demonwield · 2 years
which mun inspires you a lot?
Unprompted || Always Accepting!
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     Man. . .I don’t want to come out and say something that might make others feel HURT, but since I’m being asked, I’m going to be honest. In truth, there’s a LOT of people who inspire me, fuck I could pull out a follower list probably 100+ strong of people who motivate, or inspire me, for a lot of different reasons. So, let’s go down a SMALL list, those who are probably the STRONGEST inspirations for me. 
@zorkaya || Renata. Lord, I could talk about this absolute sweetheart so much. FIRST, Ren has been a dear friend of mine for years now. Really, it’s shocking how long, on and off sure, but unchangingly and unflinchingly, how long we’ve been friends. She’s seen me at my best, seen me at my worst, she’s fought for me in the past, she’s been there to help me through that DramaTM bullshit last year. She’s never let rumors, or false call outs, or the other bullshit fuck with our friendship. She’s been a darling, and I cherish her to death. Atop of that? She has one of the BEST OC’s around: seriously, Zarina is amazing, and always going to be in my top 3 favorite OC’s of all time. I love her writing. I love her...well, everything really. 
@exrhlab || Languid, this guy is amazing. He’s the one who dragged me down this rabbit hole of pain and torment that is Arknights, and is one of my most common people you’ll see on my blog. Because he’s a great friend, and we genuinely both like to cause PAIN and TORMENT to our muses, and write both twisted, but also fulfilling stories. We chat constantly, and he’s just a great person. 
@eraba-reta-unmei || Everi, this motherfucking girl. Man, she’s a total twerp sometimes. But I wouldn’t be here to this day if not for her. She’s gotten me through some DIFFICULT moments in my life, and is one of my closest friends I can ever ask for. We’ve been around together at this point for so long, and there’s days where we want to rip eachother apart (if you don’t hit that point with a friend, are you truly FRIENDS lets be real), but we always bounce back cause that’s our relationship. We suffer hell in League, we used to rp all the fucking time (which yknow we need to do more again hell yeah), we’re close. 
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@ryusxnka || OH BOY, is it more Caleb Love Hours? Well if anyone has been around this blog long enough, you all know I love my brother. That’s all there is to it: I’d not be here today without him. I wouldn’t even  be able to show my FACE on this site ever again if not for him, and god I love him to death. He’s amazing, okay? He’s OBSESSED with Toshiro Hitsugaya, of course, but he’s also just the best with him okay? His writing is spectacular, god, Caleb is literally HITSUGAYA INCARNATE. He’s super good hearted, he’s smart, he’s funny. He’s just a great brother, and I love him t o death, okay? I probably sound like a broken record, but it’s true.
@pcrdiseseekers || OH BOY, it’s JAZZY love hours! So let’s take a long trip down Memory Lane, cause fuck me, Jazz here is one of my OLDEST friends at this point. Hard to believe it too, cause I remember Jazz when she was but a weeeee Naoto Shirogane blog back in the day, far before her love for Multi-muses, and her love for Kyouko Kirigiri. God, back in the day, I used to be SO terrified of her. And we all know, and I can hear it now, ‘Wolf, buddy, you’re ALWAYS terrified of people!’ Well, I’ve gotten a lot better: someone literally had to GO TO JAZZ HERSELF and tell her, for us to first interact, it was that bad. (No, I didn’t even plan that, and goddddd, I was a fucking mess when they did.) And lo and behold, ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS FOREVER now, always someone I come back to, and cling to like she’s my own flesh and blood. Jazz, I love you to death. I truly do. And you are just absolutely spectacular. It’s hilarious how long we’ve known one another, and I don’t regret a single day: you’ve given me some of the BEST rps over the years as we FULLY TORE DOWN poor Kyouko into Kaneki’s queen, how Homura fell for Centipede, Kyouko studied Ichigo, Yang and Adam had their forbidden, ESTRANGED relationship. God, we’ve done so much over the years, and I look back on it all so many days nowadays and go ‘jeez, to relive it all again.’ Here’s to more years of good times, huh? 
@shuanghe || Valkyrie. My big sister. My darling, sweet guardian practically. God...she’s my rock. My anchor. She’s so much to me, and another person I love with all my heart. Much like the people before me, she’s a great mix of Writing, and Personal feelings, who has been with me for many years now. And I truly am grateful to have her in my life. 
