#eva [also 20 years later]: yes but that ONE TIME i recall I TOLD YOU to squish visser one? and did you? did you squish her mijo?
What if Visser One successfully bailed into the pool in #45?
1. Eva would be soooooo mad.
2. Eh, that's about it. Edriss is under multiple death sentences as that point. The pool gives her kandrona, but it doesn't give her any options for escape. Esplin might have to wait a few hours to kill her, but it'd definitely still happen.
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mrjcb · 7 years
My Best Friend’s Sister (Part 2)
18+ only. Read Part 1 first here if you haven’t.
Part 2:
A Few Weeks Later
I didn’t see Eva again for a few weeks. We talked every now and then on AOL Messenger and I occasionally had a missed call from David’s house, but I tried to completely put her out of my mind. I wasn’t thinking about her at all.
And I’d love to take credit for that -- for putting her out of my mind -- and tell you how mature I was, or how proper I was, you know? But the real reason is simple: I was just having too much damn fun partying.
One night, I believe it was in February of 2005 – I went out with one of my other good friends. We’ll call him Larry. Damn, I have to keep track of these fake names somehow.
Larry was my partying buddy. He’s the one I would go to all the clubs with and stuff. And like any other night, Larry and I went to a club called The Whiskey Lounge. Located right there on Washington Avenue and 5th Street in Miami Beach, next to a Pizza place.
We entered the club and it was packed-to-the-brim with people. We bumped into some girls that we knew and I was introduced to their friend named Christy. I had never seen her before, and as it turns out, it was her birthday. I could tell that she was into me from the get-go. One of those girls who are really shielded at home and just want to get out and party and probably fall into lust with the first semi-handsome guy she sees. Well, I was that guy. Just call me Mr. Semi-Handsome.
I sat down and talked to Christy but the music was blaring, so we went outside and had a really nice conversation. It was all the precursors to sex that you can imagine --
Laughing about nothing, check.
Long gaps of silent looks, check.
Touching each other for no reason, check!
We were primed and ready.
We got up from the Pizza place and wandered back towards the club. After getting inside we started to dance, but slowly mingled our way towards the corner where we promptly began making out. Right in the back of some cheap club. Aren’t I classy?
Christy’s friends kept interrupting us and asking if she was okay, but Christy shooed them off until they finally left us to be alone. They were just trying to watch out for their friend. Good friends.
I don’t know how long we were there for – time tends to get a little muddled up when you’re in an oral tête-à-tête with someone – but sometime later, I suppose 20 minutes – whatever – Christy extracted her tongue from our swordfight and told me that her and her friends had rented a hotel room nearby to celebrate her birthday. I don’t remember the name of this hotel, but it was literally across the street. Very close.
I thought to myself, ‘Well this girl wants a real birthday present, and I’m all about giving birthday presents,” you know?
But me, being the stalwart gentleman that I am, asked her, “Maybe you should spend some more time with your friends on your birthday?” to which she just laughed a little, as I put my lips on her neck with a smile on my face as we swayed to the music.
We left the club pretty soon after that. I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the hotel. Damn, why can’t I remember the name of that hotel? I celebrated New Year’s there in 2006 I think. Gah, sorry. Back to the story.
Christy’s cell phone was ringing constantly as we got to the door of her hotel room. Her friends must have been wondering where she was. Again, what good friends she had.
She got her room key out of her purse-bag thing and I took it from her and opened the door myself and we walked inside.
As soon as I pulled the door shut behind me she pressed me up against it and kissed me. I ran my hand through her pretty dirty-blonde hair. This girl was pretty tall, as tall as me with whatever shoes she was wearing (I’m guessing heels. I’m really into heels now but back then I wasn’t. Today I would remember if she was wearing sexy heels!)
I tried taking her clothes off but she ended up doing it herself. She unbuttoned my dress-shirt as I pushed her onto the weird “modern” bed they had in the room. Now that I had her on her back I put my hand on her chest and leaned down. My lips were next to her ear and I said, “I want to explore your body” or something somewhat lame like that. That’s me! Semi-handsome Joe with the semi-lame comments. What can I say.
She smiled when I said that and closed her eyes. I kissed her on her neck and she let out a really arousing moan. I licked her neck and continued kissing down to her breasts and onto her stomach.
I rubbed her thighs with my hands and gave her a long lick on her pussy. It was a nice pussy. A really nice, small, neat, photogenic looking flower. I licked it from the bottom to the top as I felt her thighs kind of squeezing around readjusting on the sides of my head.
I’m going to be honest. It might sound hot, but it was kind of a rushed job. I didn’t know this chick and just wanted to fuck, you know?
I spent a few minutes going down on her before I put my hands on the bed and pushed myself back up onto my feet. She curled onto her side and put her hand between her legs and pulled it upwards, giving her pussy one long rub.
She opened her eyes to look at me. My cock was hard but I still had underwear on.
I looked down at her with a blank stare and pulled my underwear down. My cock jumped out and Christy kind of tentatively came over and wrapped her hand around it. She looked up at me as she put it in her warm mouth and started to give me a surprisingly good blowjob with my hands on her head.
