#even if my total number of twilight sparkle figures is 0
evelili · 9 months
so i went to my local dollar store the other day nd found these g4.5 pony blind bag thingies for like $3 each
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nd first of all lemme tell u, these are not high quality figures, but fuck if i didnt want a little twilight sparkle figure for my desk. so i was reasonable and got only 2 packs instead of All Of Them and figured it was 2 tries at a 1/4 chance, whatever right? best case scenario i get twi and rarity, worst case i get 2 rainbow dash
well as soon as i thought the worst case into existence i KNEW i fucked up. in that moment i was one with the universe and the universe was in my bones and i had tempted fate herself and was going to pay the price
i went home and opened the bags.
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and i got 2 rainbow dash.
okay!! fine!!! we’re going to do it this way, are we? like no flame to rd, it just so happens if u have 6 main characters in a show and rank them, one of them is gonna b at the bottom of my list and thats ok! it’s just id really rather have a twilight sparkle figure please and thank you
so i went back to the store a day later and bought 3 more packs. each one a 1/4 chance for twilight sparkle. and as i was walking home i thought to myself:
“man, it’d b funny if this time i got every other figure except for twilight”
well guess what?
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i got a rarity, a pinkie, and another rainbow dash :)
i tempted fate again and yknow what? thats on me! fool me once shame on me and all that, i had it coming. so now im here with my 3 rainbow dashes and 0 twilight sparkles and my crippling gacha addiction gene rearing its head for the first time since i managed to quit spending irl money on pngs of anime girls in 2019
i went back to the store.
i bought all the remaining bags they had.
i had 5 more tries. 5 more 1/4 chances to get a twilight sparkle figure. 5 more 1/4 chances to get a SINGLE figurine of my favourite character, and 5 more 1/4 chances to get yet another one of my least favourite.
i figured this time the odds were in my favour. i may have passed stats on a technicality, but at least i figured i’d given myself the best odds i could. and in my hubris i thought to myself:
“at least there’s no way they’re all rainbow dash”
well :)
i clearly hadnt learned my lesson
i’d tempted fate again, and FUCK if she doesnt know how to commit to the bit because,
i walked home from the dollar store.
i opened the last 5 bags.
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and all of them were fucking rainbow dash.
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