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@sung56sun || Kianye, so little we’ve known one another now, and yet it feels like we’ve known eachother  for an eternity already. And it’s you, you specifically, who makes me feel it’s OKAY to gush about my darling muses. I won’t lie, even on my own blog, I feel I talk too much about my OWN characters, and it’s you who makes me think on that, and go ‘stop that, you’re being dumb’. Others have tried to tell me the same, but it’s the constant FERVENT LOVE and ATTENTION you throw us, that truly make it hit home. And for that, I’m forever grateful for how much you love Akame, and, incidentally, how well we get along. You’re dear to me, and you’re stuck with us~
@bonesugar || Asa, Asa Asa Asa, such a darling you are. Your writing, your descriptions of your replies, the way you make such a BEAUTIFUL girl like Sucrose so endearing, so amazing, I truly admire. Just like Kianye, I’ve known you for so little, and yet I have adored every moment we talk. And I look forward to more and more in the future of us chatting, rping, and gaming together. 
@erobret || Ferrrrrrgie. Oh man, much like Jazzy, I’ve known Fergie for fucking years. It’s hilarious how long we’ve known one another, and just like Jazzy, she’s always been a fantastic friend. We lost touch for a while because I had to vanish for a bit, but then I found her again, and well. Reliving old memories, and rping again, is amazing. Chatting with Fergie is great, and just. Fergie is great, okay? I really can’t formulate the words without just reusing at this point more of what I’ve already said. 
@jiingweii || Sophieeeeee. My dearest, my twisted friend. My soft and squishy marshmallow friend. My busy little friend. Even though we don’t talk as much anymore as life happens to the both of us, you are still DEAR to my heart, and I wish every day is wonderful to you. I love seeing you on my dash from all  your blogs, and you are a joy to see, and hear, from always. I truly would not have kept Akame all this time if not for you: it was you who put the most faith in my girl, who gave me the confidence to keep her going. And I am forever grateful for that. Because now she is my most loved, and used, muse, without a doubt. 
     Okay, this is going to get SUPER long if I don’t stop somewhere, so down below? Is a bunch of other people I could rant on about, but I don’t want to be typing a twenty five page ESSAY even though I could and flood the dash worse. 
@medinventive || @nulltune || @unhclyblood || @remunporium || @curiouskinetic || @lucernarosa || @luckuki || @ichigokurosaki || @destallo || @maljefe || @nosheath || @karmesinrot || @mamoriitai || @veroxins || @x-ame-x-damnee-x || @noircisaint || @retour || @shukuchiisms || @redhorncl || @zhuangshii || @babelmedicus || @amourise || @evelicious || @risingsol || @electric-ecclectic || @electricea || @dementedstatic || @pervicax || @lunaetis || @darksonofsparda || @capravulpes || @stahri-light || @charmerquilled || @rebelquilled || @batoushoujo || @phantarei || @hutaou || @popolaroleplayhub || @devotionobsessed || @amazingwcbs || @algizkali || @baizhuo || @nexarerum
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dcviated · 1 year
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anxious munday meme || [ open ]
@exrhlab sent: How would you rate your conversation skills?
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Maybe a B or B-? Wait this isn't public speaking is it? I may have to retake the class- anyway! I'm good enough with conversations but my behavior online kinda happens offline too. I had many occasions where I kinda scared people during homework discussions because I got a little too intense. Not yelling but stern, and also had a scary face apparently!
But I have tact. And I know proper sense and sensibility. Some people even say I'm funny. Compared to the me of like a decade ago I'm not even that shy anymore. I'm jumping into DMs and throwing questions at people left and right.
I'm admittedly not very good at cheering people up or praising them, though.
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falsewolf · 1 year
8. Do you like to tell people that you like to RP on tumblr? If not, then do you think you'll tell anybody?
Questions for Muns // Accepting
pfffhaha. I'll admit to folks that i rp and that i write - i've been roleplaying across various platforms since i was like... 8 or 9. it's just a part of me at this point, everyone knows i do it since it's how i stretch my creative wings, even if it's something i keep to myself.
but even i have some sense of shame admitting that i rp on tumblr, given our reputation. which i can't blame for existing.
THAT BEING SAID, folks at cons have recognized me before by chance, at least in the touhou fandom. or did once upon a time. and i'm like 99% sure someone back in college outright recognized art of one of my OCs before that i've only really used here. So even if i don’t tell people i do, i know that folks KNOW me from the tumblr sphere, even if i don't go out of my way to advertise it.
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roseicicles · 2 years
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A simple gift...But...
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The journal, and the pen are already being cuddled closely to her chest. Her eyes slowly shutting, it was if she had been given the gift of the gods. The greatest treasure known to any man or woman.It was such a sweet gift, and she truly appreciates such.
Joyce, as if on instinct alone, nothing could’ve stopped her doing this, it all just happened, as she leaned into the other. Just resting herself there, being a bit heavy on emotions. She was truly thankful.
As she mumbled...”. . . Thank you. . .”
