#except Charles‘ cause ghosts can’t be seen in reflections outside of hell
dotswithbrainrot · 1 month
They are the light-
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In eachothers darkest moments.
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Blackheart, Chapter 29: Awakening
It had been as amazing a sight as he had been hoping. The sight of all those citizens, finally marching through the gates, finally entering the fog, finally returning to Geralthin…
The hopeful faces. The evaporating tension. The smiles and embraces shared between those who had finally been brought out of the darkness, an into the daylight outside...
THIS is what kept him going. THIS was why he fought.
“Alexander! Hurry! Come quickly!”
The voice of Senci caused the man to flinch as he took a bite out of his rations, made up of dried meat and bread.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?”
“It’s Charles! Come here! You have to come now!”
Senci’s emotions tended to flare up more than most others, and as a result, he was sometimes hasty and overdramatic.
But the knight had been around him long enough to know when his concern was well founded.
This was one of those times.
Alexander quickly put his food down and got out of his chair, moving quickly to follow Senci as the young warrior scampered back the way he came.
The camp, while mostly evacuated, still had a few souls inside. With the non-combatants safely evacuated, the guards and volunteers now settled in the underground, filling only a portion of what was once here.
Alexander liked it. It was a constant reminder of how many had made it to safely, and that there were still plenty of people behind him, ready to battle the demons above.
Hurrying into a large tent, Alexander ran in after Senci and found...everyone.
Leianna. Razorwing. Lexius and Wurie and...simply everyone that had been on the journey together.
Charles was bent over a table, a look of furious determination in his eyes. Below him was a rather familiar object. It took Alexander a moment to realize it was the stone that Leianna had taken from the dead woman.
It was hovering in the air, above the table as Charles’ claws wrapped around it, but did not touch it. There were wisps of magic, a dark blue, flowing from the magician’s hands and surrounding the stone.
The mood was tense, everyone watching nervously as they crowded around the dragonoid. Their faces carried suspense, confusion, and most of all, concern.
“What is this?” the knight questioned, stepping forward to join the others in watching this strange display of sorcery. Andric turned to face the knight.
“He could sense something within.”
“He said there was something there,” Razorwing commented, “Something powerful.”
“What is it?” Alexander put a hand on his sword pommel as he leaned closer.
“Ward,” the magician managed, eyes stilled locked on the stone, “Withholding power…”
“A ward?”
“A magic barrier,” Lexius answered the knight, eyes turning to look at the other man. “A very common use of magic, Leianna and I can create them, as I’m certain Charles can as well.”
Charles’ voice was strained as he chimed in. “This ward...such unbridled power...unlike any I’ve ever seen…must hide...something remarkable.”
Alexander frowned and looked around him, at all the others gathered here. Andric, Leianna, Lexius…
“Surely the others could help?” the knight offered.
“Nearly...have it. Just a moment…”
True to his word, the magician indeed seemed to have a breakthrough, his hands rising up as the wisps of magic gathered around the stone, before exploding outwards with such might and speed that Alexander, and a few others, actually flinched. As the magic flew harmlessly past him however, he returned to watching Charles.
Whatever power was hidden behind the ward, it had been released, as Charles promised. As soon as the explosion of magic subsided, more began to flow from the stone itself. Like a waterfall waves of blue mist poured out of the artifact and filled the room.
The air of magic once more seemed harmless, flowing past everyone and causing...nothing.
Nothing, until the magic began to pool in the center of the room.
The magic that had just poured out in all directions came flooding back, reforming in front of everyone. Now in a circle, everyone, Charles included, watched as the mists slowly began to reconsolidate itself into...a person.
The wisps swirled and grew, the vague figure before the group growing in detail, forming into a figure that was quickly becoming familiar to a few of them.
She was obscured by robes and a shawl and hood, but her face...
“The woman in the cave?!” Senci cried, voice even higher than usual.
