fandomcares · 4 years
Fandom(s):  Check Please - any ship but PB&J 
Star Trek (TOS/AOS/NextGen/DS9) - any ship 
Teen Wolf - anything without Peter Hale 
Harry Potter - any ship that doesn't involve snape 
Leverage - OT3
Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words)
Likes:  mutual pining, AUs and canon divergence, happy endings
Dislikes:  explicit, graphic violence, non-con
Link 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7264657
Link 2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9620591/chapters/21735374
Link 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6463306/chapters/14793259
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Harry Potter
Detroit Become Human
Pairing: Canon x OC / OC x OC
Character(s) you want to play: I only play as my OCs and won’t do double since I’m not confortable playing canon muse. Still verses for some OCs. I’m open to do a HP one for pretty much all of them since I find it very interesting ! For now I have a shy muggler slytherin and a girl-hating half-muggled slytherin. As for DBH I haven’t wrote their verses yet but I have a few idea, you can ask about it ! 
Character(s) you want your partner to play: I am not so picky about my partner muses, yet there are some I am more interested than others. I will rp with OCs and canon muses as long as I found the muse interesting.
Setting: I’m fine with both canon and AU (I love AU so !!). For now I have a few AU such as vampire / witches one.
RP Style: Semi-para | Para | One Liner
My lenght may depends on the rp and ideas. I can write one liner to 3 para, more might be difficult since I prefer to make it simple. I may also answer quickly such as I can take a few days to one week or two. To be sure it is stated, I will always put school and my social life before roleplay.
Platform: I prefer to roleplay over Tumblr since I’m used to this platform. I’m willing to try out over Discord though.
Language: I’m more used to rp in English, although my mother tongue is French.
About me: Lulie | 18+ | UTC+1 (France)
I’m of age of roleplaying smut, yet I am not so used over tumblr. We can still discuss about it and I may try if I see potential in the ship
How to contact me: You can find me at @teddyandpiyochanwilleatyouall (dual muse) or at @dreamschildren(multimuse under construction).
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fanficaddikt · 8 years
Harry wants out of the Triwizard Tournament and Snape agrees to help.
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opalsong2 · 12 years
Old Podfic is Old (but Worthwhile)
Title: Not a Pretty Girl Author: idyll Reader: opalsong Fandom: Bandom (MCR) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Gen File size/type: 165.23MB .mp3 Length: 3:00:23 Summary: (no author summery for the entire series) Girl!Bob verse. Excerpt: I. Being a female sound tech in the scene fucking sucks at first. No, really, it does. For a lot of reasons. Bob discovers very quickly that most people are douchebags. Guys will take one look at her and reach for their zippers, women will call her a slut and a whore because she's always hanging out with men, and the worst of the lot will pretend they never did any of that and then come up to Bob with big fake smiles when they want something from her. Text version: Here Download link: Here Archive Link: Here AudioBook link (so excited!): Here and Archive link for this too: Here Why I Love This Fic: Girl!Bob is just (at a loss for words) so awesome. She's a girl but it doesn't take away anything that Bob is in regular MCR fic. In fandom we often don't see a lot of female characters taking center stage and very rarely (in my opinion) as well as Bob does here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~ Title: A Run in Tights Author: jenna_thorn Reader: opalsong Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Gen File size/type: 27.14MB .mp3 Length: 29:33 Summary: Hermione has a clever plan to avoid Deatheaters in pursuit. Text version: Here Download link: Here Archive link: Here Why I Love This Fic: Harry Potter must cross-dress to save his life and he is good at it! ... I maybe have a thing for characters cross-dressing and especially if they are forced into it to save their lives... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title: Strangers on a Train Author: Stele3 on Insane Journal Reader: opalsong Fandom: Bandom (MCR) and American Idol (season 8) Rating: G Pairing: Gen File size/type: 4.19MB .mp3 Length: 3:52 Summary: Now let us take a moment to imagine Adam Lambert meeting Gerard Way -- HOSHIT, IN DRAG. Text version: Here Download link: Here Archive link: Here Why I Love This Fic: This was the fic I did not know I NEEDED in my life until I found it. It is short but sweet and just amazing. I want these two to meet later down the road and Gerard to be like "OMG it was YOU" and just... I love this fic (obviously). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title: White Rabbit Author: cjmarlowe Reader: opalsong Fandom: American Idol (season 8) Rating: nc-17 Pairing: Kris/Adam/Katy File size/type: 57.59MB .mp3 Length: 1:02:55 Summary: Katy looked at him, and that was one of the best things about Katy - she got him, even when what she was getting wasn't something she'd ever gotten from him before. She saw Kris going out of his skin and turned to Adam and said, "Do you think we could go out with you?" She got him even when he didn't get himself. Text version: Here Download link: mediafire Archive Why I Love This Fic: I really like Kris, Adam, and Katy together and it is always interesting to see how authors deal with it. I really love when Kris and Katy are not clueless and have wants and needs of their own that they talk about and are aware of (such bad wording ><) The wings don't hurt either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title: Vera Wang Author: smilebackwards Reader: opalsong Fandom: Glee Rating:PG Pairing: gen File size/type: 6.82MB .mp3 Length: 7:25 Summary: “I just have to know,” Kurt says. “What possessed you to wear an incredibly ugly dress to a high school that sells slushies in the cafeteria for 99¢?” Text version: Here Download link: mediafire Archive Why I Love This Fic: As I said before, I may have a thing for cross-dressing. I had been waiting for this fic since I heard Puck utter the phrase "I could wear a dress to school and make it cool" and the fic was everything I had ever hoped it would be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title: Social Activism (or, How to Make the World a Better Place by Kissing Spencer Smith) Author: airgiodslv Reader: opalsong Fandom: My Chemical Romance/Panic! At the Disco Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Gerard Way/Spencer Smith (sort of) File size/type: 8.98MB .mp3 Length: 0:09:53 (so close) Summary: “This is political,” Gerard announces, and kisses him. Text version: Here Download link: mediafire Archive Why I Love This Fic: I find this fic hilarious. Spencer's train of thought is just priceless.
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fandomcares · 4 years
Writer, Artist
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Peter Hale/Christopher Argent, Victoria Argent/Christopher Argent, Peter Hale/Victoria Argent/Christopher Argent, Peter Hale/Victoria Argent, Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/OC (male or female), Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd, Jackson Whittemore/Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore/Ethan, Derek Hale/Braeden, Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura Harry Potter - Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy X-Men - Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr Star Wars - Han Solo/Leia Organa, Han Solo/Lando Calrissian, Poe Dameron/Finn, Kylo Ren/Armitage Hux, Thane Kyrell/Ciena Ree, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios/Agent Kallus Hawaii 5.O - Steve McGarrett/Danny "D
Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words), Moodboards
Likes:  To explore the dynamics between character dynamics that stand on opposite sides just as hunter/werewolf, imperial/rebel, pureblood/muggleborn, mutant politics in general...), Kid fics and mpreg 
Dislikes: Smut, Time Travel AU or full crossovers, but open to discuss AU where characters live in a different universes (please talk to the author about specifics) Bad Peter Hale or Bad Hale Family.
Link 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20709989/chapters/49196288
Link 2: https://artemisa97.tumblr.com/post/189765995924/peter-hale-is-a-smuggler-a-scoundrel-a-ruthless
Link 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23299147
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