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yonghengdemengxiang · 2 years
@exrhlab replied with:
thEY ARE. they make kdramas look tame. AND THEN THE FUCKING MEMES OF THE TELANOVELLAS ...
There is a literal telanovella I ended up having to watch to pass the time at a Pinay salon that was called “Daddy’s Gurl’ and I j u s t 
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invinciblegavial · 1 year
❛ just tell me why we're here. ❜
@exrhlab - Prompt
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"Hm? Isn't it obvious yet?", the Tiacauh muses, golden orbs eyeing her company; grin spreading across her lips. "You're insanely strong, aren't you?" Even if they haven't had lots to do with each other, words travel fast and Gavial has been dying to invite her. "Well, so am I!", brimming with confidence, she finally halts; her trusty battleaxe resting on her shoulder.
"Wanna fight?" Though she asks that, there's no doubt that she won't take 'no' as an answer. Worst come to worst, she would make sure Saria's all healed up again -- and in the unlikely event that she's the one who's down. Well. Worth it!
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tiredstudents · 2 years
@exrhlab​​ said: 1, 13, 30
Ask mun questions
Is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
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Answered this right here!
What’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
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Just gonna use Daniel and Iris for this or my brain will break
Iris - Carries around a Sherlock holmes like pipe (empty) and hat that she sometimes slips on when she needs to investigate things. Why? Because she’s a nerd.
Daniel - Loves all fish except salmon, he normally throws up if he eats it...this is the only fish that does this to him.
Most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
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This is more complicated...yes and no. Recently I’ve had much stronger move and drive for my OCs compared to my canons (With exceptions) and I’m not completely sure why this is. 
Also recently I’ve been struggling to enjoy threads, but that’s mostly on me as a mun not knowing how to spice things up.
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cadcnce-archived · 2 years
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more like a relationship vibe meme || [ openish ]
@exrhlab​ sent:  ✿ saria + zephyr / katelynn
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
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Zephyr & Saria
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
I feel as though this would be the case of one of Zephyr’s one sided friendships where he gets buddy buddy while Saria merely tolerates him... if that. When it comes to business and work he can be more serious about things, and on missions I imagine she would come to respect him a little more. That said catch this Liberi trying to get the vouivre to crack a smile. Life mission.
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
Not really feeling anything romantic happening between these two. But I’ve been proven wrong in the past...?
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
Saria putting this shitlord in his place seems more likely than not. There could also be something coming of her friendship with Katelynn that has Zephyr behaving more ... proper? For current lack of a better term. This still isn’t a big vibe but I’ve seen stranger with this muse.
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
You won’t find many at RI that don’t see Zephyr as some kind of threat. It comes down to how a woman like her handles his antics and incessant badgering when he finds himself interested by another person. Again, that mission to get her smile will be a pestering one.
imouto under the cut-
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Kat & Saria
FRIENDSHIP.    childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
Kat is somewhat aloof, and a different kind of enigma compared to her brother. She has walls and lines on the ground yet welcomes companionship beyond the wariness of her guards. In the AK verse especially, with oripathy not doing her any favors, she’s careful of the bonds she makes. But I see Saria as a good figure in her life if only for the stability she symbolizes and the no nonsense she provides. A... slightly softer touch than Kal’tsit.
ROMANCE.    childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
Romance isn’t on her mind. She had someone back in Ursus but had to leave them. It’s on the backburner compared to.. trying to stay in good health herself as well as doing the best she can for those around her.
FAMILIAL.    siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other.
Sure she’s got the older brother slipping around RI but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t need older sister figures. I say all this, but I should stipulate I feel it just as likely that they can stand as emotional ‘equals’ to one another. Kat is far from a weak damsel. She has a stubbornness. It just needs a little bit of honing and guidance.
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
Wow, for once a case where I don’t see antagonism applying. It feels... refreshing leaving this section blank, y’know. Two muses that have no reason to bicker. (’: Maybe some firmness on tone, but not beyond that?
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retour · 2 years
✿ + cs & ruby
 send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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studentshaul · 2 years
@exrhlab​ said: 💝 i can always use some advice, doctor.
Send 💝 for some dating advice from my muse about another muse!
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“Don’t...don’t keep secrets from them. Those destroy marriages, sometimes to deadly outcomes. Take responsibility for the mistakes you have made and talk to your spouse about it and come to a compromise.” 
Is partly talking from experience...yeep!
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demonwield · 2 years
     She had pulled up a seat beside the woman while she worked, simply just. . .wanting to bond with her more. Her time in Rhodes slowly ticking on, and it was just another day that Saria would be back. (A time she knew would fly by, and before she knew it, the Vouivre would be gone again.) Arms are laid over her desk, head resting on them as she quietly watched the woman work, her tail nonchalantly thumping around now and then. 
