deamazed · 1 year
@fakedsciences​ / kieran: you have a very pretty nose. 
Well, I’ll be damned. A housewife walks into a bar... well, I haven’t quite come up with the punchline yet. But the point still stands. (God, is that all I am now? A housewife?) The recession’s been tough (!), I can’t find the work (!). For a while, I didn’t have to, with a fat trust fund and two phD parents to fall back on, until that rug was pulled out from under me. And now, I’m lamenting over a glass of eight-dollar rosé with one ice cube and the remains of a lipstick stain on its side. Whore red is not my shade.
I’ve become everything I fucking despise.
“And you are very charming.” Does this make me a cougar? Don’t look at me like that. I’m not my husband. But I am bored. (Looking like me, you’re used to this kind of attention. It’s more nice tits, or what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this, but the creativity is appreciated. 
“So what gives?” He reminds me of Nick, five years ago. Ambitious. Clever. Cool. God, my husband was so fucking cool. And I wanted to be that for him! I wanted to be cool, like that’s the best thing in the world. I wanted him to look at me and think, yeah. That’s my cool wife. She doesn’t moan. She doesn’t nag. She loves me, and I love her, and that’s all we need in the world. The world has a way of getting in the middle of that, and a U-haul and three hours of unpacking later, and. Well. I think I left my heart in New York.
That’s a saying, right? I left my heart in [fill in the blank]. It’s like a bad tourist gimmick sold on the side of the street. It’s a New York delicacy, next to pastrami and rye, and right behind the I HEART NYC t-shirts made from polyester and child labour.
But, in the most eloquent of terms, I mean this: Every ounce of adoration, love, and respect I once felt for Nick is still wrapped in packing tape in the corner of our NY apartment.
So why not?
A housewife walks into a bar... (Have you noticed that all wife jokes include sandwiches, cleaning, or kitchens?)
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alulars · 1 year
@natophonetic for elgar.
Johnson sits in the back of the courtroom. Imperceivable, as all angels can choose to be. When possessing a human vessel, it's harder. Marginally so. To keep his body in this hidden state requires constant concentration. A certain environmental attunement. He must feel the temperature of the air on his skin and refuse for the feeling to acclimate, let each sensory receptor carrying the same tiny sparks of electrical information register as new; understand the minute discrepancy in space his body inhabits with each quiet expansion of his lungs when he breathes and do not habituate to the repetitive answer. Johnson is uniquely skilled at retaining imperceptibility like this: he is always aware of this incessant existence. Equally bored and arrogant, he projects his attention elsewhere. Little herds of humans come and go after every hearing. Their bodies, their souls indistinguishable from each other, polluting the room like white light in overexposed film. Except one. Finally here. Johnson lets his presence ease back in as the man passes.
"Oddly reminiscent of a church, these benches." The corners of his mouth pull into a considerate and considerable frown which he casts towards Elfgar with a turn of his head and a raise of his eyebrows. To the point, no casual tone to dress this as smalltalk: "Are you religious, Elfgar?"
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feralego · 1 year
@fakedsciences (juniper) said: "If you don't want to be here, we can leave."
She doesn't want to be here. And it's as though there is fishing line wrapped around her heart, pulling tighter and slicing into it the longer she stands in the same room as him. Even if they are on opposite sides of the room. Even if he's either not seen her yet, or is pretending he hasn't.
Pippa thinks of the broken glass vase and the black roses the last time they'd been broken up over Valentine's Day and chokes on the thought of what might be next.
Being here has the potential to break the longest streak of no contact she's had with Yusef since before their first breakup, and she does not want to be here; does not want to remind him of her existence.
But Juniper had--up until she'd noticed Pippa's withdrawal into herself, at least--looked to be enjoying herself. And she feels shame adding weight to her back for ruining her night out.
"I'm sorry. Can we--?" Her mouth is dry when she goes to speak, her tongue sticking fast to the roof of her mouth, and she reaches for her overpriced, chain-restaurant cocktail. "Maybe another restaurant? I'm so sorry, Juniper. He's not even-- He's not even looking at me and I let him ruin this."
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utilgitt · 1 year
@fakedsciences cain
"what's your favorite song?"
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sappylosers · 1 year
@fakedsciencesiences sent. What a small fucking world > burns & max.
Max whip their head towards the voice. It throbs in a protest, it wants to be still, preferably looking down at the dish while their stomach groans and twists and threatens to spill at the mere sight of the food.