“What in the world…”
Alexander had never seen anything like this in his entire life. Sure, he knew magic was all around them, that magicians and priests walked the earth and performed feats such as these regularly, but never had he witnessed them himself.
“That’s...not what I was expecting,” Charles admitted, holding onto the stone in one hand as he watched this unfold alongside the others.
Soon enough, the woman was there...mostly. Though it was quite detailed, it was still a vision, a vortex of magic instead of her. It looked more like a phantom, or ghost of the woman than the woman herself.
The shocked silence was brought to an end when the phantom spoke.
“Heroes,” she said quietly, “Demon slayers...though I could not meet you personally, you’ll understand why soon enough.”
There was no mistaking it. That was the voice. The voice Alexander heard speak to him in the fog, when he was heading to the city.
“This has been a plan long underway. Though you do not know me, I know you all quite well. We met...in another time, and place. Who I am is now irrelevant...but your identities certainly are not. Each of you, all those who can hear me now...you are the keys to our salvation.”
Her voice was soft and gentle...and yet, it seemed to carry power, and status. There was something about her, the way she talked...Alexander couldn’t put his finger on it, but he could have sworn…
...have I met her?
“I am a sorcerer,” she continued, “One who has spent most of her life pursuing this art. As a result, when this started, I had...revelations. Many. You might be surprised to hear that when this began, I worked alongside you all...except Alexander. He fell to the vanguard. Afterwards, we were all killed by the demons.”
Her words were unbelievable. Everyone was dead?! They were just fine, and they never once met her! What was she on about?
“I know you don’t believe it, but it’s true...in a way. When I was slain, I awoke in my bed, covered in sweat. In truth, none of it happened. When I rushed across the kingdom, to Palethorn, all was well. Everyone was happy. Nothing was wrong. This was the beginning of my nightmares.”
Everyone watched in silence as the strange spirit continued. “For years, nearly every night, this apocalypse unfolded in a reality separate from ours. Every night, these events repeated themselves, and every night, I awoke after being killed.”
“What the hell…” Alexander heard Leianna mutter under her breath. In truth, he felt much the same.
“I tried different things. I used my magic to pull the vanguard away from the entrance to the city, so that Alexander might enter freely. It worked, though even with my power, I could only influence for just long enough for him to pass through the plaza. You might notice the same thing happened to you here, Alexander. It’s one of several strategies I found worked in seeing this mission through.”
Alexander could hardly believe this. Everything he did, every step of this journey, was it really planned?
“I know this is a lot to take in, but you can’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to die a thousand times, to see people you’ve grown to care deeply for be slaughtered, to feel inseparable with people who, in reality, have never even met you. Every night. Every night, I watched you all die. Every night, I witnessed the end of the world. Every night, I too joined you in the grave. Every night, for years, this hell was my life.”
There was a deep sorrow in her voice. She even paused as she seemed to reflect on it. After a moment, she looked back up and stiffened her lip.
“I...have at long last, found the answer. After years of living through this, I found the correct list of actions I had to perform, for this accursed nightmare to be brought to an end. I had to guide each of you in one way or another. I had to move the vanguard for Alexander. I had to put a sizable dent in the demon’s numbers. I had to...influence some of you. I had to know which beasts would end up killing one of you, and eliminate them before you ever reached them.”
“Insanity…” Wurie mumbled in a near whisper. The wolf was standing beside Alexander, arms crossed and mouth wide open.
“Finally, I had to accept that for the world to be save, there would be...sacrifices...that had to be made. One of them, I’m sure you already know of. The other...was myself.”
Two sacrifices, one herself?
“I know it has been difficult, but to save all life...that event needed to take place. I tried different paths, so many times...but that just lead to the failure of your mission, along with him falling in the end anyway. I apologize. It appears, while I can deny fate, this particular loss couldn’t be avoided. Even when I accepted that I had to die for this to succeed, I still couldn’t find a solution where he lived.”