After about the same amount of time I spent going down on her, she got up and leaned back on the bed, looking up at me.
Now, let me interrupt here to tell you something about me. I’m a stickler for the rules, and I’m also kind of a germaphobe. Okay? I’m saying this to tell you that… I needed a condom. Ain’t no way semi-handsome Joe was going to fuck this girl without a condom. Not then, not never. Well, yes, today I probably would. Fine, you win: I would absolutely fuck her little brains out today without a condom. Happy?
So I didn’t have a condom, and that was a problem. In fact, I didn’t have a single condom in my house. My family was very conservative Christian, and my mom had no problem going through my room. Finding a condom in my room would be like them finding fucking cocaine in my room, okay? That shit would not fly.
So my friend Larry was the one with the condoms. And on the rare occasion that we were gonna hook up with a girl – hey, look, let me also say this: I was no gigolo or “pimp daddy,” okay? But the fact is that when you party with enough girls and play the numbers, you can get quite a bit of action. It wasn’t that I was so awesome, I was just simply in front of a lot of girls on a consistent basis. The law of averages, right?…. anyway – on the rare occasion that we’d be hooking up with a girl, I’d get a condom or two from Larry (he had a box in the trunk of his car as I recall) and we’d go on our merry, safe-sex way.
But guess what? I’m at this hotel. And where’s Larry? Yeah, you guessed it – back at The Whiskey Lounge.
So I tell this girl, “Look, I’ll be right back in a few minutes. Okay?”
I’m sure you can imagine her reaction. But hey, safety is safety, right? I don’t make the rules. I just follow them.
So I bolt outta there real quick, run across 5th Street or whatever street it was, and get back to the Whiskey Lounge. But I don’t see Larry, and he’s not answering his phone. Finally I find one of his friends and ask where he is. They tell me he’s at Harrison’s. Harrison’s was a club close by, right near 4th street.
So I head over there, right?
But as I’m walking towards it I pass by the same Pizza shop I was at with Christy, and I’m stunned to see what – or who – is in there.
You guessed it. It’s Eva. And she’s with two of her girl-friends.
Now, I don’t know if you know what kind of fucked up world we live in, but let me tell you something. These girls are 15 years old. They have beers in their hand that was given to them by either the Pizza place or a club. Either way that is some fucked up shit, right?
I find out from her that she isn’t supposed to be out (duh) and they are doing some super-secret party escape. Look, I know everyone does it, right? Sneaking out in the middle of the night with friends when you’re supposed to be “sleeping over” or whatever. I get it. I did it. You did it. We all do it. But I still can’t bring myself to know that my friend’s 15-year-old sister is out in a relatively dangerous area of Miami Beach during the night and not do anything about it.
So I gave her two options: 1) I tell her brother or 2) I take them all home – each and every one of those little juveniles.
They chose option two.
So I head over to Harrison’s with the freshman-squad behind me, I must’ve looked like I was giving a field-trip tour or something. It’s fucked up, man. Anyway, I get to Harrison’s and find Larry and tell him what the deal is. He wants to keep partying but tells me I’m free to take his car as long as I’m sober and he’ll get a ride home from a friend, but tells me that if I wasn’t sober he’d just take us all home and just call it an early night. Great guy. Responsible. By the way, Larry was like 21 or 22 when I was 18, so he was almost like a bigger brother to me in a way. But that’s a side story – I just want to mention that he’s a great person.
So I take Larry’s car and start driving home, but – let me ask you something. Do you remember a certain naked individual who is still waiting for me?
Oh, you do remember? Yes!
Motherfucking Christy with the photogenic pussy is still waiting for me to come back.
I absolutely and totally disappeared on her naked needs-to-be-fucked ass on her MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY LMAO
I told her I’d give her a real nice birthday present, right? Uh, well, uh… Happy birthday, bitch!
Us guys, man…we do fucked up shit. I will not even try to lie about that.
And even though I put 18+ on this… even though there should be zero young girls reading this… just in case… just in case – I’m going to say this: All guys do fucked up shit. You hear me girls? Even the nice ones. I was a nice one! I can tell you. Believe me. Believe me. We don’t mean to, but we just do.
I’m going to say this one more time, young ladies: We. Will. Fuck. You. Up.
Now that I’ve fulfilled my “Responsible Uncle Joe warns young girls about bad boys (and good boys!)” lecture, let’s get back to the story, shall we?
But first, let’s take a look at some of the fucked up irony of the night, ‘kay?
First, I had a naked Christy with her photogenic pussy right in front of me who wanted my semi-handsome cock to fuck her brains out, but I had no condoms.
Now, I’m driving in a car with a trunk full of fucking condoms but I’m with 3 underage girls where I’d be sent to prison (which I’d already been to by this point, and I ain’t never going back! but that’s a story for another day) if I fucked any of them even in the slightest.
Isn’t that some fuckery?
I swear, my cock looked up at me while I was driving and told me, “You sir, are a failure.”
And with that realization I drove, and drove, and drove my way west on the highway back to our area of the city.
God damn I love memory lane.
Continue Reading with Part 3 here.
Part 1  - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 (Ending)
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