They've got an awful hangover. An UNFORGETTABLE COLLEGE PARTY is going to be crossed of their bucket it, even though they forgot most of what has happened the night before.
The person's blurry and they slur the words: ❛ Sorry, I don't know you. ❜
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rekant-2 · 1 year
they're smoking a cigarette outside juniper's diner. honestly, they thought they'd missed her. but –
"they give you an hour, or just thirty minutes?"
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unpossession · 1 year
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@fakedsciences sent: where's your sense of adventure?     |    prompt.
               “I’ve never really had one, to be honest! Much more of a, uh - stay at home with a book and a hot water bottle kind of gal--”              Though lately that has been less and less true, what with the binge drinking and the sleeping with demons and losing touch of reality for a while there --- but she’s trying her best to get back on the straight and narrow.
Trying being the key word, because she’s ended up at a bar again; a little tipsy, chatting with strangers like this who seem a little dangerous; who tempt her to stray out of her comfort zone once again. Seeking a thrill that might coax her to write again. She catches the challenge in his eyes. She falls for the bait.
"But - fine. Where are we going, then?"
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withbeastsarc · 2 years
@fakedsciences​ liked x. 
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          “  why are you laughing at him?  it’s not funny.  “  amelia shoulders the man out of the way with little effort.  “  she’s only pretending to laugh,  you moron.  get out of here.  “  
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skulltie · 1 year
@fakedsciences​ said:  “So killing somebody, even if you have to do it, it feels that bad?”
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     “ mhm.  that’s what all the must reads say ,   anyways. “
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tahitiwoke · 1 year
SUGAR BABY → phil likes to spoil. his tastes are expensive and he likes to share and indulge in that when he's with someone. juniper seems to appreciate it and phil doesn't hesitate to take her to the five star places, the opera, theatre and buys expensive wine, luxurious foods, flowers, even a nice little city break to vermont. when juniper drops hints about a dress she'd like, he doesn't hesitate. phil doesn't really spend money on himself very often unless is something he really wants.
SLEEPOVER → phil has never seen juniper's place. he doesn't necessarily know why but he assumes embarrassing college girl chic mixed with shitty roommates. if he cared enough to find out, he might do some digging - he doesn't.
WALKING AFTER MIDNIGHT → he likes to walk her home after a late shift; if she finishes after midnight, he makes it clear she can call or text and he'll meet her and walk as far as she will allow. sometimes he picks her up and they'll drive back to his and she'll stay the night.
NSFW → they've had sex in the porsche. sorry to anyone in the passenger seat.
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cardiomyapathy · 2 years
STARTER CALL -  @fakedsciences​​ for juniper
“ Look Jumpy, I’m here to order a coffee, not listen to your life story.   No need to butter me up, I’m already going to tip you 70% for being   adorable tonight. I’ll bring it to 80% if you stop talking. ”
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exspiritment · 2 years
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“You really stole this for me?”
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inflamearc · 1 year
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"do you want a beer or something? do you think that would relax you?" / juniper @fakedsciences
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feralego · 2 years
@fakedsciences sent 🤷🏼‍♀️ for a vague text, 😨 for a worried text, + 😱 for a text that should never have been sent
[ TEXT - Juniper ]:  You can’t keep that up. 
[ TEXT - Juniper ]:  I don’t know what you think you’re proving, but one of these days, something is going to pull the rug right out from under you.
[ TEXT - Juniper ]:  If that happens, I just hope I’m around to help set you back on your feet. Because you obviously aren’t ready to stick up for yourself.
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utilgitt · 1 year
@fakedsciences said, i wanted to ask if you could stay. kieran
so here he is, the prodigal son in the flesh. at this point cain has told her so much it's like she's meeting a celebrity. penny makes him buy her cigarettes out of a machine and they sit at a picnic table on a gas station parking lot while people pull in behind them to pump gas.
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"stay? with you?" a beat. "i don't understand how any of this works."
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alulars · 1 year
@fakedsciences for mack.
Johnson intercepts Mackenzie at her front door and quickly lays two fingers over the doorknob's locked keyhole to prevent her from entering. "Be not afraid." He says it, rushed and unconvincing because there is no real care to neutralize any theoretical fear he may cause; indeed, his sharp gaze briefly stirs in hers, agitating, less a spoon in coffee and more a fin in the sea. "If I told you—and I will—I knew something you would like to know, what would you say?" His head cants, smooth, reptile-like. "What would you do?"
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