Alexander shook his head. That couldn’t be right. To live this crises for years on end...there had to be SOMETHING, some way, for him to make it through too. It wasn’t right. Out of everyone that could make a sacrifice, why him?
“Don’t be so sad. Things aren’t as grim as they seem. With my gift to you, and your plans coming to fruition, I am confident you will live to see the sun rise once more. Already, I have foreseen what happens next, and I can assure you...while there will be hardship, the world will not breathe its last at the hands of the demons. I have done much to see to that.”
They would be victorious? But at what cost…?
A smile tugged at the corners of the woman’s mouth. “Besides...you have something grand to look forward to. While it may be horrifying at first...it is a good thing.”
I don’t like the sound of that…
Her smile faded. “Each of you, there’s a reason you’re so intrinsic to all of this. Every one of you have risen above the rest, become something greater. You are something of leaders to the rest, and the ones who always take action. Furthermore, each of you carry significant traits that have brought you this far. You compliment each other as well, each of your covering another’s weakness or empowering their strengths. Alexander’s resolve. Leianna’s justice. Lexius’ integrity. Wurie’s loyalty. Senci’s kindness. Razorwing’s hope. ‘Crux’ and his diligence. Charles’ intuition. Andric’s purity…”
She looked up, seeming to stare at nothing in particular.
“...Tourthun’s love.”
The knight winced at that. She must have met him one of those many times. She must have known the kind of person he was as well.
She took a breath and returned her gaze to the crowd. “All of you...I wish I could have truly met you, that you would have remembered and cherished me as I have you...but we can not afford such luxuries, unfortunately. I left this message, not to give you any advantage in your quest. I just...wanted to let you know. I met each and every one of you. We had so many conversations at length. We aided one another. We were...friends. I wish you experienced it too.”
Her sorrow was shared by Alexander, and he suspected the others as well. To live such a life, for reality to reset itself every night, for all the progress and memories and friendships to all melt away, for those you love to have no idea who you are...the man could hardly imagine.
“Before I go, I will let you know this: The stone you ‘found’...it is important. This message was but a small addition I made out of my own desires. In reality, by obtaining it, you have obtained the artifact required to save this world. It contains a special ward, one I have spent ages working on. While you may debate the merits of its use and who might need it, I already have the answer. In the darkest hour, it will grant you salvation. Give it to Alexander. He must keep it. Do not ask questions, for I am not here to answer them.”
All eyes turned to him. The knight had no idea how feel, or what was even happening...what ward? What salvation? Why him?
Why him, indeed...out of everyone, she chose him. A curious choice, when he was surrounded by famous heroes and masters of magic, both standard and divine.
It must have been that trial and error she had spoken of, he thought. She must have found a path that resulted in the continued survival of all life...as long as he had her stone, that was.
“Now, I go,” she spoke, “This is the last time you will see me...and for some of you, it will be the only time. Reflect over what I’ve said. Remember that the journey’s end is nearly at hand. Things will come to a wondrous conclusion if you all do your part. I have done mine...now it is up to you. Whatever happens, do not stop, do not falter. Once your reinforcements arrive, surge forward. The Blackheart...you must enter the Blackheart. We are so nearly free of the dark. Be the shining lights in darkness I know you are. Burn away the evil, and bring balance to the world. You have the skills, you have the men, and now you have the means. Friends I never knew...I bid you my final farewell. At last, the nightmare has come to an end for me. At last, daybreak is so close now...take the sky back from them, heroes.”
With that, the phantom of a woman dissolved, until the magic dissipated completely. The middle of the crowd was now empty. Nothing was left. Now, only shocked silence filled the room.
For several moments, no one dared speak. Eyes darted around the room, several making contact with each other, but there was only a silent understanding between them.
Finally, someone mustered the will to speak.
“What the hell?”
It was Lexius.
Leianna slowly nodded. “Yeah...me too.”
