i altres facilitats posades, sempre hi ha qui presenta la renúncia per a no ser triada. En 2018 el nombre a més ha crescut, les dificultats econòmiques o les incompatibilitats amb el mercat laboral,…
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Kaare Espolin Johnson - Three Brothers on their way down to the Village (1941)
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huariqueje · 4 years
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Boris Gleb   -   Kaare Espolin-Johnson
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Graphic , 24 x 26 cm.
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wemakedancemusic2 · 7 years
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huariqueje · 4 years
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Winter Night   -   Kaare Espolin-Johnson
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Lithograph, 4/10 ,  43x54 cm.
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huariqueje · 4 years
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The girl with the gramophone   -   Kaare Espolin-Johnson 
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Color lithograph ,  47.5 x 59 cm.   18.7 x 23.2 in.
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huariqueje · 4 years
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To Home Vågar   -   Kaare Espolin-Johnson, 1990.
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Lithograph, 100.36 x 46 cm.
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huariqueje · 5 years
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Meeting in the Woods  -    Kaare Espolin Johnson, 1954.
Norwegian, 1907-1994
Mixed media,  30 x 39 cm. (11.8 x 15.4 in.)
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