fuzzydreamin · 11 months
What The Companions Say About... Raiders!
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: Ridding the Commonwealth of Raiders is close to providing a public service. ⌨: Raiders are one of the lowest forms of humanity… an embarrassment to your species. ⌨: We should be able to scavenge some useful items from these lowlife Raiders. ⌨: According to my database, Raiders rank astonishingly low when it comes to common sense… and personal hygiene. ⌨: Be careful, ma'am. Raiders tend to plant mines near their encampments.
☘ Cait
☘: Raiders, eh? Bunch of nobs if you ask me. ☘: These idiots again? ☘: Good, I was hopin' to get in some target practice. ☘: Nothin's stupider than a hungry Raider. ☘: Nothing makes me happier than stompin' a bunch of Raiders.
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: Let's get these psychopaths! ⚙: Raiders! ⚙: {Neutral} Raiders, mum! Let's show them what for!
⚙: {Disgust} Bloody psychotic gits. If you'll pardon my French, mum. ⚙: {Concerned} Be on the lookout for psychopaths, mum. ⚙: These nutters are completely off their rockers. ⚙: {with bravado} Point me at the next Raider you see. I'll take out the rubbish! ⚙: Bloody beastly Raiders.
⚕ Curie
⚕: These raiders are quite a problem. ⚕: The raiders have no respect for personal property. ⚕: Does anyone up here engage in civilised discourse? ⚕: I suppose raiders are technically still homo sapiens. ⚕: I feel no remorse for terminating raiders. They offend me.
♞ Danse
♞: The Brotherhood's been dealing with this rabble ever since we set foot on Commonwealth soil. ♞: Raiders care only for themselves. There's no honour among them. ♞: Raiders are no better than a pack of wild dogs fighting over scraps of meat. ♞: Where do these fools come from? They seem to multiply like vermin. ♞: The Commonwealth will never be safe with these idiots running around.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: God damned raiders. 🕶: If there's one thing the Minutemen did that I was OK with, it's curbing the damned raiders. 🕶: The lowest level of Hell is reserved for Raiders. And liars. Uh oh. 🕶: Any time you want to take on more Raiders, I'm in. 🕶: Raiders, raiders, and yet more damned raiders. 🕶: I know those raider can seem like idiots, but you should see their handiwork. We've done some good clearing them out.
☠ Gage
☠: These poor assholes… Joined up with the wrong gang, and it's gonna cost 'em. ☠: They've got the right idea, but they're going about it all wrong. Poor fuckers. ☠: Half of these idiots are drugged out of their minds. No foresight whatsoever. ☠: I'm all for having a good time, but you gotta know when you're outmatched. ☠: Well, maybe we can steal some of the shit they've stolen. And the great circle of life goes on.
☣ Hancock
☣: {Neutral} Gotta be a rough life. Ya don't see many old Raiders. ☣: {Puzzled} They think those outfits make them look tough? Looks to me like they got dressed in the dark. ☣: {Neutral} Damn scavengers. ☣: {Neutral} Most Raiders got more guts than brains. Don't keep either for long. ☣: {Neutral} Desperate folks making bad decisions.
☸ Longfellow
☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Easy pickin's. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Raiders are too crazy to fight smart. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Suppose it's worth takin' these raiders down to see if they got anythin' useful. ☸: {Confident, this enemy is not a real threat} Need some snipin' practice, cap'n? Raiders are easy targets.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: There's no doubt about it. Raiders are the scum of the Commonwealth. ⨁: It's a pleasure to kill these guys. ⨁: Don't bother reasoning with a Raider. A bullet between the eyes is all they understand. ⨁: Let's just dust these idiots and be done with the place. ⨁: These morons steal anything that isn't nailed down. Like rats instead of men.
✉ Piper
✉: {Irritated} Wish we could just put these jerks and the Super Mutants in a cage and let 'em ruin each other's day instead of all of ours. ✉: {Angry / Stern} Deathclaws, Ferals, even bots. They don't know what they're doing. But Raiders, they choose to be this cruel. ✉: {Irritated} What kind of whack job would choose this life? ✉: {Neutral} I don't like having to kill anyone, but for Raiders, I'll almost make an exception. ✉: {Stern} Raiders. Humanity at its absolute worst.
☀ Preston
☀: Damn raiders. Preying on the hard-working people of the Commonwealth is about as low as you can get. ☀: I guess these raiders think it's easier to just take what you want than it is to work for it. ☀: What these raiders don't understand is that life's hard enough without people turning on each other. ☀: Stealing peoples' food and water… man, I've got no sympathy for someone who does that. ☀: I try to see the best in people, but these low-life bandits make it difficult, you know what I mean?
☢ Strong
☢: These humans weak. ☢: Strong smash puny human raiders. ☢: Strong can kill three raiders, one blow. ☢: Raiders like war paint. Hide ugly faces. ☢: Maybe these humans have milk of human kindness.
☾ X6-88
☾: {Grim confidence} If they were smart, these raiders would run. ☾: {Cocky} Let's teach these low-lifes a lesson, ma'am. ☾: {Arrogant} Raiders… sloppy tactics, unreliable gear and drunk half the time. Not much of a challenge. ☾: {Disgust} These aren't people, they're parasites. ☾: {Grim humour} I don't mind telling you, ma'am, any day I get to air out some raiders is a good day.
My notes:
Ain't no one like raiders. Not even Gage is sorry to kill them (so long as they aren't Nuka World raiders).
Ada calling it a public service -perfect Minuteman material right there. She's even already blue.
"I feel no remorse for terminating raiders. They offend me." Savage, Curie. Savage.
Deacon's guff with the Minutemen coming up. I really don't think the Railroad's dislike of the MM is very deserved. Maybe a little, but not as much as it is. It's not their fault most people in the Commonwealth fear synths, especially when actual infiltrators pop up in settlements (random event - they even admit to you to being sent by the Institute if you pass the speech check, asking you to help them blend in again by killing the actual settler who discovered them).
Hancock does show some tiny amount of sympathy. Not enough to spare them, they still made the wrong choices, but hey, he knows what a hard life can do to people.
"These morons steal anything that isn't nailed down. Like rats instead of men." is rich coming from a thief and the very ratman himself, Mac.
"Raiders like war paint. Hide ugly faces." 🔥🔥🔥
Not much else to say. Everyone hates raiders. Everyone thinks they're pretty small-game. Bethesda really lacks on giving us any proper world building around these guys (though if you want that, check out the terminals and notes you can find in raider dens -some of that's real good, too bad it doesn't make it to actual gameplay).
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fuzzydreamin · 2 years
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