Alexander shook his head. “This is...I can’t believe it.”
“Remarkable.” Razorwing scratched idly at his beak, deep in thought. “This has been foreseen? All of it? Goodness, I’ve heard such stories, but even in my other travels I’ve never heard such a thing for myself.”
Wurie groaned. “God, scrying through dreams? Predestination? Why can’t anything just be normal these days…”
“It seems plausible.” Andric held a hand up to his chin, thinking it over himself. “A lot of convenient coincidences occurred to us all during this, didn’t they?”
“Wait a moment…” Alexander’s thoughtful expression turned into one of anger. “It...it was her!”
Crux raised a brow. “What exactly ‘was her’?”
“Tourthun!” the knight shouted. Every other person in the room appeared confused.
“It was...she put into action a series of events that led to his demise!”
The cleric’s eyes widened. “You mean…”
“Yes! His death is HER fault!”
Andric grimaced. “She said she couldn’t find a timeline in which both he and the world survived…”
“That doesn’t matter!” Alexander spoke in growing anger, “She killed him, indirectly or not! He could have chosen a path she never thought of! That was HIS choice, not hers! Now he’s-”
Dead. He was dead. Alexander cut himself off. He was upsetting them enough already, no need to go into detail.
“...he deserved a chance to live. He deserved to make that choice himself.”
Crux nodded stiffly. “I understand you, but...this is the fate of all life we’re talking about here. I agree, but in this case...it’s reasonable to make a suggestion.”
The knight rubbed his temples. “I don’t agree with dictating another’s fate, regardless of the desperation behind it. This wasn’t self-preservation. Tourthun didn’t threaten her in any way. She should have offered him his own path to forge.”
“Sir knight…” Charles’ voice was meek, and full of hesitation. Despite his frightening, draconic visage, and the weight and height that he held over the knight, he appeared timid in his response.
“She said she spent years reliving this. She said she considered us all great friends, too. I think...I think she already tried that. It...likely resulted in failure, as all the others did.”
The knight put a hand on his hip and shook his head. He stared down at the ground, bitter thoughts bubbling up within him. “It’s not fair.”
Senci’s voice snapped him out of it. The kobold looked up at him with such a saddened gaze that the knight could feel his heart quail at it.
“Is there...some way to save him? Andric could-”
“It’s been too long,” the paladin answered, “Perhaps right then and there, but...it takes an entire team of masters to do that to a decomposed body. You must unrot the corpse and return true, genuine life to its form by pulling the soul back down to earth, and into its vessel. That would take multiple masters of healing, specialized in such a thing.”
Senci’s head lowered, the kobold appearing crushed by that. Andric kneeled down and smiled. “Hey, Senci...maybe once this is over...I can try pulling some strings in the Order?”
“R-really?!” the young warrior’s head shot up, eyes full of hope.
“I’ll do my best. Maybe...maybe something will happen, okay?”
Senci frowned. “B-but...what if it doesn’t work?”
Alexander kneeled next to Andric and looked the aspiring hero square in the eyes.
“You’ve heard him talk before.  Even if nothing happens, even if we fail...he’s finally gotten everything he’s ever wanted. He’s with his mother and father now. He’s happy, up there. I promise.”
Senci hesitated before nodding, wiping at his face. “O-okay. Thank you...yeah. He’s probably happy, I just...I wish…”
“Me too,” Alexander agreed, “But we did all we could. It’s alright, though. He understand that. He accepted that. He came to terms. He told me that himself. He just wanted to see them again, you know?”
The knight stood back up and looked up, stewing over the dragon’s final words. Slowly, his lips curled into a smile. Despite the tragedy behind it, there was a touch of closure. He had done his best, and now he was with his family. The dragon must have been comforted by his parents. He must have been watching over them. He must have been rooting for them.
He must have been happy.
Alexander gave a wistful smile as he came to the conclusion.
“He’s home.”
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