          Before. . .then a question perked her attention. Ears flicking upwards before she slowly sat up.  ❝ . . .Saria? ❞ She knows the other’s attention will be grabbed at her name, and so she decides. . .to ask what is on her mind.
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           ❝ . . .why. . .did you SAVE ME. . .?  ❞ It’s the first thing that is asked, but then she puffs her cheeks, shaking her head. There was something. . .better to ask.  ❝ Ah. . .no, not that, um. . .why did you CARE to save me. . .? And what. . .AM I? Why can’t I REMEMBER anything. . .? All I remember is the day I woke up here. . .why. . .? ❞
Starter Call || @exrhlab​
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dcviated · 2 years
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nosy munday questions || [ open ]
@exrhlab​ sent:  13, 22
13. When did you start roleplaying?
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Oh good grief I want to say it was around 2005? 2006? My start was pretty embarrassing forum RP (but then I was 16 and borderline chuuni inside my head) with my ex-girlfriend. My start was with Wylan back when he was a glorified self insert gary stu with all the moves and powers of whatever anime I recently watched. And yet I look back on it with fondness because I like to think I was still fun to write with. I mean it was Wylan. And he developed pretty quick from that ‘self insert’ phase I’d like to think.
...of course if you ask my wife, who I met some years after, she’d say I was annoying. But she married me. So who’s the loser now, babe???
22. What do you think are your roleplaying strengths and weaknesses?
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I consider being principled my main strength. I don’t meander and bend and change what I’m after or who I am depending on who I’m talking to. So there’s less worry of not getting what you paid for when you start writing with me. 
I also keep to my personal guidelines of responding to things reasonably well in order and keeping my promises. I may throw out some smaller things or make the occasional exception but the majority of my blog runs in order and I put good effort into all my interactions, old or new. Despite any appearances I don’t stick to any cliques or similar.
Maybe that’s not strictly roleplay related, but I think it really counts in a hobby like this where you don’t have much other than your word and reputation as a roleplayer to build trust.
...weaknesses, lel. I’m way too paranoid and picky about people and maybe we can leave it at that? I’ve got trust issues as if my answer above didn’t already clue someone into it. And that sometimes clues into fits of irrational jealousy or suspicion of people who have likely done nothing wrong. I’m getting better at it, but it’s rough given some of the crap I’ve been through.
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falsewolf · 1 year
2. Do you self-project yourself into your muse? If so, then how?
Questions for Muns // Accepting
Hmm, I TRY not to.... but to say that it'd never happens, even if on accident, would just be lying to myself. we all self-project in some way or another, given that we inevitably draw from ourselves and our own experiences when we write.
It's not a bad thing, but it's good to at least be self-conscious about it, and be aware of when it might be happening and how, to make sure it doesn't lash back against you in ways you aren't expecting.
That being said, i'm not aware of any personal self-projections that may have bled into Crown. She does draw from a very similar emotional well that i use when i play Parsee, which i have to be careful of lest i burn myself out emotionally, since it's just THAT emotionally draining and the negative way of thinking that it requries is taxing - so there IS something from subconcious personal experience that bleds into them, that i use to fuel their emotional vitrol.
Just... that anger at the world, and feeling as if i've been done wrong by the injustice of it all. Shit happens, not everything in life is nice. Sometimes spectacularily bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. I can't say I share her backstory or anything like that, in ways that specific. Nor can i see myself in her shoes. But that rage is an easy perspective to see through Crown's eyes with, for just about anyone, and given that i've funneled pent-up rage i never even knew i had into previous muses with similaily distressed mentalities in the past, and had that mentality backlash onto me, I know I'm at risk of scratching open some old projections if i dive too deep into that well for Crown as well. At least if i'm not careful and actively mindful of that line. I' m not sure it truly counts as self-projection, but for me i'd consider it as such - and it's a type that i do not ever want occuring.
TL;DR: I don't think i have, but i know i COULD subconciously in ways i'm not even personally aware of, given crown's emotional tax. and given previous experiences with that well of emotion, i'm actively mindful of specific rabbit hole when there's risk of blind anger emotional muck getting stuck to a muse's mindset.
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roseicicles · 2 years
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“. . .Acknowledging, but I am not the drip. . .”
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“. . .That would be you. . .”
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yonghengdemengxiang · 2 years
@exrhlab replied with:
they're always pointing out the most random INAPPROPRIATE SHIT and you're just dying inside each time
Me, in my swimsuit, craving death: can I go home please
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rhinestated · 1 year
exrhlab -> rhinestated
pinned post and more to be updated.
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